def __init__(self, model_strand, virtual_helix_item, viewroot): """The parent should be a VirtualHelixItem.""" super(StrandItem, self).__init__(virtual_helix_item) self._model_strand = model_strand self._virtual_helix_item = virtual_helix_item self._viewroot = viewroot self._getActiveTool = virtual_helix_item._getActiveTool self._controller = StrandItemController(self, model_strand) is_drawn_5to3 = model_strand.strandSet().isDrawn5to3() self._strand_filter = model_strand.strandFilter() self._insertion_items = {} # caps self._low_cap = EndpointItem(self, 'low', is_drawn_5to3) self._high_cap = EndpointItem(self, 'high', is_drawn_5to3) # self._high_cap = None self._dual_cap = EndpointItem(self, 'dual', is_drawn_5to3) # orientation self._is_drawn_5to3 = is_drawn_5to3 # self._isOnTop = virtual_helix_item.isStrandOnTop(model_strand) # label self._seq_label = QGraphicsSimpleTextItem(self) self.refreshInsertionItems(model_strand) if not getBatch(): self._updateSequenceText() # create a larger click area rect to capture mouse events self._click_area = c_a = QGraphicsRectItem(_DEFAULT_RECT, self) c_a.mousePressEvent = self.mousePressEvent c_a.setPen(_NO_PEN) self.setAcceptHoverEvents(True) c_a.setAcceptHoverEvents(True) c_a.hoverMoveEvent = self.hoverMoveEvent self.setZValue(styles.ZSTRANDITEM) # xover comming from the 3p end self._xover3pEnd = XoverItem(self, virtual_helix_item) if not getBatch(): # initial refresh self._updateColor(model_strand) self._updateAppearance(model_strand) self.setZValue(styles.ZSTRANDITEM) self.setFlag(QGraphicsItem.ItemIsSelectable)
class StrandItem(QGraphicsLineItem): _filter_name = "strand" def __init__(self, model_strand, virtual_helix_item, viewroot): """The parent should be a VirtualHelixItem.""" super(StrandItem, self).__init__(virtual_helix_item) self._model_strand = model_strand self._virtual_helix_item = virtual_helix_item self._viewroot = viewroot self._getActiveTool = virtual_helix_item._getActiveTool self._controller = StrandItemController(self, model_strand) is_drawn_5to3 = model_strand.strandSet().isDrawn5to3() self._strand_filter = model_strand.strandFilter() self._insertion_items = {} # caps self._low_cap = EndpointItem(self, 'low', is_drawn_5to3) self._high_cap = EndpointItem(self, 'high', is_drawn_5to3) # self._high_cap = None self._dual_cap = EndpointItem(self, 'dual', is_drawn_5to3) # orientation self._is_drawn_5to3 = is_drawn_5to3 # self._isOnTop = virtual_helix_item.isStrandOnTop(model_strand) # label self._seq_label = QGraphicsSimpleTextItem(self) self.refreshInsertionItems(model_strand) if not getBatch(): self._updateSequenceText() # create a larger click area rect to capture mouse events self._click_area = c_a = QGraphicsRectItem(_DEFAULT_RECT, self) c_a.mousePressEvent = self.mousePressEvent c_a.setPen(_NO_PEN) self.setAcceptHoverEvents(True) c_a.setAcceptHoverEvents(True) c_a.hoverMoveEvent = self.hoverMoveEvent self.setZValue(styles.ZSTRANDITEM) # xover comming from the 3p end self._xover3pEnd = XoverItem(self, virtual_helix_item) if not getBatch(): # initial refresh self._updateColor(model_strand) self._updateAppearance(model_strand) self.setZValue(styles.ZSTRANDITEM) self.setFlag(QGraphicsItem.ItemIsSelectable) # end def ### SIGNALS ### ### SLOTS ### def strandResizedSlot(self, strand, indices): """docstring for strandResizedSlot""" low_moved = self._low_cap.updatePosIfNecessary(self.idxs()[0]) high_moved = self._high_cap.updatePosIfNecessary(self.idxs()[1]) group = self.tempReparent() if low_moved: self.updateLine(self._low_cap) if high_moved: self.updateLine(self._high_cap) if strand.connection3p(): self._xover3pEnd.update(strand) self.refreshInsertionItems(strand) self._updateSequenceText() if group: group.addToGroup(self) # end def def sequenceAddedSlot(self, oligo): """docstring for sequenceAddedSlot""" pass # end def def sequenceClearedSlot(self, oligo): """docstring for sequenceClearedSlot""" pass # end def def strandRemovedSlot(self, strand): # self._model_strand = None self._controller.disconnectSignals() self._controller = None scene = self.scene() scene.removeItem(self._click_area) self._high_cap.destroy() self._low_cap.destroy() # scene.removeItem(self._high_cap) # scene.removeItem(self._low_cap) scene.removeItem(self._seq_label) self._xover3pEnd.remove() self._xover3pEnd = None for insertionItem in self._insertion_items.values(): insertionItem.remove() self._insertion_items = None self._click_area = None self._high_cap = None self._low_cap = None self._seq_label = None self._model_strand = None self._virtual_helix_item = None scene.removeItem(self) # end def def strandUpdateSlot(self, strand): """ Slot for just updating connectivity and color, and endpoint showing """ self._updateAppearance(strand) # end def def oligoAppearanceChangedSlot(self, oligo): strand = self._model_strand self._updateColor(strand) if strand.connection3p(): self._xover3pEnd._updateColor(strand) for insertion in self.insertionItems().values(): insertion.updateItem() # end def def oligoSequenceAddedSlot(self, oligo): self._updateSequenceText() # end def def oligoSequenceClearedSlot(self, oligo): self._updateSequenceText() # end def def strandHasNewOligoSlot(self, strand): strand = self._model_strand self._controller.reconnectOligoSignals() self._updateColor(strand) if strand.connection3p(): self._xover3pEnd._updateColor(strand) # end def def strandInsertionAddedSlot(self, strand, insertion): self.insertionItems()[insertion.idx()] = \ InsertionItem(self._virtual_helix_item, strand, insertion) # end def def strandInsertionChangedSlot(self, strand, insertion): self.insertionItems()[insertion.idx()].updateItem() # end def def strandInsertionRemovedSlot(self, strand, index): instItem = self.insertionItems()[index] instItem.remove() del self.insertionItems()[index] # end def def strandModsAddedSlot(self, strand, mod_id, idx): idx_l, idx_h = strand.idxs() color = strand.part().getMod(mod_id)['color'] if idx == idx_h: self._high_cap.showMod(mod_id, color) else: self._low_cap.showMod(mod_id, color) # end def def strandModsChangedSlot(self, strand, mod_id, idx): idx_l, idx_h = strand.idxs() color = strand.part().getMod(mod_id)['color'] if idx == idx_h: self._high_cap.changeMod(mod_id, color) else: self._low_cap.changeMod(mod_id, color) # end def def strandModsRemovedSlot(self, strand, mod_id, idx): idx_l, idx_h = strand.idxs() color = strand.part().getMod(mod_id)['color'] if idx == idx_h: self._high_cap.destroyMod() else: self._low_cap.destroyMod() # end def def strandModifierAddedSlot(self, strand, modifier): pass # end def def strandModifierChangedSlot(self, strand, modifier): pass # end def def strandModifierRemovedSlot(self, strand, index): pass # end def def selectedChangedSlot(self, strand, indices): self.selectIfRequired(self.partItem().document(), indices) # end def ### ACCESSORS ### def viewroot(self): return self._viewroot # end def def insertionItems(self): return self._insertion_items # end def def strand(self): return self._model_strand # end def def strandFilter(self): return self._strand_filter # end def def idxs(self): return self._model_strand.idxs() # end def def virtualHelixItem(self): return self._virtual_helix_item # end def def partItem(self): return self._virtual_helix_item.partItem() # end def def window(self): return self._virtual_helix_item.window() ### PUBLIC METHODS FOR DRAWING / LAYOUT ### def refreshInsertionItems(self, strand): i_items = self.insertionItems() i_model = strand.insertionsOnStrand() was_in_use = set(i_items) in_use = set() # add in the ones supposed to be there for insertion in i_model: idx = insertion.idx() in_use.add(idx) if idx in i_items: pass else: i_items[insertion.idx()] = \ InsertionItem(self._virtual_helix_item, strand, insertion) # end for # remove all in items not_in_use = was_in_use - in_use for index in not_in_use: i_items[index].remove() del i_items[index] # end for # end def def resetStrandItem(self, virtual_helix_item, is_drawn_5to3): self.setParentItem(virtual_helix_item) self._virtual_helix_item = virtual_helix_item self.resetEndPointItems(is_drawn_5to3) # end def def resetEndPointItems(self, is_drawn_5to3): self._is_drawn_5to3 = is_drawn_5to3 self._low_cap.resetEndPoint(is_drawn_5to3) self._high_cap.resetEndPoint(is_drawn_5to3) self._dual_cap.resetEndPoint(is_drawn_5to3) # end def def updateLine(self, moved_cap): # setup bw = _BASE_WIDTH c_a = self._click_area line = self.line() # set new line coords if moved_cap == self._low_cap: p1 = line.p1() new_x = self._low_cap.pos().x() + bw p1.setX(new_x) line.setP1(p1) temp = c_a.rect() temp.setLeft(new_x) c_a.setRect(temp) else: p2 = line.p2() new_x = self._high_cap.pos().x() p2.setX(new_x) line.setP2(p2) temp = c_a.rect() temp.setRight(new_x) c_a.setRect(temp) self.setLine(line) # end def ### PRIVATE SUPPORT METHODS ### def _updateAppearance(self, strand): """ Prepare Strand for drawing, positions are relative to the VirtualHelixItem: 1. Show or hide caps depending on L and R connectivity. 2. Determine line coordinates. 3. Apply paint styles. """ # 0. Setup vhi = self._virtual_helix_item bw = _BASE_WIDTH half_base_width = bw / 2.0 low_idx, high_idx = strand.lowIdx(), strand.highIdx() l_upper_left_x, l_upper_left_y = vhi.upperLeftCornerOfBase(low_idx, strand) h_upper_left_x, h_upper_left_y = vhi.upperLeftCornerOfBase(high_idx, strand) low_cap = self._low_cap high_cap = self._high_cap dual_cap = self._dual_cap # 1. Cap visibilty lx = l_upper_left_x + bw # draw from right edge of base low_cap.safeSetPos(l_upper_left_x, l_upper_left_y) if strand.connectionLow() is not None: # has low xover # if we are hiding it, we might as well make sure it is reparented to the StrandItem low_cap.restoreParent() low_cap.hide() else: # has low cap if not low_cap.isVisible(): hx = h_upper_left_x # draw to edge of base high_cap.safeSetPos(h_upper_left_x, h_upper_left_y) if strand.connectionHigh() is not None: # has high xover # if we are hiding it, we might as well make sure it is reparented to the StrandItem high_cap.restoreParent() high_cap.hide() else: # has high cap if not high_cap.isVisible(): # special case: single-base strand with no L or H connections, # (unconnected caps were made visible in previous block of code) if strand.length() == 1 and \ (low_cap.isVisible() and high_cap.isVisible()): low_cap.hide() high_cap.hide() dual_cap.safeSetPos(l_upper_left_x, l_upper_left_y) else: dual_cap.hide() # 2. Xover drawing xo = self._xover3pEnd if strand.connection3p(): xo.update(strand) xo.showIt() else: xo.restoreParent() xo.hideIt() # 3. Refresh insertionItems if necessary drawing self.refreshInsertionItems(strand) # 4. Line drawing hy = ly = l_upper_left_y + half_base_width self.setLine(lx, ly, hx, hy) rectf = QRectF(l_upper_left_x + bw, l_upper_left_y, bw*(high_idx - low_idx - 1), bw) self._click_area.setRect(rectf) # self._updateHighlight(self.pen().color()) self._updateColor(strand) # end def def _updateColor(self, strand): oligo = self._model_strand.oligo() color = QColor(oligo.color()) self._updateHighlight(color) # end def def _updateHighlight(self, color): """ """ oligo = self._model_strand.oligo() pen_width = styles.PATH_STRAND_STROKE_WIDTH if oligo.shouldHighlight(): color.setAlpha(128) pen_width = styles.PATH_STRAND_HIGHLIGHT_STROKE_WIDTH pen = QPen(color, pen_width) # pen.setCosmetic(True) brush = QBrush(color) pen.setCapStyle(Qt.FlatCap) self.setPen(pen) self._low_cap.updateHighlight(brush) self._high_cap.updateHighlight(brush) self._dual_cap.updateHighlight(brush) # end def def _updateSequenceText(self): """ docstring for _updateSequenceText """ bw = _BASE_WIDTH seq_lbl = self._seq_label strand = self.strand() seq_txt = strand.sequence() isDrawn3to5 = not self._is_drawn_5to3 textXCenteringOffset = styles.SEQUENCETEXTXCENTERINGOFFSET if seq_txt == '': seq_lbl.hide() for iItem in self.insertionItems().values(): iItem.hideSequence() return # end if strand_seq_list = strand.getSequenceList() seq_list = [x[1][0] for x in strand_seq_list] insert_seq_list = [(x[0], x[1][1]) for x in strand_seq_list] i_items = self.insertionItems() for idx, seq_txt in insert_seq_list: if seq_txt != '': i_items[idx].setSequence(seq_txt) if