def reply(update, context, from_callback=False, callback_msg=None):
    """Create reply to user."""
    msg = update.message.text
    reply = response.create_reply(msg)
    reply_markup = button.create_button(msg)
def distance_result(window, button_event, distance, width, height):
    window: (window) pygame window
    button_event: (pygame event) pygame event that is either MOUSEBUTTONDOWN or MOUSEBUTTON UP
    distance: (float) the path's distance
    width: (int) width of window in pixels
    height: (int) height of window in pixels

    output: (int) updataed distance
    summary: creates a static button and updates the distance displayed on the button
    # starting coordinates of dropdown menu
    x = (width / 5) * 4 + 1
    w = width /5
    y = 0
    h = height - width

    distance = round(distance, 0)

    # Static button
    create_button(window, button_event, lambda: "", lambda: "", 
    width/54, f"Distance: {distance}", Colors.BUTTON_DEFAULT, Colors.BUTTON_DEFAULT, x, y, w, h)

    return distance
def time_result(window, button_event, time, width, height):
    window: (window) pygame window
    button_event: (pygame event) pygame event that is either MOUSEBUTTONDOWN or MOUSEBUTTON UP
    time: (float) the path's time, based off the speed of the nodes and distance of the path
    width: (int) width of window in pixels
    height: (int) height of window in pixels

    output: (int) updataed time
    summary: creates a static button and updates the time displayed on the button
    # starting coordinates of dropdown menu
    x = (width / 5) * 3 + 1
    w = width / 5 - 1
    y = 0
    h = height - width

    time = round(time, 2)

    # Static button
    create_button(window, button_event, lambda: "", lambda: "", 
    width/54, f"Time: {time}", Colors.BUTTON_DEFAULT, Colors.BUTTON_DEFAULT, x, y, w, h)

    return time
def reply_message(update, context, command):
    """Creating reply to user"""
    chat_id = update.message.chat.id

    # Get response text template
        text = get_template(f"command/{command}.html")
        text = None

    # Create button based on command
        keyboard = button.create_button(command)
        keyboard = None

    # Create and send reply for specific command
    if command == "kalendar":
        caption, image_path, _ = load_data(command).values()
        send_image(context, chat_id, image_path, keyboard, f"🗓 {caption}")
    elif command == "jam":
        image_path = load_data(command)["img_path"]
        send_image(context, chat_id, image_path)
    elif command == "loker":
        data = load_data(command)
        content = ""
        sorted_data = sort_data(data)
        for id in sorted_data:
            date, title, url = sorted_data[id].values()
            content += f"🗞 <b>({date})  <a href='{url}'>{title}</a></b>\n"
        text = text.format(content)
    elif command == "jadwal":
        keyboard = None
        message = update.message.text.lower()
            message_split = message.split(" ", 1)  # Split command and query
            cmd, query = message_split
            assert cmd == "/jadwal"  # Must be in '/jadwal [KELAS_ATAU_DOSEN]' format
                assert len(query) >= 5  # Query must be 5 characters long
                # Scraping data
                        f"Mencari jadwal untuk input: <b>{query}</b> ...")
                    data = scraping.scraping_jadwal_kuliah(query)
                    if data:  # Successful scraping
                        img_path, caption = data
                        keyboard = button.create_button(command)
                        send_image(context, chat_id, img_path, keyboard,
                    else:  # Query not found
                        text = get_template(
                except Exception as err:  # Failed scraping data
                    text = get_template(
            except:  # Query length < 5
                text = get_template("error/jadwal_short_query.html")
        except:  # Wrong format
            text = get_template("error/jadwal_wrong_format.html")
    elif command == "berita":
        data = load_data(command)
        message = update.message.text.lower()
            # Send news content by id
            message_split = message.split(" ", 1)  # Split command and query
            cmd, query = message_split
            if cmd == "/berita":  # Must be in '/berita [ID]' format
                    content, _, title, _ = data[query].values()
                    text = f"<b>{title.upper()}</b>\n\n{content}"
                except:  # ID not found
                    keyboard = None
                    text = get_template("error/berita_not_found.html").format(
            else:  # Wrong format
                keyboard = None
                text = get_template("error/berita_wrong_format.html")
            # Send list of news
            content = ""
            sorted_data = sort_data(data)
            for id in sorted_data:
                _, date, title, url = sorted_data[id].values()
                content += f"🗞 <b>({date} - {id})  <a href='{url}'>{title}</a></b>\n"
            text = text.format(content)

    if text:
        send_text(update, text, keyboard)
            for ii, opts in enumerate(product(sizes, styles, clasps)):
                backend_value = "&".join([str(opt["value"]) for opt in opts])
                value = "size:{} style:{} {}".format(
                    *[str(opt["value"]) for opt in opts])
                price = float(v["price"]) + sum(
                    [float(opt["price"]) for opt in opts])
                price = "{:.2f}".format(price)
                merged_options.append({"value": quote(value), "price": price})
                merged_options_yml[backend_value] = {
                    "value": value,
                    "price": price

