def do_sign_app(appdir): appdir = os.path.abspath(appdir) with current_dir(os.path.join(appdir, 'Contents')): sign_MacOS() # Sign the sub application bundles sub_apps = list(find_sub_apps()) sub_apps.append( 'Frameworks/QtWebEngineCore.framework/Versions/Current/Helpers/' ) for sa in sub_apps: sign_MacOS(os.path.join(sa, 'Contents')) codesign(sub_apps) # Sign everything in PlugIns with current_dir('PlugIns'): items = set(os.listdir('.')) codesign(expand_dirs(items)) # Sign everything in Frameworks with current_dir('Frameworks'): fw = set(glob('*.framework')) codesign(fw) items = set(os.listdir('.')) - fw codesign(expand_dirs(items)) # Now sign the main app codesign(appdir) # Verify the signature subprocess.check_call(['codesign', '--deep', '--verify', '-v', appdir]) subprocess.check_call('spctl --verbose=4 --assess --type execute'.split() + [appdir]) return 0
def do_sign_app(appdir): appdir = os.path.abspath(appdir) with current_dir(os.path.join(appdir, 'Contents')): sign_MacOS() # Sign the sub application bundles sub_apps = list(find_sub_apps()) sub_apps.append('Frameworks/QtWebEngineCore.framework/Versions/Current/Helpers/') for sa in sub_apps: sign_MacOS(os.path.join(sa, 'Contents')) codesign(sub_apps) # Sign all .so files so_files = {x for x in files_in('.') if x.endswith('.so')} codesign(so_files) # Sign everything in PlugIns with current_dir('PlugIns'): items = set(os.listdir('.')) codesign(expand_dirs(items)) # Sign everything else in Frameworks with current_dir('Frameworks'): fw = set(glob('*.framework')) codesign(fw) items = set(os.listdir('.')) - fw codesign(expand_dirs(items)) # Now sign the main app codesign(appdir) verify_signature(appdir) return 0
def do_sign(app_dir): with current_dir(os.path.join(app_dir, 'Contents')): # Sign all .so files so_files = {x for x in files_in('.') if x.endswith('.so')} codesign(so_files) # Sign everything else in Frameworks with current_dir('Frameworks'): fw = set(glob.glob('*.framework')) codesign(fw) items = set(os.listdir('.')) - fw codesign(expand_dirs(items)) # Now sign the main app codesign(app_dir) verify_signature(app_dir)
def main(args): if iswindows: with current_dir('msvc'): msbuild('Hunspell.sln', configuration='Release_dll') dll = lib = False for f in walk('.'): if os.path.basename(f) == 'libhunspell.dll': install_binaries(f, 'bin') dll = True elif os.path.basename(f) == 'libhunspell.lib': install_binaries(f, 'lib') lib = True if not dll or not lib: raise Exception('Failed to find the hunspell dlls') # from bypy.utils import run_shell # run_shell() copy_headers('src/hunspell/*.hxx', destdir='include/hunspell') copy_headers('src/hunspell/*.h', destdir='include/hunspell') copy_headers('msvc/*.h', destdir='include/hunspell') else: env = {} if ismacos: env['PATH'] = BIN + os.pathsep + os.environ['PATH'] env['LIBTOOLIZE'] = 'glibtoolize' env['LIBTOOL'] = 'glibtool' with ModifiedEnv(**env): run('autoreconf -fiv') conf = '--disable-dependency-tracking' env = {} if ismacos: conf += ' --host x86_64-apple-darwin' simple_build(conf)
def sign_MacOS(contents_dir='.'): # Sign everything in MacOS except the main executable # which will be signed automatically by codesign when # signing the app bundles with current_dir(os.path.join(contents_dir, 'MacOS')): exe = get_executable('../Info.plist') items = {x for x in os.listdir('.') if x != exe and not os.path.islink(x)} if items: codesign(items)
def sign_app(appdir): appdir = os.path.abspath(appdir) subprocess.check_call([ 'security', 'unlock-keychain', '-p', 'keychains are stupid', CODESIGN_KEYCHAIN ]) with current_dir(os.path.join(appdir, 'Contents')): executables = {get_executable('Info.plist')} # Sign the sub application bundles sub_apps = glob('*.app') for sa in sub_apps: exe = get_executable(sa + '/Contents/Info.plist') if exe in executables: raise ValueError( 'Multiple app bundles share the same executable: %s' % exe) executables.add(exe) codesign(sub_apps) # Sign everything in MacOS except the main executables of the various # app bundles which will be signed automatically by codesign when # signing the app bundles with current_dir('MacOS'): items = set(os.listdir('.')) - executables codesign(expand_dirs(items)) # Sign everything in Frameworks with current_dir('Frameworks'): fw = set(glob('*.framework')) codesign(fw) items = set(os.listdir('.')) - fw codesign(expand_dirs(items)) # Now sign the main app codesign(appdir) # Verify the signature subprocess.check_call(['codesign', '--deep', '--verify', '-v', appdir]) subprocess.check_call('spctl --verbose=4 --assess --type execute'.split() + [appdir]) return 0
def add_python_framework(self): print('\nAdding Python framework') src = join(PREFIX + '/python', 'Python.framework') x = join(self.frameworks_dir, 'Python.framework') curr = os.path.realpath(join(src, 'Versions', 'Current')) currd = join(x, 'Versions', basename(curr)) rd = join(currd, 'Resources') os.makedirs(rd) shutil.copy2(join(curr, 'Resources', 'Info.plist'), rd) shutil.copy2(join(curr, 'Python'), currd) self.set_id(join(currd, 'Python'), self.FID + '/Python.framework/Versions/%s/Python' % basename(curr)) # The following is needed for codesign in OS X >= 10.9.5 with current_dir(x): os.symlink(basename(curr), 'Versions/Current') for y in ('Python', 'Resources'): os.symlink('Versions/Current/%s' % y, y)
def add_qt_framework(self, f): libname = f f = f + '.framework' src = join(PREFIX, 'qt', 'lib', f) ignore = shutil.ignore_patterns('Headers', '*.h', 'Headers/*') dest = join(self.frameworks_dir, f) shutil.copytree(src, dest, symlinks=True, ignore=ignore) lib = os.path.realpath(join(dest, libname)) rpath = os.path.relpath(lib, self.frameworks_dir) self.set_id(lib, self.FID + '/' + rpath) self.fix_dependencies_in_lib(lib) # The following is needed for codesign in OS X >= 10.9.5 # The presence of the .prl file in the root of the framework causes # codesign to fail. with current_dir(dest): for x in os.listdir('.'): if x != 'Versions' and not os.path.islink(x): os.remove(x)
def run_shell(self): with current_dir(self.contents_dir): run_shell()