def filter(hit_rate=0.3):
    cat = get_catalog()
    infile = 'stamps2.h5'
    on_id = np.array(map(int, h5py.File(infile, 'r')['on'].keys()))

    rgbs = h5py.File(infile, 'r')['on'].values()

    #has green channel...
    def has_green(rgb):
        return (rgb[:, :, 1] == 0).mean() < 0.3

    good = np.array([has_green(r) for r in rgbs], dtype=np.bool)

    #...and hit rate > 0.3
    good = good & (cat[on_id, -1] > 0.3)
    result = [_on_args(cat, row) for row in on_id[good]]
    return result
def filter(hit_rate=0.3):
    cat = get_catalog()
    infile = 'stamps2.h5'
    on_id = np.array(map(int, h5py.File(infile, 'r')['on'].keys()))

    rgbs = h5py.File(infile, 'r')['on'].values()

    #has green channel...
    def has_green(rgb):
        return (rgb[:, :, 1] == 0).mean() < 0.3

    good = np.array([has_green(r) for r in rgbs], dtype=np.bool)

    #...and hit rate > 0.3
    good = good & (cat[on_id, -1] > 0.3)
    result = [_on_args(cat, row) for row in on_id[good]]
    return result
def main():

    cat = get_catalog()
    lon, lat, pa, a, b, t, hr = cat.T
    cat_stamps = np.column_stack((lon, lat, 1.3 * (a + t)))

    scores = json.load(open('../models/bubble_scores.json'))
    stamps = np.array(scores['params'])
    stamps = stamps[:, 1:]
    scores = np.array(scores['scores'])

    ind = xmatch(stamps, cat_stamps)
    assert (stamps[ind] == cat_stamps).all()

    scores = pbubble(scores[ind], hr)

    print (scores > .5).sum(), (scores > .8).sum()

    table = Table([lon, lat, pa, a, b, t, scores],
                  names=('lon', 'lat', 'pa', 'a', 'b', 't', 'prob'))

    with open('pdr1.csv', 'w') as outfile:
        ascii.write(table, outfile, delimiter=',')
from astropy.io import ascii
from bubbly.dr1 import get_catalog
from astropy.table import Column

hr = get_catalog()[:, -1]

data = ascii.read('../data/pdr1.csv')
caption=r"""Bubble probabilities for objects in the Milky Way Project catalog. Non-finite probabilities correspond to objects near the edge of the data, which Brut cannot analyze.\label{table:prob_table}"""

data['a'] *= 60
data['b'] *= 60
data['t'] *= 60
hr = Column(name='Hit Rate', data=hr)

data.add_column(hr, index=6)

data.rename_column('lon', '$\ell$')
data.rename_column('lat', '$b$')
data.rename_column('pa', 'PA')
data.rename_column('a', 'Semimajor axis')
data.rename_column('b', 'Semiminor axis')
data.rename_column('prob', 'P(Bubble)')

formats = {'P(Bubble)': "%0.3f",
           'PA': '%i',
           'Semimajor axis': '%0.1f',
           'Semiminor axis': '%0.1f',
           'Thickness': '%0.1f'}

units = {'$\ell$': 'deg',
from astropy.io import ascii
from bubbly.dr1 import get_catalog
from astropy.table import Column

hr = get_catalog()[:, -1]

data = ascii.read('../data/pdr1.csv')
caption = r"""Bubble probabilities for objects in the Milky Way Project catalog. Non-finite probabilities correspond to objects near the edge of the data, which Brut cannot analyze.\label{table:prob_table}"""

data['a'] *= 60
data['b'] *= 60
data['t'] *= 60
hr = Column(name='Hit Rate', data=hr)

data.add_column(hr, index=6)

data.rename_column('lon', '$\ell$')
data.rename_column('lat', '$b$')
data.rename_column('pa', 'PA')
data.rename_column('a', 'Semimajor axis')
data.rename_column('b', 'Semiminor axis')
data.rename_column('prob', 'P(Bubble)')

formats = {
    'P(Bubble)': "%0.3f",
    'PA': '%i',
    'Semimajor axis': '%0.1f',
    'Semiminor axis': '%0.1f',
    'Thickness': '%0.1f'