def syncADC(self): #turn on ADC test mode print("FEMB_CONFIG--> Start sync ADC") reg3 = self.femb.read_reg(3) newReg3 = (reg3 | 0x80000000) self.femb.write_reg(3, newReg3) #31 - enable ADC test pattern time.sleep(0.1) alreadySynced = True for a in range(0, self.NASICS, 1): print("FEMB_CONFIG--> Test ADC " + str(a)) unsync = self.testUnsync(a) if unsync != 0: alreadySynced = False print("FEMB_CONFIG--> ADC not synced, try to fix") self.fixUnsync(a) self.REG_LATCHLOC1_4_data = self.femb.read_reg(self.REG_LATCHLOC1_4) self.REG_LATCHLOC5_8_data = self.femb.read_reg(self.REG_LATCHLOC5_8) self.REG_CLKPHASE_data = self.femb.read_reg(self.REG_CLKPHASE) print("FEMB_CONFIG--> Latch latency " + str(hex(self.REG_LATCHLOC1_4_data)) \ + str(hex(self.REG_LATCHLOC5_8_data )) + \ "\tPhase " + str(hex(self.REG_CLKPHASE_data))) self.femb.write_reg(3, (reg3 & 0x7fffffff)) self.femb.write_reg(3, (reg3 & 0x7fffffff)) print("FEMB_CONFIG--> End sync ADC") return not alreadySynced, self.REG_LATCHLOC1_4_data, self.REG_LATCHLOC5_8_data, self.REG_CLKPHASE_data
def checkFirmwareVersion(self): #set UDP ports to WIB self.wib_reg_enable() #check WIB fw version reg wibVerReg = self.femb.read_reg(255) if wibVerReg == None : return False wibVerReg = (wibVerReg & 0xFFF) #set UDP ports back to normal self.selectFemb(self.fembNum) fembVerReg = self.femb.read_reg(257) if fembVerReg == None : return False fembVerReg = (fembVerReg & 0xFFF) if wibVerReg != 0x122 and wibVerReg != 0x111: print("Invalid WIB firmware version detected",hex(wibVerReg),"this configuration requires version 0x108 or 0x111") return False if fembVerReg != 0x501 : print("Invalid FEMB firmware version detected",hex(fembVerReg),"this configuration requires version 0x501") return False print( "WIB Firmware Version: " + str(hex(wibVerReg)) ) print( "FEMB Firmware Version: " + str(hex(fembVerReg)) ) #good firmware id return True
def make_chisel(): print('/* Automatically generated by parse_opcodes */') print('object Instructions {') for name in namelist: print_chisel_insn(name) print('}') print('object Causes {') for num, name in causes: print(' val %s = %s' % (name.lower().replace(' ', '_'), hex(num))) print(' val all = {') print(' val res = collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer[Int]()') for num, name in causes: print(' res += %s' % (name.lower().replace(' ', '_'))) print(' res.toArray') print(' }') print('}') print('object CSRs {') for num, name in csrs+csrs32: print(' val %s = %s' % (name, hex(num))) print(' val all = {') print(' val res = collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer[Int]()') for num, name in csrs: print(' res += %s' % (name)) print(' res.toArray') print(' }') print(' val all32 = {') print(' val res = collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer(all:_*)') for num, name in csrs32: print(' res += %s' % (name)) print(' res.toArray') print(' }') print('}')
def validate_wire_bytestream(bytestream, expected, address_index): for i, d in enumerate(bytearray( print(hex(d), hex(expected[i])) if i == address_index: assert d == 0 else: assert d == expected[i]
def get_I2C_devices_list(): device_list = [] bus_number = 1 # 1 indicates /dev/i2c-1 bus = smbus.SMBus(bus_number) timeout = 4 #seconds now = time.time() for device in range(3, 128): try: bus.write_byte(device, 0) device_list.append("{0}".format(hex(device))) except: print("I2C bus not working") a = 1 later = time.time() difference = int(later - now) print("I2C address", hex(device), " Scan Time passed", difference) if difference > timeout: logger.warning("Timeout Error, not able to scan the I2C devices") break bus.close() bus = None return device_list
def make_verilog(match, mask): """ Generate verilog for decoding all of the ISE instructions. """ src_wire = "encoded" ise_args = set([]) dec_wires = set([]) for instr in namelist: wirename = make_dec_wirename(instr) tw = "wire %s = " % (wirename.ljust(15)) tw += "(%s & 32'h%s) == 32'h%s;" % (src_wire, hex( mask[instr])[2:], hex(match[instr])[2:]) dec_wires.add(wirename) print(tw) for arg in arguments[instr]: ise_args.add(arg) for field in ise_args: wirename = "dec_arg_%s" % field.lower().replace(".", "_") wirewidth = (arglut[field][0] - arglut[field][1]) tw = "wire [%d:0] %s = encoded[%d:%d];" % ( wirewidth, wirename.ljust(15), arglut[field][0], arglut[field][1]) print(tw) invalidinstr = "wire dec_invalid_opcode = !(" + \ " || ".join(list(dec_wires)) + \ ");" print(invalidinstr)
