def parse_loc_list(loc_list):
    "wrangle the list of paths the user gave us. expand if they specify a directory, etc"
    # give the convenient user-form some structure
    p_loc_list = lmap(_parse_loc, loc_list)
    # do some post processing

    def expand_dirs(triple):
        protocol, host, path = triple
        if protocol in ['dir', 'file'] and not os.path.exists(path):
            LOG.warn("could not resolve %r, skipping", path)
            return [None]
        if protocol == 'dir':
            yaml_files = utils.listfiles(path, ['.yaml'])
            return [('file', host, ppath) for ppath in yaml_files]
        return [triple]
    # we don't want dirs, we want files
    p_loc_list = utils.shallow_flatten(map(expand_dirs, p_loc_list))

    # remove any bogus values
    p_loc_list = lfilter(None, p_loc_list)

    # remove any duplicates. can happen when we expand dir => files
    p_loc_list = utils.unique(p_loc_list)

    return p_loc_list
def parse_loc_list(loc_list):
    "wrangle the list of paths the user gave us. expand if they specify a directory, etc"
    # give the convenient user-form some structure
    p_loc_list = map(_parse_loc, loc_list)

    # do some post processing

    def expand_dirs(triple):
        protocol, host, path = triple
        if protocol in ['dir', 'file'] and not os.path.exists(path):
            LOG.warn("could not resolve %r, skipping", path)
            return [None]
        if protocol == 'dir':
            yaml_files = utils.listfiles(path, ['.yaml'])
            return [('file', host, ppath) for ppath in yaml_files]
        return [triple]

    # we don't want dirs, we want files
    p_loc_list = utils.shallow_flatten(map(expand_dirs, p_loc_list))

    # remove any bogus values
    p_loc_list = filter(None, p_loc_list)

    # remove any duplicates. can happen when we expand dir => files
    p_loc_list = utils.unique(p_loc_list)

    return p_loc_list
 def test_shallow_flatten(self):
     case_list = [
         ([], []),
         ([[1], [2], [3]], [1, 2, 3]),
         ([[[1]], [2], [3]], [[1], 2, 3]),
         ([[None]], [None]),
     for given, expected in case_list:
         self.assertEqual(utils.shallow_flatten(given), expected)
 def test_shallow_flatten(self):
     case_list = [
         ([], []),
         ([[1], [2], [3]], [1, 2, 3]),
         ([[[1]], [2], [3]], [[1], 2, 3]),
         ([[None]], [None]),
     for given, expected in case_list:
         self.assertEqual(utils.shallow_flatten(given), expected)
 def get_records(dns):
     """fetches all of the DNS entries for the Hosted Zone the given `dns` entry belongs to.
     results are cached in `record_map` to prevent multiple lookups."""
     zone_id = hosted_zone_id(dns)
     if zone_id in record_map:
         return record_map[zone_id]
     paginator = conn.get_paginator('list_resource_record_sets')
     results = shallow_flatten([page['ResourceRecordSets'] for page in paginator.paginate(HostedZoneId=zone_id)])
     record_map[zone_id] = results
     return results
def all_formulas():
    "returns a list of all known formulas"
    # `project` will give us a map of `project-name: formula-list`
    formula_list = project.project_formulas().values()
    # flatten the list of lists into a single unique list
    formula_list = set(core_utils.shallow_flatten(formula_list))
    # remove any empty values, probably from reading the `defaults` section
    formula_list = filter(None, formula_list)
    # extract just the name from the formula url
    formula_list = map(os.path.basename, formula_list)
    return formula_list
def all_adhoc_ec2_instances(state='running'):
    "returns a list of all ec2 instance names whose instance ID doesn't match a known environment"

    # extract a list of environment names from the project data
    def known_environments(pdata):
        "returns the names of all alt-config names for given project data"
        return list(pdata.get('aws-alt', {}).keys())

    env_list = core_utils.shallow_flatten(

    # append known good environments and ensure there are no dupes
    fixed_env_list = [
        'prod', 'end2end', 'continuumtest', 'ci', 'preview',
    env_list += fixed_env_list
    env_list = list(set(filter(None, env_list)))

