 def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
     super(BandwidthMonitor, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
     self.datapaths = {}
     self.dpset = kwargs['dpset']
     self.topo = Topology(cfgfile)
     self.bwstats = BandwidthStats(self.topo)
     self.monitor_thread = hub.spawn(self.monitor)
 def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
     super(BandwidthMonitor, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
     self.datapaths = {}
     self.dpset = kwargs['dpset']
     self.topo = Topology(cfgfile)
     self.bwstats = BandwidthStats(self.topo)
     self.monitor_thread = hub.spawn(self.monitor)
class BandwidthMonitor(app_manager.RyuApp):
    OFP_VERSIONS = [ofproto_v1_3.OFP_VERSION]
    _CONTEXTS = {
        'dpset' : dpset.DPSet,

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(BandwidthMonitor, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.datapaths = {}
        self.dpset = kwargs['dpset']
        self.topo = Topology(cfgfile)
        self.bwstats = BandwidthStats(self.topo)
        self.monitor_thread = hub.spawn(self.monitor)

    @set_ev_cls(ofp_event.EventOFPStateChange, [MAIN_DISPATCHER, DEAD_DISPATCHER])
    def stateChangeHandler(self, ev):
        datapath = ev.datapath
        if datapath.id:
            if ev.state == MAIN_DISPATCHER:
                if not datapath.id in self.datapaths:
                    self.logger.debug('register datapath: %016x', datapath.id)
                    self.datapaths[datapath.id] = datapath
            elif ev.state == DEAD_DISPATCHER:
                if datapath.id in self.datapaths:
                    self.logger.debug('unregister datapath: %016x', datapath.id)
                    del self.datapaths[datapath.id]

    def monitor(self):
        while True:
            self.statsReplied = 0
            for dp in self.datapaths.values():

    def requestStats(self, datapath):
        ofproto = datapath.ofproto
        parser = datapath.ofproto_parser
        req = parser.OFPPortStatsRequest(datapath, 0, ofproto.OFPP_ANY)

    @set_ev_cls(ofp_event.EventOFPPortStatsReply, MAIN_DISPATCHER)
    def statsReplyHandler(self, ev):
        # Here, a datapath (ie, switch) responds to the stats request.
        body = ev.msg.body
        datapath = ev.msg.datapath
        dpid = datapath.id

        # name of switch reporting data
        name = self.topo.dpidToName(dpid)

        totalDropped = 0
        for stat in body:
            totalDropped += stat.tx_dropped
            totalDropped += stat.rx_dropped
        self.bwstats.addDroppedPktStat(name, totalDropped)

        # ASSIGNMENT 2:
        # If the switch reporting the statistic is an edge switch, and the
        # port connects to a host, log the statistic to bwstats, using
        # self.bwstats.addHostBwStat(hostname, transmitted bytes, received bytes)
        # (Hint: you can look up the switch or host connected to a port using
        #  self.topo.ports[switch name][port number])

        # [ ADD YOUR CODE HERE ]

        # Get the list of ports
        portsList = self.topo.ports[name].keys()

        # Parse all the stats.
        # This stats were created for a specific port, lets find the port.
        for stat in body:

            # We only care for the stats that are related to real ports,
            # If this is a virtual ports which have a number greater than
            # the size of the portList list, do NOTHING
            # But for real ports, find out which host the port is connected to.

            if stat.port_no < len(portsList):
                # If we are here we know this is a real port.
                # Get the host the port is connected to. If the port is conneted to a host which name
                # contains an h then it is a real host, not a switch, and the switch is an edge switch
                hostconnected = self.topo.ports[name][stat.port_no]
                if "h" in hostconnected:
                    # If we are here, we now know that this port is connected to the host we want to get the stats for
                    # Log the stats for this port
                    # addHostBwStat takes care of reversing tx/rx
        # periodically print tenant bandwidth usage
        self.statsReplied += 1
        if self.statsReplied == len(self.datapaths):
class BandwidthMonitor(app_manager.RyuApp):
    OFP_VERSIONS = [ofproto_v1_3.OFP_VERSION]
    _CONTEXTS = {
        'dpset' : dpset.DPSet,

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(BandwidthMonitor, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.datapaths = {}
        self.dpset = kwargs['dpset']
        self.topo = Topology(cfgfile)
        self.bwstats = BandwidthStats(self.topo)
        self.monitor_thread = hub.spawn(self.monitor)

