    def from_fsdb(fs_comp, short_name=None):
        """gets comp and formula info from FSDB file"""
        from calcUtils import get_date
        from pathlib import Path
        from glob import glob
        from compUtils import create_comp_code, is_shortcode_unique

        comp = Comp()

        comp.comp_name = fs_comp.get('name')
        comp.comp_class = (fs_comp.get('discipline')).upper()
        comp.comp_site = fs_comp.get('location')
        comp.date_from = get_date(fs_comp.get('from'))
        comp.date_to = get_date(fs_comp.get('to'))
        comp.time_offset = int(float(fs_comp.get('utc_offset')) * 3600)
        comp.sanction = ('FAI 1' if fs_comp.get('fai_sanctioning') == '1'
                         else 'FAI 2' if fs_comp.get('fai_sanctioning') == '2' else 'none')
        comp.external = True
        comp.locked = True

        '''check if we have comp_code'''
        if short_name and is_shortcode_unique(short_name, comp.date_from):
            comp.comp_code = short_name
            comp.comp_code = create_comp_code(comp.comp_name, comp.date_from)

        '''check path does not already exist'''
        if Path(comp.file_path).exists():
            '''create a new comp_code and comp_path'''
            index = len(glob(comp.file_path + '*/')) + 1
            comp.comp_code = '_'.join([comp.comp_code, str(index)])
            print(f"Comp short name already exists: changing to {comp.comp_code}")
            comp.comp_path = create_comp_path(comp.date_from, comp.comp_code)
        return comp
 def __setattr__(self, attr, value):
     import datetime
     if attr in ('date_from', 'date_to'):
         if type(value) is str:
             value = get_date(value)
         elif isinstance(value, datetime.datetime):
             value = value.date()
     self.__dict__[attr] = value
    def from_fsdb(pil, from_CIVL=False):
        """gets pilot obj. from FSDB file
                - pil:          lxml.etree: FsParticipant section
                - from_CIVL:    BOOL: look for pilot on CIVL database"""

        CIVLID = None if not pil.get('CIVLID') else int(pil.get('CIVLID'))
        name = pil.get('name')
        # print(CIVLID, name)
        pilot = None
        if from_CIVL:
            '''check CIVL database'''
            if CIVLID:
                pilot = create_participant_from_CIVLID(CIVLID)
                pilot = create_participant_from_name(name)
        '''check if we have a result and name is similar'''
        if not (pilot and any(n in pilot.name for n in name)):
            '''get all pilot info from fsdb file'''
            if from_CIVL:
                    '*** no result in CIVL database, getting data from FSDB file'
            pilot = Participant(name=name, civl_id=CIVLID)
            pilot.sex = 'F' if int(
                pil.get('female') if pil.get('female') else 0) > 0 else 'M'
            pilot.nat = pil.get('nat_code_3166_a3')
        pilot.birthdate = get_date(pil.get('birthday'))
        pilot.ID = int(pil.get('id'))
        pilot.glider = pil.get('glider')
        pilot.sponsor = pil.get('sponsor')
        """check fai is int"""
        if pil.get('fai_licence'):
            pilot.fai_valid = True
            pilot.fai_id = pil.get('fai_licence')
            pilot.fai_valid = False
            pilot.fai_id = None
        """check Live ID"""
        node = pil.find('FsCustomAttributes')
        if node is not None:
            childs = node.findall('FsCustomAttribute')
            live = next(el for el in childs if el.get('name') == 'Live')
            if live is not None:
                pilot.live_id = int(live.get('value'))
        return pilot