print 'The critical baryon density of the universe is: ', c2t.rho_crit_0*c2t.OmegaB, ' g/cm^3'

#You can also access the density in simulation units
print 'The raw density at point (0,0,0) is ', dfile.raw_density[0,0,0]

#Read an ionized fractions file and store it as an XfracFile object
xfile = c2t.XfracFile(xfrac_filename)

#The most important property of an XfracFile object is xi, which
#is a numpy array containing the ionized fraction
print 'The ionized fraction in point (10,223,45) is: ', xfile.xi[10,223,45]
print 'The volume-averaged mean ionized fraction is: ', xfile.xi.mean()

#c2raytools has several methods to calculate useful statistics, such as 
#mass-weighted mean ionized fraction
print 'The mass-averaged mean ionized fraction is:', c2t.mass_weighted_mean_xi(xfile.xi, dfile.raw_density)

#Read a velocity data file and store it as a VelocityFile object
vfile = c2t.VelocityFile(velocity_filename)

#Since the velocity data is actually momentum, we need the density to convert it to km/s 
kms = vfile.get_kms_from_density(dfile)
print 'Gas velocity at cell (100,100,100) is ', kms[:,100,100,100], 'km/s'

#Calculate neutral hydrogen number density
n_hi = dfile.cgs_density*xfile.xi/c2t.m_p

#Calculate differential brightness temperature
#The calc_dt method can also take names of files so you don't have to load the
#files yourself in advance.
dT = c2t.calc_dt(xfile, dfile, z=xfile.z)
        density_file = ''.join(glob.glob(density_path+'%.3fn_all.dat'%(z_arr[i-1])))
    print 'Desnity file = %s' % density_file
    dfile = c2t.DensityFile(density_file)

    #Delta = dfile.raw_density/np.mean(dfile.raw_density.astype('float64'))

    xfrac_file = ''.join(glob.glob(xfrac_path+'xfrac3d_%.3f.bin' % (z_arr[i])))
    print 'Ionized fraction file = %s' % xfrac_file
    xfile = c2t.XfracFile(xfrac_file)

    irate_file = ''.join(glob.glob(xfrac_path+'IonRates3_%.3f.bin'%(z_arr[i])))
    print 'Ionization rate file = %s' % irate_file
    ifile = c2t.IonRateFile(irate_file)
    avg_vG = ifile.irate.mean()
    avg_mG = c2t.mass_weighted_mean_xi(ifile.irate,dfile.raw_density)
    avg_xIIG = c2t.mass_weighted_mean_xi(ifile.irate,xfile.xi)
    median_vG = np.median(ifile.irate)

    ilist = np.reshape(ifile.irate,(ifile.mesh_x*ifile.mesh_y*ifile.mesh_z,1))
    Dlist = np.reshape(dfile.raw_density/np.mean(dfile.raw_density.astype('float64')),(ifile.mesh_x*ifile.mesh_y*ifile.mesh_z,1))
    avg_dG = 0.
    count = 0
    for index,Delta in enumerate(Dlist):
        if (Delta < 1. - thresh): continue
        elif (Delta > 1. + thresh): continue
            #print 'index = ',index, 'and Delta = ',Delta
            avg_dG += ilist[index]
            count += 1
#We are using the 114/h Mpc simulation box, so set all the proper conversion factors

#Read a density file and print some statistics
dfile = c2t.DensityFile(density_filename)

print 'The redshift is ', dfile.z
print 'The size of the mesh is (', dfile.mesh_x, dfile.mesh_y, dfile.mesh_z, ')'
print 'The mean baryon density is ', dfile.cgs_density.mean(), ' g/cm^3'

#Read an ionized fractions file
xfile = c2t.XfracFile(xfrac_filename)

print 'The volume-averaged mean ionized fraction is: ', xfile.xi.mean()
print 'The mass-averaged mean ionized fraction is:', c2t.mass_weighted_mean_xi(
    xfile.xi, dfile.raw_density)

#Read a velocity data file
vfile = c2t.VelocityFile(velocity_filename)

#Since the velocity data is actually momentum, we need the density to convert it to km/s
kms = vfile.get_kms_from_density(dfile)
print 'Gas velocity at cell (100,100,100) is ', kms[:, 100, 100, 100], 'km/s'

#Calculate neutral hydrogen number density
n_hi = dfile.cgs_density * xfile.xi / c2t.m_p

#Calculate differential brightness temperature
dT = c2t.calc_dt(xfile, dfile)

#Get a slice through the center
z_filename = "../reds_full.dat"

# Read in z file to get snap and redshift and set mesh
z_arr = np.loadtxt(z_filename)
z_min = 10

out = open(output_filename, "w")

# Loop over z
for i in range(z_min, len(z_arr)):
    print "z = %.3f" % (z_arr[i])
    density_file = "".join(glob.glob(density_path + "%.3fn_all.dat" % (z_arr[i])))
    if not density_file:
        density_file = "".join(glob.glob(density_path + "%.3fn_all.dat" % (z_arr[i - 1])))
    print "Density file = %s" % density_file
    dfile = c2t.DensityFile(density_file)
    # dens_arr = np.reshape(dfile.raw_density,box_vol)

    xfrac_file = "".join(glob.glob(xfrac_path + "xfrac3d_%.3f.bin" % (z_arr[i])))
    print "Ionized fraction file = %s" % xfrac_file
    xfile = c2t.XfracFile(xfrac_file)
    # xfrac_arr = np.reshape(xfile.xi,box_vol)

    avg_nHII = xfile.xi.mean()
    avg_mHII = c2t.mass_weighted_mean_xi(xfile.xi, dfile.raw_density)

    print "z, avg_nHII, avg_mHII = %.3f %.4e %.4e" % (z_arr[i], avg_nHII, avg_mHII)
    out.write("%.3f %.4e %.4e \n" % (z_arr[i], avg_nHII, avg_mHII))
