class Room:

    # name of room, used for feed topic
    name = ""

    # swarm hsh of serialized representation of room
    hsh_room = ""

    # swarm hash of previous update
    hsh_out = ""

    # time of last send
    lasttime = 0

    # Agent object, http transport
    agent = None

    # bzz object
    bzz = None

    # room parameters feed
    feed_room = None

    # Output feed
    feed_out = None

    # Object representation of participants, Participant type
    participants = None  # Participant type

    # Input feed aggregator
    feedcollection_in = None

    #def __init__(self, bzz, feed):
    def __init__(self, bzz, name, acc):
        roomname = clean_name(name)
        self.name = copy.copy(roomname)
        for i in range(32 - len(roomname)):
            roomname += "\x00"
        roomnamelist = list(roomname)
        roomnamelist[31] = "\x02"
        roomname = "".join(roomnamelist)
        self.feed_room = Feed(bzz.agent, acc, roomname, False)
        self.agent = bzz.agent
        self.bzz = bzz
        self.participants = {}
        self.feedcollection_in = FeedCollection()
        self.hsh_out = zerohsh.decode("hex")

    # sets the name and the room parameter feed
    # used to instantiate a new room
    # \todo valid src parameter
    def start(self, nick):
        pubkey = "\x04" + self.feed_room.account.publickeybytes
            Participant(clean_nick(nick), pubkey.encode("hex"),
        self.feed_out = Feed(self.agent, self.feed_room.account, self.name,
        self.hsh_room = self.save()

        # create initial update so the feed lookup will succeed before first send
        update = zerohsh
        update += struct.pack(">I", now_int())
        update += self.hsh_room
        update += "\x00\x00\x00"
        hsh = self.bzz.add(update)

    def can_write(self):
        return self.feed_room.account.is_owner()

    def get_state_hash(self):
        return self.feed_room.head()

    # loads a room from an existing saved record
    # used to reinstantiate an existing room
    # hsh is binary hash
    # \todo avoid double encoding of account address
    # \todo get output update head hash at time of load
    def load(self, hsh, owneraccount=None):
        savedJson = self.bzz.get(hsh.encode("hex"))
        print "savedj " + repr(savedJson)
        self.hsh_room = hsh
        r = json.loads(savedJson)
        self.name = clean_name(r['name'])
        for pubkeyhx in r['participants']:
            acc = Account()
            nick = acc.address.encode("hex")
            p = Participant(nick, "04" + acc.publickeybytes.encode("hex"),
                            acc.address.encode("hex"), "")
            self.add(nick, p)

        # outgoing feed user is room publisher
        if owneraccount == None:
            owneraccount = self.feed_room.account

        self.feed_out = Feed(self.agent, owneraccount, self.name, True)
        hd = self.feed_out.head()
        if len(hd) == 64:
            self.hsh_out = hd.decode("hex")

    # adds a new participant to the room
    # \todo do we really need nick in addition to participant.nick here
    # \todo add save updated participant list to swarm
    def add(self, nick, participant):

        # account reflects the peer's address / key
        acc = Account()
        # \todo fix this 04 prefix ambiguity bullshit

        # incoming feed user is peer
        participantfeed_in = Feed(self.agent, acc, self.name, False)
        self.feedcollection_in.add(participant.nick, participantfeed_in)
        self.participants[nick] = participant
        self.hsh_room = self.save()

    # create new update on outfeed
    # an update has the following format, where p is number of participants:
    # 0 - 31		swarm hash pointing to previous update
    # 32 - 35		4 bytes time of update
    # 36 			one byte serial
    # 37 - 68		swarm hash pointing to participant list at time of the update
    # 69 - (69+(p*3))	3 bytes data offset per participant
    # (68+(p*3)) - 		tightly packed update data per participant, in order of offsets
    # if filters are used, zero-length update entries will be made for the participants filtered out
    def send(self, msg, fltrdefaultallow=True, fltr=[]):
        if not is_message(msg):
            raise ValueError("invalid message")

