def __init__(self,parent,y,m,d): tk.Frame.__init__(self,parent,bd=2,relief=tk.GROOVE) self.year = y self.month = m self.chosenrow = (d - 1 + ((monthrange(y,m)[0] + 1) % 7))/7 self.dayArray = ["Su","Mo","Tu","We","Th","Fr","Sa"] setfirstweekday(6) f = tk.Frame(self) f.pack(fill=tk.X) tk.Button(f, text='<', command=self.__decrease, relief=tk.FLAT).pack(side=tk.LEFT) self.l = tk.Label(f) self.l.pack(side=tk.LEFT,expand="yes",fill='x') self.__redrawlabel() tk.Button(f, text='>', command=self.__increase, relief=tk.FLAT).pack(side=tk.RIGHT) self.c = tk.Canvas(self, width=155,height=135, bg='white',bd=2,relief=tk.GROOVE) self.c.bind('<1>', self.__click) self.c.pack() self.__fill_canvas() self.__setchosen(self.chosenrow)
def get_calendar_weeks(date_obj): """Given a selected month, build a calendar with events Input: year, month (from selected_day) Output: A list of the weeks. Each week is a list of seven objects. """ if python_version()[:3] in ['2.3', '2.4']: pass else: # For python 2.5 or higher, use built-in "monthdatescalendar" method cal = calendar.Calendar(calendar.SUNDAY) # start the day of the week on sunday # a list of the weeks. Each week is a list of seven objects. return cal.monthdatescalendar(date_obj.year, date_obj.month) return cal_weeks # built lists of datetime objects using older python calendar.setfirstweekday(calendar.SUNDAY) # set sunday to first day of week week_lists = calendar.monthcalendar(date_obj.year, date_obj.month) # pull array of arrays cal_weeks = [] for idx, wk in enumerate(week_lists): wk = map(lambda day_num: date(year=date_obj.year, month=date_obj.month, day=day_num), wk) cal_weeks.append(wk) cal_weeks[0] = fill_in_days(cal_weeks[0], is_first_week=True) cal_weeks[-1] = fill_in_days(cal_weeks[-1], is_first_week=False) return cal_weeks
def get_context_data(self, **kwargs): firstweekday = 0 + SHIFT_WEEKSTART while firstweekday < 0: firstweekday += 7 while firstweekday > 6: firstweekday -= 7 month = [[]] week = 0 start = datetime(year=self.year, month=self.month, day=1, tzinfo=utc) end = datetime( year=self.year, month=self.month, day=1, tzinfo=utc ) + relativedelta(months=1) occurrences = [] cal = calendar.Calendar() cal.setfirstweekday(firstweekday) all_occurrences = self.get_queryset().filter(start_time__month=self.month, start_time__year=self.year) print '------------' print all_occurrences for day in cal.itermonthdays(self.year, self.month): current = False if day: date = datetime(year=self.year, month=self.month, day=day, tzinfo=utc) if == now().date(): current = True month[week].append((day, all_occurrences.filter(start_time__day=day), current)) if len(month[week]) == 7: month.append([]) week += 1 calendar.setfirstweekday(firstweekday) weekdays = [_(header) for header in calendar.weekheader(10).split()] ctx = {'month': month, 'date': date, 'weekdays': weekdays} return ctx
def bulk_ajax(request): eventrepeat = get_object_or_404(EventRepeat,id=request.GET['eventrepeat_id']) if 'day_string' in request.POST: st = eventrepeat.start_time start = timezone.datetime(*([int(s) for s in request.POST['day_string'].split('-')]+[st.hour,st.minute])) if request.POST['action'] == 'remove': eventrepeat.month_occurrences.filter(start=start).delete() else: eventrepeat.eventoccurrence_set.get_or_create( start=start, end_time=eventrepeat.end_time, event=eventrepeat.event ) occurrences = [arrow.get(eo.start).format("YYYY-M-D") for eo in eventrepeat.month_occurrences] months = [] for month in range(5): start =,months=month) calendar.setfirstweekday(calendar.SUNDAY) months.append({ 'name': start.format("MMMM YYYY"), 'weeks': calendar.monthcalendar(start.year, start.month), 'number': "%s-%s"%(start.year,start.month) }) return JsonResponse({ 'months': months, 'occurrences': occurrences, 'eventrepeat': eventrepeat.as_json, })
def get_cal(self, m, y): calendar.setfirstweekday(calendar.SUNDAY) cal = calendar.monthcalendar(y, m) days = list() header = "sun mon tue wed thur fri sat".split(" ") cal.insert(0,header) return cal
def date(request, dates): gdate = int(dates) year = gdate//10000 day = gdate%100 month = (gdate%10000-day)//100 if 'user_name' in request.session: session = dict({'user_name':request.session['user_name']}) else: return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('umbrella_system:login')) calendar.setfirstweekday(calendar.SUNDAY) dt = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(time.mktime((year, month+1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0))) next_date = dict({'year':dt.year,'month':dt.month,}) dt = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(time.mktime((year, month-1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0))) last_date = dict({'year':dt.year,'month':dt.month,}) cal = dict({'year':year,'month':month,'days':calendar.monthcalendar(year, month),}) dt = datetime.datetime(year, month, day) rooms = Room.objects.all() i = 0 roomset={} for rooma in rooms: orders = Order.objects.filter(room=rooma,order_day=dt) wari={} for order in orders: times = dict({'time':order.time_zone_id,'user'}) wari.update({order.time_zone_id:times}) room = dict({'name','wari':wari}) roomset.update({}) i += 1 contexts = dict({'cal':cal,'next_date':next_date,'last_date':last_date,'rooms':Room.objects.all(),'roomset':roomset,'i':i}) return HttpResponse(render(request,'umbrella_system/date.html',contexts))
def fnFillCalendar(self): init_x_pos = 20 arr_y_pos = [110,130,150,170,190,210] intposarr = 0 self.canvas.delete("DayButton") self.canvas.update() intyear = int(self.year_var.get()) calendar.setfirstweekday(6) monthcal = calendar.monthcalendar(intyear, self.intmonth) for row in monthcal: xpos = init_x_pos ypos = arr_y_pos[intposarr] for item in row: stritem = str(item) if stritem == "0": xpos += 27 else : tagNumber = tuple((self.tagBaseNumber,stritem)) self.canvas.create_text(xpos, ypos , text=stritem, font=fnta,tags=tagNumber) xpos += 27 intposarr += 1 self.canvas.tag_bind ("DayButton", "<ButtonRelease-1>", self.fnClickNumber) self.canvas.tag_bind ("DayButton", "<Enter>", self.fnOnMouseOver) self.canvas.tag_bind ("DayButton", "<Leave>", self.fnOnMouseOut)
def setup_locale(lc_all: str, first_weekday: int = None, *, lc_collate: str = None, lc_ctype: str = None, lc_messages: str = None, lc_monetary: str = None, lc_numeric: str = None, lc_time: str = None) -> str: """Shortcut helper to setup locale for backend application. :param lc_all: Locale to use. :param first_weekday: Weekday for start week. 0 for Monday, 6 for Sunday. By default: None :param lc_collate: Collate locale to use. By default: ``<lc_all>`` :param lc_ctype: Ctype locale to use. By default: ``<lc_all>`` :param lc_messages: Messages locale to use. By default: ``<lc_all>`` :param lc_monetary: Monetary locale to use. By default: ``<lc_all>`` :param lc_numeric: Numeric locale to use. By default: ``<lc_all>`` :param lc_time: Time locale to use. By default: ``<lc_all>`` """ if first_weekday is not None: calendar.setfirstweekday(first_weekday) locale.setlocale(locale.LC_COLLATE, lc_collate or lc_all) locale.setlocale(locale.LC_CTYPE, lc_ctype or lc_all) locale.setlocale(locale.LC_MESSAGES, lc_messages or lc_all) locale.setlocale(locale.LC_MONETARY, lc_monetary or lc_all) locale.setlocale(locale.LC_NUMERIC, lc_numeric or lc_all) locale.setlocale(locale.LC_TIME, lc_time or lc_all) return locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, lc_all)
