    def upload_file(self, filename, contents=None):
        Upload single artifact

        :type filename: str
        :type contents: str
        :raise TaurusNetworkError:
        body = MultiPartForm(
        )  # TODO: can we migrate off it, and use something native to requests lib?
        # maybe http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12385179/how-to-send-a-multipart-form-data-with-requests-in-python

        if contents is None:
            body.add_file('file', filename)
            body.add_file_as_string('file', filename, contents)

        url = self.data_address + "/api/v4/image/%s/files?signature=%s"
        url %= self['id'], self.data_signature
        master_id = self.get('masterId')
        if master_id:
            url += '&masterId={}'.format(master_id)
        hdr = {"Content-Type": str(body.get_content_type())}
        response = self._request(url, body.form_as_bytes(), headers=hdr)
        if not response['result']:
            raise TaurusNetworkError("Upload failed: %s" % response)
文件: bza.py 项目: andy7i/taurus
    def upload_file(self, filename, contents=None):
        Upload single artifact

        :type filename: str
        :type contents: str
        :raise TaurusNetworkError:
        body = MultiPartForm()  # TODO: can we migrate off it, and use something native to requests lib?
        # maybe http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12385179/how-to-send-a-multipart-form-data-with-requests-in-python

        if contents is None:
            body.add_file('file', filename)
            body.add_file_as_string('file', filename, contents)

        url = self.data_address + "/api/v4/image/%s/files?signature=%s"
        url %= self['id'], self.data_signature
        master_id = self.get('masterId')
        if master_id:
            url += '&masterId={}'.format(master_id)
        hdr = {"Content-Type": str(body.get_content_type())}
        response = self._request(url, body.form_as_bytes(), headers=hdr)
        if not response['result']:
            raise TaurusNetworkError("Upload failed: %s" % response)
    def upload_files(self, taurus_config, resource_files):
        self.log.debug("Uploading files into the test: %s", resource_files)
        url = '%s/api/v4/tests/%s/files' % (self.address, self['id'])

        body = MultiPartForm()
        body.add_file_as_string('script', 'taurus.yml', taurus_config)

        for rfile in resource_files:
            body.add_file('files[]', rfile)

        hdr = {"Content-Type": str(body.get_content_type())}
        self._request(url, body.form_as_bytes(), headers=hdr)
文件: bza.py 项目: andy7i/taurus
    def upload_files(self, taurus_config, resource_files):
        self.log.debug("Uploading files into the test: %s", resource_files)
        url = '%s/api/v4/tests/%s/files' % (self.address, self['id'])

        body = MultiPartForm()
        body.add_file_as_string('script', 'taurus.yml', taurus_config)

        for rfile in resource_files:
            body.add_file('files[]', rfile)

        hdr = {"Content-Type": str(body.get_content_type())}
        self._request(url, body.form_as_bytes(), headers=hdr)
    def _upload_collection_resources(self, resource_files, draft_id):
        self.log.debug('Uploading resource files: %s', resource_files)
        url = self.address + "/api/v4/web/elfinder/%s" % draft_id
        body = MultiPartForm()
        body.add_field("cmd", "upload")
        body.add_field("target", "s1_Lw")
        body.add_field('folder', 'drafts')

        for rfile in resource_files:
            body.add_file('upload[]', rfile)

        hdr = {"Content-Type": str(body.get_content_type())}
        self._request(url, body.form_as_bytes(), headers=hdr)
文件: bza.py 项目: andy7i/taurus
    def _upload_collection_resources(self, resource_files, draft_id):
        self.log.debug('Uploading resource files: %s', resource_files)
        url = self.address + "/api/v4/web/elfinder/%s" % draft_id
        body = MultiPartForm()
        body.add_field("cmd", "upload")
        body.add_field("target", "s1_Lw")
        body.add_field('folder', 'drafts')

        for rfile in resource_files:
            body.add_file('upload[]', rfile)

        hdr = {"Content-Type": str(body.get_content_type())}
        self._request(url, body.form_as_bytes(), headers=hdr)
    def test_by_name(self, name, configuration, taurus_config, resource_files,

        :type name: str
        :rtype: str
        tests = self.get_tests()
        test_id = None
        for test in tests:
            self.log.debug("Test: %s", test)
            if "name" in test and test['name'] == name:
                if test['configuration']['type'] == configuration['type']:
                    if not proj_id or proj_id == test['projectId']:
                        test_id = test['id']
                        self.log.debug("Matched: %s", test)

        if not test_id:
            self.log.debug("Creating new test")
            url = self.address + '/api/latest/tests'
            data = {
                "name": name,
                "projectId": proj_id,
                "configuration": configuration
            hdr = {"Content-Type": " application/json"}
            resp = self._request(url, json.dumps(data), headers=hdr)
            test_id = resp['result']['id']

        if configuration[
                'type'] == 'taurus':  # FIXME: this is weird way to code, subclass it or something
            self.log.debug("Uploading files into the test: %s", resource_files)
            url = '%s/api/latest/tests/%s/files' % (self.address, test_id)

            body = MultiPartForm()