        # record update time
        now = now_int()

        # update will hold the actual update data
        update_header = self.hsh_out
        update_header += struct.pack(">I", now)
        # \todo implement serial
        update_header += "\x00"
        update_header += self.hsh_room

        update_body = ""
        crsr = 0

        for k, v in self.participants.iteritems():
            ciphermsg = ""
            filtered = False
            if k in fltr and fltrdefaultallow:
                filtered = True
            elif not fltrdefaultallow and not k in fltr:
                filtered = True
            if filtered:
                sys.stderr.write("Skipping filtered " + k)
                ciphermsg = v.encrypt_to(msg)

            update_header += struct.pack("<I", crsr)[:3]
            update_body += ciphermsg
            crsr += len(ciphermsg)

        #sys.stderr.write("group send header: " + update_header.encode("hex"))
        #sys.stderr.write("group send body: " + update_body.encode("hex"))
        hsh = self.bzz.add(update_header + update_body)
        self.hsh_out = hsh.decode("hex")
        self.lasttime = now
        return hsh

    # returns a tuple with previous update hash (in binary) and last time (8 byte int)
    def extract_meta(self, body):
        # two hashes, 8 byte time, 3 byte offset (and no data)
        if len(body) < 72:
            raise ValueError("invalid update data")

        hsh = body[:32]
        tim = struct.unpack(">I", body[32:36])[0]
        serial = body[36]
        return hsh, tim, serial

    # extracts an update message matching the recipient pubkey
    # \todo do not use string literals of offset calcs
    def extract_message(self, body, contact):
        participantcount = 0
        payloadoffset = -1
        payloadlength = 0
        ciphermsg = ""

        # retrieve update from swarm
        # body = self.bzz.get(hsh.encode("hex"))

        # if recipient list for the update matches the one in memory
        # we use the position of the participant in the list as the body offset index
        matchidx = -1
        idx = 0
        if self.hsh_room == body[37:69]:
            participantcount = len(self.participants)
            for p in self.participants.values():
                if p.key == contact.key:
                    matchidx = idx
                idx += 1
        # if not we need to retrieve the one that was relevant at the time of update
        # and match the index against that
            savedroom = json.loads(self.bzz.get(body[37:69].encode("hex")))
            participantcount = len(savedroom['participants'])
            for p in savedroom['participants']:
                if clean_hex(p) == clean_pubkey(contact.key):
                    matchidx = idx
                idx += 1

        # if no matches then this pubkey is not relevant for the room at that particular update
        if matchidx == -1:
            raise ValueError("pubkey " + contact.pubkey +
                             " not valid for this update")

        # parse the position of the update and extract it
        payloadthreshold = 69 + (participantcount * 3)
        payloadoffsetcrsr = 69 + (3 * matchidx)
        payloadoffsetbytes = body[payloadoffsetcrsr:payloadoffsetcrsr + 3]
        payloadoffset = struct.unpack("<I", payloadoffsetbytes + "\x00")[0]
        if participantcount - 1 == matchidx:
            ciphermsg = body[69 + (participantcount * 3) + payloadoffset:]
            payloadoffsetcrsr += 3
            payloadoffsetbytes = body[payloadoffsetcrsr:payloadoffsetcrsr + 3]
            payloadstop = struct.unpack("<I", payloadoffsetbytes + "\x00")[0]
            ciphermsg = body[payloadthreshold +
                             payloadoffset:payloadthreshold + payloadstop]

        return ciphermsg

    # removes a participant from the room
    # \todo add save updated participant list to swarm
    # \todo pass participant instead?
    def remove(self, nick):
        del self.participants[nick]

    # outputs the serialized format in which the room parameters are stored in swarm
    # \todo proper nested json serialize
    def serialize(self):
        jsonStr = """{
	"name":\"""" + self.name + """\",
	"pubkey":\"0x04""" + self.feed_room.account.publickeybytes.encode(
            "hex") + """\",
        #participantList = ""
        for k, p in self.participants.iteritems():
            jsonStr += "\"" + p.key + "\",\n"
        #	participantList += p.serialize()
        jsonStr = jsonStr[0:len(jsonStr) - 2]
        jsonStr += """
        return jsonStr

    def save(self):
        s = self.serialize()
        self.hsh_room = self.bzz.add(s).decode("hex")
        return self.hsh_room
class Room:

    ## \brief Sets up new feed for room
    # Creates a Feed object from given parameters
    # \param bzz Bzz handler object
    # \param name Name for feed (used as value in high-order bytes of feed topic)
    # \param account Account object containing the key to create the feed with
    def __init__(self, bzz, name, account):
        self.name = clean_name(name)
        topic = new_topic_mask(self.name, "", "\x02")
        self.feed_room = Feed(bzz, account, topic)
        self.bzz = bzz
        self.participants = {}
        self.hsh_room = ""