def __init__(self, year, months=[], firstDay=calendar.SUNDAY, drawSauce=True, sepMonths='/', lang='English'): """ Setup basic things """ # params self.drawSauce = drawSauce # draw supplementary image? self.year = year self.months = months self.lang = lang # day order self.dayOrder = localization[self.lang][1] if firstDay == calendar.SUNDAY: dl = self.dayOrder[:6] dl.insert(0, self.dayOrder[6]) self.dayOrder = dl self.mycal = calendar.Calendar(firstDay) self.layerImg = 'Calendar image' self.layerCal = 'Calendar' self.pStyleDate = "Date" # paragraph styles self.pStyleWeekday = "Weekday" self.pStyleMonth = "Month" self.pStyleWeekNo = "WeekNo" self.masterPage = "Weekdays" self.sepMonths = sepMonths # settings self.firstPage = True # create only 2nd 3rd ... pages. No 1st one. calendar.setfirstweekday(firstDay) progressTotal(len(months))
def reservation_day(request): ts = Table.objects.all() if not ts: message = 'ERROR: A table map has not yet been set up.' return render_to_response('index.html', { 'message': message, }) months = [ 'January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December', ] calendar.setfirstweekday(calendar.SUNDAY) this_year = int(time.strftime('%Y', time.localtime())) next_year = this_year this_month = int(time.strftime('%m', time.localtime())) next_month = this_month + 1 if next_month == 13: next_year = next_year + 1 next_month = 1 this_month_cal = calendar.monthcalendar(this_year, this_month) next_month_cal = calendar.monthcalendar(next_year, next_month) this_month_year = '%s %d' % (months[this_month-1], this_year) next_month_year = '%s %d' % (months[next_month-1], next_year) message = 'Select the day when you would like to reserve a table.' return render_to_response('reservation_day.html', { 'message': message, 'this_month_cal': this_month_cal, 'next_month_cal': next_month_cal, 'this_month_year': this_month_year, 'next_month_year': next_month_year, })
def __init__(self): now = calendar.setfirstweekday(calendar.SUNDAY) self.year = now.year self.month = now.month = self.format_string = str('%s'+'%3s'*6)
def month_calendar(year, month, days, service): calendar.setfirstweekday(calendar.SUNDAY) month_calendar = calendar.monthcalendar(int(year), int(month)) month_name = calendar.month_name[int(month)] month_href = reverse('services:month', args=(service.slug, year, month)) html = '<table><thead>' html += '<tr><th colspan="7"><a href="{0}">{1}</a></th></tr>'.format(month_href, month_name) html += '<tr><th>s</th><th>m</th><th>t</th><th>w</th><th>t</th><th>f</th><th>s</th></tr>' html += '</thead><tbody>' for week in month_calendar: html += '<tr>' for day in week: if day == 0: str_day = '' else: str_day = str(day).zfill(2) if str_day in days: day_href = reverse('services:day', args=(service.slug, year, month, str_day)) html += '<td><a href="{0}">{1}</a></td>'.format(day_href, str_day) else: html += '<td>{0}</td>'.format(str_day) html += '</tr>' html += '</tbody></table>' return html
def prob2(): import datetime, calendar instring = requestString("Please enter your birthday (in format 1776-07-04)") hold = instring.split("-") calendar.setfirstweekday(6) #make calendar Sun->Sat calMonth = calendar.month(int(hold[0]), int(hold[1])) #hold[0] is year, hold[1] is month printNow(" ") printNow(calMonth) today = holdtheyear = today.strftime("%Y") #save off this year string #today t_day = datetime.datetime(int(holdtheyear), int(today.strftime("%m")), int(today.strftime("%d"))) # next birthday nb_day = datetime.datetime(int(holdtheyear), int(hold[1]), int(hold[2])) diff = nb_day - t_day printNow("Just %i days until your next birthday!" % diff.days) #days of week from Mon-Sun dow = ["Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday"] hold4th = datetime.datetime(1776, 7, 4).weekday() printNow("\nThe 4th of July, 1776 was a %s." % dow[hold4th])
def events_month(request, year, month): events_from = datetime(int(year), int(month), 1) # the following three lines converts the weeks_in_month name to norwegian (e.g. January -> Januar) import locale locale.setlocale(locale.LC_TIME, 'nb_NO.UTF-8') month_name = events_from.strftime("%B") # # force evaluation of the queryset here, to avoid a bunch of queries on further lookups on the set. events = list(CalendarEntry.objects.filter(entry_date__year=year, entry_date__month=month)) calendar.setfirstweekday(calendar.MONDAY) weeks_in_month = [] for weekdays in calendar.monthcalendar(events_from.year, events_from.month): week = [] for weekday in weekdays: events_found = [] for event in events: if == weekday: events_found.append(event) week.append((weekday, events_found)) weeks_in_month.append(week) events_to_context = { 'weeks_in_month': weeks_in_month, 'month_name': month_name, 'year': year, 'month': month, 'system_message': SYSTEM_MESSAGE } return render_to_response('geocal/events_month.html', events_to_context, context_instance=RequestContext(request))
def validate_options(self): #inkex.errormsg( self.options.input_encode ) # Convert string names lists in real lists m = re.match('\s*(.*[^\s])\s*', self.options.month_names) self.options.month_names = re.split('\s+', m = re.match('\s*(.*[^\s])\s*', self.options.day_names) self.options.day_names = re.split('\s+', # Validate names lists if len(self.options.month_names) != 12: inkex.errormsg('The month name list "' + \ str(self.options.month_names) + \ '" is invalid. Using default.') self.options.month_names = ['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December'] if len(self.options.day_names) != 7: inkex.errormsg('The day name list "'+ str(self.options.day_names)+ '" is invalid. Using default.') self.options.day_names = ['Sun', 'Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri','Sat'] # Convert year 0 to current year if self.options.year == 0: self.options.year = # Year 1 starts it's week at monday, obligatorily if self.options.year == 1: self.options.start_day = 'mon' # Set the calendar start day if self.options.start_day=='sun': calendar.setfirstweekday(6) else: calendar.setfirstweekday(0) # Convert string numbers with unit to user space float numbers self.options.month_width = self.unittouu( self.options.month_width ) self.options.month_margin = self.unittouu( self.options.month_margin )
def vertical_month(,,, weeknumber=False, count=3, firstweekday=0): """ returns a list() of str() of weeks for a vertical arranged calendar :param month: first month of the calendar, if non given, current month is assumed :type month: int :param year: year of the first month included, if non given, current year is assumed :type year: int :param today: day highlighted, if non is given, current date is assumed :type today: :param weeknumber: if not False the iso weeknumber will be shown for each week, if weeknumber is 'right' it will be shown in its own column, if it is 'left' it will be shown interleaved with the month names :type weeknumber: str/bool :returns: calendar strings, may also include some ANSI (color) escape strings :rtype: list() of str() """ khal = list() w_number = ' ' if weeknumber == 'right' else '' calendar.setfirstweekday(firstweekday) _calendar = calendar.Calendar(firstweekday) khal.append( style(' ' + calendar.weekheader(2) + ' ' + w_number, bold=True) ) for _ in range(count): for week in _calendar.monthdatescalendar(year, month): new_month = len([day for day in week if == 1]) strweek = str_week(week, today) if new_month: m_name = style(month_abbr(week[6].month).ljust(4), bold=True) elif weeknumber == 'left': m_name = \ style(' {:2} '.format(getweeknumber(week[0])), bold=True) else: m_name = ' ' if weeknumber == 'right': w_number = \ style(' {}'.format(getweeknumber(week[0])), bold=True) else: w_number = '' sweek = m_name + strweek + w_number if sweek != khal[-1]: khal.append(sweek) month = month + 1 if month > 12: month = 1 year = year + 1 return khal
def __init__(self,request,theDate): calendar.setfirstweekday(6) self.request = request self.givenDate = theDate self.monthday = self.monthList = ['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December']
