def success_verify_email(request):
    This view is called via links sent in mails to verify mail addresses.
    It extracts both email and verification code from the URL.
    It will ask for a password
    and checks if there is a match in the database.

    If the password matches, and all is correct,
    the view shows a download link and further info.
    # collect data from the URL/matchdict
    user_email = request.matchdict['email']
    confirm_code = request.matchdict['code']
    # if we want to ask the user for her password (through a form)
    # we need to have a url to send the form to
    post_url = '/verify/' + user_email + '/' + confirm_code

    if 'submit' in request.POST:
        # print("the form was submitted")
        # check for password ! ! !
        if 'password' in request.POST:
            _passwd = request.POST['password']

        # get matching dataset from DB
        member = C3sMember.get_by_code(confirm_code)  # returns member or None

        if isinstance(member, NoneType):
            # member not found: FAIL!
            not_found_msg = _(
                u"Not found. Check verification URL. "
                "If all seems right, please use the form again.")
            return {
                'correct': False,
                'namepart': '',
                'result_msg': not_found_msg,

        # check if the password is valid
            correct = C3sMember.check_password(member.id, _passwd)
        except AttributeError:
            correct = False
                _(u'Wrong Password!'),

        # check if info from DB makes sense
        # -member

        if (member.email == user_email) and correct:
            # print("-- found member, code matches, password too. COOL!")
            # set the email_is_confirmed flag in the DB for this signee
            member.email_is_confirmed = True
            # dbsession.flush()
            namepart = member.firstname + member.lastname
            import re
            pdf_file_name_part = re.sub(  # replace characters
                '[^a-zA-Z0-9]',  # other than these
                '_',  # with an underscore

            appstruct = {
                'firstname': member.firstname,
                'lastname': member.lastname,
                'email': member.email,
                'email_confirm_code': member.email_confirm_code,
                'address1': member.address1,
                'address2': member.address2,
                'postcode': member.postcode,
                'city': member.city,
                'country': member.country,
                '_LOCALE_': member.locale,
                'date_of_birth': member.date_of_birth,
                'date_of_submission': member.date_of_submission,
                # 'activity': set(activities),
                # 'invest_member': u'yes' if member.invest_member else u'no',
                'membership_type': member.membership_type,
                    u'yes' if member.member_of_colsoc else u'no',
                'name_of_colsoc': member.name_of_colsoc,
                # 'opt_band': signee.opt_band,
                # 'opt_URL': signee.opt_URL,
                'num_shares': member.num_shares,
            request.session['appstruct'] = appstruct

            # log this person in, using the session
            log.info('verified code and password for id %s', member.id)
            return {
                'firstname': member.firstname,
                'lastname': member.lastname,
                'code': member.email_confirm_code,
                'correct': True,
                'namepart': pdf_file_name_part,
                'result_msg': _("Success. Load your PDF!")
    # else: code did not match OR SOMETHING...
    # just display the form
        _(u"Please enter your password."),
    return {
        'post_url': post_url,
        'firstname': '',
        'lastname': '',
        'namepart': '',
        'correct': False,
        'result_msg': "something went wrong."
def success_verify_email(request):
    This view is called via links sent in mails to verify mail addresses.
    It extracts both email and verification code from the URL.
    It will ask for a password
    and checks if there is a match in the database.

    If the password matches, and all is correct,
    the view shows a download link and further info.
    # collect data from the URL/matchdict
    user_email = request.matchdict['email']
    confirm_code = request.matchdict['code']
    # if we want to ask the user for her password (through a form)
    # we need to have a url to send the form to
    post_url = '/verify/' + user_email + '/' + confirm_code

    # ToDo unify errors for not_found email, wrong password and wrong confirm code to avoid leaking
    error_message = _(
        u'Your email, password, or confirmation code could not be found')

    if 'submit' in request.POST:
        # print("the form was submitted")
        # check for password ! ! !
        if 'password' in request.POST:
            _passwd = request.POST['password']

        # get matching dataset from DB
        member = C3sMember.get_by_code(confirm_code)  # returns member or None

        if isinstance(member, NoneType):
            # member not found: FAIL!
            not_found_msg = _(u"Not found. Check verification URL. "
                              "If all seems right, please use the form again.")
            return {
                'correct': False,
                'namepart': '',
                'result_msg': not_found_msg,

        # check if the password is valid
            correct = C3sMember.check_password(member.id, _passwd)
        except AttributeError:
            correct = False
            request.session.flash(_(u'Wrong Password!'), 'message_above_login')

        # check if info from DB makes sense
        # -member

        if (member.email == user_email) and correct:
            # print("-- found member, code matches, password too. COOL!")
            # set the email_is_confirmed flag in the DB for this signee
            member.email_is_confirmed = True
            # dbsession.flush()
            namepart = member.firstname + member.lastname
            import re
            pdf_file_name_part = re.sub(  # replace characters
                '[^a-zA-Z0-9]',  # other than these
                '_',  # with an underscore

            appstruct = {
                'firstname': member.firstname,
                'lastname': member.lastname,
                'email': member.email,
                'email_confirm_code': member.email_confirm_code,
                'address1': member.address1,
                'address2': member.address2,
                'postcode': member.postcode,
                'city': member.city,
                'country': member.country,
                'locale': member.locale,
                'date_of_birth': member.date_of_birth,
                'date_of_submission': member.date_of_submission,
                # 'activity': set(activities),
                # 'invest_member': u'yes' if member.invest_member else u'no',
                'membership_type': member.membership_type,
                u'yes' if member.member_of_colsoc else u'no',
                'name_of_colsoc': member.name_of_colsoc,
                # 'opt_band': signee.opt_band,
                # 'opt_URL': signee.opt_URL,
                'num_shares': member.num_shares,
            request.session['appstruct'] = appstruct

            # log this person in, using the session
            log.info('verified code and password for id %s', member.id)
            return {
                'firstname': member.firstname,
                'lastname': member.lastname,
                'code': member.email_confirm_code,
                'correct': True,
                'namepart': pdf_file_name_part,
                'result_msg': _("Success. Load your PDF!")
    # else: code did not match OR SOMETHING...
    # just display the form
    request.session.flash(_(u"Please enter your password."),
    return {
        'post_url': post_url,
        'firstname': '',
        'lastname': '',
        'namepart': '',
        'correct': False,
        'result_msg': "something went wrong."
        member = C3sMember.get_by_code(confirm_code)  # returns member or None

        if isinstance(member, NoneType):
            # member not found: FAIL!
            not_found_msg = _(
                u"Not found. Check verification URL. "
                "If all seems right, please use the form again.")
            return {
                'correct': False,
                'namepart': '',
                'result_msg': not_found_msg,

        # check if the password is valid
            correct = C3sMember.check_password(member.id, _passwd)
        except AttributeError:
            correct = False
                _(u'Wrong Password!'),

        # check if info from DB makes sense
        # -member

        if (member.email == user_email) and correct:
            # set the email_is_confirmed flag in the DB for this signee
            member.email_is_confirmed = True
            # dbsession.flush()
            namepart = member.firstname + member.lastname
            import re