    def build_package(self, platform, arch_bit, op_id, branding_options,
                      package_types, destination, routing_key):
        buid_request = build.BuildRequest(platform, arch_bit)
        platform = buid_request.platform()
        arch = platform.arch()

        platform_and_arch_str = '{0}_{1}'.format(platform.name(), arch.name())
        dir_name = 'build_{0}_for_{1}'.format(platform_and_arch_str, op_id)
        bs = build.get_supported_build_system_by_name('ninja')

        self.send_status(routing_key, op_id, 20.0, 'Building package')

        def store(progress_min, progress_max, routing_key, op_id):
            def closure(progress, message):
                diff = progress_max - progress_min
                perc = round(progress_min + diff * (progress / 100.0), 1)
                print('{0}% {1}'.format(perc, message))
                self.send_status(routing_key, op_id, perc, message)

            return closure

        store = store(21.0, 79.0, routing_key, op_id)

        saver = build.ProgressSaver(store)
        file_paths = buid_request.build('..', branding_options, dir_name, bs,
                                        package_types, saver)
        file_path = file_paths[0]
        self.send_status(routing_key, op_id, 80.0, 'Loading package to server')
            result = config.post_install_step(file_path, destination)
        except Exception as ex:
            raise ex

        return result
    def build_package(self, platform, arch_bit, op_id, branding_options, package_types, destination, routing_key):
        buid_request = build.BuildRequest(platform, arch_bit)
        platform = buid_request.platform()
        arch = platform.arch()

        platform_and_arch_str = '{0}_{1}'.format(platform.name(), arch.name())
        dir_name = 'build_{0}_for_{1}'.format(platform_and_arch_str, op_id)
        bs = build.get_supported_build_system_by_name('ninja')

        self.send_status(routing_key, op_id, 20.0, 'Building package')

        def store(progress_min, progress_max, routing_key, op_id):
            def closure(progress, message):
                diff = progress_max - progress_min
                perc = round(progress_min + diff * (progress / 100.0), 1)
                print('{0}% {1}'.format(perc, message))
                self.send_status(routing_key, op_id, perc, message)

            return closure

        store = store(21.0, 79.0, routing_key, op_id)

        saver = build.ProgressSaver(store)
        file_paths = buid_request.build('..', branding_options, dir_name, bs, package_types, saver)
        file_path = file_paths[0]
        self.send_status(routing_key, op_id, 80.0, 'Loading package to server')
            result = config.post_install_step(file_path, destination)
        except Exception as ex:
            raise ex

        return result