    def plot(self,
        :param attrs: `str` or `list` of attribute names of a share to plot, defaults to *Close* attribute
        :type attrs: :obj: `str`, :obj:`list`


        >>> import bulbea as bb
        >>> share = bb.Share(source = 'YAHOO', ticker = 'AAPL')
        >>> share.plot()
        _check_iterable(attrs, raise_err=True)

        if _check_str(attrs):
            attrs = [attrs]

        plot_stats = global_mean or bollinger_bands
        subplots = True if len(attrs) != 1 and plot_stats else subplots
        axes = self.data[attrs].plot(subplots=subplots, *args, **kwargs)

        if plot_stats:
            if subplots:
                for i, attr in enumerate(attrs):
                    data = self.data[attr]
                    ax = axes[i]

                    if global_mean:
                        _plot_global_mean(data, ax)

                    if bollinger_bands:
                attr = attrs[0]
                data = self.data[attr]

                if global_mean:
                    _plot_global_mean(data, axes)

                if bollinger_bands:

        return axes
文件: share.py 项目: BillZPage/bulbea
    def plot(self,
             attrs           = 'Close',
             global_mean     = False,
             bollinger_bands = False,
             period          = 50,
             bandwidth       = 1,
             subplots        = False, *args, **kwargs):
        :param attrs: `str` or `list` of attribute names of a share to plot, defaults to *Close* attribute
        :type attrs: :obj: `str`, :obj:`list`


        >>> import bulbea as bb
        >>> share = bb.Share(source = 'YAHOO', ticker = 'AAPL')
        >>> share.plot()
        _check_iterable(attrs, raise_err = True)

        if _check_str(attrs):
            attrs  = [attrs]

        plot_stats = global_mean or bollinger_bands
        subplots   = True if len(attrs) != 1 and plot_stats else subplots
        axes       = self.data[attrs].plot(subplots = subplots, *args, **kwargs)

        if plot_stats:
            if subplots:
                for i, attr in enumerate(attrs):
                    data = self.data[attr]
                    ax   = axes[i]

                    if global_mean:
                        _plot_global_mean(data, ax)

                    if bollinger_bands:
                        _plot_bollinger_bands(data, ax, period = period, bandwidth = bandwidth)
                attr = attrs[0]
                data = self.data[attr]

                if global_mean:
                    _plot_global_mean(data, axes)

                if bollinger_bands:
                    _plot_bollinger_bands(data, axes, period = period, bandwidth = bandwidth)

        return axes
def split(share,
          attrs     = 'Close',
          window    = 0.01,
          train     = 0.60,
          shift     = 1,
          normalize = False,
          provider = 'quandl'):
    :param attrs: `str` or `list` of attribute names of a share, defaults to *Close* attribute
    :type attrs: :obj: `str`, :obj:`list`
    _check_type(share, type_ = bb.Share, raise_err = True, expected_type_name = 'bulbea.Share')
    _check_iterable(attrs, raise_err = True)
    _check_int(shift, raise_err = True)
    _check_real(window, raise_err = True)
    _check_real(train, raise_err = True)

    _validate_in_range(window, 0, 1, raise_err = True)
    _validate_in_range(train, 0, 1, raise_err = True)

    if(provider == 'alphavantage'):
        df = pd.DataFrame(share.data)
        data = df.ix[3]
        data = pd.to_numeric(data)
        data = share.data[attrs]

    length = len(share)

    window = int(np.rint(length * window))
    offset = shift - 1

    splits = np.array([data[i if i is 0 else i + offset: i + window] for i in range(length - window)])

    if normalize:
        splits = np.array([_get_cummulative_return(split) for split in splits])

    size   = len(splits)
    split  = int(np.rint(train * size))

    train  = splits[:split,:]
    test   = splits[split:,:]

    Xtrain, Xtest = train[:,:-1], test[:,:-1]
    ytrain, ytest = train[:, -1], test[:, -1]

    return (Xtrain, Xtest, ytrain, ytest)
    def bollinger_bands(self, attrs='Close', period=50, bandwidth=1):
        Returns the Bollinger Bands (R) for each attribute.

        :param attrs: `str` or `list` of attribute name(s) of a share, defaults to *Close*
        :type attrs: :obj:`str`, :obj:`list`

        :param period: length of the window to compute moving averages, upper and lower bands
        :type period: :obj:`int`

        :param bandwidth: multiple of the standard deviation of upper and lower bands
        :type bandwidth: :obj:`int`


        >>> import bulbea as bb
        >>> share     = bb.Share(source = 'YAHOO', ticker = 'AAPL')
        >>> bollinger = share.bollinger_bands()
        >>> bollinger.tail()
                    Lower (Close)  Mean (Close)  Upper (Close)
        2017-03-07     815.145883    831.694803     848.243724
        2017-03-08     816.050821    832.574004     849.097187
        2017-03-09     817.067353    833.574805     850.082257
        2017-03-10     817.996674    834.604404     851.212135
        2017-03-13     819.243360    835.804605     852.365849
        _check_iterable(attrs, raise_err=True)

        if _check_str(attrs):
            attrs = [attrs]

        frames = list()

        for attr in attrs:
            data = self.data[attr]
            lowr, mean, upper = _get_bollinger_bands(data,
            bollinger_bands = pd.concat([lowr, mean, upper], axis=1)
            bollinger_bands.columns = _get_bollinger_bands_columns(


        return frames[0] if len(frames) == 1 else frames
文件: share.py 项目: BillZPage/bulbea
    def bollinger_bands(self,
                        attrs     = 'Close',
                        period    = 50,
                        bandwidth = 1):
        Returns the Bollinger Bands (R) for each attribute.