def buildMonthCalendar(self, year, month): """Python standard calendar for a given month :param year: interger. The year of the calendar :param month: integer. Month number :return: a list of day numbers list : [ [0,0,1,2,3,4,5], [6,7,8 ...] ...] """ calendar.setfirstweekday(calendar.MONDAY) return calendar.monthcalendar(year, month)
def buildMonthCalendar(self, year, month): """ year: interger. The year of the calendar month: integer. Month number return a list of day number list : [ [0,0,1,2,3,4,5], [6,7,8 ...] ...] """ calendar.setfirstweekday(calendar.MONDAY) return calendar.monthcalendar(year, month)
def __init__(self, owner, day=1): """owner - owner of this calendar, day - day to shown""" calendar.setfirstweekday(calendar.SUNDAY) self.owner = owner = day self.curr = None self.db_cal = None self.db_events = None
def getDays(offset=0): calendar.setfirstweekday(calendar.SUNDAY) # Days contains the abbrevations for the days of the week today = + timedelta(offset*7) delta = timedelta((today.weekday()+1) % 7) first = today - delta delta = timedelta(1) days = [] for i in range(6, 13): isToday = (offset == 0 and (i % 7) == ((today.weekday()) % 7)) days.append({"title": calendar.day_abbr[i % 7], "today": isToday}) year = first.strftime("%Y") month = first.strftime("%B") day = first.strftime("%d").lstrip("0") last = first + timedelta(6) header = month + " " + day if (year != last.strftime("%Y")): header += ", " + year header += " - " if (month != last.strftime("%B")): header += " " + last.strftime("%B") + " " header += last.strftime("%d").lstrip("0") + ", " + last.strftime("%Y") dates = [] for i in range(7): dates.append({"year": (first.year), "month": (first.month-1), "day": (}) days[i]['title'] += " "+first.strftime("%m/").lstrip("0") + \ first.strftime("%d").lstrip("0") first = first + delta hour = 12 hours = [] for i in range(24): string = str(hour) if (i < 12): string = string + " AM" else: string = string + " PM" hours.append(string) if hour == 12: hour = 1 else: hour = hour + 1 return days, hours, dates, header
def getWeeks(offset=0): calendar.setfirstweekday(calendar.SUNDAY) # Days contains the abbrevations for the days of the week today = current = + relativedelta(months=offset) first, monthrange = calendar.monthrange(current.year, current.month) first = (first+1) % 7 previousMonth = current + relativedelta(months=-1) hold, previousMonthrange = calendar.monthrange(previousMonth.year, previousMonth.month) days = [] for i in range(6, 13): days.append({"title": calendar.day_abbr[i % 7]}) header = current.strftime("%B %Y") dates = [] weeks = [] for i in range(first): isToday = False if (today.year == previousMonth.year and today.month == previousMonth.month and == previousMonthrange+i-first): isToday = True dates.append({"date": previousMonthrange+i-first+1, "thisMonth": False, "today": isToday}) for i in range(first, monthrange+first): isToday = False if (current.year == today.year and current.month == today.month and i == - first + 1): isToday = True dates.append({"date": i-first+1, "thisMonth": True, "today": isToday}) if (i % 7 == 6): weeks.append(dates) dates = [] nextMonth = (current + relativedelta(months=1)) for i in range(monthrange+first+1, monthrange+first+8): isToday = False if (today.year == nextMonth.year and today.month == nextMonth.month and == i - monthrange - first): isToday = True dates.append({"date": i - monthrange-first, "thisMonth": False, "today": isToday}) if ((i-1) % 7 == 6): weeks.append(dates) break return days, weeks, header
def get_time_range(self): now = today = datetime.datetime(now.year, now.month, # Set first weekday to Sunday calendar.setfirstweekday(6) prev_range = [] if self.time_period == 'DA': time_range = [today + datetime.timedelta(minutes=10 * x) for x in range(now.hour * 6 + now.minute / 10 + 1)] prev_range = [time - datetime.timedelta(days=7) for time in time_range] time_interval = 'minute' elif self.time_period == '24': time_range = [now - datetime.timedelta(minutes=10 * x) for x in range(24 * 6 + 1)] time_range.reverse() prev_range = [time - datetime.timedelta(days=7) for time in time_range] time_interval = 'minute' elif self.time_period == 'WE': day_of_week = calendar.weekday(now.year, now.month, first_week_day = today - datetime.timedelta(days=day_of_week) time_range = [first_week_day + datetime.timedelta(hours=x) for x in range(now.hour + day_of_week * 24 + 1)] prev_range = [time - datetime.timedelta(days=7) for time in time_range] time_interval = 'hour' elif self.time_period == '7D': time_range = [now - datetime.timedelta(hours=x) for x in range(24 * 7 + 1)] time_range.reverse() prev_range = [time - datetime.timedelta(days=7) for time in time_range] time_interval = 'hour' elif self.time_period == 'MO': first_month_day = datetime.datetime(now.year, now.month, 1) time_range = [first_month_day + datetime.timedelta(days=x) for x in range( + 1)] if now.month == 1: prev_first_month_day = datetime.datetime(now.year - 1, 12, 1) else: prev_first_month_day = datetime.datetime(now.year, now.month - 1, 1) #TODO fix bug here if previous month has less days than this one prev_range = [prev_first_month_day + datetime.timedelta(days=x) for x in range( + 1)] time_interval = 'day' elif self.time_period == '28': time_range = [now - datetime.timedelta(days=x) for x in range(28 + 1)] time_range.reverse() prev_range = [time - datetime.timedelta(days=28) for time in time_range] time_interval = 'day' elif self.time_period == 'YR': first_year_day = datetime.datetime(now.year, 1, 1) day_of_year = now.timetuple().tm_yday time_range = [first_year_day + datetime.timedelta(days=10 * x) for x in range(day_of_year / 10 + 1)] prev_first_year_day = datetime.datetime(now.year - 1, 1, 1) prev_range = [prev_first_year_day + datetime.timedelta(days=10 * x) for x in range(day_of_year / 10 + 1)] time_interval = 'month' elif self.time_period == '36': time_range = [now - datetime.timedelta(days=365) for x in range(365 + 1)] time_range.reverse() prev_range = [time - datetime.timedelta(days=365) for time in time_range] time_interval = 'month' return time_range, prev_range, time_interval """
def make_calendar(year, month): # just first days of weeks are required z_trim = lambda x: [d for d in x if d != 0] cal.setfirstweekday(cal.MONDAY) weeks = cal.monthcalendar(year, month) weeks[0] = z_trim(weeks[0]) weeks[-1] = z_trim(weeks[-1]) logger.Logger.debug("Calendar for month {}".format(str([(wd[0], wd[-1]) for wd in weeks]))) return [(wd[0], wd[-1]) for wd in weeks]
def _renderTemplate(self, node, year, month, links, dayrenderer): fd = calendar.firstweekday() calendar.setfirstweekday(self._firstWeekday) weeks = calendar.monthcalendar(year, month) # a list of seven-item lists calendar.setfirstweekday(fd) if len(weeks) == 5: weeks.append([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]) node.caption.content = self._months[month - 1] + " " + str(year) # set table caption node.week.repeat(self._renderWeek, weeks, links, self._WeekendTrackerGen(self._isSundayFirst), year, month, dayrenderer) # render weekly rows
