    def do_test_master(self):
        # create the master and set its config
        m = BuildMaster(self.basedir, self.configfile)

        # update the DB
        yield m.db.setup(check_version=False)
        yield m.db.model.upgrade()

        # stub out m.db.setup since it was already called above
        m.db.setup = lambda: None

        # mock reactor.stop (which trial *really* doesn't
        # like test code to call!)
        mock_reactor = mock.Mock(spec=reactor)
        mock_reactor.callWhenRunning = reactor.callWhenRunning
        mock_reactor.getThreadPool = reactor.getThreadPool
        mock_reactor.callFromThread = reactor.callFromThread

        # start the service
        yield m.startService(_reactor=mock_reactor)
                    "startService tried to stop the reactor; check logs")

        # hang out for a fraction of a second, to let startup processes run
        d = defer.Deferred()
        reactor.callLater(0.01, d.callback, None)
        yield d

        # stop the service
        yield m.stopService()

        # and shutdown the db threadpool, as is normally done at reactor stop
    def do_test_master(self):
        # create the master and set its config
        m = BuildMaster(self.basedir, self.configfile)

        # update the DB
        yield m.db.setup(check_version=False)
        yield m.db.model.upgrade()

        # stub out m.db.setup since it was already called above
        m.db.setup = lambda: None

        # mock reactor.stop (which trial *really* doesn't
        # like test code to call!)
        mock_reactor = mock.Mock(spec=reactor)
        mock_reactor.callWhenRunning = reactor.callWhenRunning

        # start the service
        yield m.startService(_reactor=mock_reactor)
                    "startService tried to stop the reactor; check logs")

        # hang out for a fraction of a second, to let startup processes run
        d = defer.Deferred()
        reactor.callLater(0.01, d.callback, None)
        yield d

        # stop the service
        yield m.stopService()

        # and shutdown the db threadpool, as is normally done at reactor stop
    def do_test_master(self):
        # create the master and set its config
        m = BuildMaster(self.basedir, self.configfile)
        m.config = config.MasterConfig.loadConfig(
                                    self.basedir, self.configfile)

        # update the DB
        yield m.db.setup(check_version=False)
        yield m.db.model.upgrade()

        # stub out m.db.setup since it was already called above
        m.db.setup = lambda : None

        # mock reactor.stop (which trial *really* doesn't
        # like test code to call!)
        mock_reactor = mock.Mock(spec=reactor)
        mock_reactor.callWhenRunning = reactor.callWhenRunning

        # start the service
        yield m.startService(_reactor=mock_reactor)
            "startService tried to stop the reactor; check logs")

        # stop the service
        yield m.stopService()

        # and shutdown the db threadpool, as is normally done at reactor stop
    def do_test_master(self):
        # create the master and set its config
        m = BuildMaster(self.basedir, self.configfile)
        m.config = config.MasterConfig.loadConfig(self.basedir,

        # update the DB
        yield m.db.setup(check_version=False)
        yield m.db.model.upgrade()

        # stub out m.db.setup since it was already called above
        m.db.setup = lambda: None

        # mock reactor.stop (which trial *really* doesn't
        # like test code to call!)
        mock_reactor = mock.Mock(spec=reactor)
        mock_reactor.callWhenRunning = reactor.callWhenRunning

        # start the service
        yield m.startService(_reactor=mock_reactor)
                    "startService tried to stop the reactor; check logs")

        # stop the service
        yield m.stopService()

        # and shutdown the db threadpool, as is normally done at reactor stop
    def _run_master(self, loaded_config):
        # create the master
        m = BuildMaster(self.basedir, self.configfile)

        # update the DB
        yield m.db.setup(check_version=False)
        yield m.db.model.upgrade()

        # stub out m.db.setup since it was already called above
        m.db.setup = lambda: None

        # mock reactor.stop (which trial *really* doesn't
        # like test code to call!)
        mock_reactor = mock.Mock(spec=reactor)
        mock_reactor.callWhenRunning = reactor.callWhenRunning
        mock_reactor.getThreadPool = reactor.getThreadPool
        mock_reactor.callFromThread = reactor.callFromThread

        # mock configuration loading
        def loadConfig(cls, basedir, filename):
            return loaded_config

        with mock.patch('buildbot.config.MasterConfig.loadConfig', loadConfig):
            # start the service
            yield m.startService(_reactor=mock_reactor)
                    "startService tried to stop the reactor; check logs")

        # hang out for a fraction of a second, to let startup processes run
        d = defer.Deferred()
        reactor.callLater(0.01, d.callback, None)
        yield d

        # stop the service
        yield m.stopService()

        # and shutdown the db threadpool, as is normally done at reactor stop
    def _run_master(self, loaded_config):
        # create the master
        m = BuildMaster(self.basedir, self.configfile)

        # update the DB
        yield m.db.setup(check_version=False)
        yield m.db.model.upgrade()

        # stub out m.db.setup since it was already called above
        m.db.setup = lambda: None

        # mock reactor.stop (which trial *really* doesn't
        # like test code to call!)
        mock_reactor = mock.Mock(spec=reactor)
        mock_reactor.callWhenRunning = reactor.callWhenRunning
        mock_reactor.getThreadPool = reactor.getThreadPool
        mock_reactor.callFromThread = reactor.callFromThread

        # mock configuration loading
        def loadConfig(cls, basedir, filename):
            return loaded_config

        with mock.patch('buildbot.config.MasterConfig.loadConfig', loadConfig):
            # start the service
            yield m.startService(_reactor=mock_reactor)
                    "startService tried to stop the reactor; check logs")

        # hang out for a fraction of a second, to let startup processes run
        d = defer.Deferred()
        reactor.callLater(0.01, d.callback, None)
        yield d

        # stop the service
        yield m.stopService()

        # and shutdown the db threadpool, as is normally done at reactor stop