    ## \brief Activates room
    # Sets up FeedCollection object for the participants' feeds, and publishes participant list (with self as participant)
    # sets the name and the room parameter feed
    # \param nick Name to advertise for self
    # \param srckey Public key to register for the outgoing feed for self
    def start(self, nick, srckey=None):
        senderfeed = Feed(self.bzz, self.feed_room.account,
                          new_topic_mask(self.name, "", "\x06"))
        self.feedcollection = FeedCollection("room:" + self.name, senderfeed)

        participant = Participant(nick, srckey)
        self.add(nick, participant)

    ## Human name of room
    #\return take a wild guess...
    def get_name(self):
        return self.name

    ## Check if write to room is possible
    # \return True; if private key for room is available
    def can_write(self):
        return self.feed_room.account.is_owner()

    ## Swarm hash of current participant list
    ## \return hash, binary format
    def get_state_hash(self):
        return self.feed_room.head()

    ## \brief Get all participants in your participant list for the room
    # \return Array of Participant objects
    def get_participants(self):
        return self.participants.values()

    ## Loads a room from an existing saved record
    # used to reinstantiate an existing room
    # \param hsh Swarm hash of participant list in binary
    # \param owneraccount If Account object with private key write access will be enabled
    # \exception Exception on load fail
    # \todo avoid double encoding of account address
    # \todo get output update head hash at time of load
    # \todo evaluate whether these todos are stale :D
    def load(self, hsh, owneraccount=None):
        savedJson = self.bzz.get(hsh.encode("hex"))
        #sys.stderr.write("savedj " + repr(savedJson) + " from hash " + hsh.encode("hex") + "\n")
        self.hsh_room = hsh
        r = json.loads(savedJson)
        self.name = clean_name(r['name'])

        # outgoing feed user is room publisher
        if owneraccount == None:
            owneraccount = self.feed_room.account
        senderfeed = Feed(self.bzz, owneraccount,
                          new_topic_mask(self.name, "", "\x06"))
        self.feedcollection = FeedCollection("room:" + self.name, senderfeed)

        for pubkeyhx in r['participants']:
            pubkey = clean_pubkey(pubkeyhx).decode("hex")
            nick = publickey_to_address(pubkey)
            p = Participant(nick.encode("hex"), None)
                self.add(nick, p, False)
            except Exception as e:
                sys.stderr.write("skipping already added feed: '" +

    ## Add new participant to room
    # \param nick Name to add participant under
    # \param participant Participant object containing public key of new participant
    # \param save True; save participant list to swarm
    # \exception ValueError if Feed instantiate fails
    # \todo do we really need nick in addition to participant.nick here
    # \todo is nick relevant here? it's not stored in participant list
    # \todo evaluate whether these todos are stale, too
    def add(self, nick, participant, save=True):

        topic = new_topic_mask(self.name, "", "\x06")
        participantfeed = Feed(self.bzz, participant, topic)
        self.feedcollection.add(participant.nick, participantfeed)
        self.participants[nick] = participant
        if save:
            self.hsh_room = self.save()

    ## \brief Create new update in room
    # Adds a new update to the room feed.
    # An update has the following format, where p is number of participants:
    # 0 - 31		swarm hash pointing to participant list at time of the update
    # 32 - (32+(p*3))	3 bytes data offset per participant
    # (32+(p*3)) - 		tightly packed update data per participant, in order of offsets
    # if filters are used, zero-length update entries will be made for the participants filtered out
    # \param msg Raw message data
    # \param filtrdefaultallow True; activate filter
    # \param fltr Participants Array of Participant objects to omit updates to
    # \todo implement content filtering
    # \todo evaluate if fltrdefaultallow is needed (why not just empty array)
    # \todo filtered content should be 0x800000 in content length instead (that would allow for updates up to 8MB, which is plenty more than should be posted
    # \return Swarm chunk hash of update, binary format
    def send(self, msg, fltrdefaultallow=True, fltr=[]):
        if not is_message(msg):
            raise ValueError("invalid message")

