import pandas as pd from caeser import utils import geopandas as gpd from config import cnx_params engine = utils.connect(**cnx_params.blight) req = pd.read_sql("""select geoid, c.wkb_geometry, sum(numreqs) totreqs from geography.cen_bg_2016 c join (select parcelid, numreqs, wkb_geometry from sca_parcels join combined_table on parcelid = parid where reported_date >= '2012-01-01' and reported_date < '2015-01-01') p on st_within(st_centroid(p.wkb_geometry), c.wkb_geometry) group by geoid, c.wkb_geometry""", engine) par = pd.read_sql("""select parid, reported_date, startyr, geoid from combined_table join sca_parcels p on parcelid = parid join geography.cen_bg_2016 c on st_within(st_centroid(p.wkb_geometry), c.wkb_geometry)""", engine) bg =gpd.read_postgis("""select * from geography.cen_bg_2016""", engine, 'wkb_geometry', 2274) os.chdir('/home/nate/sharedworkspace/Data/Assessor') years = ['2012','2013', '2014', '2015'] sales = pd.read_csv('2016/SALES.txt')
''' Created on Feb 25, 2014 @author: nfergusn ''' import psycopg2 as psql import os sys.path.append('$HOME/source') from caeser import utils params = utils.connection_info('localhost', db='db') engine = utils.connect(**params) db = psql.connect(params) cursor = db.cursor() select = """select table_name from information_schema.tables where table_schema = 'tiger'""" index = """create index idx_{0}_geom on tiger.{0} using gist(geom);""" cursor.execute(select) tables = cursor.fetchall() def create_index(): index = """create index idx_{0}_geom on tiger.{0} using gist(geom);""" for t in tables: print t[0]
""" """ import pandas as pd import numpy as np import os from caeser import utils from config import cnx_params import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from sklearn import linear_model from sklearn.model_selection import cross_val_predict from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error, r2_score engine_blight = utils.connect(**cnx_params.blight) engine_wwl = utils.connect(**cnx_params.wwl_2017) os.chdir("/home/nate/dropbox-caeser/Data/MIDT/downtown_businesses") q_bus_info = ( "select bus_name, address, district, " "regexp_replace(msg, '- ', '') land_use, livunit " "from " "(select bus_name, match_addr address, msg, livunit, l.wkb_geometry " "from sca_parcels p, sca_pardat, sca_aedit, geography.bp_business_licenses l " "where parcelid = parid " "and (tble = 'PARDAT' and fld = 'LUC') " "and val = luc " "and st_within(l.wkb_geometry, p.wkb_geometry)) l, " "(select * from geography.boundaries b " "where name in ('CBID', 'The Core', 'Parkways', 'Main Street Mall')) b " "where st_within(l.wkb_geometry, b.wkb_geometry) ") bus_info = pd.read_sql(q_bus_info, engine_blight)