def register(): if '_id' in session: return redirect_to_home() if request.method == 'POST': results = { 'name': request.form['name'], 'email': request.form['email'], 'password': request.form['password'] } # Time to validate the shit out of this thing error_list = [] errors = False for key, value in results.items(): if not value: error_list.append('Please specify a {0}!'.format(key.replace('_', ' '))) errors = True if key == 'email': if not re.match(r'[^@]+@[^@]+\.[^@]+', value): error_list.append('Please specify a valid email address!') errors = True if isinstance(value, str): if len(value) > 50: error_list.append('The length of {0} cannot exceed 50.'.format(key.replace('_', ' '))) errors = True captcha_payload = {'privatekey': CONFIG['recaptcha_private_key'], 'remoteip': request.remote_addr, 'challenge': request.form['recaptcha_challenge_field'], 'response': request.form['recaptcha_response_field']} captcha_response ='', captcha_payload) if 'true' not in captcha_response.text: error_list.append('The captcha answer you provided isn\'t correct.') errors = True if errors: return render_template('register.html', errors=error_list) password_hashed = sha512_crypt.encrypt(results['password']) verification_key = ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_lowercase + string.digits) for i in range(32)) conn = BRConnection() users = conn.users for _ in users.find({'email': results['email']}): return render_template('register.html', errors=['There is already a user with the email {0}. Maybe you already signed up?'.format(results['email'])]) new_user = User(email=results['email'], name=results['name'], password=password_hashed, verification_key=verification_key) users.insert( resend_verification(results['email']) return render_template('register_success.html', name=results['name']) return render_template('register.html')
def change_email(user_id, new_email): conn = BRConnection() users = conn.users user = get_user(user_id) if user is None: return False users.update({'_id': ObjectId(user_id)}, {'$set': {'email': new_email, 'verified': False}}) resend_verification(new_email) logout() return True