def update(self, clear=True): calendar.setfirstweekday(self.firstWeekDay) if clear: self.clear() if self.hidden: self.clear() return False if not self.value: self.addstr(self.rely, self.relx, "No value set") else: year = self.value.year month = self.value.month monthname = self.value.strftime('%B') day = # Print the Title Line if self.do_colors(): self.parent.curses_pad.addstr(self.rely, self.relx, ("%s, %s" % (monthname, year)), self.parent.theme_manager.findPair(self)) else: self.parent.curses_pad.addstr(self.rely, self.relx, ("%s, %s" % (monthname, year))) # Print the day names # weekheader puts an extra space at the end of each name if self.do_colors(): self.parent.curses_pad.addstr(self.rely+1, self.relx, calendar.weekheader(self.__class__.DAY_FIELD_WIDTH - 1), self.parent.theme_manager.findPair(self, 'LABEL')) else: self.parent.curses_pad.addstr(self.rely+1, self.relx, calendar.weekheader(self.__class__.DAY_FIELD_WIDTH - 1)) # Print the days themselves cal_data = calendar.monthcalendar(year, month) print_line = self.rely+2 for calrow in cal_data: print_column = self.relx for thisday in calrow: if thisday is 0: pass elif day == thisday: if self.do_colors(): self.parent.curses_pad.addstr(print_line, print_column, str(thisday), curses.A_STANDOUT | self.parent.theme_manager.findPair(self, self.color)) else: self.parent.curses_pad.addstr(print_line, print_column, str(thisday), curses.A_STANDOUT) else: if self.do_colors(): self.parent.curses_pad.addstr(print_line, print_column, str(thisday), self.parent.theme_manager.findPair(self, self.color)) else: self.parent.curses_pad.addstr(print_line, print_column, str(thisday)) print_column += self.__class__.DAY_FIELD_WIDTH print_line += 1 # Print some help if self.do_colors(): self.parent.curses_pad.addstr(self.rely+9, self.relx, "keys: dwmyDWMYt", self.parent.theme_manager.findPair(self, 'LABEL')) else: self.parent.curses_pad.addstr(self.rely+9, self.relx, "keys: dwmyDWMYt")
def manage_editProperties(self,first_day_week,REQUEST=None): """ Manage the edited values """ if first_day_week == 'Monday': calendar.setfirstweekday(0) else: calendar.setfirstweekday(6) self.ZCacheable_invalidate() return PropertyManager.manage_editProperties(self,REQUEST)
def get_calendar(year, month): blank_week = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] calendar.setfirstweekday(calendar.SUNDAY) c = calendar.monthcalendar(year, month) if len(c) == 4: c.append(blank_week) if len(c) == 5: c.append(blank_week) return c
def date_checker(): number_sundays = 0 calendar.setfirstweekday(6) for year in range(1901, 2001, 1): for month in range(1, 13, 1): if calendar.weekday(year, month, 1) == calendar.SUNDAY: number_sundays += 1 return number_sundays
def setup_locale(locale: str, first_weekday: int = None) -> str: """Setup locale for backend application. :param locale: Locale to use. :param first_weekday: Weekday for start week. 0 for Monday, 6 for Sunday. By default: None """ if first_weekday is not None: calendar.setfirstweekday(first_weekday) return setlocale(LC_ALL, locale)
def main(): while True: time = hour = int(time.strftime("%-H")) month = int('%-m')) year = int('%Y')) for i in range(1): print('_________Starting new loop___________' + '\n') """At the following hours (midnight, midday and 6 pm), perform a calibration of the display's colours""" if hour is 0 or hour is 12 or hour is 18: print('performing calibration for colours now') calibration() print( 'Date:', time.strftime('%a %-d %b %y') + ', time: ' + time.strftime('%H:%M') + '\n') """Create a blank white page, for debugging, change mode to to 'RGB' and and save the image by uncommenting the line at the bottom""" image ='L', (EPD_HEIGHT, EPD_WIDTH), 'white') draw = (ImageDraw.Draw(image)).bitmap """Draw the icon with the current month's name""" image.paste(im_open(mpath + str(time.strftime("%B") + '.jpeg')), monthplace) """Draw a line seperating the weather and Calendar section""" image.paste(seperator, seperatorplace) """Draw the icons with the weekday-names (Mon, Tue...) and draw a circle on the current weekday""" if (week_starts_on == "Monday"): calendar.setfirstweekday(calendar.MONDAY) image.paste(weekmon, weekplace) draw(weekdaysmon[(time.strftime("%a"))], weekday) if (week_starts_on == "Sunday"): calendar.setfirstweekday(calendar.SUNDAY) image.paste(weeksun, weekplace) draw(weekdayssun[(time.strftime("%a"))], weekday) """Using the built-in calendar function, draw icons for each number of the month (1,2,3,...28,29,30)""" cal = calendar.monthcalendar(time.year, time.month) #print(cal) #-uncomment for debugging with incorrect dates for numbers in cal[0]: image.paste(im_open(dpath + str(numbers) + '.jpeg'), positions['a' + str(cal[0].index(numbers) + 1)]) for numbers in cal[1]: image.paste(im_open(dpath + str(numbers) + '.jpeg'), positions['b' + str(cal[1].index(numbers) + 1)]) for numbers in cal[2]: image.paste(im_open(dpath + str(numbers) + '.jpeg'), positions['c' + str(cal[2].index(numbers) + 1)]) for numbers in cal[3]: image.paste(im_open(dpath + str(numbers) + '.jpeg'), positions['d' + str(cal[3].index(numbers) + 1)]) for numbers in cal[4]: image.paste(im_open(dpath + str(numbers) + '.jpeg'), positions['e' + str(cal[4].index(numbers) + 1)]) try: for numbers in cal[5]: image.paste( im_open(dpath + str(numbers) + '.jpeg'), positions['f' + str(cal[5].index(numbers) + 1)]) except IndexError: pass """Custom function to display text on the E-Paper. Tuple refers to the x and y coordinates of the E-Paper display, with (0, 0) being the top left corner of the display.""" def write_text(box_width, box_height, text, tuple): text_width, text_height = font.getsize(text) if (text_width, text_height) > (box_width, box_height): raise ValueError('Sorry, your text is too big for the box') else: x = int((box_width / 2) - (text_width / 2)) y = int((box_height / 2) - (text_height / 2)) space ='L', (box_width, box_height), color=255) ImageDraw.Draw(space).text((x, y), text, fill=0, font=font) image.paste(space, tuple) """ Handling Openweathermap API""" print("Connecting to Openweathermap API servers...") owm = pyowm.OWM(api_key) if owm.is_API_online() is True: observation = owm.weather_at_place(location) print("weather data:") weather = observation.get_weather() weathericon = weather.get_weather_icon_name() Humidity = str(weather.get_humidity()) cloudstatus = str(weather.get_clouds()) weather_description = (str(weather.get_status())) if units == "metric": Temperature = str( int(weather.get_temperature(unit='celsius')['temp'])) windspeed = str(int(weather.get_wind()['speed'])) write_text(50, 35, Temperature + " °C", (334, 0)) write_text(100, 35, windspeed + " km/h", (114, 0)) if units == "imperial": Temperature = str( int(weather.get_temperature('fahrenheit')['temp'])) windspeed = str(int(weather.get_wind()['speed'] * 0.621)) write_text(50, 35, Temperature + " °F", (334, 0)) write_text(100, 35, windspeed + " mph", (114, 0)) if hours == "24": sunrisetime = str( datetime.fromtimestamp( int(weather.get_sunrise_time( timeformat='unix'))).strftime('%-H:%M')) sunsettime = str( datetime.fromtimestamp( int(weather.get_sunset_time( timeformat='unix'))).strftime('%-H:%M')) if hours == "12": sunrisetime = str( datetime.fromtimestamp( int(weather.get_sunrise_time( timeformat='unix'))).strftime('%-I:%M')) sunsettime = str( datetime.fromtimestamp( int(weather.get_sunset_time( timeformat='unix'))).strftime('%-I:%M')) print('Temperature: ' + Temperature + ' °C') print('Humidity: ' + Humidity + '%') print('Icon code: ' + weathericon) print('weather-icon name: ' + weathericons[weathericon]) print('Wind speed: ' + windspeed + 'km/h') print('Sunrise-time: ' + sunrisetime) print('Sunset time: ' + sunsettime) print('Cloudiness: ' + cloudstatus + '%') print('Weather description: ' + weather_description + '\n') """Drawing the fetched weather icon""" image.paste( im_open(wpath + weathericons[weathericon] + '.jpeg'), wiconplace) """Drawing the fetched temperature""" image.paste(tempicon, tempplace) """Drawing the fetched humidity""" image.paste(humicon, humplace) write_text(50, 35, Humidity + " %", (334, 35)) """Drawing the fetched sunrise time""" image.paste(sunriseicon, sunriseplace) write_text(50, 35, sunrisetime, (249, 0)) """Drawing the fetched sunset time""" image.paste(sunseticon, sunsetplace) write_text(50, 35, sunsettime, (249, 35)) """Drawing the wind icon""" image.paste(windicon, windiconspace) """Write a short weather description""" write_text(144, 