def _get_bugzilla_history(email, all_comments=False):
    """ Query the bugzilla for all bugs to which the provided email
    is either assigned or cc'ed. Then for each bug found, print the
    latest comment from this user (if any).

    :arg email, the email address used in the bugzilla and for which we
    are searching for activities.
    :arg all_comments, boolean to display all the comments made by this
    person on the bugzilla.
    from bugzilla.rhbugzilla import RHBugzilla
    bzclient = RHBugzilla(url='https://bugzilla.redhat.com/xmlrpc.cgi')

    log.debug('Querying bugzilla for email: {0}'.format(email))

    print("Bugzilla activity")
    bugbz = bzclient.query({
        'emailtype1': 'substring',
        'emailcc1': True,
        'emailassigned_to1': True,
        'query_format': 'advanced',
        'order': 'Last Change',
        'bug_status': ['ASSIGNED', 'NEW', 'NEEDINFO'],
        'email1': email
    # Retrieve the information about this user
    user = bzclient.getuser(email)
    print('   {0} bugs assigned, cc or on which {1}({2}) commented'.format(
        len(bugbz), email, user.userid))

    print('   Last comment on the most recent ticket on bugzilla:')
    ids = [bug.bug_id for bug in bugbz]
    for bug in list(bzclient.getbugs(ids)):
        if sys.version_info[0] >= 3:
            user_coms = list(
                filter(lambda com: com["creator_id"] == user.userid,
            user_coms = filter(lambda com: com["creator_id"] == user.userid,

        if user_coms:
            last_com = user_coms[-1]
            converted = datetime.datetime.strptime(last_com['time'].value,
            print(u'      #{0} {1} {2}'.format(bug.bug_id,

        if not all_comments:
def get_filed_bugs(tracking_bug):
    """Query bugzilla if given bug has already been filed

    Keyword arguments:
    product -- bugzilla product (usually Fedora)
    component -- component (package) to file bug against
    version -- component version to file bug for (usually rawhide for Fedora)
    summary -- short bug summary
    query_data = {'blocks': tracking_bug}
    bzurl = 'https://bugzilla.redhat.com'
    bzclient = RHBugzilla(url="%s/xmlrpc.cgi" % bzurl)

    return bzclient.query(query_data)
def _get_bugzilla_history(email, all_comments=False):
    """ Query the bugzilla for all bugs to which the provided email
    is either assigned or cc'ed. Then for each bug found, print the
    latest comment from this user (if any).

    :arg email, the email address used in the bugzilla and for which we
    are searching for activities.
    :arg all_comments, boolean to display all the comments made by this
    person on the bugzilla.
    from bugzilla.rhbugzilla import RHBugzilla
    bzclient = RHBugzilla(url='https://bugzilla.redhat.com/xmlrpc.cgi')

    log.debug('Querying bugzilla for email: {0}'.format(email))

    print("Bugzilla activity")
    bugbz = bzclient.query({
        'emailtype1': 'substring',
        'emailcc1': True,
        'emailassigned_to1': True,
        'query_format': 'advanced',
        'order': 'Last Change',
        'bug_status': ['ASSIGNED', 'NEW', 'NEEDINFO'],
        'email1': email
    print('   {0} bugs assigned, cc or on which {1} commented'.format(
        len(bugbz), email))
    # Retrieve the information about this user
    user = bzclient.getuser(email)

    print('Last comment on the most recent ticket on bugzilla:')
    ids = [bug.bug_id for bug in bugbz]
    for bug in bzclient.getbugs(ids):
        user_coms = filter(lambda com: com["creator_id"] == user.userid,

        if user_coms:
            last_com = user_coms[-1]
            converted = datetime.datetime.strptime(last_com['time'].value,
            print(u'   #{0} {1} {2}'.format(bug.bug_id,

            if not all_comments:
        self.id = ""
        self.url = ""
        self.title = ""
        self.status = ""
        self.type = ""
        self.component = ""