isDrawn3to5: seq_list = seq_list[::-1] seq_txt = ''.join(seq_list) # seq_lbl.setPen(QPen( Qt.NoPen)) # leave the Pen as None for unless required seq_lbl.setBrush(QBrush( seq_lbl.setFont(styles.SEQUENCEFONT) # this will always draw from the 5 Prime end! seqX = 2*textXCenteringOffset + bw*strand.idx5Prime() seqY = styles.SEQUENCETEXTYCENTERINGOFFSET if isDrawn3to5: # offset it towards the bottom seqY += bw * .8 # offset X by the reverse centering offset and the string length seqX += textXCenteringOffset # rotate the characters upside down this does not affect positioning # coordinate system, +Y is still Down, and +X is still Right seq_lbl.setRotation(180) # draw the text and reverse the string to draw 5 prime to 3 prime # seq_txt = seq_txt[::-1] # end if seq_lbl.setPos(seqX,seqY) seq_lbl.setText(seq_txt) # end def ### EVENT HANDLERS ### def mousePressEvent(self, event): """ Parses a mousePressEvent to extract strandSet and base index, forwarding them to approproate tool method as necessary. """ active_tool_str = self._getActiveTool().methodPrefix() self.scene().views()[0].addToPressList(self) idx = int(floor((event.pos().x()) / _BASE_WIDTH)) self._virtual_helix_item.setActive(idx) tool_method_name = active_tool_str + "MousePress" if hasattr(self, tool_method_name): getattr(self, tool_method_name)(event, idx) else: event.setAccepted(False) # end def def mouseMoveEvent(self, event): """ Parses a mouseMoveEvent to extract strandSet and base index, forwarding them to approproate tool method as necessary. """ tool_method_name = self._getActiveTool().methodPrefix() + "MouseMove" if hasattr(self, tool_method_name): idx = int(floor((event.pos().x()) / _BASE_WIDTH)) getattr(self, tool_method_name)(idx) # end def def hoverLeaveEvent(self, event): self.partItem().updateStatusBar("") tool_method_name = self._getActiveTool().methodPrefix() + "HoverLeave" if hasattr(self, tool_method_name): getattr(self, tool_method_name)(event) # end def def hoverMoveEvent(self, event): """ Parses a mouseMoveEvent to extract strandSet and base index, forwarding them to approproate tool method as necessary. """ vhi_num = self._virtual_helix_item.number() idx = int(floor((event.pos().x()) / _BASE_WIDTH)) oligo_length = self._model_strand.oligo().length() self.partItem().updateStatusBar("%d[%d]\tlength: %d" % (vhi_num, idx, oligo_length)) tool_method_name = self._getActiveTool().methodPrefix() + "HoverMove" if hasattr(self, tool_method_name): getattr(self, tool_method_name)(event, idx) # end def def customMouseRelease(self, event): """ Parses a mouseReleaseEvent to extract strandSet and base index, forwarding them to approproate tool method as necessary. """ tool_method_name = self._getActiveTool().methodPrefix() + "MouseRelease" if hasattr(self, tool_method_name): idx = int(floor((event.pos().x()) / _BASE_WIDTH)) getattr(self, tool_method_name)(idx) # end def ### TOOL METHODS ### def breakToolMousePress(self, event, idx): """Break the strand is possible.""" m_strand = self._model_strand m_strand.split(idx) # end def def breakToolHoverMove(self, event, idx): pass # m_strand = self._model_strand vhi = self._virtual_helix_item break_tool = self._getActiveTool() break_tool.hoverMove(vhi, event, flag=None) # break_tool.updateHoverRect(vhi, m_strand, idx, show=True) # end def def breakToolHoverLeave(self, event): self._getActiveTool().hoverLeaveEvent(event) # end def def selectToolMousePress(self, event, idx): event.setAccepted(False) current_filter_dict = self._viewroot.selectionFilterDict() if self.strandFilter() in current_filter_dict and self._filter_name in current_filter_dict: selection_group = self._viewroot.strandItemSelectionGroup() mod = Qt.MetaModifier if not (event.modifiers() & mod): selection_group.clearSelection(False) selection_group.setSelectionLock(selection_group) selection_group.pendToAdd(self) selection_group.pendToAdd(self._low_cap) selection_group.pendToAdd(self._high_cap) selection_group.processPendingToAddList() event.setAccepted(True) return selection_group.mousePressEvent(event) # end def def eraseToolMousePress(self, event, idx): m_strand = self._model_strand m_strand.strandSet().removeStrand(m_strand) # end def def insertionToolMousePress(self, event, idx): """Add an insert to the strand if possible.""" m_strand = self._model_strand m_strand.addInsertion(idx, 1) # end def def paintToolMousePress(self, event, idx): """Add an insert to the strand if possible.""" m_strand = self._model_strand if m_strand.isStaple(): color = self.window().path_color_panel.stapColorName() else: color = self.window().path_color_panel.scafColorName() m_strand.oligo().applyColor(color) # end def def pencilToolHoverMove(self, event, idx): """Pencil the strand is possible.""" m_strand = self._model_strand vhi = self._virtual_helix_item active_tool = self._getActiveTool() if not active_tool.isFloatingXoverBegin(): temp_xover = active_tool.floatingXover() temp_xover.updateFloatingFromStrandItem(vhi, m_strand, idx) # if m_strand.idx5Prime() == idx: # temp_xover.hide3prime() # elif m_strand.idx3Prime() != idx: # temp_xover.show3prime() # end def def pencilToolMousePress(self, event, idx): """Break the strand is possible.""" m_strand = self._model_strand vhi = self._virtual_helix_item part_item = vhi.partItem() active_tool = self._getActiveTool() if active_tool.isFloatingXoverBegin(): # block xovers starting at a 5 prime end if m_strand.idx5Prime() == idx: return else: temp_xover = active_tool.floatingXover() temp_xover.updateBase(vhi, m_strand, idx) active_tool.setFloatingXoverBegin(False) else: active_tool.setFloatingXoverBegin(True) # install Xover active_tool.attemptToCreateXover(vhi, m_strand, idx) # end def def skipToolMousePress(self, event, idx): """Add an insert to the strand if possible.""" m_strand = self._model_strand m_strand.addInsertion(idx, -1) # end def def addSeqToolMousePress(self, event, idx): """ Checks that a scaffold was clicked, and then calls apply sequence to the clicked strand via its oligo. """ m_strand = self._model_strand if m_strand.isScaffold(): olgLen, seqLen = self._getActiveTool().applySequence(m_strand.oligo()) if