35, weather_description, (70, 35)) else: image.paste(no_response, wiconplace) """Filter upcoming events from your iCalendar/s""" print('Fetching events from your calendar' + '\n') events_this_month = [] upcoming = [] for icalendars in ical_urls: decode = str(urlopen(icalendars).read().decode()) #fix a bug related to Alarm action by replacing parts of the icalendar fix_e_1 = decode.replace( 'BEGIN:VALARM\r\nACTION:NONE', 'BEGIN:VALARM\r\nACTION:DISPLAY\r\nDESCRIPTION:') fix_e_2 = fix_e_1.replace( 'BEGIN:VALARM\r\nACTION:EMAIL', 'BEGIN:VALARM\r\nACTION:DISPLAY\r\nDESCRIPTION:') #uncomment line below to display your calendar in ical format #print(fix_e_2) ical = Calendar(fix_e_2) for events in if'%-m %Y') == (events.begin).format( 'M YYYY') and (events.begin).format( 'DD') >='%d'): upcoming.append({ 'date': events.begin.format('DD MMM'), 'event': }) events_this_month.append( int((events.begin).format('D'))) if month == 12: if (1, year + 1) == (1, int((events.begin).year)): upcoming.append({ 'date': events.begin.format('DD MMM'), 'event': }) if month != 12: if (month + 1, year) == (events.begin).format('M YYYY'): upcoming.append({ 'date': events.begin.format('DD MMM'), 'event': }) # HS sort events by date def takeDate(elem): return elem['date'] upcoming.sort(key=takeDate) del upcoming[4:] # uncomment the following 2 lines to display the fetched events # from your iCalendar print('Upcoming events:') print(upcoming) #Credit to Hubert for suggesting truncating event names def write_text_left(box_width, box_height, text, tuple): text_width, text_height = font.getsize(text) while (text_width, text_height) > (box_width, box_height): text = text[0:-1] text_width, text_height = font.getsize(text) y = int((box_height / 2) - (text_height / 2)) space ='L', (box_width, box_height), color=255) ImageDraw.Draw(space).text((0, y), text, fill=0, font=font) image.paste(space, tuple) """Write event dates and names on the E-Paper""" for dates in range(len(upcoming)): write_text(70, 25, (upcoming[dates]['date']), date_positions['d' + str(dates + 1)]) for events in range(len(upcoming)): write_text_left(314, 25, (upcoming[events]['event']), event_positions['e' + str(events + 1)]) """Draw smaller squares on days with events""" for numbers in events_this_month: if numbers in cal[0]: draw(positions['a' + str(cal[0].index(numbers) + 1)], eventicon) if numbers in cal[1]: draw(positions['b' + str(cal[1].index(numbers) + 1)], eventicon) if numbers in cal[2]: draw(positions['c' + str(cal[2].index(numbers) + 1)], eventicon) if numbers in cal[3]: draw(positions['d' + str(cal[3].index(numbers) + 1)], eventicon) if numbers in cal[4]: draw(positions['e' + str(cal[4].index(numbers) + 1)], eventicon) try: if numbers in cal[5]: draw(positions['f' + str(cal[5].index(numbers) + 1)], eventicon) except IndexError: pass """Draw a larger square on today's date""" today = if today in cal[0]: draw(positions['a' + str(cal[0].index(today) + 1)], dateicon) if today in cal[1]: draw(positions['b' + str(cal[1].index(today) + 1)], dateicon) if today in cal[2]: draw(positions['c' + str(cal[2].index(today) + 1)], dateicon) if today in cal[3]: draw(positions['d' + str(cal[3].index(today) + 1)], dateicon) if today in cal[4]: draw(positions['e' + str(cal[4].index(today) + 1)], dateicon) try: if today in cal[5]: draw(positions['f' + str(cal[5].index(today) + 1)], dateicon) except IndexError: pass print('Initialising E-Paper Display') epd.init() sleep(5) print('Converting image to data and sending it to the display') print('This may take a while...' + '\n') epd.display_frame(epd.get_frame_buffer(image.rotate(270, expand=1))) # Uncomment following line to save image'test.png') del events_this_month[:] del upcoming[:] print('Data sent successfully') print('Powering off the E-Paper until the next loop' + '\n') epd.sleep() for i in range(1): nexthour = ((60 - int(time.strftime("%-M"))) * 60) - (int( time.strftime("%-S"))) sleep(nexthour)
def localize(locale_name: str = 'pl_PL.UTF-8', first_weekday: int = calendar.MONDAY): """Set program locale and first day of the week.""" locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, locale_name) calendar.setfirstweekday(first_weekday)
import calendar import itertools import logging from datetime import datetime, timedelta, time from dateutil import parser from django import http from django.db import models from django.template.context import RequestContext from django.shortcuts import get_object_or_404, render from .models import Event, Occurrence from . import utils, forms from .conf import swingtime_settings if swingtime_settings.CALENDAR_FIRST_WEEKDAY is not None: calendar.setfirstweekday(swingtime_settings.CALENDAR_FIRST_WEEKDAY) def event_listing(request, template='swingtime/event_list.html', events=None, **extra_context): ''' View all ``events``. If ``events`` is a queryset, clone it. If ``None`` default to all ``Event``s. Context parameters: ``events`` an iterable of ``Event`` objects
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # file : import calendar calendar.setfirstweekday(6) # 일요일을 첫 요일로.. calendar.prmonth(2012, 6)
#showing a calender in python with ***Kelly*** #import calender built-in python libraries import calendar import dateime #set the calendar to begin on a sunday calendar.setfirstweekday(calendar.Sunday) #shows the current year and month print("----Python Calender---\n") print(calendar.month(2020, 4), "\n") #checks the current date in other system current = #this will indicate the current year,month, and give the day of the week day_index = calendar.weekday(2020, 2, 7) month_index = calendar.month(2020, 4) #display full calendar # %A is a full day # %B is the full month name month # %d is the day of the month # &Y is the full year print("Today is", current.strftime('%A %B %d %Y'))
import calendar as cal import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np #I used code from #to create a calendar and modified it to meet the needs of this project. cal.setfirstweekday(6) # Setting Sunday as the first day weekdays = 'Sun Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat'.split() months = 'January February March April May June July August September October November December'.split() class MyCalendar(object): particleCount = {} def __init__(self, year, month, fileName): temp = fileName.split('_') self.year = year self.month = month self.calendar = cal.monthcalendar(year, month) #creates a list of lists for each week self.title = temp[0] data = open(fileName, "r") for line in data: word = line.split(' : ') day = word[0].split('/') self.particleCount.setdefault(int(day[1]), float(word[1]))