def recursive_dump(task_spec, indent): if task_spec in done: return '[shown earlier] %s (%s:%s)' % (, task_spec.__class__.__name__, hex(id(task_spec))) + '\n' done.add(task_spec) dump = '%s (%s:%s)' % (, task_spec.__class__. __name__, hex(id(task_spec))) + '\n' if verbose: if task_spec.inputs: dump += indent + '- IN: ' + \ ','.join(['%s (%s)' % (, hex(id(t))) for t in task_spec.inputs]) + '\n' if task_spec.outputs: dump += indent + '- OUT: ' + \ ','.join(['%s (%s)' % (, hex(id(t))) for t in task_spec.outputs]) + '\n' sub_specs = ([task_spec.spec.start] if hasattr(task_spec, 'spec') else []) + task_spec.outputs for i, t in enumerate(sub_specs): dump += indent + ' --> ' + \ recursive_dump( t, indent + (' | ' if i + 1 < len(sub_specs) else ' ')) return dump
def Get_Packet_CRC(self, packet): """ Receive packet as string and retrun string of CRC (32bit. For example: packet='00000000000100000000000200000000' CRC=f5c7f557 :param packet: packet :type: string :return: string """ int_Temp = binascii.crc32(binascii.a2b_hex(packet)) if int_Temp > 0: temp = hex(int_Temp) else: pos_temp = int_Temp & 0xffffffff temp = hex(pos_temp) crc = temp[2:] if len(crc) < 8: crc = '0' * (8 - len(crc)) + crc if crc[len(crc) - 1] == 'L': crc = crc[:len(crc) - 1] h = list(crc) for i in range(old_div(len(crc), 2)): h[2 * i] = crc[(len(crc) - 1) - (2 * i + 1)] h[2 * i + 1] = crc[(len(crc) - 1) - (2 * i)] return "".join(h)
def update(self, rcv_time, msg): # TODO: it may be worth while verifying this is the correct stats # response before doing this self.reply_pending = False jsondict = msg.to_jsondict() if self.db_update_counter == self.conf.db_update_counter: self.refresh_switchdb() switch_object = { '_id': str(hex(self.dp.dp_id)), 'data': { 'flows': [] } } self.switch_database.insert_update_doc(switch_object, 'data') try: rows = self.switch_database.get_docs( self.conf.views['switch_view'], key=str(hex(self.dp.dp_id))) switch = rows[0] except IndexError: switch = None if switch: self.refresh_flowdb() for f_msg in jsondict['OFPFlowStatsReply']['body']: flow_object = {'data': f_msg, 'tags': []} flow_id = self.flow_database.insert_update_doc( flow_object, '') switch.value['data']['flows'].append(flow_id) self.switch_database.insert_update_doc( switch.value, 'data') self.db_update_counter -= 1 if not self.db_update_counter: self.db_update_counter = self.conf.db_update_counter
def aes_unwrap_key(kek, wrapped, iv=0xa6a6a6a6a6a6a6a6): key, key_iv = aes_unwrap_key_and_iv(kek, wrapped) if key_iv != iv: raise ValueError( "Integrity Check Failed: " + hex(key_iv) + " (expected " + hex( iv) + ")") return key
def __init__(self): xbmc.log("Reading Settings.xml") if int(xbmc.getInfoLabel('System.BuildVersion')[:2]) < 18: XBMC_DIALOG_BUSY_OPEN = "ActivateWindow(busydialog)" XBMC_DIALOG_BUSY_CLOSE = "Dialog.Close(busydialog)" from uuid import getnode as get_mac if hasattr(os, 'uname'): system = os.uname()[4] else: import platform system = platform.uname()[5] if system == 'armv6l': try: mac = open('/sys/class/net/eth0/address').readline() self.XNEWA_MAC = hex(int('0x' + mac.replace(':', ''), 16)) except: self.XNEWA_MAC = str(hex(get_mac())) else: self.XNEWA_MAC = str(hex(get_mac())) self.loadFromSettingsXML() return
def acquire(self): """ Acquire control from libusb of the AlienFX controller.""" if self._control_taken: return self._dev = usb.core.find( idVendor=self._controller.vendor_id, idProduct=self._controller.product_id) if (self._dev is None): msg = "ERROR: No AlienFX USB controller found; tried " msg += "VID {}".format(self._controller.vendor_id) msg += ", PID {}".format(self._controller.product_id) logging.error(msg) try: self._dev.detach_kernel_driver(0) except USBError as exc: logging.error( "Cant detach kernel driver. Error : {}".format(exc.strerror)) try: self._dev.set_configuration() except USBError as exc: logging.error( "Cant set configuration. Error : {}".format(exc.strerror)) try: usb.util.claim_interface(self._dev, 0) except USBError as exc: logging.error( "Cant claim interface. Error : {}".format(exc.strerror)) self._control_taken = True logging.debug("USB device acquired, VID={}, PID={}".format( hex(self._controller.vendor_id), hex(self._controller.product_id)))