olgLen: msg = "Populated %d of %d scaffold bases." % (min(seqLen, olgLen), olgLen) if olgLen > seqLen: d = olgLen - seqLen msg = msg + " Warning: %d bases have no sequence." % d elif olgLen < seqLen: d = seqLen - olgLen msg = msg + " Warning: %d sequence bases unused." % d self.partItem().updateStatusBar(msg) # end def def restoreParent(self, pos=None): """ Required to restore parenting and positioning in the partItem """ # map the position # print "restoring parent si" self.tempReparent(pos) self.setSelectedColor(False) self.setSelected(False) # end def def tempReparent(self, pos=None): vh_item = self.virtualHelixItem() if pos == None: pos = self.scenePos() self.setParentItem(vh_item) tempP = vh_item.mapFromScene(pos) self.setPos(tempP) # end def def setSelectedColor(self, value): if value == True: color = QColor("#ff3333") else: oligo = self._model_strand.oligo() color = QColor(oligo.color()) if oligo.shouldHighlight(): color.setAlpha(128) pen = self.pen() pen.setColor(color) self.setPen(pen) # end def def itemChange(self, change, value): # for selection changes test against QGraphicsItem.ItemSelectedChange # intercept the change instead of the has changed to enable features. if change == QGraphicsItem.ItemSelectedChange and self.scene(): active_tool = self._getActiveTool() if active_tool.methodPrefix() == "selectTool": viewroot = self._viewroot current_filter_dict = viewroot.selectionFilterDict() selection_group = viewroot.strandItemSelectionGroup() # only add if the selection_group is not locked out is_normal_select = selection_group.isNormalSelect() if value == True and (self._filter_name in current_filter_dict or not is_normal_select): if self._strand_filter in current_filter_dict: if != selection_group: self.setSelectedColor(True) # This should always be the case, but... if is_normal_select: selection_group.pendToAdd(self) selection_group.setSelectionLock(selection_group) selection_group.pendToAdd(self._low_cap) selection_group.pendToAdd(self._high_cap) # this else will capture the error. Basically, the # strandItem should be member of the group before this # ever gets fired else: selection_group.addToGroup(self) return True else: return False # end if elif value == True: # Don't select return False # end elif else: # Deselect # print "Deselecting strand" selection_group.pendToRemove(self) self.setSelectedColor(False) selection_group.pendToRemove(self._low_cap) selection_group.pendToRemove(self._high_cap) return False # end else # end if elif active_tool.methodPrefix() == "paintTool": viewroot = self._viewroot current_filter_dict = viewroot.selectionFilterDict() if self._strand_filter in current_filter_dict: if not active_tool.isMacrod(): active_tool.setMacrod() self.paintToolMousePress(None, None) # end elif return False # end if return QGraphicsItem.itemChange(self, change, value) # end def def selectIfRequired(self, document, indices): """ Select self or xover item as necessary """ strand5p = self._model_strand con3p = strand5p.connection3p() selection_group = self._viewroot.strandItemSelectionGroup() # check this strand's xover idx_l, idx_h = indices if con3p: # perhaps change this to a direct call, but here are seeds of an # indirect way of doing selection checks if document.isModelStrandSelected(con3p) and document.isModelStrandSelected(strand5p): val3p = document.getSelectedStrandValue(con3p) # print "xover idx", indices test3p = val3p[0] if con3p.isDrawn5to3() else val3p[1] test5p = idx_h if strand5p.isDrawn5to3() else idx_l if test3p and test5p: xoi = self._xover3pEnd if not xoi.isSelected() or not selection_group.setNormalSelect(False) selection_group.addToGroup(xoi) xoi.modelSelect(document) selection_group.setNormalSelect(True) # end if # end if # end if # Now check the endpoints low_cap = self._low_cap if idx_l == True: if not low_cap.isSelected() or not selection_group.addToGroup(low_cap) low_cap.modelSelect(document) else: if low_cap.isSelected() or low_cap.restoreParent() high_cap = self._high_cap if idx_h == True: if not high_cap.isSelected() or not selection_group.addToGroup(high_cap) high_cap.modelSelect(document) else: if high_cap.isSelected() or high_cap.restoreParent() # now check the strand itself if idx_l == True and idx_h == True: if not self.isSelected() or not selection_group.setNormalSelect(False) selection_group.addToGroup(self) self.modelSelect(document) selection_group.setNormalSelect(True) elif idx_l == False and idx_h == False: self.modelDeselect(document) # end def def modelDeselect(self, document): self.restoreParent() self._low_cap.modelDeselect(document) self._high_cap.modelDeselect(document) # end def def modelSelect(self, document): self.setSelected(True) self.setSelectedColor(True) # end def def paint(self, painter, option, widget): painter.setPen(self.pen()) painter.drawLine(self.line())
class StrandItem(QGraphicsLineItem): FILTER_NAME = "strand" __slots__ = ('_model_strand', '_virtual_helix_item', '_viewroot', '_getActiveTool', '_controller', 'is_forward', '_strand_filter', '_insertion_items', '_low_cap', '_high_cap', '_dual_cap', '_seq_label', '_click_area', 'xover_3p_end') def __init__(self, model_strand, virtual_helix_item, viewroot): """The parent should be a VirtualHelixItem.""" super(StrandItem, self).