    @set_ev_cls(ofp_event.EventOFPStateChange, [MAIN_DISPATCHER, DEAD_DISPATCHER])
    def stateChangeHandler(self, ev):
        datapath = ev.datapath
        if datapath.id:
            if ev.state == MAIN_DISPATCHER:
                if not datapath.id in self.datapaths:
                    self.logger.debug('register datapath: %016x', datapath.id)
                    self.datapaths[datapath.id] = datapath
            elif ev.state == DEAD_DISPATCHER:
                if datapath.id in self.datapaths:
                    self.logger.debug('unregister datapath: %016x', datapath.id)
                    del self.datapaths[datapath.id]

    def monitor(self):
        while True:
            self.statsReplied = 0
            for dp in self.datapaths.values():

    def requestStats(self, datapath):
        ofproto = datapath.ofproto
        parser = datapath.ofproto_parser
        req = parser.OFPPortStatsRequest(datapath, 0, ofproto.OFPP_ANY)

    @set_ev_cls(ofp_event.EventOFPPortStatsReply, MAIN_DISPATCHER)
    def statsReplyHandler(self, ev):
        # Here, a datapath (ie, switch) responds to the stats request.
        body = ev.msg.body
        datapath = ev.msg.datapath
        dpid = datapath.id

        # name of switch reporting data
        name = self.topo.dpidToName(dpid)

        totalDropped = 0
        for stat in body:
            totalDropped += stat.tx_dropped
            totalDropped += stat.rx_dropped
        self.bwstats.addDroppedPktStat(name, totalDropped)

        # ASSIGNMENT 2:
        # If the switch reporting the statistic is an edge switch, and the
        # port connects to a host, log the statistic to bwstats, using
        # self.bwstats.addHostBwStat(hostname, transmitted bytes, received bytes)
        # (Hint: you can look up the switch or host connected to a port using
        #  self.topo.ports[switch name][port number])

        # [ ADD YOUR CODE HERE ]
##        siwtchList = [s101,s102,103]
##        hostPorts = [3,4]
##        print name
##        print self.topo.ports[name].keys()
##        if stat.port_no in self.topo.ports[name].keys():
        #print "all names:", name
##        print stat.port_no
##        print self.topo.ports[name].keys()
##        device = self.topo.ports[name][stat.port_no]
##        print device
##        if stat.port_no in self.topo.ports[name].keys():
##            device = self.topo.ports[name]
##            print device
##            if device in self.topo.hosts:
##                print "device is a host"
##            else:
##                print "Device is not a host"
##        if name in self.topo.edgeSwitches:
##            print "name:", name
##            print "stat.port_no:", stat.port_no
##            print self.topo.ports[name].keys()
##            if name in self.topo.hosts.keys():
##            print name
##            print self.topo.ports[name].keys()
##            if stat.port_no not in self.topo.ports[name].keys():
##                print stat.port_no
        totalTX = 0
        totalRX = 0
        for stat in body:
            if stat.port_no in self.topo.ports[name].keys():
                #print "port:", stat.port_no
                #print name
                device = self.topo.ports[name][stat.port_no]
                #print device
                if device in self.topo.hosts.keys():
                    print "device:", device
                    print "port:", stat.port_no
##                    totalTX += stat.tx_bytes
##                    totalRX += stat.rx_bytes
                    self.bwstats.addHostBwStat(device, stat.tx_bytes, stat.rx_bytes)
####                print self.topo.hosts.keys()
##                if device in self.topo.hosts.keys():
##                    print "device is host:", device
##                else:
##                    print "device is not a host:", device
##                    get device
##                    check if device is a host:
##                         add to stat
##            if stat.port_no in self.topo.ports[name].keys():
##                self.logger.info('if stat.port_no in self.topo.ports[name].keys()')
##                hostname = self.topo.ports[name][stat.port_no]
##                self.logger.info('hostname = self.topo.ports[name][stat.port_no]')
##                if hostname in self.topo.hosts:
##                    for txrx in body:
##                        tx += txrx.tx_bytes
##                        rx += txrx.rx_bytes
##                    self.logger.info('for txrx in body')    
##                self.bwstats.addHostBwStat(hostname, tx, rx)
##                self.logger.info('HELLOOO!!!')
##        if name in switchList
##            if self.topo.ports[name][
##        raw_input()

        # periodically print tenant bandwidth usage
        self.statsReplied += 1
        if self.statsReplied == len(self.datapaths):
class BandwidthMonitor(app_manager.RyuApp):
    OFP_VERSIONS = [ofproto_v1_3.OFP_VERSION]
    _CONTEXTS = {
        'dpset' : dpset.DPSet,

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(BandwidthMonitor, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.datapaths = {}
        self.dpset = kwargs['dpset']
        self.topo = Topology(cfgfile)
        self.bwstats = BandwidthStats(self.topo)
        self.monitor_thread = hub.spawn(self.monitor)