def try_replica_exchange(sampler1, sampler2): sm1 = sm2 = sm1e2 = sampler2.energy_function.eval_energy(, sampled_stats=sm1.elem_defs) sm2e1 = sampler1.energy_function.eval_energy(, sampled_stats=sm2.elem_defs) sm1e1 = sampler1.prev_energy sm2e2 = sampler2.prev_energy total_prev_e = sm1e1 + sm2e2 total_exchanged_e = sm1e2 + sm2e1 p = np.exp(total_prev_e - total_exchanged_e ) #np.exp can return inf instead of raising an Overflow error p = min(1, p) r = random.random() if r <= p: = sm2 = sm1 sampler1.accept(sm2e1) sampler2.accept(sm1e2) movestring = "RE {}<->{};A".format(hex(id(sampler1)), hex(id(sampler2))) else: with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore", NoopRevertWarning) sampler1.reject() sampler2.reject() movestring = "RE {}xxx{};R".format(hex(id(sampler1)), hex(id(sampler2))) for sampler in [sampler1, sampler2]: sampler.stats_collector.update_statistics(, sampler.prev_energy, sampler.prev_constituing, movestring)
def print_recipe(recipe): print("Md5sum:", recipe["md5sum"]) print("Size :", recipe["size"]) print("Method:", recipe['method']) print("Pieces:", len(recipe['pieces'])) pos = 0 dedup_size = 0 for p in recipe['pieces']: print(" Original :", p['original']) print(" Source blob :", p['source'] if p['source'] else "SELF") print(" Source offset:", p['offset']) print(" Size :", p['size']) print(" Position : %s - %s" % (hex(pos), hex(pos + p['size'] * p.get('repeat', 1)))) print(" Repeat :", p.get('repeat', "(1)")) print(" ---------------") pos += p['size'] if p['source'] == None: # Count the parts we couldn't find elsewhere dedup_size += p['size'] try: print("Dedup removed %s%% of original size" % round( (100.0 * (1.0 - float(dedup_size) / recipe["size"])), 1)) except ZeroDivisionError: print("Zero size recipe") pass
def __init__(self): xbmc.log("Reading Settings.xml") if int(xbmc.getInfoLabel('System.BuildVersion')[:2]) < 18: XBMC_DIALOG_BUSY_OPEN = "ActivateWindow(busydialog)" XBMC_DIALOG_BUSY_CLOSE = "Dialog.Close(busydialog)" from uuid import getnode as get_mac if hasattr(os, 'uname'): system = os.uname()[4] else: import platform system = platform.uname()[5] if system == 'armv6l': try: mac = open('/sys/class/net/eth0/address').readline() self.XNEWA_MAC = hex(int('0x'+ mac.replace(':',''),16)) except: self.XNEWA_MAC = str(hex(get_mac())) else: self.XNEWA_MAC = str(hex(get_mac())) self.loadFromSettingsXML() return
def doAdcAsicConfig(self): print("Check ADC ASIC SPI") for regNum in range(self.REG_ADCSPI_BASE, self.REG_ADCSPI_BASE + 35, 1): val = self.femb.read_reg(regNum) if (val == None) or (val == -1): print("Error - FEMB register interface is not working.") continue print(str(hex(val))) #Write ADC ASIC SPI print("Program ADC ASIC SPI") self.femb.write_reg(self.REG_ASIC_SPIPROG, 1) time.sleep(0.1) self.femb.write_reg(self.REG_ASIC_SPIPROG, 1) time.sleep(0.1) print("Check ADC ASIC SPI Readback") for regNum in range(self.REG_ADCSPI_RDBACK_BASE, self.REG_ADCSPI_RDBACK_BASE + 35, 1): val = self.femb.read_reg(regNum) if (val == None) or (val == -1): print("Error - FEMB register interface is not working.") continue print(str(hex(val)))
def INA226_write(self, device_address, reg_address, high_byte, low_byte): #Because of how the FPGA does I2C, you need to swap the high and low bytes going in and coming back out check_value = (high_byte << 8) + low_byte low_byte_shift = low_byte << 8 value = low_byte_shift + high_byte self.femb_udp.write_reg(int(self.config["REGISTERS"]["REG_I2C_VALUE"]), value) device_reg = (device_address << 16) + (reg_address << 8) + 2 self.femb_udp.write_reg( int(self.config["REGISTERS"]["REG_I2C_CONFIG"]), device_reg) self.femb_udp.write_reg( int(self.config["REGISTERS"]["REG_I2C_ACTION"]), 1) self.femb_udp.write_reg( int(self.config["REGISTERS"]["REG_I2C_ACTION"]), 0) #The first 4 bits of the INA config register is reserved and can't be changed check = self.INA226_read(device_address, reg_address, 2) & 0x0FFF if (check != check_value): print( "config_functions --> I2C Power chip was not correctly written to! Wanted {}, recieved {}" .format(hex(check_value), hex(check))) else: return True
def checkFirmwareVersion(self): #set UDP ports to WIB self.femb.UDP_PORT_WREG = 32000 self.femb.UDP_PORT_RREG = 32001 self.femb.UDP_PORT_RREGRESP = 32002 #check WIB fw version reg wibVerReg = self.femb.read_reg(255) if wibVerReg == None: return False wibVerReg = (wibVerReg & 0xFFF) #set UDP ports back to normal self.selectFemb(self.fembNum) fembVerReg = self.femb.read_reg(257) if fembVerReg == None: return False fembVerReg = (fembVerReg & 0xFFF) #print( "FEMB Firmware Version HERE : " + str(hex(fembVerReg)) ) if wibVerReg != 0x116: print("Invalid WIB firmware version detected " + str(hex(wibVerReg)) + ", this configuration requires version 0x116") return False if fembVerReg != 0x323: print("Invalid FEMB firmware version detected " + str(hex(fembVerReg)) + ", this configuration requires version 0x323") return False print("WIB Firmware Version : " + str(hex(wibVerReg))) print("FEMB Firmware Version : " + str(hex(fembVerReg))) #good firmware id return True