    # extract the names of ec2 instances that are not part of any known environment
    def adhoc_instance(stackname):
        "predicate, returns True if stackname is *not* in a known environment"
            iid = core.parse_stackname(stackname, all_bits=True,
            return iid not in env_list
        except (ValueError, AssertionError):
            # thrown by `parse_stackname` when given value isn't a string or
            # delimiter not found in string.
            return True

    instance_list = [
        ec2['TagsDict']['Name'] for ec2 in core.ec2_instance_list(state=state)
    return filter(adhoc_instance, instance_list)
def known_formulas():
    "a simple list of all known project formulas"
    return utils.lfilter(None, utils.unique(utils.shallow_flatten(project_formulas().values())))
def _dns_check(stackname, context):
    "looks for all of the possible DNS entries for the given route and returns `True` if all are found"
    title('ec2 DNS')
    keys = [
        'ext_node_hostname', # "prod--lax--%s.elifesciences.org"
        'full_hostname', # "prod--lax.elifesciences.org", "prod--journal.elifesciences.org"
        'project_hostname', # "lax.elifesciences.org", "journal.elifesciences.org"
    domain_map = subdict(context, keys)

    # these don't appear in Route53
    # domain_map['cloudfront'] = (context.get('cloudfront') or {}).get('subdomains', []) # todo
    domain_map['fastly'] = (context.get('fastly') or {}).get('subdomains', [])

    # `project_hostname` is only exactly what it is for prod stacks.
    if context['instance_id'] != 'prod':
        del domain_map['project_hostname']

    conn = core.boto_conn(stackname, 'route53', client=True)
    paginator = conn.get_paginator('list_hosted_zones')
    hosted_zone_list = shallow_flatten([page['HostedZones'] for page in paginator.paginate()])
    hosted_zone_map = {z['Name']: z['Id'] for z in hosted_zone_list}

    num_nodes = lu(context, 'project.aws.ec2.cluster-size', default=1)
    if 'ext_node_hostname' in domain_map:
        if num_nodes > 1:
            domain_map.update({"node-%s" % i: domain_map['ext_node_hostname'] % i for i in range(1, num_nodes + 1)})
        del domain_map['ext_node_hostname']

    def hosted_zone_id(dns):
        "given a DNS entry, figures out which AWS Hosted Zone it belongs to"
        bits = dns.split('.')
        if len(bits) == 3:
            name = '.'.join(bits[1:]) + '.'
            name = dns + '.'
        return hosted_zone_map[name]

    record_map = {}

    def get_records(dns):
        """fetches all of the DNS entries for the Hosted Zone the given `dns` entry belongs to.
        results are cached in `record_map` to prevent multiple lookups."""
        zone_id = hosted_zone_id(dns)
        if zone_id in record_map:
            return record_map[zone_id]
        paginator = conn.get_paginator('list_resource_record_sets')
        results = shallow_flatten([page['ResourceRecordSets'] for page in paginator.paginate(HostedZoneId=zone_id)])
        record_map[zone_id] = results
        return results

    def find_records(dns):
        "fetches all of the DNS records for the given `dns` record's Hosted Zone and returns the A or CNAME ones, if any"
        dnsd = dns + '.'
        records = get_records(dns)
        type_list = ['A', 'CNAME']
        return [r for r in records if r['Name'] == dnsd and r['Type'] in type_list]

    def check_record(label, dns):
        "looks for the given `dns` entry and returns a `problem` if one is not found."
        print('* checking %r' % dns)
        records = find_records(dns)
        if not records:
            description = 'record %r (%r) not found in Route53' % (dns, label)
            details = "records found: %s" % (pformat(records),)
            solution = './bldr update_dns:%s' % (stackname,)
            return problem(description, solution, details)

    results = []
    for label, dns in domain_map.items():
        if isinstance(dns, str):
            _results = check_record(label, dns)
            if _results:

        elif isinstance(dns, list):
            for subdns in dns:
                _results = check_record(label, subdns)
                if _results:

    return success() if not results else results
def known_formulas():
    "a simple list of all known project formulas (excluding the private-repo)"
    lst = utils.unique(utils.shallow_flatten(project_formulas().values()))
    if None in lst:
    return lst