def generateLogs(argv, printcmd, location="./"): # FIRST, figure out what days we are going to be printing logs for import calendar import datetime calendar.setfirstweekday(calendar.SUNDAY) if len(argv) < 4: printcmd("should be:\n\t%s <year> <month> <day> [number of days]\n" % argv[0]) return year = int(argv[1]) month = int(argv[2]) day = int(argv[3]) today = datetime.datetime(year, month, day) numdays = 7 try: numdays = int(argv[4]) except IndexError: pass except ValueError: pass if today.weekday() != calendar.SUNDAY: printcmd( "This is supposed to start on a Sunday. I assume you know what you're doing.\n" ) dates = [today + datetime.timedelta(i) for i in xrange(numdays)] progEvents = dict([(date, []) for date in dates]) opEvents = dict([(date, []) for date in dates]) # SECOND, download the schedule # TODO: get rid of this and just talk to the database or whatever directly if # that's at all possible! This is a little silly! If we're going to # output things this way, we should put out an XML file! import urllib import codecs import model import json if True: printcmd("Downloading schedule...") sched_raw = unicode( urllib.urlopen( '' % (year, month, day, numdays)).read(), "iso-8859-1") printcmd("Done.\n") else: printcmd("Using cached schedule (probably not what you want)...") sched_raw = "".join("templogs_sample", "r", "iso-8859-1").readlines()) printcmd("Done.\n") timestrtodelta = lambda timestr: datetime.timedelta( 0, sum(map(lambda x, y: int(x) * y, timestr.split(":"), [60 * 60, 60])) ) printcmd("Adding shows...") schedule = json.loads(sched_raw) for date_str in schedule: year = int(date_str.split("-")[0]) month = int(date_str.split("-")[1]) day = int(date_str.split("-")[2]) date = datetime.datetime(year, month, day) for show in schedule[date_str]: if show["type"] == "show": progEvents[date].append(["show_name"], date + timestrtodelta(show["start_time"]), date + timestrtodelta(show["end_time"]), show["engineer"], show["producers"], show["announcers"])) elif show["type"] == "signoff": opEvents[date].append((date + timestrtodelta(show["time"]), 'TURN OFF TRANSMITTER')) progEvents[date].append( model.signoff(date + timestrtodelta(show["time"]))) elif show["type"] == "signon": opEvents[date].append( (date + timestrtodelta(show["time"]), 'TEST EAS LIGHTS AND TURN ON TRANSMITTER')) progEvents[date].append( model.signon(date + timestrtodelta(show["time"]))) printcmd("Done.\n") # THIRD, compute other events that will occur on a particular day printcmd("Inserting FCC events (EAS tests, tower lights)...") import random # which dates should have an EAS test? easDays = [ random.sample(dlist, 1)[0] for dlist in [[d for d in dates[i:i + 7] if d.strftime("%A") != "Sunday"] for i in xrange(len(dates) / 7)] if len(dlist) > 0 ] # check the tower lights at civil twilight import twilight twilights = map(twilight.twilight, dates) for date in dates: twilightTime = twilight.twilight(date) opEvents[date].append((twilightTime, "CHECK TOWER LIGHTS: READING =")) # random EAS check once per week (taken from last version) # EAS tests must be conducted between 8:30 AM and twilight. # It is by WMBR convention that they are conducted at half # past an hour. To be conservative, I also bring back the # late limit to half-past the previous hour from twilight, # thus avoiding any issues involving having the EAS test # and twilight too close together. if date in easDays: easDateTime = date + datetime.timedelta( 0, random.randrange(8, twilightTime.hour) * 60 * 60 + 30 * 60) opEvents[date].append( (easDateTime, "CONDUCT REQUIRED WEEKLY EAS TEST")) printcmd("Done\n") # FOURTH, produce the pdf import os from reportlab.platypus import BaseDocTemplate, Frame, NextPageTemplate, PageBreak, PageTemplate, Table, TableStyle, Paragraph, flowables from reportlab.lib import colors from reportlab.lib.units import inch from reportlab.lib.pagesizes import letter from reportlab.lib.styles import getSampleStyleSheet from reportlab.rl_config import defaultPageSize import tablegen import progtablegen #letter paper PAGE_WIDTH, PAGE_HEIGHT = letter styles = getSampleStyleSheet() Elements = [] def foot(title): def _foot(canvas, doc): today ="currentYear"), doc.docEval("currentMonth"), doc.docEval("currentDay")) canvas.saveState() canvas.setFont('Times-Roman', 20) canvas.drawString(0.3 * inch, PAGE_HEIGHT - 0.7 * inch, title) canvas.drawRightString(PAGE_WIDTH - 0.5 * inch, PAGE_HEIGHT - 0.7 * inch, today.strftime("%A, %b %d, %Y")) # this draws the page number on the outside corner of the log if % 2 == 0: canvas.drawString(0.3 * inch, 0.3 * inch, "Page %d" % ( else: canvas.drawRightString(PAGE_WIDTH - 0.5 * inch, 0.3 * inch, "Page %d" % ( canvas.restoreState() return _foot def title(title): def _title(canvas, doc): canvas.saveState() canvas.setFont('Times-Roman', 20) canvas.drawString(0.3 * inch, PAGE_HEIGHT - 0.7 * inch, title) canvas.drawRightString( PAGE_WIDTH - 0.5 * inch, PAGE_HEIGHT - 0.7 * inch, "%02d/%02d/%d — %02d/%02d/%d" % (dates[0].month, dates[0].day, dates[0].year, dates[-1].month, dates[-1].day, dates[-1].year)) canvas.restoreState() return _title def rulesPage(): import op_title eltList = [] paraPrefix = "<para" for elt in op_title.contents.split(paraPrefix): if len(elt.strip()) > 0: eltList.append(Paragraph(paraPrefix + elt, styles['Normal'])) data = [["Henry Holtzman", "Home: 617-327-1298", "Work: 617-253-0319"], ["Ted Young", "Home: 617-776-7473", "Cell: 617-447-8439"]] eltList.append(Table(data, style=[('SIZE', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 12)])) return eltList def SigPage(): data = [[ "CUSTODIAN (print name)", "INITIALS", "TIME ON", "SIGNATURE", "TIME OFF", "SIGNATURE" ]] + [[None] * 6] * 22 tableWidths = [2 * inch, None, None, 1.7 * inch, None, 1.7 * inch] tableHeights = [None] + [30] * 22 t = Table(data, tableWidths, tableHeights) t.setStyle( TableStyle([ ('VALIGN', (0, 0), (-1, 0), 'TOP'), ('ALIGN', (0, 0), (-1, 0), 'CENTER'), ('ALIGN', (3, 0), (3, 0), 'RIGHT'), ('ALIGN', (5, 0), (5, 0), 'RIGHT'), ('GRID', (0, 0), (1, -1), .6,, ('LINEABOVE', (2, 0), (3, -1), .6,, ('LINEAFTER', (3, 0), (3, -1), .6,, ('LINEABOVE', (4, 0), (5, -1), .6,, ('LINEAFTER', (5, 0), (5, -1), .6,, ('BOX', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 2,, ('BACKGROUND', (0, 0), (-1, 0), colors.lightgrey), ('VALIGN', (0, 1), (0, -1), 'MIDDLE'), ])) return t ## The operating log printcmd("Writing operating log...") doc = BaseDocTemplate(location + "oplog.pdf", showBoundary=0, allowSplitting=0, leftMargin=0.5 * inch, rightMargin=0.5 * inch, topMargin=1.4 * inch, bottomMargin=0.5 * inch) frameNormal = Frame(doc.leftMargin, doc.bottomMargin, doc.width, doc.height, id='normal') Elements.extend(rulesPage()) for date in dates: Elements.append(flowables.DocAssign("currentYear", date.year)) Elements.append(flowables.DocAssign("currentMonth", date.month)) Elements.append(flowables.DocAssign("currentDay", tables = tablegen.make_day_tables(opEvents[date]) Elements.append(NextPageTemplate('OTALogPage')) Elements.append(PageBreak()) Elements.append(SigPage()) for table in tables: Elements.append(NextPageTemplate('OpLogPage')) Elements.append(PageBreak()) Elements.append(table) doc.addPageTemplates([ PageTemplate(id='Title', frames=frameNormal, onPage=title("WMBR Operating Log"), pagesize=letter), PageTemplate(id='OTALogPage', frames=frameNormal, onPage=foot("WMBR Operating Log"), pagesize=letter), PageTemplate(id='OpLogPage', frames=frameNormal, onPage=foot("WMBR Operating Log"), pagesize=letter) ]) #start the construction of the pdf printcmd("Done\n") ## The programming log printcmd("Writing programming log...") doc = BaseDocTemplate(location + "proglog.pdf", showBoundary=0, allowSplitting=0, leftMargin=0.5 * inch, rightMargin=0.5 * inch, topMargin=1.4 * inch, bottomMargin=0.5 * inch) frameNormal = Frame(doc.leftMargin, doc.bottomMargin, doc.width, doc.height, id='normal') Elements.extend(rulesPage()) for date in dates: Elements.append(flowables.DocAssign("currentYear", date.year)) Elements.append(flowables.DocAssign("currentMonth", date.month)) Elements.append(flowables.DocAssign("currentDay", tables = progtablegen.make_day_tables(progEvents[date]) Elements.append(NextPageTemplate('OTALogPage')) Elements.append(PageBreak()) Elements.append(SigPage()) Elements.append(NextPageTemplate('ProgLogPage')) Elements.append(PageBreak()) Elements.extend(tables) doc.addPageTemplates([ PageTemplate(id='Title', frames=frameNormal, onPage=title("WMBR Programming Log"), pagesize=letter), PageTemplate(id='OTALogPage', frames=frameNormal, onPage=foot("WMBR Programming Log"), pagesize=letter), PageTemplate(id='ProgLogPage', frames=frameNormal, onPage=foot("WMBR Programming Log"), pagesize=letter) ]) #start the construction of the pdf printcmd("Done\n") printcmd("Finished.\n")