def recursive_dump(task_spec, indent): if task_spec in done: return '[shown earlier] %s (%s:%s)' % (, task_spec.__class__.__name__, hex(id(task_spec))) + '\n' done.add(task_spec) dump = '%s (%s:%s)' % (, task_spec.__class__.__name__, hex(id(task_spec))) + '\n' if verbose: if task_spec.inputs: dump += indent + '- IN: ' + \ ','.join(['%s (%s)' % (, hex(id(t))) for t in task_spec.inputs]) + '\n' if task_spec.outputs: dump += indent + '- OUT: ' + \ ','.join(['%s (%s)' % (, hex(id(t))) for t in task_spec.outputs]) + '\n' sub_specs = ([task_spec.spec.start] if hasattr( task_spec, 'spec') else []) + task_spec.outputs for i, t in enumerate(sub_specs): dump += indent + ' --> ' + \ recursive_dump( t, indent + (' | ' if i + 1 < len(sub_specs) else ' ')) return dump
def pack(self, directory, output_file): total_filepath_lengths = 0 # walk through dirs and get file paths, file sizes and add lengths of file paths for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(directory): for filename in filenames: filepath = os.path.join(dirpath, filename) total_filepath_lengths += len(filepath) fil = File(filepath, 0, os.path.getsize(filepath), 0) self.files.append(fil) # start building file byte_buffer = self.magic byte_buffer += struct.pack("<H", self.version) byte_buffer += struct.pack("<I", len(self.files)) byte_buffer += struct.pack("<I", self.unknown) # calculate first file offset based on header size offset = len(byte_buffer) + total_filepath_lengths + 13*len(self.files) print(total_filepath_lengths, hex(offset)) for fil in self.files: fil.offset = offset offset += fil.size print(fil.path, hex(fil.offset)) byte_buffer += struct.pack("<B%isIII" % len(fil.path), len(fil.path), fil.path, fil.size, fil.unk, fil.offset) with open(output_file, "wb") as f_out: f_out.write(byte_buffer) for fil in self.files: with open(fil.path, "rb") as f_in: f_out.write(
def _unpack_colour(pkt): """ Unpack a colour value from the given packet and return it as a 3-member tuple """ red = hex(pkt[0] >> 4) green = hex(pkt[0] & 0xf) blue = hex(pkt[1] >> 4) return (red, green, blue)
def call_sync_adc(self): print("call_sync_adc") message = "Sync Error" isAlreadySynced, latchloc1, latchloc2, phase = self.femb_config.syncADC() if isAlreadySynced: message = "Already Sync'd" else: message = "Sync'd: latch latency " + str(hex(latchloc1)) + str(hex(latchloc2)) + "\tPhase " + str(hex(phase)) self.adc_sync_result["text"] = message
def crc_test(): correct_results = 0 for number in range(len(utl_pa_au8BYTE_CRC8_LUT_TABLE_C)): crc_result = utl_vCalculateCrcFor8Bits(0x00, number) if crc_result != utl_pa_au8BYTE_CRC8_LUT_TABLE_C[number]: print(hex(crc_result) + ' : ' + hex(utl_pa_au8BYTE_CRC8_LUT_TABLE_C[number])) else: correct_results += 1 print("correct_results : " + str(correct_results))
def _unpack_colour(pkt): """ Unpack a colour value from the given packet and return it as a 3-member tuple TODO: This mist still be bullshit too """ red = hex(pkt[0] >> 4) green = hex(pkt[0] & 0xf) blue = hex(pkt[1] >> 4) return (red, green, blue)
def _unpack_colour(self, pkt): """ Unpack a colour value from the given packet and return it as a 3-member tuple TODO: This too might need improvement for newer controllers """ red = hex(pkt[0] >> 4) green = hex(pkt[0] & 0xf) blue = hex(pkt[1] >> 4) return (red, green, blue)
def fixUnsync(self, asicNum): if asicNum == None: return None asicNumVal = int(asicNum) if (asicNumVal < 0) or (asicNumVal >= self.NASICS): return None initLATCH = self.femb.read_reg(self.REG_LATCHLOC) initPHASE = self.femb.read_reg( self.REG_ADC_CLK) # remember bit 16 sample rate if (initLATCH == None) or (initPHASE == None): return None phases = [0, 1, 2, 3] #phases = [0,1,2,3,0,3,2,1] if self.COLD: phases = [0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 3, 2, 1] #loop through sync parameters for shift in range(4, 7, 1): shiftMask = (0xFF << 8 * asicNum) testShift = ((initLATCH & ~(shiftMask)) | (shift << 8 * asicNum)) self.femb.write_reg(self.REG_LATCHLOC, testShift) time.sleep(0.01) for phase in phases: clkMask = (0x3 << 2 * asicNum) testPhase = ((initPHASE & ~(clkMask)) | (phase << 2 * asicNum)) self.femb.write_reg(self.REG_ADC_CLK, testPhase) time.sleep(0.01) print("try shift: {} phase: {} testingUnsync...".format( hex(testShift), hex(testPhase))) #try ADC config with new isBad = 0 for test in range(0, 10, 1): self.doAdcAsicConfig(asicNumVal) self.checkAdcErrorCount(asicNumVal) if self.adcSyncStatus == False: isBad = 1 break if isBad == 1: continue if self.adcSyncStatus == True: print("FEMB_CONFIG--> ADC synchronized") print("FEMB_CONFIG LATCHLOC ", hex(testShift), " , PHASE ", hex(testPhase)) return True #if program reaches here, sync has failed print("Error: FEMB_CONFIG--> ADC SYNC process failed for ADC # " + str(asicNumVal)) print( "Setting back to original values: LATCHLOC: {:#010x}, PHASE: {:#010x}" .format(initLATCH, initPHASE & 0xF)) self.femb.write_reg(self.REG_LATCHLOC, initLATCH) self.femb.write_reg(self.REG_ADC_CLK, initPHASE) self.adcSyncStatus = False
def print_texts(self): print("key {} texts:".format(self.identifier)) for pair in self.texts: if 'cipher' in pair: print("Ciphertext: {}".format(hex(pair['cipher'])), end=", ") else: print("Ciphertext: null", end=", ") if 'plain' in pair: print("Plaintext: {} (\"{}\")".format( hex(pair['plain']), i2b(pair['plain'], size=self.size))) else: print("Plaintext: null")
def set_address(self, newaddress): commandlist = [0x01, newaddress] isok, address = self.get_data(commandlist, 0) if isok: print( "I2C Change address procedure initiated correctly, new address=", hex(address)) time.sleep(5) return isok, hex(address) else: print("not able to read I2C address") return isok, 0
def print_verilog_insn(name): s = "wire dec_%-18s = " % name.replace('.', '_').lower() match_bits = match[name] mask_bits = mask [name] match_bits = hex(match_bits)[2:] mask_bits = hex(mask_bits )[2:] s += "(s1_instr & 32'h%s) == 32'h%s" % (mask_bits,match_bits) print(s + ";")
def main(): femb_config = CONFIG() femb_config.resetBoard() femb_config.initBoard() hadToSync, latch1, latch2, phase = femb_config.syncADC() femb_config.resetBoard() femb_config.initBoard() if hadToSync: print("Had to sync chips. Please change settings to:") print("Latch latency " + str(hex(latch1)) + str(hex(latch2)) + "\tPhase " + str(hex(phase))) else: print("All chips already sync'd")
def __init__(self, display, filename): self._filename = filename fileno =, os.O_RDONLY) #event_version = EVIOCGVERSION(fileno).value id = EVIOCGID(fileno) self.id_bustype = id.bustype self.id_vendor = hex(id.vendor) self.id_product = hex(id.product) self.id_version = id.version name = EVIOCGNAME(fileno) try: name = name.decode('utf-8') except UnicodeDecodeError: try: name = name.decode('latin-1') except UnicodeDecodeError: pass try: self.phys = EVIOCGPHYS(fileno) except OSError: self.phys = '' try: self.uniq = EVIOCGUNIQ(fileno) except OSError: self.uniq = '' self.controls = [] self.control_map = {} event_types_bits = (ctypes.c_byte * 4)() EVIOCGBIT(fileno, 0, event_types_bits) for event_type in get_set_bits(event_types_bits): if event_type not in event_types: continue max_code = event_types[event_type] nbytes = max_code // 8 + 1 event_codes_bits = (ctypes.c_byte * nbytes)() EVIOCGBIT(fileno, event_type, event_codes_bits) for event_code in get_set_bits(event_codes_bits): control = _create_control(fileno, event_type, event_code) if control: self.control_map[(event_type, event_code)] = control self.controls.append(control) os.close(fileno) super(EvdevDevice, self).__init__(display, name)
def drawTextMode(self, qp, row=0, howMany=1): # draw background qp.fillRect(0, row * self.fontHeight, self.CON_COLUMNS * self.fontWidth, howMany * self.fontHeight + self.SPACER, self.backgroundBrush) # set text pen&font qp.setFont(self.font) qp.setPen(self.textPen) cemu = ConsoleEmulator(qp, self.ROWS, self.CON_COLUMNS) page = self.transformationEngine.decorate() cemu.gotoXY(0, row) for i, c in enumerate( self.getDisplayablePage() [row * self.COLUMNS:(row + howMany) * self.COLUMNS]): # TODO: does not apply all decorators w = i + row * self.COLUMNS if (w + 1) % self.COLUMNS == 0: hex_s = str(hex(c)[2:]).zfill(2) else: hex_s = str(hex(c)[2:]).zfill(2) + ' ' qp.setPen(self.transformationEngine.choosePen(w)) if self.transformationEngine.chooseBrush(w) is not None: qp.setBackgroundMode(1) qp.setBackground(self.transformationEngine.chooseBrush(w)) # write hex representation cemu.write(hex_s, noBackgroudOnSpaces=True) # save hex position x, y = cemu.getXY() # write text cemu.writeAt(self.COLUMNS * 3 + + (w % self.COLUMNS), y, self.cp437(c)) # go back to hex chars cemu.gotoXY(x, y) if (w + 1) % self.COLUMNS == 0: cemu.writeLn() qp.setBackgroundMode(0)