def gather_bugzilla_easyfix():
    """ From the Red Hat bugzilla, retrieve all new tickets flagged as
    bugbz = bzclient.query(
         {'f1': 'keywords',
         'o1': 'allwords',
         'v1': 'easyfix',
         'query_format': 'advanced',
         'bug_status': ['NEW'],
         'classification': 'Fedora'})
    #print " {0} easyfix bugs retrieve from the BZ ".format(len(bugbz))
    return bugbz

def gather_project():
    """ Retrieve all the projects which have subscribed to this idea.
{% if env == 'staging' %}
    wiki = MediaWiki(base_url='https://stg.fedoraproject.org/w/')
{% else %}
    wiki = MediaWiki(base_url='https://fedoraproject.org/w/')
{% endif %}
def do_acl(args):
    ''' Retrieves the ACLs of a package from pkgdb.

    LOG.info("package : {0}".format(args.package))
    LOG.info("branch  : {0}".format(args.branch))
    #LOG.info("approve : {0}".format(args.approve))
    bzclient = RHBugzilla(url=RH_BZ_API)

    if args.branch == 'all':
        args.branch = None
    output = pkgdbclient.get_package(args.package, branches=args.branch)

    print 'Fedora Package Database -- {0}'.format(args.package)
    if output['packages']:
        print output['packages'][0]['package']['summary']
        if args.extra:
            # print the number of opened bugs
            LOG.debug("Query bugzilla")
            bugbz = bzclient.query(
                {'bug_status': ['NEW', 'ASSIGNED', 'NEEDINFO'],
                 'component': args.package})
            print "{0} bugs open (new, assigned, needinfo)".format(len(bugbz))

    for pkg in output['packages']:
        if pkg['collection']['status'] == 'EOL':
        owner = pkg['point_of_contact']
        if owner == 'orphan':
            owner = RED + owner + RESET

        # Retrieve ACL information
        print "\n{0}{1}{2}{3}Point of Contact:{4}{5}".rstrip().format(
            RED + BOLD,
            " " * (8 - len(pkg['collection']['branchname'])),
            " " * 5,

        # print header of the table
        tmp = " " * 24
        for acl in ["watchbugzilla", "watchcommits",
                    "commit", "approveacls"]:
            tmp = tmp + acl + " " * (16 - len(acl))
        print tmp.rstrip()

        # print ACL information
        print "{0}ACLs:".format(" " * 8)
        acls = _get_acls_info(pkg['acls'])
        for user in acls:
            tmp = " " * 10 + user
            tmp = tmp + " " * (24 - len(tmp))
            for acl_title in ["watchbugzilla", "watchcommits",
                              "commit", "approveacls"]:
                #print '\n', acl_title
                if acl_title in acls[user]:
                    aclout = acls[user][acl_title]
                    tmp = tmp + aclout + " " * (16 - len(aclout))
                    tmp = tmp + aclout + " " * 8
            if tmp is not None and tmp.strip() != "":
                print tmp

        # print the last build
        if args.extra:
            tag = pkg['collection']['branchname']
            get_last_build(pkg['package']['name'], tag)
        self.id = ""
        self.url = ""
        self.title = ""
        self.status = ""
        self.type = ""
        self.component = ""

def gather_bugzilla_easyfix():
    """ From the Red Hat bugzilla, retrieve all new tickets with keyword
    easyfix or whiteboard trivial.
    bugbz_easyfix = bzclient.query(
        {'f1': 'keywords',
         'o1': 'allwords',
         'v1': 'easyfix',
         'query_format': 'advanced',
         'bug_status': ['NEW'],
         'classification': 'Fedora'})
    # print " {0} easyfix bugs retrieved from BZ".format(len(bugbz_easyfix))
    bugbz_trivial = bzclient.query(
            'status_whiteboard': 'trivial',
            'status_whiteboard_type': 'anywords',
            'query_format': 'advanced',
            'bug_status': ['NEW'],
            'classification': 'Fedora'
    # print " {0} trivial bugs retrieved from BZ".format(len(bugbz))
    return (bugbz_easyfix + bugbz_trivial)