import calendar calendar.setfirstweekday(calendar.MONDAY) dow = input('Enter day of week ') dow_int = 0 if dow == 'Monday': dow_int = 0 elif dow == 'Tuesday': dow_int = 1 elif dow == 'Wednesday': dow_int = 2 elif dow == 'Thursday': dow_int = 3 elif dow == 'Friday': dow_int = 4 elif dow == 'Saturday': dow_int = 5 elif dow == 'Sunday': dow_int = 6 i = 11 for year in range(2018, 3000): for month in range(11, 100): if month % 12 == 0: m = 12 else: m = month % 12 if calendar.monthrange(year, m) == dow_int:
print time.localtime( ) # 接收时间辍(1970纪元后经过的浮点秒数)并返回当地时间下的时间元组t(t.tm_isdst可取0或1,取决于当地当时是不是夏令时) #print time.mktime()# 接受时间元组并返回时间辍(1970纪元后经过的浮点秒数)。 # time.sleep(3000)#推迟线程的运行 # print time.strftime(format)#格式化时间,参见上面 print time.time() # 返回当地时间戳 print "time.timezone: ", time.timezone print "time.tzname: ", time.tzname # 日历模块 print calendar.calendar( 2017, w=2, l=1, c=6 ) #返回一个多行字符串格式的year年年历,3个月一行,间隔距离为c。 每日宽度间隔为w字符。每行长度为21* W+18+2* C。l是每星期行数。 print calendar.firstweekday() # 返回当前每周起始日期的设置。默认情况下,首次载入caendar模块时返回0,即星期一。 print calendar.isleap(2017) # 判断润年 print calendar.leapdays(1993, 2017) #判断指定两个年份之间闰年的数 print calendar.month(2017, 9, w=2, l=1) #返回指定年月的日历 print calendar.monthcalendar( 2017, 12 ) #返回一个整数的单层嵌套列表。每个子列表装载代表一个星期的整数。Year年month月外的日期都设为0;范围内的日子都由该月第几日表示,从1开始。 print calendar.monthrange(2017, 11) print calendar.prcal(2017, w=2, l=1, c=6) print calendar.prmonth(2017, 10, w=2, l=1) print calendar.setfirstweekday(3) #设置每周起始日期码 print calendar.timegm(time.localtime()) print calendar.weekday(2017, 12, 25) #返回星期码 #datetime #pytz #dateutil
def generate_image(): if middle_section == "inkycal_calendar" and internet_available() == True: try: clear_image('middle_section') print('Calendar module: Generating image...', end='') now = """Set up the Calendar template based on personal preferences""" if week_starts_on == "Monday": calendar.setfirstweekday(calendar.MONDAY) weekstart = now.replace(days=-now.weekday()) else: calendar.setfirstweekday(calendar.SUNDAY) weekstart = now.replace(days=-now.isoweekday()) """Write the name of the current month at the correct position""" write_text(main_area_width, month_name_height, str(now.format('MMMM', locale=language)), (border_left, middle_section_offset), autofit=True) """Set up weeknames in local language and add to main section""" weekday_names = [ weekstart.replace(days=+_).format('ddd', locale=language) for _ in range(7) ] for _ in range(len(weekday_pos)): write_text(icon_width, weekdays_height, weekday_names[_], weekday_pos[_], autofit=True) """Create a calendar template and flatten (remove nestings)""" flatten = lambda z: [x for y in z for x in y] calendar_flat = flatten(calendar.monthcalendar( now.year, now.month)) """Add the numbers on the correct positions""" for i in range(len(calendar_flat)): if calendar_flat[i] != 0: write_text(icon_width, icon_height, str(calendar_flat[i]), grid[i]) """Draw a red/black circle with the current day of month in white""" icon ='RGBA', (icon_width, icon_height)) current_day_pos = grid[calendar_flat.index(] x_circle, y_circle = int(icon_width / 2), int(icon_height / 2) radius = int(icon_width * 0.25) text_width, text_height = default.getsize(str( x_text = int((icon_width / 2) - (text_width / 2)) y_text = int((icon_height / 2) - (text_height / 1.7)) ImageDraw.Draw(icon).ellipse( (x_circle - radius, y_circle - radius, x_circle + radius, y_circle + radius), fill='red' if three_colour_support == True else 'black', outline=None) ImageDraw.Draw(icon).text((x_text, y_text), str(, fill='white', font=bold) image.paste(icon, current_day_pos, icon) """Create some reference points for the current month""" days_current_month = calendar.monthrange(now.year, now.month)[1] month_start = now.floor('month') month_end = now.ceil('month') if show_events == True: """Filter events which begin before the end of this month""" upcoming_events = fetch_events() calendar_events = [ events for events in upcoming_events if month_start <= events.end <= month_end ] """Find days with events in the current month""" days_with_events = [] for events in calendar_events: if events.duration.days <= 1: days_with_events.append(int(events.begin.format('D'))) else: for day in range(events.duration.days): days_with_events.append( int(events.begin.replace(days=+i).format('D'))) days_with_events = set(days_with_events) if event_icon == 'dot': for days in days_with_events: write_text(icon_width, int(icon_height * 0.2), '•', (grid[calendar_flat.index(days)][0], int(grid[calendar_flat.index(days)][1] + icon_height * 0.8))) if event_icon == 'square': square_size = int(icon_width * 0.6) center_x = int((icon_width - square_size) / 2) center_y = int((icon_height - square_size) / 2) for days in days_with_events: draw_square((int(grid[calendar_flat.index(days)][0] + center_x), int(grid[calendar_flat.index(days)][1] + center_y)), 8, square_size, square_size) """Add a small section showing events of today and tomorrow""" event_list = [ '{0} {1} {2} : {3}'.format( today_in_your_language, at_in_your_language, event.begin.format('HH:mm' if hours == 24 else 'hh:mm'), for event in calendar_events if == and now < event.end ] event_list += [ '{0} {1} {2} : {3}'.format( tomorrow_in_your_language, at_in_your_language, event.begin.format('HH:mm' if hours == 24 else 'hh:mm'), for event in calendar_events if == now.replace(days=1).day ] after_two_days = now.replace(days=2).floor('day') event_list += [ '{0} {1} {2} : {3}'.format( event.begin.format('D MMM'), at_in_your_language, event.begin.format('HH:mm' if hours == 24 else 'hh:mm'), for event in upcoming_events if event.end > after_two_days ] del event_list[max_event_lines:] if event_list: for lines in event_list: write_text(main_area_width, int(events_height / max_event_lines), lines, event_lines[event_list.index(lines)], alignment='left', fill_height=0.7) else: write_text(main_area_width, int(events_height / max_event_lines), 'No upcoming events.', event_lines[0], alignment='left', fill_height=0.7) """Set print_events_to True to print all events in this month""" style = 'DD MMM YY HH:mm' if print_events == True and calendar_events: line_width = max(len( for _ in calendar_events) for events in calendar_events: print( '{0} {1} | {2} | {3} | All day ='.format(, ' ' * (line_width - len(, events.begin.format(style), events.end.format(style)), events.all_day) calendar_image = crop_image(image, 'middle_section') + 'inkycal_calendar.png') print('Done') except Exception as e: """If something went wrong, print a Error message on the Terminal""" print('Failed!') print('Error in Calendar module!') print('Reason: ', e) pass
def tearDown(self): calendar.setfirstweekday(self.oldfirstweekday)
#AFTERSHIP API STUFF import aftership AFTERSHIP_API_KEY = settings.AFTERSHIP_API_KEY #DEFINED IN SETTINGS.PY api = aftership.APIv4(AFTERSHIP_API_KEY) #Defined in couriers = api.couriers.all.get() #################33 #THE FOLLOWING SHIT IS NEEDED FOR THE HOST AVAILABIITY CLANEDAR -- JESS EDITING ON 9/6/2015 E #import new homebrew calendar #NOTE - HOSTCONFLICTS_DATEVERSIO IS THE ONE CURRENTLY IN USE from calendar_homebrew.models import HostConflicts_DateVersion, HostConflicts_DateVersion_OneTable, HostConflicts_OldVersion, HostConflicts_BooleanVersion, HostWeeklyDefaultSchedule #Import the HostConflictsForm -- i just created this in from calendar_homebrew.forms import HostConflictsForm_DateVersion, HostConflictsForm_OldVersion, CalendarCheckBoxes #Define lots of generic date fields that will be accessed by several functions - note that some of these may already be defined in core.views etc import calendar calendar.setfirstweekday( 6) #Set first weekday: 6 is sunday, 0 is monday, default is 0/monday date_today = datetime_now = time = datetime.datetime.time(datetime_now) thisyear = date_today.year nextyear = date_today.year + 1 thisyear_isleap = calendar.isleap(thisyear) nextyear_isleap = calendar.isleap(nextyear) thismonth_num = date_today.month if thismonth_num == 12: nextmonth_num = 1 nextmonth_calendar_year = nextyear else: nextmonth_num = date_today.month + 1 nextmonth_calendar_year = thisyear thismonth_calendar = calendar.monthcalendar(thisyear, thismonth_num)