__init__(virtual_helix_item) self._model_strand = model_strand self._virtual_helix_item = virtual_helix_item self._viewroot = viewroot self._getActiveTool = viewroot.manager.activeToolGetter self._controller = StrandItemController(self, model_strand) is_forward = model_strand.strandSet().isForward() self._strand_filter = model_strand.strandFilter() self._insertion_items = {} # caps self._low_cap = EndpointItem(self, 'low', is_forward) self._high_cap = EndpointItem(self, 'high', is_forward) self._dual_cap = EndpointItem(self, 'dual', is_forward) # orientation self.is_forward = is_forward self._seq_label = QGraphicsSimpleTextItem(self) self.refreshInsertionItems(model_strand) if not getBatch(): self._updateSequenceText() # create a larger click area rect to capture mouse events self._click_area = c_a = QGraphicsRectItem(_DEFAULT_RECT, self) c_a.mousePressEvent = self.mousePressEvent c_a.setPen(_NO_PEN) self.setAcceptHoverEvents(True) c_a.setAcceptHoverEvents(True) c_a.hoverMoveEvent = self.hoverMoveEvent self.setZValue(styles.ZSTRANDITEM) # xover comming from the 3p end self.xover_3p_end = XoverItem(self, virtual_helix_item) if not getBatch(): # initial refresh self._updateColor(model_strand) self._updateAppearance(model_strand) self.setZValue(styles.ZSTRANDITEM) self.setFlag(QGraphicsItem.ItemIsSelectable) # end def ### SIGNALS ### ### SLOTS ### def strandResizedSlot(self, strand, indices): """docstring for strandResizedSlot""" low_moved, group_low = self._low_cap.updatePosIfNecessary( self.idxs()[0]) high_moved, group_high = self._high_cap.updatePosIfNecessary( self.idxs()[1]) group = self.tempReparent() if low_moved: self.updateLine(self._low_cap) if high_moved: self.updateLine(self._high_cap) if strand.connection3p(): self.xover_3p_end.update(strand) self.refreshInsertionItems(strand) self._updateSequenceText() if group: group.addToGroup(self) if group_low is not None: group_low.addToGroup(self._low_cap) if group_high is not None: group_high.addToGroup(self._high_cap) # end def def strandRemovedSlot(self, strand): # self._model_strand = None self._controller.disconnectSignals() self._controller = None scene = self.scene() scene.removeItem(self._click_area) self._high_cap.destroy() self._low_cap.destroy() # scene.removeItem(self._high_cap) # scene.removeItem(self._low_cap) scene.removeItem(self._seq_label) self.xover_3p_end.remove() self.xover_3p_end = None for insertionItem in self._insertion_items.values(): insertionItem.remove() self._insertion_items = None self._click_area = None self._high_cap = None self._low_cap = None self._seq_label = None self._model_strand = None self._virtual_helix_item = None scene.removeItem(self) # end def def strandUpdateSlot(self, strand): """ Slot for just updating connectivity and color, and endpoint showing """ self._updateAppearance(strand) # end def def oligoPropertyChangedSlot(self, model_oligo, key, new_value): xover_3p_end = self.xover_3p_end strand = self._model_strand if key == 'is_visible': document = self._viewroot.document() # print("isselect", self.isSelected(), new_value) if new_value: xover_3p_end.modelSelect(document) self.selectIfRequired(document, (True, True)) else: self._low_cap.hide() self._high_cap.hide() self._dual_cap.hide() self.hide() xover_3p_end.hide() return try: self._updateAppearance(strand) except: print(model_oligo, key, new_value) raise for insertion in self.insertionItems().values(): insertion.updateItem() # end def def oligoSequenceAddedSlot(self, oligo): self._updateSequenceText() # end def def oligoSequenceClearedSlot(self, oligo): self._updateSequenceText() # end def def strandHasNewOligoSlot(self, strand): strand = self._model_strand self._controller.reconnectOligoSignals() self._updateColor(strand) if strand.connection3p(): self.xover_3p_end._updateColor(strand) for insertion in self.insertionItems().values(): insertion.updateItem() # end def def strandInsertionAddedSlot(self, strand, insertion): self.insertionItems()[insertion.idx()] = InsertionItem( self._virtual_helix_item, strand, insertion) # end def def strandInsertionChangedSlot(self, strand, insertion): self.insertionItems()[insertion.idx()].updateItem() # end def def strandInsertionRemovedSlot(self, strand, index): instItem = self.insertionItems()[index] instItem.remove() del self.insertionItems()[index] # end def def strandModsAddedSlot(self, strand, document, mod_id, idx): idx_l, idx_h = strand.idxs() color = document.getModProperties(mod_id)['color'] if idx == idx_h: self._high_cap.showMod(mod_id, color) else: self._low_cap.showMod(mod_id, color) # end def def strandModsChangedSlot(self, strand, document, mod_id, idx): idx_l, idx_h = strand.idxs() color = document.getModProperties(mod_id)['color'] if idx == idx_h: self._high_cap.changeMod(mod_id, color) else: self._low_cap.changeMod(mod_id, color) # end def def strandModsRemovedSlot(self, strand, document, mod_id, idx): idx_l, idx_h = strand.idxs() # color = document.getModProperties(mod_id)['color'] if idx == idx_h: self._high_cap.destroyMod() else: self._low_cap.destroyMod() # end def def strandSelectedChangedSlot(self, strand, indices): self.selectIfRequired(self._viewroot.document(), indices) # end def ### ACCESSORS ### def viewroot(self): return self._viewroot # end def def insertionItems(self): return self._insertion_items # end def def strand(self): return self._model_strand # end def def strandFilter(self): return self._strand_filter # end def def idxs(self): return self._model_strand.idxs() # end def def virtualHelixItem(self): return self._virtual_helix_item # end def def partItem(self): return self._virtual_helix_item.partItem() # end def def idNum(self): return self._virtual_helix_item.idNum() def window(self): return self._viewroot.window() ### PUBLIC METHODS FOR DRAWING / LAYOUT ### def refreshInsertionItems(self, strand): i_items = self.insertionItems() i_model = strand.insertionsOnStrand() was_in_use = set(i_items) in_use = set() # add in the ones supposed to be there for insertion in i_model: idx = insertion.idx() in_use.add(idx) if idx in i_items: pass else: i_items[insertion.idx()] = \ InsertionItem(self._virtual_helix_item, strand, insertion) # end for # remove all in items not_in_use = was_in_use - in_use for index in not_in_use: i_items[index].remove() del i_items[index] # end for # end def def resetStrandItem(self, virtual_helix_item, is_forward): self.setParentItem(virtual_helix_item) self._virtual_helix_item = virtual_helix_item self.resetEndPointItems(is_forward) # end def def resetEndPointItems(self, is_forward): self.is_forward = is_forward self._low_cap.resetEndPoint(is_forward) self._high_cap.resetEndPoint(is_forward) self._dual_cap.resetEndPoint(is_forward) # end def def updateLine(self, moved_cap): """ must be called when parented to a VirtualHelixItem """ # setup bw = _BASE_WIDTH c_a = self._click_area line = self.line() # set new line coords if moved_cap == self._low_cap: p1 = line.p1() new_x = self._low_cap.pos().x() + bw # new_x = self.mapFromScene(self._low_cap.pos()).x() + bw p1.setX(new_x) line.setP1(p1) temp = c_a.rect() temp.setLeft(new_x) c_a.setRect(temp) else: p2 = line.p2() new_x = self._high_cap.pos().x() # new_x = self.mapFromScene(self._high_cap.pos()).x() + bw p2.setX(new_x) line.setP2(p2) temp = c_a.rect() temp.setRight(new_x) c_a.setRect(temp) self.setLine(line) # end def ### PRIVATE SUPPORT METHODS ### def _updateAppearance(self, strand): """ Prepare Strand for drawing, positions are relative to the VirtualHelixItem: 1. Show or hide caps depending on L and R connectivity. 