	def __init__(self, certFile, keyFile, passArg):
		"""Takes the names of a certificate file and private key file and an
		openssl-style password argument to unlock the key file"""
		# Validate and dump the certificate file into memory
		with invoke('x509', certFile) as (out, err):
			self.__cert = out.read()
		# Decrypt, validate, and dump the private key into memory
		with invoke('rsa', keyFile, passin=passArg) as (out, err):
			self.__key = out.read()
	def revoke(self, request):
		secrets = Secrets.from_request(request)
		revoked = RevokeDB.from_request(request)
		with RawInput(self.cert) as toRevoke:
			with secrets.cert as certFile:
				with secrets.key as keyFile:
					with revoked.config as configFile:
						invoke('ca', None, revoke=toRevoke,
									keyfile=keyFile, cert=certFile,
									config=configFile, md='default')
						self.cert = 'REVOKED'
						invoke('ca', None, 'gencrl', keyfile=keyFile,
								cert=certFile, out=revoked.crlFile,
								config=configFile, md='default', crldays=30)
		return 'Certificate revoked'
	def perform(self, request):
		secrets = Secrets.from_request(request)
		serial = b64decode(self.serial).encode('hex')
		with RawInput(self.csr) as inFile:
			with RawInput(serial) as sFile:				
				with secrets.cert as certFile:
					with secrets.key as keyFile:
						with invoke('x509', inFile, 'req', days=365,
									CAserial=sFile, CA=certFile,
									CAkey=keyFile) as (out, err):
							self.cert = (out.read().replace('\r', '\n')
												   .replace('\n\n', '\n'))
		return self.cert