def run(event, context=None):
    # policies file should always be valid in functions so do loading naively
    with open('config.json') as f:
        policy_config = json.load(f)

    if not policy_config or not policy_config.get('policies'):
        log.error('Invalid policy config')
        return False

    options_overrides = \
        policy_config['policies'][0].get('mode', {}).get('execution-options', {})

    # if output_dir specified use that, otherwise make a temp directory
    if 'output_dir' not in options_overrides:
        options_overrides['output_dir'] = get_tmp_output_dir()

    # merge all our options in
    options = Config.empty(**options_overrides)
    loader = PolicyLoader(options)

    policies = loader.load_data(policy_config, 'config.json', validate=False)
    if policies:
        for p in policies:
            log.info("running policy %s", p.name)
            p.push(event, context)
    return True
def eperm(provider, el, r=None):
    if el.permissions:
        return el.permissions
    element_type = get_element_type(el)
    if r is None or r.type is None:
        # dummy resource type for policy
        if provider == 'aws':
            r = Bag({'type': 'kinesis'})
        elif provider == 'gcp':
            r = Bag({'type': 'instance'})
        elif provider == 'azure':
            r = Bag({'type': 'vm'})

    # print(f'policy construction lookup {r.type}.{element_type}.{el.type}')

    loader = PolicyLoader(Config.empty())
    pdata = {
        'name': f'permissions-{r.type}',
        'resource': f'{provider}.{r.type}'
    pdata[element_type] = get_element_data(element_type, el)

        pset = loader.load_data({'policies': [pdata]}, ':mem:', validate=False)
    except Exception as e:
        print(f'error loading {el} as {element_type}:{el.type} error: {e} \n {pdata}')
        return []
    el = get_policy_element(el, list(pset)[0])
    return el.get_permissions()
def test_doc_examples(provider_name):
    loader = PolicyLoader(Config.empty())
    provider = clouds.get(provider_name)
    policies = get_doc_policies(provider.resources)

    for p in policies.values():
        loader.load_data({'policies': [p]}, 'memory://')

    for p in policies.values():
        # Note max name size here is 54 if it a lambda policy given
        # our default prefix custodian- to stay under 64 char limit on
        # lambda function names.  This applies to AWS and GCP, and
        # afaict Azure.
        if len(p['name']) >= 54 and 'mode' in p:
            raise ValueError(
                "doc policy exceeds name limit policy:%s" % (p['name']))