2. Determine line coordinates. 3. Apply paint styles. """ # 0. Setup vhi = self._virtual_helix_item bw = _BASE_WIDTH half_base_width = bw / 2.0 low_idx, high_idx = strand.lowIdx(), strand.highIdx() l_upper_left_x, l_upper_left_y = vhi.upperLeftCornerOfBase( low_idx, strand) h_upper_left_x, h_upper_left_y = vhi.upperLeftCornerOfBase( high_idx, strand) low_cap = self._low_cap high_cap = self._high_cap dual_cap = self._dual_cap # 1. Cap visibilty lx = l_upper_left_x + bw # draw from right edge of base low_cap.safeSetPos(l_upper_left_x, l_upper_left_y) if strand.connectionLow() is not None: # has low xover # if we are hiding it, we might as well make sure it is reparented to the StrandItem low_cap.restoreParent() low_cap.hide() else: # has low cap if not low_cap.isVisible(): hx = h_upper_left_x # draw to edge of base high_cap.safeSetPos(h_upper_left_x, h_upper_left_y) if strand.connectionHigh() is not None: # has high xover # if we are hiding it, we might as well make sure it is reparented to the StrandItem high_cap.restoreParent() high_cap.hide() else: # has high cap if not high_cap.isVisible(): # special case: single-base strand with no L or H connections, # (unconnected caps were made visible in previous block of code) if strand.length() == 1 and (low_cap.isVisible() and high_cap.isVisible()): low_cap.hide() high_cap.hide() dual_cap.safeSetPos(l_upper_left_x, l_upper_left_y) else: dual_cap.hide() # 2. Xover drawing xo = self.xover_3p_end if strand.connection3p(): xo.update(strand) xo.showIt() else: xo.restoreParent() xo.hideIt() # 3. Refresh insertionItems if necessary drawing self.refreshInsertionItems(strand) # 4. Line drawing hy = ly = l_upper_left_y + half_base_width self.setLine(lx, ly, hx, hy) rectf = QRectF(l_upper_left_x + bw, l_upper_left_y, bw * (high_idx - low_idx - 1), bw) self._click_area.setRect(rectf) self._updateColor(strand) # end def def _updateColor(self, strand): oligo = strand.oligo() color = SELECT_COLOR if self.isSelected() else oligo.getColor() if oligo.shouldHighlight(): alpha = 128 pen_width = styles.PATH_STRAND_HIGHLIGHT_STROKE_WIDTH else: pen_width = styles.PATH_STRAND_STROKE_WIDTH alpha = None self.xover_3p_end._updateColor(strand) pen = getPenObj(color, pen_width, alpha=alpha, capstyle=Qt.FlatCap) brush = getBrushObj(color, alpha=alpha) self.setPen(pen) self._low_cap.updateHighlight(brush) self._high_cap.updateHighlight(brush) self._dual_cap.updateHighlight(brush) # end def def _updateSequenceText(self): """ docstring for _updateSequenceText """ # print("updating sequence") bw = _BASE_WIDTH seq_lbl = self._seq_label strand = self.strand() seq_txt = strand.sequence() isDrawn3to5 = not self.is_forward text_X_centering_offset = styles.SEQUENCETEXTXCENTERINGOFFSET if seq_txt == '': seq_lbl.hide() for i_item in self.insertionItems().values(): i_item.hideSequence() return # end if strand_seq_list = strand.getSequenceList() seq_list = [x[1][0] for x in strand_seq_list] insert_seq_list = [(x[0], x[1][1]) for x in strand_seq_list] i_items = self.insertionItems() for idx, seq_txt in insert_seq_list: if seq_txt != '': i_items[idx].setSequence(seq_txt) if isDrawn3to5: seq_list = seq_list[::-1] seq_txt = ''.join(seq_list) # seq_lbl.setPen(QPen( Qt.NoPen)) # leave the Pen as None for unless required seq_lbl.setBrush(getBrushObj(styles.SEQUENCEFONTCOLOR)) seq_lbl.setFont(styles.SEQUENCEFONT) # this will always draw from the 5 Prime end! seqX = 2 * text_X_centering_offset + bw * strand.idx5Prime() seqY = styles.SEQUENCETEXTYCENTERINGOFFSET if isDrawn3to5: # offset it towards the bottom seqY += bw * .8 # offset X by the reverse centering offset and the string length seqX += text_X_centering_offset * .75 # rotate the characters upside down this does not affect positioning # coordinate system, +Y is still Down, and +X is still Right seq_lbl.setRotation(180) # draw the text and reverse the string to draw 5 prime to 3 prime # seq_txt = seq_txt[::-1] # end if seq_lbl.setPos(seqX, seqY) seq_lbl.setText(seq_txt) # end def ### EVENT HANDLERS ### def mousePressEvent(self, event): """ Parses a mousePressEvent to extract strandSet and base index, forwarding them to approproate tool method as necessary. """ active_tool_str = self._getActiveTool().methodPrefix() self.scene().views()[0].addToPressList(self) idx = int(floor((event.pos().x()) / _BASE_WIDTH)) self._virtual_helix_item.setActive(self.is_forward, idx) tool_method_name = active_tool_str + "MousePress" if hasattr(self, tool_method_name): getattr(self, tool_method_name)(event, idx) else: event.setAccepted(False) # end def def mouseMoveEvent(self, event): """ Parses a mouseMoveEvent to extract strandSet and base index, forwarding them to approproate tool method as necessary. """ tool_method_name = self._getActiveTool().methodPrefix() + "MouseMove" if hasattr(self, tool_method_name): idx = int(floor((event.pos().x()) / _BASE_WIDTH)) getattr(self, tool_method_name)(idx) # end def def hoverLeaveEvent(self, event): self.partItem().updateStatusBar("") tool_method_name = self._getActiveTool().methodPrefix() + "HoverLeave" if hasattr(self, tool_method_name): getattr(self, tool_method_name)(event) # end def def hoverMoveEvent(self, event): """ Parses a mouseMoveEvent to extract strandSet and base index, forwarding them to approproate tool method as necessary. """ vhi_num = self._virtual_helix_item.idNum() idx = int(floor((event.pos().x()) / _BASE_WIDTH)) oligo_length = self._model_strand.oligo().length() self.partItem().updateStatusBar("%d[%d]\tlength: %d" % (vhi_num, idx, oligo_length)) tool_method_name = self._getActiveTool().methodPrefix() + "HoverMove" if hasattr(self, tool_method_name): getattr(self, tool_method_name)(event, idx) # end def def customMouseRelease(self, event): """ Parses a mouseReleaseEvent to extract strandSet and base index, forwarding them to approproate tool method as necessary. """ tool_method_name = self._getActiveTool().methodPrefix( ) + "MouseRelease" if hasattr(self, tool_method_name): idx = int(floor((event.pos().x()) / _BASE_WIDTH)) getattr(self, tool_method_name)(idx) # end def ### TOOL METHODS ### def nickToolMousePress(self, event, idx): """Break the strand is possible.""" m_strand = self._model_strand m_strand.split(idx) # end def def nickToolHoverMove(self, event, idx): pass # m_strand = self._model_strand vhi = self._virtual_helix_item nick_tool = self._getActiveTool() nick_tool.hoverMove(vhi, event, flag=None) # nick_tool.updateHoverRect(vhi, m_strand, idx, show=True) # end def def nickToolHoverLeave(self, event): self._getActiveTool().hoverLeaveEvent(event) # end def def selectToolMousePress(self, event, idx): event.setAccepted(False) current_filter_set = self._viewroot.selectionFilterSet() if self.strandFilter( ) in current_filter_set and self.FILTER_NAME in current_filter_set: selection_group = self._viewroot.strandItemSelectionGroup() mod = Qt.MetaModifier if not (event.modifiers() & mod): selection_group.clearSelection(False) selection_group.setSelectionLock(selection_group) selection_group.pendToAdd(self) selection_group.pendToAdd(self._low_cap) selection_group.pendToAdd(self._high_cap) selection_group.processPendingToAddList() event.setAccepted(True) return selection_group.mousePressEvent(event) # end def def eraseToolMousePress(self, event, idx): m_strand = self._model_strand m_strand.strandSet().removeStrand(m_strand) # end def def insertionToolMousePress(self, event, idx): """Add an insert to the strand if possible.""" m_strand = self._model_strand m_strand.addInsertion(idx, 1) # end def def paintToolMousePress(self, event, idx): """Add an insert to the strand if possible. Called by XoverItem.paintToolMousePress with event as None """ m_strand = self._model_strand if event is None: color = m_strand.color() elif event.modifiers() & Qt.ShiftModifier: color = self.window().path_color_panel.shiftColorName() else: color = self.window().path_color_panel.colorName() m_strand.oligo().applyColor(color) # end def def pencilToolHoverMove(self, event, idx): """Pencil the strand is possible.""" m_strand = self._model_strand vhi = self._virtual_helix_item active_tool = self._getActiveTool() if not active_tool.isFloatingXoverBegin(): temp_xover = active_tool.floatingXover() temp_xover.updateFloatingFromStrandItem(vhi, m_strand, idx) # end def def pencilToolMousePress(self, event, idx): """Break the strand is possible.""" m_strand = self._model_strand vhi = self._virtual_helix_item # part_item = vhi.partItem() active_tool = self._getActiveTool() if active_tool.isFloatingXoverBegin(): # block xovers starting at a 5 prime end if m_strand.idx5Prime() == idx: return else: temp_xover = active_tool.floatingXover() temp_xover.updateBase(vhi, m_strand, idx) active_tool.setFloatingXoverBegin(False) else: active_tool.setFloatingXoverBegin(True) # install Xover active_tool.attemptToCreateXover(vhi, m_strand, idx) # end def def skipToolMousePress(self, event, idx): """Add an insert to the strand if possible.""" m_strand = self._model_strand m_strand.addInsertion(idx, -1) # end def def addSeqToolMousePress(self, event, idx): """ Checks that a scaffold was clicked, and then calls apply sequence to the clicked strand via its oligo. """ m_strand = self._model_strand current_filter_set = self._viewroot.selectionFilterSet() if self.strandFilter( ) in current_filter_set and self.FILTER_NAME in current_filter_set: olg_len, seq_len = self._getActiveTool().applySequence( m_strand.oligo()) if olg_len: msg = "Populated %d of %d scaffold bases." % (min( seq_len, olg_len), olg_len) if olg_len > seq_len: d = olg_len - seq_len msg = msg + " Warning: %d bases have no sequence." % d elif olg_len < seq_len: d = seq_len - olg_len msg = msg + " Warning: %d sequence bases unused." % d self.partItem().updateStatusBar(msg) else: pass #"The clicked strand %s does not match current selection filter %s. "\ # "strandFilter()=%s, FILTER_NAME=%s", m_strand, current_filter_set, # self.strandFilter(), self.FILTER_NAME) # end def def restoreParent(self, pos=None): """ Required to restore parenting and positioning in the partItem """ # map the position # print "restoring parent si" self.tempReparent(pos) self.setSelectedColor(False) self.setSelected(False) # end def def tempReparent(self, pos=None): vh_item = self.virtualHelixItem() if pos is None: pos = self.scenePos() self.setParentItem(vh_item) tempP = vh_item.mapFromScene(pos) self.setPos(tempP) # end def def setSelectedColor(self, value): if value == True: color = getColorObj(SELECT_COLOR) else: oligo = self._model_strand.oligo() color = getColorObj(oligo.getColor()) if oligo.shouldHighlight(): color.setAlpha(128) pen = self.pen() pen.setColor(color) self.setPen(pen) # end def def itemChange(self, change, value): # for selection changes test against QGraphicsItem.ItemSelectedChange # intercept the change instead of the has changed to enable features. if change == QGraphicsItem.ItemSelectedChange and self.scene(): active_tool = self._getActiveTool() if active_tool.methodPrefix() == "selectTool": viewroot = self._viewroot current_filter_set = viewroot.selectionFilterSet() selection_group = viewroot.strandItemSelectionGroup() # only add if the selection_group is not locked out is_normal_select = selection_group.isNormalSelect() if value == True and (self.FILTER_NAME in current_filter_set or not is_normal_select): if self._strand_filter in current_filter_set: if != selection_group: self.setSelectedColor(True) # This should always be the case, but... if is_normal_select: selection_group.pendToAdd(self) selection_group.setSelectionLock( selection_group) selection_group.pendToAdd(self._low_cap) selection_group.pendToAdd(self._high_cap) # this else will capture the error. Basically, the # strandItem should be member of the group before this # ever gets fired else: selection_group.addToGroup(self) return True else: return False # end if elif value == True: # Don't select return False # end elif else: # Deselect # print("Deselecting strand") selection_group.pendToRemove(self) self.setSelectedColor(False) selection_group.pendToRemove(self._low_cap) selection_group.pendToRemove(self._high_cap) return False # end else # end if elif active_tool.methodPrefix() == "paintTool": viewroot = self._viewroot current_filter_set = viewroot.selectionFilterSet() if self._strand_filter in current_filter_set: if not active_tool.isMacrod(): active_tool.setMacrod() self.paintToolMousePress(None, None) # end elif return False # end if return QGraphicsItem.itemChange(self, change, value) # end def def selectIfRequired(self, document, indices): """ Select self or xover item as necessary """ strand5p = self._model_strand con3p = strand5p.connection3p() selection_group = self._viewroot.strandItemSelectionGroup() # check this strand's xover idx_l, idx_h = indices if con3p: # perhaps change this to a direct call, but here are seeds of an # indirect way of doing selection checks if (document.isModelStrandSelected(con3p) and document.isModelStrandSelected(strand5p)): val3p = document.getSelectedStrandValue(con3p) # print("xover idx", indices) test3p = val3p[0] if con3p.isForward() else val3p[1] test5p = idx_h if strand5p.isForward() else idx_l if test3p and test5p: xoi = self.xover_3p_end # if not xoi.isSelected() or not if not xoi.isSelected() or is None: selection_group.setNormalSelect(False) selection_group.addToGroup(xoi) xoi.modelSelect(document) selection_group.setNormalSelect(True) else: xoi = self.xover_3p_end xoi.restoreParent() # # print("should deselect xover") # if xoi.isSelected() or is not None: # selection_group.setNormalSelect(False) # selection_group.addToGroup(xoi) # xoi.modelDeselect(document) # selection_group.setNormalSelect(True) # end if # end if # Now check the endpoints low_cap = self._low_cap if idx_l == True: if not low_cap.isSelected() or not selection_group.addToGroup(low_cap) low_cap.modelSelect(document) else: if low_cap.isSelected() or low_cap.restoreParent() high_cap = self._high_cap if idx_h == True: if not high_cap.isSelected() or not selection_group.addToGroup(high_cap) high_cap.modelSelect(document) else: if high_cap.isSelected() or high_cap.restoreParent() # now check the strand itself if idx_l == True and idx_h == True: if not self.isSelected() or not selection_group.setNormalSelect(False) selection_group.addToGroup(self) self.modelSelect(document) selection_group.setNormalSelect(True) elif idx_l == False and idx_h == False: self.modelDeselect(document) # end def def modelDeselect(self, document): self.restoreParent() self._low_cap.modelDeselect(document) self._high_cap.modelDeselect(document) # end def def modelSelect(self, document): self.setSelected(True) self.setSelectedColor(True) # end def def paint(self, painter, option, widget): painter.setPen(self.pen()) painter.drawLine(self.line()) # end def def setActiveEndpoint(self, cap_type): """ Set the active index in the VirtualHelix Args: cap_type (str): 'low', 'hi' Returns: index of cap as a convenience """ idx_l, idx_h = self._model_strand.idxs() idx = idx_l if cap_type == 'low' else idx_h self._virtual_helix_item.setActive(self.is_forward, idx) return idx
def __init__(self, model_strand, virtual_helix_item, viewroot): """The parent should be a VirtualHelixItem.""" super(StrandItem, self).__init__(virtual_helix_item) self._model_strand = model_strand self._virtual_helix_item = virtual_helix_item self._viewroot = viewroot self._selected = model_strand.oligo()._selected if self._selected: self.strandSelectedSlot() else: self.strandRemovedFromSelectionSlot() self._controller = StrandItemController(self, model_strand) is_drawn_5to3 = model_strand.strandSet().isDrawn5to3() self._strand_filter = model_strand.strandFilter() self._insertion_items = {} # end point squares and arrows self._low_cap = EndpointItem(self, 'low', is_drawn_5to3) self._high_cap = EndpointItem(self, 'high', is_drawn_5to3) # tick mark for connection btw two adjacent domains on the same helix self._tick = EndpointItem(self,'tick',is_drawn_5to3) # self._high_cap = None self._dual_cap = EndpointItem(self, 'dual', is_drawn_5to3) # orientation self._is_drawn_5to3 = is_drawn_5to3 # self._isOnTop = virtual_helix_item.isStrandOnTop(model_strand) # label self._is_on_top = self._virtual_helix_item.isStrandOnTop(self._model_strand) self._seq_label = QGraphicsSimpleTextItem(self) self.refreshInsertionItems(model_strand) if not getBatch(): self._updateSequenceText() # create a larger click area rect to capture mouse events self._click_area = c_a = QGraphicsRectItem(_DEFAULT_RECT, self) c_a.mousePressEvent = self.mousePressEvent c_a.setPen(_NO_PEN) self.setAcceptHoverEvents(True) c_a.setAcceptHoverEvents(True) c_a.hoverMoveEvent = self.hoverMoveEvent self.setZValue(styles.ZSTRANDITEM) self._toehold_item_3p = None self._toehold_item_5p = None self._toehold_cap_3p = None self._toehold_cap_5p = None if self._is_drawn_5to3: self._toehold_cap_3p = EndpointItem(self,'low',not self._is_drawn_5to3) self._toehold_cap_5p = EndpointItem(self,'low',self._is_drawn_5to3) self.toeholdCapHigh = self.toeholdCap3p self.toeholdCapLow = self.toeholdCap5p else: self._toehold_cap_3p = EndpointItem(self,'high',not self._is_drawn_5to3) self._toehold_cap_5p = EndpointItem(self,'high',self._is_drawn_5to3) self.toeholdCapHigh = self.toeholdCap5p self.toeholdCapLow = self.toeholdCap3p # xover comming from the 3p end self._xover3pEnd = XoverItem(self, virtual_helix_item) if not getBatch(): # initial refresh self._updateColor(model_strand) self._updateAppearance(model_strand) self.setZValue(styles.ZSTRANDITEM) self.setFlag(QGraphicsItem.ItemIsSelectable) self.shown_attributes=[] self.refresh_toehold()