            # hidding the actual mechanics
            button_html = create_button(merged_options,
                                        sandbox=args.production == False)
            button_html = button_html.replace(
                "<table>", "<table style=\"display:none;\">")
            button_html = button_html.replace(
                "method=\"post\">", "method=\"post\" style=\"padding:0px\">")
            buttons[product_num + 1] = button_html
            all_options[product_num + 1] = json.dumps(merged_options_yml)


    if args.paypal:
        with open("_data/paypal_buttons.yml", "w") as f:
            yaml.dump(buttons, f)

        with open('_data/merged_options.yml', 'w') as f:
def __create_dropdown(window, button_event, entries, width, x, y, w, h):
    window: (window) pygame window
    button_event: (pygame event) pygame event that is either MOUSEBUTTONDOWN or MOUSEBUTTON UP
    entries: (list) list of entries for dropdown menu in order from top to bottom
    width: (int) 
    x: (int) pixel x value of button
    y: (int) pixel y value of button
    w: (int) pixel width of button
    h: (int) pixel height of button

    output: results (array) array of same dimensions as entries, with updated values
    summary: handles the dropdown menu functionality. Updates the inputed entries according
    to user input (i.e. mouse being pressed)
    results = []
    selected = False
    prev_true = None

    for i, entry in enumerate(entries):
        if entry[1] == True:
            prev_true = i

    # return true if button is not pressed
    def ret_true():
        return True

    # return false so that start screen exits
    def ret_false():
        return False

    dropdown = entries[0][1]

    # Static button
    if dropdown == False:
        name = entries[0][0]
        result = create_button(window, button_event, lambda: ret_false(), lambda: ret_true(), 
        width/54, name, Colors.BUTTON_HOVER, Colors.BUTTON_DEFAULT, x, y, w, h)

        results[0] = result

    # Dropdown view
    elif dropdown == True:
        name = entries[0][0]
        result = create_button(window, button_event, lambda: ret_true(), lambda: ret_false(), 
        width/54, name, Colors.BUTTON_HOVER, Colors.BUTTON_DEFAULT, x, y, w, h) 

        results[0] = result       

        for i, entry in enumerate(entries[1:]):
            y += h
            name = entry[0]
            result = create_button(window, button_event, lambda: ret_false(), lambda: ret_true(), 
            width/54, name, Colors.BUTTON_HOVER, Colors.BUTTON_DEFAULT, x, y, w, h)

            results[i + 1] = result

            # if something is selected, mark it down
            if result == True:
                selected = True

    # if something has been selected, stop showing menu
    if selected == True:
        name = entries[0][0]
        result = create_button(window, button_event, lambda: ret_false(), lambda: ret_true(), 
        width/54, name, Colors.BUTTON_HOVER, Colors.BUTTON_DEFAULT, x, 0, w, h)

        results[0] = result
    # if nothing has been selected, return to the previous state
    elif prev_true is not None and prev_true != 0:
        results[prev_true] = True

    return results
def start_screen(window, width, button_offset):

    INTRO = True

    MOUSEUP = None

    while INTRO:
        MOUSEUP = None

        for event in pg.event.get():
            # quit if prompted
            if event.type == pg.QUIT:
                INTRO = False

            if event.type == MOUSEBUTTONUP and event.button == 1:

            if event.type == KEYDOWN:
                # exit fullscreen mode
                if event.key == K_ESCAPE:
                    flags = DOUBLEBUF
                    WINDOW = pg.display.set_mode((WIDTH, HEIGHT), flags)

                # enter fullscreen mode
                if event.key == pg.K_f:
                    flags = DOUBLEBUF | FULLSCREEN
                    WINDOW = pg.display.set_mode((WIDTH, HEIGHT), flags)

        # create the main screen and text
        large_text = pg.font.Font(Fonts.HOME, int(width / 7))
        text_surf, text_rect = button.text_objects("Pathfinder", large_text,
        text_rect.center = ((width / 2), (width / 2))
        window.blit(text_surf, text_rect)

        # create the button rectangle
        x = 0
        y = 0
        w = width / 5
        h = width / 14

        x = (width / 2) - (w / 2)
        y = (width / 2) - (h / 2) + button_offset

        # return true if button is not pressed
        def ret_true():
            return True

        # return false so that start screen exits
        def ret_false():
            return False

        INTRO = button.create_button(window, MOUSEUP, lambda: ret_true(),
                                     lambda: ret_false(), width / 24, "START",
                                     Colors.BUTTON_DEFAULT, x, y, w, h)
