文件: sensors.py 项目: alon/burst
 def __init__(self, world, foot, historyLength):
     self._fsrs = []
     self._historyLength = historyLength
     self.dataRunningMedian = running_median(self._historyLength)
     self.lastRead = None
     for location in [x+y for x in ['Front', 'Rear'] for y in ['Left', 'Right']]:
         var = 'Device/SubDeviceList/%sFoot/FSR/%s/Sensor/Value' % (foot, location)
         self._fsrs.append( Sensors.Sensor(world, var) )
文件: objects.py 项目: alon/burst
    def __init__(self, name, world, real_length, world_x=None, world_y=None):
        real_length - [cm] real world largest diameter of object.
        memory, motion - proxies to ALMemory and ALMotion respectively.
        world_x, world_y - [cm] locations in world coordinate frame. World
        coordinate frame (reminder) origin is in our team goal center, x
        axis is towards opposite goal, y axis is to the left (complete a right
        handed coordinate system).
        super(Locatable, self).__init__(name)
        self._world = world
        # cached proxies
        self._memory = world._memory
        self._motion = world._motion
        # longest arc across the object, i.e. a diagonal.
        self._real_length = real_length

        # This is the world x coordinate. Our x axis is to the right of our goal
        # center, and our y is towards the enemy gate^H^H^Hoal. The enemy goal is up.
        # (screw Ender)

        # default to estimating everything is in center of field.
        self.world_x = world_x if world_x is not None else field.MIDFIELD_X
        self.world_y = world_y if world_y is not None else field.MIDFIELD_Y # TODO - is't wise?
        self.world_heading = 0.0 # default to pointing towards target goal

        self.history = RingBuffer(Locatable.HISTORY_SIZE) # stores history for last

        # This is the player body frame relative bearing. radians.
        self.bearing = 0.0
        self.elevation = 0.0
        # This is the player body frame relative distance. centimeters.
        self.dist = 0.0
        self.update_time = 0.0 # time of current update
        # previous non zero values
        self.last_bearing = 0.0
        self.last_dist = 0.0
        self.last_elevation = 0.0
        self.last_update_time = 0.0 # time of previous update
        # Body coordinate system: x is to the right (body is the torso, and generally
        # the forward walk direction is along the y axis).
        self.body_x = 0.0
        self.body_y = 0.0

        # upper barrier on speed, used to remove outliers. cm/sec
        self.upper_v_limit = 400.0

        self.seen = False
        self.recently_seen = False          # Was the object seen within MISSING_FRAMES_MINIMUM
        self.centered = False               # whether the distance from the center is smaller then XXX
        self.centered_at_pitch_limit = False # centered on X axis, on pitch low limit (looking most upwardly)
        self.missingFramesCounter = MISSING_FRAMES_MINIMUM # start as "not seen for inifinity". This is close enough.

        # smoothed variables
        self.distSmoothed = 0.0
        self.distRunningMedian = running_median(3) # TODO: Change to ballEKF/ballLoc?

        # Vision variables defaults
        self.centerX = None
        self.centerY = None
        self.normalized2_centerX = None
        self.normalized2_centerY = None
        self.x = None
        self.y = None

        # centered - a copy of some of the values that keeps
        # the current searcher values for this target.
        self.centered_self = CenteredLocatable(self)
文件: sensors.py 项目: alon/burst
 def __init__(self, world, var, historyLength):
     super(Sensors.SmoothedSensor, self).__init__(world, var)
     self._historyLength = historyLength
     self.dataRunningMedian = running_median(self._historyLength)
     self.lastRead = None