def primeDesireCache(step, startKey = None, stopKey = None):
    import princeFunc
    if stopKey is None and startKey is None:
        startKey = 1
        stopKey = int(meSchema.tradeCue.all(keys_only=True).order('-__key__').get().name())
    elif stopKey is None or startKey is None:
        raise(BaseException('Must define both startKey and stopKey, or both must be None!'))
    memdict = {}
    clockKeyStep = step
    queryStr = princeFunc.getDesireQueryStr(max(step-405,0),step)
    desires = db.GqlQuery(queryStr).fetch(20000)
    for desire in desires:
        desirekey = desire.key().name()
        stckID = meTools.getStckID(desire.Symbol)
        cueKey = desirekey.split("_")[-2]      # Extract cueKey from middle.
        memkey = 'desire_' + cueKey + '_' + str(stckID)
        step = int(desirekey.split("_")[0])    # Extract step from front part of desirekey.
        if not memdict.__contains__(memkey):
            memdict[memkey] = step
        elif memdict[memkey] < step:
            memdict[memkey] = step
    cachepy.set_multi(memdict, priority = 1)
    cachepy.set('stepclock_' + str(startKey) + '_' + str(stopKey), clockKeyStep) # Manually syncing stepclock until get saner method.
def memGetPercentReturns(memkeylist, prefix):
    EntityDict = {}
    newMemEntities = {}
    memCacheEntities = {}
    memEntities = cachepy.get_multi(memkeylist)
    missingKeys = meTools.getMissingKeys(memkeylist,memEntities)
    memCacheEntities = memcache.get_multi(missingKeys)
    missingKeys = meTools.getMissingKeys(missingKeys,memCacheEntities)

    if missingKeys:
        missingKeys = [key.replace(prefix,'') for key in missingKeys]
        if prefix == 'BTR-':
            Entities = meSchema.backTestResult.get_by_key_name(missingKeys)
        elif prefix == 'LAR-':
            Entities = meSchema.liveAlg.get_by_key_name(missingKeys)
        for entity in Entities:
            if entity:
                memkey = prefix + entity.key().name()
                pReturn = entity.percentReturn
                newMemEntities[memkey] = pReturn
                memEntities[memkey] = pReturn
    return memEntities
def syncProcessCache(step,startKey,stopKey):
    clockKey = 'stepclock_' + str(startKey) + '_' + str(stopKey)
    stepclock = cachepy.get(clockKey, priority=1)
    memkeylist = []
    if stepclock not in [step-1, step]:
        for i in range(startKey,stopKey + 1):
            for stckID in [1,2,3,4]:
                cuekey = meTools.buildTradeCueKey(i)
                recency_key = 'desire_' + cuekey + '_' + str(stckID)
        recentDesires = memcache.get_multi(memkeylist)
        cachepy.set_multi(recentDesires, priority = 1)
        for des in recentDesires:
            cachepy.set(des, recentDesires[des], priority=1)
    cachepy.set(clockKey,step,priority=1)   # Set cachepy clockKey to current step since synced with Memcache.
def doCompoundReturns(stopStep, startStep, globalStop, namespace, name, i, cursor, model, JobID, callback, totalBatches, taskname, deadline = None):
    from time import time
    if not deadline:
        deadline = time() + 540.00
    entityModel = getattr(meSchema, model)
    if entityModel == meSchema.backTestResult:
        prefix = 'BTR-'
    elif entityModel == meSchema.liveAlg:
        prefix = 'LAR-'
        raise BaseException('Model must be backTestResult or liveAlg!')
    count = 100
    while count == 100:
        query = entityModel.all().filter('stopStep =', stopStep).filter('startStep =', startStep).order('percentReturn')
        if cursor != '':
        if deadline > time():
            i += 1
            entities = query.fetch(100)
            count = len(entities)
            memEntities = {}
            for entity in entities:
                memkey = prefix + entity.key().name()
                memEntities[memkey] = entity.percentReturn
            doCompounds(stopStep, startStep, entities)
            cursor = query.cursor()
            subTaskname = 'RVals-' + JobID + '-' + model + '-' + str(stopStep) + '-' + str(startStep) + '-' + str(i)
            meTools.taskAdd(subTaskname, '/calculate/compounds/calculateCompounds', 'default', 0.5,
                            stopStep = stopStep, startStep = startStep, globalStop = globalStop, name = name,
                            i = i, cursor = cursor, model = model, JobID = JobID, callback = callback, totalBatches = totalBatches,
                            taskname = taskname)
    if stopStep <= globalStop - 400:
        stopStep += 400
        startStep += 400
        doCompoundReturns(stopStep,startStep,globalStop,namespace,name,0,'',model, JobID, callback, totalBatches, taskname, deadline)
    elif callback:
        meTools.taskAdd('callback-' + taskname, callback, 'default', 0.5,
                        JobID = JobID, taskname = taskname, totalBatches = totalBatches,
                        model = model, jobtype = 'callback', stepType = 'calculateRvals')