        :param attrs: `str` or `list` of attribute name(s) of a share, defaults to *Close*
        :type attrs: :obj:`str`, :obj:`list`

        :param period: length of the window to compute moving averages, upper and lower bands
        :type period: :obj:`int`

        :param bandwidth: multiple of the standard deviation of upper and lower bands
        :type bandwidth: :obj:`int`


        >>> import bulbea as bb
        >>> share     = bb.Share(source = 'YAHOO', ticker = 'AAPL')
        >>> bollinger = share.bollinger_bands()
        >>> bollinger.tail()
                    Lower (Close)  Mean (Close)  Upper (Close)
        2017-03-07     815.145883    831.694803     848.243724
        2017-03-08     816.050821    832.574004     849.097187
        2017-03-09     817.067353    833.574805     850.082257
        2017-03-10     817.996674    834.604404     851.212135
        2017-03-13     819.243360    835.804605     852.365849
        _check_iterable(attrs, raise_err = True)

        if _check_str(attrs):
            attrs = [attrs]

        frames = list()

        for attr in attrs:
            data                    = self.data[attr]
            lowr, mean, upper       = _get_bollinger_bands(data, period = period, bandwidth = bandwidth)
            bollinger_bands         = pd.concat([lowr, mean, upper], axis = 1)
            bollinger_bands.columns = _get_bollinger_bands_columns(bollinger_bands)


        return frames[0] if len(frames) == 1 else frames
def split(sharedata,
          attrs     = 'Close',
          window    = 0.01,
          train     = 0.60,
          shift     = 1,
          normalize = False):
    :type attrs: :obj: `str`, :obj:`list`
    _check_iterable(attrs, raise_err = True)
    _check_int(shift, raise_err = True)
    _check_real(window, raise_err = True)
    _check_real(train, raise_err = True)

    _validate_in_range(train, 0, 1, raise_err = True)

    data   = sharedata[attrs]

    length = len(sharedata)
    if window >=0 and window <= 1:
        window = int(np.rint(length * window))
    print('====Actual window is ' + str(window))
    offset = shift - 1

    splits = np.array([data[i if i is 0 else i + offset: i + window] for i in range(length - window)])
    normsplit = np.array([ [split[0],split[len(split)-1]] for split in splits])

    if normalize:
        splits = np.array([_get_cummulative_return(split) for split in splits])

    size   = len(splits)
    split  = int(np.rint(train * size))

    train  = splits[:split,:]
    test   = splits[split:,:]

    Xtrain, Xtest = train[:,:-1], test[:,:-1]
    XtrainNorm, XtestNorm = normsplit[:split,:],normsplit[split:,:]
    ytrain, ytest = train[:, -1], test[:, -1]

    return (Xtrain, Xtest, ytrain, ytest, XtrainNorm, XtestNorm)
def split(share,
          attrs     = 'Close',
          window    = 0.01,
          train     = 0.60,
          shift     = 1,
          normalize = False):
    :param attrs: `str` or `list` of attribute names of a share, defaults to *Close* attribute
    :type attrs: :obj: `str`, :obj:`list`
    _check_type(share, type_ = bb.Share, raise_err = True, expected_type_name = 'bulbea.Share')
    _check_iterable(attrs, raise_err = True)
    _check_int(shift, raise_err = True)
    _check_real(window, raise_err = True)
    _check_real(train, raise_err = True)

    _validate_in_range(window, 0, 1, raise_err = True)
    _validate_in_range(train, 0, 1, raise_err = True)

    data   = share.data[attrs]

    length = len(share)

    window = int(np.rint(length * window))
    if window <= 1: window = 2
    offset = shift - 1

    splits = np.array([data[i if i is 0 else i + offset: i + window] for i in range(length - window)])
    print("{} {}".format(window,len(splits)))
    if normalize:
        splits = np.array([_get_cummulative_return(split) for split in splits])

    size   = len(splits)
    split  = int(np.rint(train * size))

    train  = splits[:split,:]
    test   = splits[split:,:]

    Xtrain, Xtest = train[:,:-1], test[:,:-1]
    ytrain, ytest = train[:, -1], test[:, -1]

    return (Xtrain, Xtest, ytrain, ytest)
文件: split.py 项目: BillZPage/bulbea
def split(share,
          attrs     = 'Close',
          window    = 0.01,
          train     = 0.60,
          shift     = 1,
          normalize = False):
    :param attrs: `str` or `list` of attribute names of a share, defaults to *Close* attribute
    :type attrs: :obj: `str`, :obj:`list`
    _check_type(share, type_ = bb.Share, raise_err = True, expected_type_name = 'bulbea.Share')
    _check_iterable(attrs, raise_err = True)
    _check_int(shift, raise_err = True)
    _check_real(window, raise_err = True)
    _check_real(train, raise_err = True)

    _validate_in_range(window, 0, 1, raise_err = True)
    _validate_in_range(train, 0, 1, raise_err = True)

    data   = share.data[attrs]

    length = len(share)

    window = int(np.rint(length * window))
    offset = shift - 1

    splits = np.array([data[i if i is 0 else i + offset: i + window] for i in range(length - window)])

    if normalize:
        splits = np.array([_get_cummulative_return(split) for split in splits])

    size   = len(splits)
    split  = int(np.rint(train * size))

    train  = splits[:split,:]
    test   = splits[split:,:]

    Xtrain, Xtest = train[:,:-1], test[:,:-1]
    ytrain, ytest = train[:, -1], test[:, -1]

    return (Xtrain, Xtest, ytrain, ytest)