def cmd_M(this, subcmd): preamble, data = subcmd.split(':') addr,size_bytes= preamble.split(',') addr,size_bytes = map(lambda x: int(x, 16), [addr, size_bytes])'mem write: ' + hex(addr) + ' of ' + str(size_bytes)) data = binascii.unhexlify(data) while size_bytes > 0: b = struct.unpack("B", data[0])[0] this.log.debug('Writing ' + hex(b) + ' to ' \ + hex(addr)) size_bytes -= wr_size addr += wr_size data = data[wr_size:] return 'OK'
def cmd_M(this, subcmd): preamble, data = subcmd.split(':') addr, size_bytes = preamble.split(',') addr, size_bytes = map(lambda x: int(x, 16), [addr, size_bytes])'mem write: ' + hex(addr) + ' of ' + str(size_bytes)) data = binascii.unhexlify(data) while size_bytes > 0: b = struct.unpack("B", data[0])[0] this.log.debug('Writing ' + hex(b) + ' to ' \ + hex(addr)) size_bytes -= wr_size addr += wr_size data = data[wr_size:] return 'OK'
def collect(self): for session, wndsta, clip, handle in self.calculate(): # If no tagCLIP is provided, we do not know the format if not clip: fmt = obj.NoneObject("Format unknown") else: # Try to get the format name, but failing that, print # the format number in hex instead. if clip.fmt.v() in constants.CLIPBOARD_FORMAT_ENUM: fmt = str(clip.fmt) else: fmt = hex(clip.fmt.v()) # Try to get the handle from tagCLIP first, but # fall back to using _HANDLEENTRY.phead. Note: this can # be a value like DUMMY_TEXT_HANDLE (1) etc. handle_value = clip.hData or handle.phead.h clip_data = "" if handle and "TEXT" in fmt: clip_data = handle.reference_object().as_string(fmt) print(handle) yield dict(session=session.SessionId, window_station=wndsta.Name, format=fmt, handle=handle_value, object=handle.phead.v(), data=clip_data, hexdump=handle.reference_object().as_hex())
def parse_block(self): """read and parse a block""" if self.head is not None: block_header = self.head + - len(self.head)) self.head = None else: block_header = if len(block_header) < 8: return None block_type, block_len = struct.unpack(self.section_info.byteorder + b'II', block_header) data = '' micro_second = 0 if block_type == BlockType.SECTION_HEADER: self.parse_section_header_block(block_header) elif block_type == BlockType.INTERFACE_DESCRIPTION: # read link type and capture size self.parse_interface_description_block(block_len) elif block_type == BlockType.ENHANCED_PACKET: micro_second, data = self.parse_enhanced_packet(block_len) elif block_type > 0x80000000: # private protocol type, ignore data = - 12) else: - 12) print("unknown block type:%s, size:%d" % (hex(block_type), block_len), file=sys.stderr) # read author block_len block_len_t = block_len_t, = struct.unpack(self.section_info.byteorder + b'I', block_len_t) if block_len_t != block_len: print("block_len not equal, header:%d, tail:%d." % (block_len, block_len_t), file=sys.stderr) return micro_second, data
def hex(x): if isinstance(x, bytes): return "0x" + binascii.hexlify(x).decode("utf-8") elif isinstance(x, str): return "0x" + binascii.hexlify(x.encode("utf-8")).decode("utf-8") else: return builtins.hex(x)
def update_base_addr(this, base_addr): ''' used to update the base pointer of the register file ''' this.log.debug('Update Base Addr: ' + hex(base_addr)) this.base_addr = base_addr this.local = {} # clear local reg cache
def __setitem__(this,key,val): ''' note: by default this only caches updates locally ''' this.log.debug("RegWr: " + str(key) + ':' + hex(val)) if key in this.warn_names: this.log.warn('Writing: ' + str(key) + ' as 0') return 0 elif key in this.warn_trans_names: this.log.warning('Writing' + str(this.warn_trans_names[key]) + \ ' in place of ' + str(key)) key = this.warn_trans_names[key] elif key in this.trans_names: key = this.trans_names[key] assert( key in this.names) assert( isinstance(val, int)) if (this.writeback): assert(this.base_addr != None) mem_addr = this.base_addr + this.offsets[key] this.mbus.write_mem(mem_addr,val,32) else: this.local[key] = val