    @set_ev_cls(ofp_event.EventOFPStateChange, [MAIN_DISPATCHER, DEAD_DISPATCHER])
    def stateChangeHandler(self, ev):
        datapath = ev.datapath
        if datapath.id:
            if ev.state == MAIN_DISPATCHER:
                if not datapath.id in self.datapaths:
                    self.logger.debug('register datapath: %016x', datapath.id)
                    self.datapaths[datapath.id] = datapath
            elif ev.state == DEAD_DISPATCHER:
                if datapath.id in self.datapaths:
                    self.logger.debug('unregister datapath: %016x', datapath.id)
                    del self.datapaths[datapath.id]

    def monitor(self):
        while True:
            self.statsReplied = 0
            for dp in self.datapaths.values():

    def requestStats(self, datapath):
        ofproto = datapath.ofproto
        parser = datapath.ofproto_parser
        req = parser.OFPPortStatsRequest(datapath, 0, ofproto.OFPP_ANY)

    @set_ev_cls(ofp_event.EventOFPPortStatsReply, MAIN_DISPATCHER)
    def statsReplyHandler(self, ev):
        # Here, a datapath (ie, switch) responds to the stats request.
        body = ev.msg.body
        datapath = ev.msg.datapath
        dpid = datapath.id

        # name of switch reporting data
        name = self.topo.dpidToName(dpid)

        totalDropped = 0
        for stat in body:
            totalDropped += stat.tx_dropped
            totalDropped += stat.rx_dropped
        self.bwstats.addDroppedPktStat(name, totalDropped)

        # ASSIGNMENT 2:
        # If the switch reporting the statistic is an edge switch, and the
        # port connects to a host, log the statistic to bwstats, using
        # self.bwstats.addHostBwStat(hostname, transmitted bytes, received bytes)
        # (Hint: you can look up the switch or host connected to a port using
        #  self.topo.ports[switch name][port number])

	for stat in body:
		if stat.port_no in self.topo.ports[name].keys():	
			device = self.topo.ports[name][stat.port_no]
			if device in self.topo.hosts:
				hostname = self.topo.ports[name][stat.port_no]
				print hostname
				print stat.tx_bytes
				print stat.rx_bytes
        # periodically print tenant bandwidth usage
        self.statsReplied += 1
        if self.statsReplied == len(self.datapaths):
class BandwidthMonitor(app_manager.RyuApp):
    OFP_VERSIONS = [ofproto_v1_3.OFP_VERSION]
    _CONTEXTS = {
        'dpset': dpset.DPSet,

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(BandwidthMonitor, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.datapaths = {}
        self.dpset = kwargs['dpset']
        self.topo = Topology(cfgfile)
        self.bwstats = BandwidthStats(self.topo)
        self.monitor_thread = hub.spawn(self.monitor)

    def stateChangeHandler(self, ev):
        datapath = ev.datapath
        if datapath.id:
            if ev.state == MAIN_DISPATCHER:
                if not datapath.id in self.datapaths:
                    self.logger.debug('register datapath: %016x', datapath.id)
                    self.datapaths[datapath.id] = datapath
            elif ev.state == DEAD_DISPATCHER:
                if datapath.id in self.datapaths:
                    self.logger.debug('unregister datapath: %016x',
                    del self.datapaths[datapath.id]

    def monitor(self):
        while True:
            self.statsReplied = 0
            for dp in self.datapaths.values():

    def requestStats(self, datapath):
        ofproto = datapath.ofproto
        parser = datapath.ofproto_parser
        req = parser.OFPPortStatsRequest(datapath, 0, ofproto.OFPP_ANY)

    @set_ev_cls(ofp_event.EventOFPPortStatsReply, MAIN_DISPATCHER)
    def statsReplyHandler(self, ev):
        # Here, a datapath (ie, switch) responds to the stats request.
        body = ev.msg.body
        datapath = ev.msg.datapath
        dpid = datapath.id

        # name of switch reporting data
        name = self.topo.dpidToName(dpid)

        totalDropped = 0
        for stat in body:
            totalDropped += stat.tx_dropped
            totalDropped += stat.rx_dropped
        self.bwstats.addDroppedPktStat(name, totalDropped)

        # ASSIGNMENT 2:
        # If the switch reporting the statistic is an edge switch, and the
        # port connects to a host, log the statistic to bwstats, using
        # self.bwstats.addHostBwStat(hostname, transmitted bytes, received bytes)
        # (Hint: you can look up the switch or host connected to a port using
        #  self.topo.ports[switch name][port number])

