def schema_completer(prefix): """ For tab-completion via argcomplete, return completion options. For the given prefix so far, return the possible options. Note that filtering via startswith happens after this list is returned. """ load_resources() components = prefix.split('.') # Completions for resource if len(components) == 1: choices = [r for r in resources.keys() if r.startswith(prefix)] if len(choices) == 1: choices += ['{}{}'.format(choices[0], '.')] return choices if components[0] not in resources.keys(): return [] # Completions for category if len(components) == 2: choices = ['{}.{}'.format(components[0], x) for x in ('actions', 'filters') if x.startswith(components[1])] if len(choices) == 1: choices += ['{}{}'.format(choices[0], '.')] return choices # Completions for item elif len(components) == 3: resource_mapping = schema.resource_vocabulary() return ['{}.{}.{}'.format(components[0], components[1], x) for x in resource_mapping[components[0]][components[1]]] return []
def get_local_image_mapping(self, image_ids): base_image_map = self.get_base_image_mapping() resources = {i: base_image_map[i] for i in image_ids if i in base_image_map} missing = list(set(image_ids) - set(resources.keys())) if missing: loaded = self.manager.get_resource_manager('ami').get_resources(missing, False) resources.update({image['ImageId']: image for image in loaded}) return resources
def validate(self): related_resource =['resource'] if related_resource not in aws_resources.keys(): raise PolicyValidationError( "Error: Invalid resource type selected: %s" % related_resource) # ideally should never raise here since we shouldn't be applying this # action to a resource if it doesn't have a tag action implemented if self.manager.action_registry.get('tag') is None: raise PolicyValidationError( "Error: Tag action missing on resource") return self
def validate(self): related_resource =['resource'] if related_resource not in aws_resources.keys(): raise PolicyValidationError( "Error: Invalid resource type selected: %s" % related_resource ) # ideally should never raise here since we shouldn't be applying this # action to a resource if it doesn't have a tag action implemented if self.manager.action_registry.get('tag') is None: raise PolicyValidationError( "Error: Tag action missing on resource" ) return self
def initialize(self, asgs): super(ImageFilter, self).initialize(asgs) image_ids = set() for cfg in self.configs.values(): image_ids.add(cfg['ImageId']) results = self.manager.get_resource_manager('ami').resources() base_image_map = {i['ImageId']: i for i in results} resources = {i: base_image_map[i] for i in image_ids if i in base_image_map} missing = list(set(image_ids) - set(resources.keys())) if missing: loaded = self.manager.get_resource_manager('ami').get_resources(missing, False) resources.update({image['ImageId']: image for image in loaded}) self.images = resources
def schema_cmd(options): """ Print info about the resources, actions and filters available. """ if options.json: schema.json_dump(options.resource) return load_resources() resource_mapping = schema.resource_vocabulary() if options.summary: schema.summary(resource_mapping) return # Here are the formats for what we accept: # - No argument # - List all available RESOURCES # - RESOURCE # - List all available actions and filters for supplied RESOURCE # - RESOURCE.actions # - List all available actions for supplied RESOURCE # - RESOURCE.actions.ACTION # - Show class doc string and schema for supplied action # - RESOURCE.filters # - List all available filters for supplied RESOURCE # - RESOURCE.filters.FILTER # - Show class doc string and schema for supplied filter if not options.resource: resource_list = {'resources': sorted(resources.keys())} print(yaml.safe_dump(resource_list, default_flow_style=False)) return # Format is RESOURCE.CATEGORY.ITEM components = options.resource.split('.') # # Handle resource # resource = components[0].lower() if resource not in resource_mapping: log.error('{} is not a valid resource'.format(resource)) sys.exit(1) if len(components) == 1: del (resource_mapping[resource]['classes']) output = {resource: resource_mapping[resource]} print(yaml.safe_dump(output)) return # # Handle category # category = components[1].lower() if category not in ('actions', 'filters'): log.error( "Valid choices are 'actions' and 'filters'. You supplied '{}'". format(category)) sys.exit(1) if len(components) == 2: output = "No {} available for resource {}.".format(category, resource) if category in resource_mapping[resource]: output = { resource: { category: resource_mapping[resource][category] } } print(yaml.safe_dump(output)) return # # Handle item # item = components[2].lower() if item not in resource_mapping[resource][category]: log.error('{} is not in the {} list for resource {}'.format( item, category, resource)) sys.exit(1) if len(components) == 3: cls = resource_mapping[resource]['classes'][category][item] # Print docstring docstring = _schema_get_docstring(cls) print("\nHelp\n----\n") if docstring: print(docstring) else: # Shouldn't ever hit this, so exclude from cover print("No help is available for this item.") # pragma: no cover # Print schema print("\nSchema\n------\n") if hasattr(cls, 'schema'): print(json.dumps(cls.schema, indent=4)) else: # Shouldn't ever hit this, so exclude from cover print("No schema is available for this item.", file=sys.sterr) # pragma: no cover print('') return # We received too much (e.g. log.error("Invalid selector '{}'. Max of 3 components in the " "format RESOURCE.CATEGORY.ITEM".format(options.resource)) sys.exit(1)
def schema_cmd(options): """ Print info about the resources, actions and filters available. """ if options.json: schema.json_dump(options.resource) return load_resources() resource_mapping = schema.resource_vocabulary() if options.summary: schema.summary(resource_mapping) return # Here are the formats for what we accept: # - No argument # - List all available RESOURCES # - RESOURCE # - List all available actions and filters for supplied RESOURCE # - RESOURCE.actions # - List all available actions for supplied RESOURCE # - RESOURCE.actions.ACTION # - Show class doc string and schema for supplied action # - RESOURCE.filters # - List all available filters for supplied RESOURCE # - RESOURCE.filters.FILTER # - Show class doc string and schema for supplied filter if not options.resource: resource_list = {'resources': sorted(resources.keys())} print(yaml.safe_dump(resource_list, default_flow_style=False)) return # Format is RESOURCE.CATEGORY.ITEM components = options.resource.split('.') # # Handle resource # resource = components[0].lower() if resource not in resource_mapping: eprint('Error: {} is not a valid resource'.format(resource)) sys.exit(1) if len(components) == 1: del(resource_mapping[resource]['classes']) output = {resource: resource_mapping[resource]} print(yaml.safe_dump(output)) return # # Handle category # category = components[1].lower() if category not in ('actions', 'filters'): eprint(("Error: Valid choices are 'actions' and 'filters'." " You supplied '{}'").format(category)) sys.exit(1) if len(components) == 2: output = "No {} available for resource {}.".format(category, resource) if category in resource_mapping[resource]: output = {resource: { category: resource_mapping[resource][category]}} print(yaml.safe_dump(output)) return # # Handle item # item = components[2].lower() if item not in resource_mapping[resource][category]: eprint('Error: {} is not in the {} list for resource {}'.format( item, category, resource)) sys.exit(1) if len(components) == 3: cls = resource_mapping[resource]['classes'][category][item] # Print docstring docstring = _schema_get_docstring(cls) print("\nHelp\n----\n") if docstring: print(docstring) else: # Shouldn't ever hit this, so exclude from cover print("No help is available for this item.") # pragma: no cover # Print schema print("\nSchema\n------\n") pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4) if hasattr(cls, 'schema'): pp.pprint(cls.schema) else: # Shouldn't ever hit this, so exclude from cover print("No schema is available for this item.", file=sys.sterr) # pragma: no cover print('') return # We received too much (e.g. eprint("Invalid selector '{}'. Max of 3 components in the " "format RESOURCE.CATEGORY.ITEM".format(options.resource)) sys.exit(1)