def interpret_com_exception(excp, additional_info={}): d = {} d['error_num'] = convert_error_code(excp.args[2][5]) # for some reason hex() includes the L for long in the hex... # however since it's a string, we don't care... # since L would never be in a hex code, we can safely just remove it. d['error_code'] = hex(d['error_num']).rstrip('L') if d['error_code'][0:7] == '0x80005': if d['error_num'] in list(GENERIC_ADSI_ERRORS.keys()): d['exception_type'] = 'known_generic_adsi_error' d['error_constant'] = GENERIC_ADSI_ERRORS[d['error_num']][0] d['message'] = ' '.join(GENERIC_ADSI_ERRORS[d['error_num']][1:3]) else: # this supposedly should not happen, but I'd rather be ready for # the case that Microsoft made a typo somewhere than die weirdly. d['error_constant'] = None d['exception_type'] = 'unknown_generic_adsi_error' d['message'] = 'unknown generic ADSI error' d['exception'] = genericADSIException elif d['error_code'][0:6] == '0x8007': d['exception_type'] = 'win32_error' d['error_constant'] = None # returns information about error from winerror.h file... d['message'] = win32api.FormatMessage(d['error_num']) elif d['error_num'] in list(GENERIC_COM_ERRORS.keys()): d['exception_type'] = 'generic_com_error' d['error_constant'] = GENERIC_COM_ERRORS[d['error_num']][0] d['message'] = GENERIC_COM_ERRORS[d['error_num']][1] else: d['exception_type'] = 'unknown' d['error_constant'] = None d['message'] = excp.args[2][4] d['additional_info'] = additional_info={} return d
def release(self): """ Release control to libusb of the AlienFX controller.""" if not self._control_taken: return try: usb.util.release_interface(self._dev, 0) except USBError as exc: logging.error( "Cant release interface. Error : {}".format(exc.strerror)) try: self._dev.attach_kernel_driver(0) except USBError as exc: logging.error("Cant re-attach. Error : {}".format(exc.strerror)) self._control_taken = False logging.debug("USB device released, VID={}, PID={}".format( hex(self._controller.vendor_id), hex(self._controller.product_id)))
def __init__(self, sec=0.010, delay=0, on=1, off=0, address=0x378, pin=2): if not have_parallel: raise ImportError("could not import parallel (for signaler)") super(ParallelVoiceKeySignal, self).__init__(sec, delay, on, off) = '({0}, pin={1})'.format(hex(address), pin) self.address = address = pin # 2-9 self.port = parallel.ParallelPort(address)
def handle_emulator_get_cpu_state_request(self, params): # this function gets the CPU state on the target device assert(self.__target) # TODO: fire events? ret = {} for r in range(13): val = self.__target.get_register("r"+str(r)) ret["cpu_state_"+"r"+str(r)] = hex(val) val = self.__target.get_register("sp") ret["cpu_state_r13"] = hex(val) val = self.__target.get_register("lr") ret["cpu_state_r14"] = hex(val) val = self.__target.get_register("pc") ret["cpu_state_pc"] = hex(val) return ret
def __init__(self): gtk.Bin.__init__(self) # Initialize logging self.log = getLogger('%s.%s' % (self.__gtype_name__, hex(id(self)))) # Internal housekeeping self._placeholder = None
def cmd_P(this, subcmd): reg,val = subcmd.split('=') reg = int(reg, 16) reg = this.regs[ reg] # fix endiananess, conver to int val = int(binascii.hexlify( binascii.unhexlify(val)[::-1]),16) this.log.warn('register write :' + str(reg) + ' = ' + hex(val) ) return "OK"
def get_id(self, grp): """ Return a hash of the tuple of indices that specify the group """ thehash = hex(hash(grp)) if ISPY3: # use default encoding to get bytes thehash = thehash.encode() return self.cache.get(grp, hashlib.sha1(thehash).hexdigest())
def cmd_m(this, subcmd): addr,size_bytes= subcmd.split(',') addr,size_bytes = map(lambda x: int(x, 16), [addr, size_bytes])'mem read: ' + hex(addr) + ' of ' + str(size_bytes)) if size_bytes == 4: return struct.pack('<I',0x46c046c0).encode('hex') #lit endian hex else: return struct.pack('<H',0x46c).encode('hex') #lit endian hex
def cmd_z(this, subcmd): args = subcmd.split(',') brType, addr, size = map(lambda x: int(x,16), args) assert(brType == 0) assert(size == 2)"Breakpoint Clear, Type: " + str(brType) + \ " Addr:" + hex(addr)) this.log.debug("Replacing trap with origional instruction @" +\ hex(addr) ) size *= 8 # convert to bites if (addr,size) not in this.displaced_insts: hex(addr) + '('+str(size)+')' + \ 'not a soft-breakpoint') else: orig_inst = this.displaced_insts[(addr,size)] this.mem.forceWrite( (addr,size), orig_inst) del this.displaced_insts[(addr,size)] return 'OK'
def write_reg(this, reg, val): this.log.debug('MBUS: writing register: ' + str(reg) + '=' + hex(val) ) assert( reg < 8) assert( val < ((2 ** 24) -1) ) mbus_regwr = struct.pack(">I", ( this.prc_addr << 4) | 0x0 ) data = struct.pack(">I", reg << 24 | val ), data)