        # [ ADD YOUR CODE HERE ]
        if self.topo.edgeSwitches.get(name, None):
            for stat in body:
                if stat.port_no in self.topo.ports[name].keys():
                    host = self.topo.ports[name][stat.port_no]
                    if self.topo.hosts.get(host, None):

        # periodically print tenant bandwidth usage
        self.statsReplied += 1
        if self.statsReplied == len(self.datapaths):
class BandwidthMonitor(app_manager.RyuApp):
    OFP_VERSIONS = [ofproto_v1_3.OFP_VERSION]
    _CONTEXTS = {"dpset": dpset.DPSet}

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(BandwidthMonitor, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.datapaths = {}
        self.dpset = kwargs["dpset"]
        self.topo = Topology(cfgfile)
        self.bwstats = BandwidthStats(self.topo)
        self.monitor_thread = hub.spawn(self.monitor)

    @set_ev_cls(ofp_event.EventOFPStateChange, [MAIN_DISPATCHER, DEAD_DISPATCHER])
    def stateChangeHandler(self, ev):
        datapath = ev.datapath
        if datapath.id:
            if ev.state == MAIN_DISPATCHER:
                if not datapath.id in self.datapaths:
                    self.logger.debug("register datapath: %016x", datapath.id)
                    self.datapaths[datapath.id] = datapath
            elif ev.state == DEAD_DISPATCHER:
                if datapath.id in self.datapaths:
                    self.logger.debug("unregister datapath: %016x", datapath.id)
                    del self.datapaths[datapath.id]

    def monitor(self):
        while True:
            self.statsReplied = 0
            for dp in self.datapaths.values():

    def requestStats(self, datapath):
        ofproto = datapath.ofproto
        parser = datapath.ofproto_parser
        req = parser.OFPPortStatsRequest(datapath, 0, ofproto.OFPP_ANY)

    @set_ev_cls(ofp_event.EventOFPPortStatsReply, MAIN_DISPATCHER)
    def statsReplyHandler(self, ev):
        # Here, a datapath (ie, switch) responds to the stats request.
        body = ev.msg.body
        datapath = ev.msg.datapath
        dpid = datapath.id

        # name of switch reporting data
        name = self.topo.dpidToName(dpid)

        totalDropped = 0
        for stat in body:
            totalDropped += stat.tx_dropped
            totalDropped += stat.rx_dropped
        self.bwstats.addDroppedPktStat(name, totalDropped)

        # ASSIGNMENT 2:
        # If the switch reporting the statistic is an edge switch, and the
        # port connects to a host, log the statistic to bwstats, using
        # self.bwstats.addHostBwStat(hostname, transmitted bytes, received bytes)
        # (Hint: you can look up the switch or host connected to a port using
        #  self.topo.ports[switch name][port number])

        # [ ADD YOUR CODE HERE ]
        # prntStr = "statsReplyHandler: name:" + name
        if name in self.topo.edgeSwitches.keys():
            # print prntStr + "; type(body): %s; len(body): %d" % (type(body), len(body))
            ix = 0
            for stat in body:
                # print prntStr + "; body[%d]: port_no: %d; rx_bytes %d; tx_bytes %d" % \
                #    (ix, stat.port_no, stat.rx_bytes, stat.tx_bytes)
                if stat.port_no in self.topo.ports[name].keys():
                    if self.topo.ports[name][stat.port_no] in self.topo.hosts.keys():
                        # print prntStr + "; body[%d]: self.topo.ports[%s][%d]: %s" % \
                        #      (ix, name, stat.port_no, self.topo.ports[name][stat.port_no])
                        self.bwstats.addHostBwStat(self.topo.ports[name][stat.port_no], stat.tx_bytes, stat.rx_bytes)

                ix += 1

            # print prntStr + " self.topo.edgeSwitches[name].neighbors.len(): %d" % \
            #    (len(self.topo.edgeSwitches[name].neighbors))
            # print prntStr + " self.topo.edgeSwitches[name].neighbors:" + \
            #    ', '.join(self.topo.edgeSwitches[name].neighbors)
            # for host in self.topo.edgeSwitches[name].neighbors:
            # print prntStr + " self.topo.edgeSwitches[name].neighbors[ix]: %s" % (host)
            # self.bwstats.addHostBwStat(host, )
        # else:
        #    print prntStr + " self.topo.edgeSwitches[name]:" + "None"
        # [ END MY CODE ]

        # periodically print tenant bandwidth usage
        self.statsReplied += 1
        if self.statsReplied == len(self.datapaths):