        # update will hold the actual update data
        update_header = self.hsh_room

        update_body = ""
        crsr = 0

        for k, v in self.participants.iteritems():
            ciphermsg = ""
            filtered = False
            if k in fltr and fltrdefaultallow:
                filtered = True
            elif not fltrdefaultallow and not k in fltr:
                filtered = True
            if filtered:
                sys.stderr.write("Skipping filtered " + k)
                ciphermsg = v.encrypt_to(msg)

            update_header += struct.pack("<I", crsr)[:3]
            update_body += ciphermsg
            crsr += len(ciphermsg)

        hsh = self.feedcollection.write(update_header + update_body)
        return hsh

    ## Extract metadata from response body
    # \param body Raw response body data to parse
    # \return a tuple with previous update hash (in binary), timestamp (4 byte int) and serial (sub-timestamp sequence)
    # \exception ValueError on invalid update data
    def extract_meta(self, body):
        # two hashes, 8 byte time, 3 byte offset (and no data)
        if len(body) < 72:
            raise ValueError("invalid update data")

        hsh = body[:32]
        tim = struct.unpack(">I", body[32:36])[0]
        serial = body[36]
        return hsh, tim, serial

    ## \brief Extract a participant's message
    # Extracts an update message matching the recipient pubkey
    # \param body Raw response body data to parse
    # \param account Account with participant's key
    # \return Ciphertext of message (plaintext message as long as crypto is not implemented)
    # \exception ValueError if participant doesn't exist in update
    # \todo do not use string literals of offset calcs
    def extract_message(self, body, account):
        participantcount = 0
        payloadoffset = -1
        payloadlength = 0
        ciphermsg = ""

        # if recipient list for the update matches the one in memory
        # we use the position of the participant in the list as the body offset index
        matchidx = -1
        idx = 0
        if self.hsh_room == body[:32]:
            participantcount = len(self.participants)
            for p in self.participants.values():
                if p.get_public_key() == account.get_public_key():
                    matchidx = idx
                idx += 1
        # if not we need to retrieve the one that was relevant at the time of update
        # and match the index against that
            roomhshhx = self.bzz.get(body[:32].encode("hex"))
            savedroom = json.loads(roomhshhx)
            participantcount = len(savedroom['participants'])
            for p in savedroom['participants']:
                if clean_hex(p) == clean_pubkey(
                    matchidx = idx
                idx += 1

        # if no matches then this pubkey is not relevant for the room at that particular update
        if matchidx == -1:
            raise ValueError("pubkey " +
                             account.get_public_key().encode("hex") +
                             " not valid for this update")

        # parse the position of the update and extract it
        payloadthreshold = 32 + (participantcount * 3)
        payloadoffsetcrsr = 32 + (3 * matchidx)
        payloadoffsetbytes = body[payloadoffsetcrsr:payloadoffsetcrsr + 3]
        payloadoffset = struct.unpack("<I", payloadoffsetbytes + "\x00")[0]
        if participantcount - 1 == matchidx:
            ciphermsg = body[32 + (participantcount * 3) + payloadoffset:]
            payloadoffsetcrsr += 3
            payloadoffsetbytes = body[payloadoffsetcrsr:payloadoffsetcrsr + 3]
            payloadstop = struct.unpack("<I", payloadoffsetbytes + "\x00")[0]
            ciphermsg = body[payloadthreshold +
                             payloadoffset:payloadthreshold + payloadstop]

        return ciphermsg

    ## Remove participant from room
    # \param nick Name key of participant to remove
    # \todo pass participant instead
    def remove(self, nick):
        del self.participants[nick]

    ## \brief Create participant list data
    # outputs the serialized format in which the room parameters are stored in swarm
    # \return json string of participant list
    # \todo binary serialization instead of json
    def serialize(self):
        jsonStr = """{
	"name":\"""" + self.name + """\",
	"pubkey":\"0x""" + self.feed_room.account.publickeybytes.encode(
            "hex") + """\",
        #participantList = ""
        for k, p in self.participants.iteritems():
            jsonStr += "\"" + p.get_public_key().encode("hex") + "\",\n"
        #	participantList += p.serialize()
        jsonStr = jsonStr[0:len(jsonStr) - 2]
        jsonStr += """
        return jsonStr

    ## Save current participant list to swarm
    # \return New swarm hash of participant list
    def save(self):
        s = self.serialize()
        self.hsh_room = self.bzz.add(s).decode("hex")
        return self.hsh_room