def sendRaw(self, cmd): command = list(cmd) hexCommand = list() if self.reeltwo == True: if __debug__: print("ReelTwo Mode"); hexCommand.append(int(hex(ord('L')), 16)) hexCommand.append(int(hex(ord('E')), 16)) for i in command: h = int(hex(ord(i)), 16) hexCommand.append(h) if __debug__: print(hexCommand) try: self.bus.write_i2c_block_data(int(self.address, 16), hexCommand[0], hexCommand[1:]) except: print("Failed to send bytes") return "Ok"
def int2bytes(value, length=0): hex_str = hex(value)[2:] if len(hex_str) % 2 == 1: hex_str = '0{}'.format(hex_str) byte_str = binascii.unhexlify(hex_str) if length > 0: while len(byte_str) < length: byte_str = b'\x00' + byte_str return byte_str
def cmd_Z(this, subcmd): args = subcmd.split(',') brType, addr, size = map(lambda x: int(x,16), args) assert(brType == 0) assert(size == 2)"Breakpoint Set, Type:" + str(brType) + \ " Addr: " + hex(addr)) this.log.debug("Replacing instruction @" + \ hex(addr) + " with trap" ) size *= 8 # convert to bits if (addr,size) in this.displaced_insts: this.log.debug( hex(addr) + '('+str(size)+')' + \ 'already a soft-breakpoint') else: this.displaced_insts[(addr,size)] = \ this.mem[(addr,size)] this.mem.forceWrite( (addr,16), this.svc_01) return 'OK'
def _set_power(self, devices, powerOn): """ set the power for devices """ devStr = hex(devices).upper()[2:].zfill(4) if powerOn: setStr = devStr else: setStr = "0000" self._sendReq("S" + devStr + setStr + "\r")
def drawTextMode(self, qp, row=0, howMany=1): # draw background qp.fillRect(0, row * self.fontHeight, self.CON_COLUMNS * self.fontWidth, howMany * self.fontHeight + self.SPACER, self.backgroundBrush) # set text pen&font qp.setFont(self.font) qp.setPen(self.textPen) cemu = ConsoleEmulator(qp, self.ROWS, self.CON_COLUMNS) page = self.transformationEngine.decorate() cemu.gotoXY(0, row) for i, c in enumerate(self.getDisplayablePage()[row * self.COLUMNS:( row + howMany) * self.COLUMNS]): # TODO: does not apply all decorators w = i + row * self.COLUMNS if (w + 1) % self.COLUMNS == 0: hex_s = str(hex(c)[2:]).zfill(2) else: hex_s = str(hex(c)[2:]).zfill(2) + ' ' qp.setPen(self.transformationEngine.choosePen(w)) if self.transformationEngine.chooseBrush(w) is not None: qp.setBackgroundMode(1) qp.setBackground(self.transformationEngine.chooseBrush(w)) # write hex representation cemu.write(hex_s, noBackgroudOnSpaces=True) # save hex position x, y = cemu.getXY() # write text cemu.writeAt(self.COLUMNS * 3 + + (w % self.COLUMNS), y, self.cp437(c)) # go back to hex chars cemu.gotoXY(x, y) if (w + 1) % self.COLUMNS == 0: cemu.writeLn() qp.setBackgroundMode(0)
def write_mem(this, addr, value, size): this.log.debug('MBUS Writing ' + hex(value) + ' to ' + hex(addr)) assert(isinstance(addr, int)) assert(isinstance(value, int)) assert(size in [32,16,8]) align32 = this._align32(addr,size) if size == 32: write32 = value elif size == 16: byte_idx = addr & 0x02 mask32 = ((2 ** size -1) << (8 * byte_idx)) mask32n = 0xffffffff - mask32 # bitwise not hack orig32 = this.read_mem(align32,32) value32 = value << size | value # just duplicate it value32 = value32 & mask32 # and mask it write32 = orig32 & mask32n write32 = write32 | value32 elif size == 8: byte_idx = addr & 0x3 mask32 = ((2 ** size -1) << (8 * byte_idx)) mask32n = 0xffffffff - mask32 # bitwise not hack orig32 = this.read_mem(align32,32) value32 = (value << (8 * byte_idx)) value32 = value32 & mask32 write32 = orig32 & mask32n write32 = write32 | value32 this.log.debug("MBUS Writing " + hex(write32) + " @ " + \ hex(align32)) prc_memwr = struct.pack(">I", ( this.prc_addr << 4) | 0x2 ) memwr_addr = struct.pack(">I", align32) memwr_data = struct.pack(">I", write32), memwr_addr + memwr_data)
def cmd_P(this, subcmd): assert(this.prc.isHalted()) reg,val = subcmd.split('=') reg = int(reg, 16) reg = this.regs[ reg] # fix endiananess, conver to int val = int(binascii.hexlify( binascii.unhexlify(val)[::-1]),16)'register write :' + str(reg) + ' = ' + hex(val) ) this.rf.forceWrite(reg,val) return "OK"
def cmd_m(this, subcmd): assert(this.prc.isHalted()) args = subcmd.split(',') addr,size_bytes = map(lambda x: int(x, 16), args)'mem read: ' + hex(addr) + ' of ' + \ str(size_bytes)) resp = '' while size_bytes > 0: read_bytes = 4 if size_bytes >4 else size_bytes encode_str = this.encode_str[read_bytes] val = this.mem[(addr,read_bytes * 8)] this.log.debug('mem read: ' + hex(addr) + ' ' + hex(val)) val = struct.pack(encode_str, val).encode('hex')#lit endian resp += val addr += read_bytes size_bytes -= read_bytes return resp