                'script', 'taurus.yml',

            for rfile in resource_files:
                body.add_file('files[]', rfile)

            hdr = {"Content-Type": body.get_content_type()}
            _ = self._request(url, body.form_as_bytes(), headers=hdr)

        self.log.debug("Using test ID: %s", test_id)
        return test_id
    def test_by_name(self, name, configuration, taurus_config, resource_files, proj_id):

        :type name: str
        :rtype: str
        tests = self.get_tests()
        test_id = None
        for test in tests:
            self.log.debug("Test: %s", test)
            if "name" in test and test['name'] == name:
                if test['configuration']['type'] == configuration['type']:
                    if not proj_id or proj_id == test['projectId']:
                        test_id = test['id']
                        self.log.debug("Matched: %s", test)

        if not test_id:
            self.log.debug("Creating new test")
            url = self.address + '/api/latest/tests'
            data = {"name": name, "projectId": proj_id, "configuration": configuration}
            hdr = {"Content-Type": " application/json"}
            resp = self._request(url, json.dumps(data), headers=hdr)
            test_id = resp['result']['id']

        if configuration['type'] == 'taurus':  # FIXME: this is weird way to code, subclass it or something
            self.log.debug("Uploading files into the test: %s", resource_files)
            url = '%s/api/latest/tests/%s/files' % (self.address, test_id)

            body = MultiPartForm()

            body.add_file_as_string('script', 'taurus.yml', yaml.dump(taurus_config, default_flow_style=False,
                                                                      explicit_start=True, canonical=False))

            for rfile in resource_files:
                body.add_file('files[]', rfile)

            hdr = {"Content-Type": body.get_content_type()}
            _ = self._request(url, body.form_as_bytes(), headers=hdr)

        self.log.debug("Using test ID: %s", test_id)
        return test_id
    def upload_file(self, filename, contents=None):
        Upload single artifact

        :type filename: str
        :type contents: str
        :raise IOError:
        body = MultiPartForm()

        if contents is None:
            body.add_file('file', filename)
            body.add_file_as_string('file', filename, contents)

        url = self.address + "/api/latest/image/%s/files?signature=%s"
        url = url % (self.active_session_id, self.data_signature)
        hdr = {"Content-Type": body.get_content_type()}
        response = self._request(url, body.form_as_bytes(), headers=hdr)
        if not response['result']:
            raise IOError("Upload failed: %s" % response)
    def upload_file(self, filename, contents=None):
        Upload single artifact

        :type filename: str
        :type contents: str
        :raise IOError:
        body = MultiPartForm()

        if contents is None:
            body.add_file('file', filename)
            body.add_file_as_string('file', filename, contents)

        url = self.address + "/api/latest/image/%s/files?signature=%s"
        url = url % (self.active_session_id, self.data_signature)
        hdr = {"Content-Type": body.get_content_type()}
        response = self._request(url, body.form_as_bytes(), headers=hdr)
        if not response['result']:
            raise IOError("Upload failed: %s" % response)
    def test_by_name(self, name, configuration, taurus_config, resource_files):

        :type name: str
        :rtype: str
        tests = self.get_tests()
        test_id = None
        for test in tests:
            self.log.debug("Test: %s", test)
            if "name" in test and test["name"] == name and test["configuration"]["type"] == configuration["type"]:
                test_id = test["id"]

        if not test_id:
            self.log.debug("Creating new test")
            url = self.address + "/api/latest/tests"
            data = {"name": name, "configuration": configuration}
            hdr = {"Content-Type": " application/json"}
            resp = self._request(url, json.dumps(data), headers=hdr)
            test_id = resp["result"]["id"]

        if configuration["type"] == "taurus":  # FIXME: this is weird way to code
            self.log.debug("Uploading files into the test")
            url = "%s/api/latest/tests/%s/files" % (self.address, test_id)

            body = MultiPartForm()

            body.add_file_as_string("script", "taurus.json", to_json(taurus_config))

            for rfile in resource_files:
                body.add_file("files[]", rfile)

            hdr = {"Content-Type": body.get_content_type()}
            response = self._request(url, body.form_as_bytes(), headers=hdr)

        self.log.debug("Using test ID: %s", test_id)
        return test_id