def localize(): """Set program locale and first day of the week.""" locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, os.getenv('LC_ALL')) calendar.setfirstweekday(calendar.MONDAY)
from calendar import setfirstweekday, weekday, day_name setfirstweekday(6) MM, DD, YYYY = [int(i) for i in input().split()] print(day_name[weekday(YYYY, MM, DD)].upper())
# # This software is subject to the provisions of the Zope Public License, # Version 2.0 (ZPL). A copy of the ZPL should accompany this distribution. # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND ANY AND ALL EXPRESS OR IMPLIED # WARRANTIES ARE DISCLAIMED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED # WARRANTIES OF TITLE, MERCHANTABILITY, AGAINST INFRINGEMENT, AND FITNESS # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ############################################################################## """ CMFCalendar portal_calendar tool. $Id$ """ import calendar calendar.setfirstweekday(6) #start day Mon(0)-Sun(6) from DateTime import DateTime from Products.CMFCore.utils import UniqueObject from OFS.SimpleItem import SimpleItem from Globals import InitializeClass from AccessControl import ClassSecurityInfo from Products.CMFCore.CMFCorePermissions import ManagePortal from Products.PageTemplates.PageTemplateFile import PageTemplateFile class CalendarTool (UniqueObject, SimpleItem): """ a calendar tool for encapsualting how calendars work and are displayed """ id = 'portal_calendar' meta_type= 'CMF Calendar Tool' security = ClassSecurityInfo() plone_tool = 1
def __init__(self, on_date_change, keybindings, on_press, firstweekday=0, weeknumbers=False, monthdisplay='firstday', get_styles=None, initial=None): """ :param on_date_change: a function that is called every time the selected date is changed with the newly selected date as a first (and only argument) :type on_date_change: function :param keybindings: bind keys to specific functionionality, keys are the available commands, values are lists of keys that should be bound to those commands. See below for the defaults. Available commands: 'left', 'right', 'up', 'down': move cursor in direction 'today': refocus on today 'mark': toggles selection mode :type keybindings: dict :param on_press: dictonary of functions that are called when the key is pressed and is not already bound to one of the internal functionions via `keybindings`. These functions must accept two arguments, in normal mode the first argument is the currently selected date ( and the second is `None`. When a date range is selected, the first argument is the earlier, the second argument is the later date. The function's return values are interpreted as pressed keys, which are handed to the widget containing the CalendarWidget. :type on_press: dict """ if initial is None: self._initial = else: self._initial = initial default_keybindings = { 'left': ['left'], 'down': ['down'], 'right': ['right'], 'up': ['up'], 'today': ['t'], 'view': [], 'mark': ['v'], } on_press = defaultdict(lambda: lambda x: x, on_press) default_keybindings.update(keybindings) calendar.setfirstweekday(firstweekday) try: mylocale = '.'.join(getlocale(LC_TIME)) except TypeError: # language code and encoding may be None mylocale = 'C' _calendar = calendar.LocaleTextCalendar(firstweekday, mylocale) weekheader = _calendar.formatweekheader(2) dnames = weekheader.split(' ') def _get_styles(date, focus): if focus: if date == return 'today focus' else: return 'reveal focus' else: if date == return 'today' else: return None if get_styles is None: get_styles = _get_styles if weeknumbers == 'right': dnames.append('#w') month_names_length = get_month_abbr_len() dnames = urwid.Columns( [(month_names_length, urwid.Text(' ' * month_names_length))] + [(2, urwid.AttrMap(urwid.Text(name), 'dayname')) for name in dnames], dividechars=1) self.walker = CalendarWalker( on_date_change, on_press, default_keybindings, firstweekday, weeknumbers, monthdisplay, get_styles, initial=self._initial) = CListBox(self.walker) frame = urwid.Frame(, header=dnames) urwid.WidgetWrap.__init__(self, frame) self.set_focus_date(self._initial)
def set_first_weekday(weekday): calendar.setfirstweekday(weekday)
def RenderMonthGrid(self, month, year): textheight = self.textheight calendar.setfirstweekday(calendar.SUNDAY) cal = calendar.monthcalendar(year, month) parent = self.year_g monthw = self.month_w monthh = self.month_h dayw = self.day_w dayh = self.day_h week_x = self.doc_w / 2 - self.options.week_width / 2 week_y = self.pad # # s m t w t f s # # txt_atts = {'id': 'month'} #group for month day text self.month_g = inkex.etree.SubElement(parent, 'g', txt_atts) #horizontal lines y = week_y for week in range(self.numweeks): if week == 0: #Add initial horizontal at top path = "M " + str(week_x) + "," + str(week_y) + "L " + str( week_x + self.options.week_width) + "," + str(week_y) line_atts = { 'style': simplestyle.formatStyle(self.line_style), 'd': path } inkex.etree.SubElement(parent, 'path', line_atts) #Add horizontal at bottom of each line path = "M " + str(week_x) + "," + str(y + self.day_h) + "L " + str( week_x + self.options.week_width) + "," + str(y + self.day_h) line_atts = { 'style': simplestyle.formatStyle(self.line_style), 'd': path } inkex.etree.SubElement(parent, 'path', line_atts) y = y + dayh #vertical lines x = week_x for c in range(8): path = "M " + str(x) + "," + str(week_y) + "L " + str( x) + "," + str(week_y + self.doc_h - 2 * self.pad) line_atts = { 'style': simplestyle.formatStyle(self.line_style), 'd': path } inkex.etree.SubElement(parent, 'path', line_atts) x += dayw #write year on top txt_atts = { 'x': str(week_x), 'y': str(week_y - textheight), 'id': str(year), 'text-anchor': "start" } inkex.etree.SubElement(self.month_g, 'text', txt_atts).text = str(year) very_first = True first_week = True make_month = True curweek = 0 month = month - 1 while week_y < self.doc_h - self.pad: if first_week and not very_first: first_week = False if make_month: make_month = False curweek = 0 month = month + 1 if month == 13: month = 1 year = year + 1 cal = calendar.monthcalendar(year, month) if curweek == len(cal): curweek = 0 make_month = True continue week = cal[curweek] x = week_x + textheight / 4 y = week_y i = 0 while i < 7: day = week[i] i = i + 1 if (day == 0 and first_week): x += dayw continue txt_atts = { 'x': str(x), 'y': str(week_y + textheight), 'id': str(year) + "_" + str(month) + '_' + str(day), 'text-anchor': "start" } if (i == 1 or i == 7): txt_atts['style'] = simplestyle.formatStyle( self.style_weekend) if day == 1 or very_first: #write month then day txt_atts = { 'x': str(x), 'y': str(week_y + textheight), 'font-size': str(self.textheight * .6), 'id': str(year) + "_" + str(month) + '_' + str(day), 'text-anchor': "start" } inkex.etree.SubElement( self.month_g, 'text', txt_atts).text = self.options.month_names[month - 1] txt_atts = { 'x': str(x), 'y': str(week_y + 2 * textheight), 'id': str(year) + "_" + str(month) + '_' + str(day), 'text-anchor': "start" } inkex.etree.SubElement(self.month_g, 'text', txt_atts).text = str(day) very_first = False else: if day == 0: if first_week: x += dayw continue month = month + 1 curweek = 0 if month == 13: month = 1 year = year + 1 cal = calendar.monthcalendar(year, month) week = cal[0] i -= 1 continue #write day number only inkex.etree.SubElement(self.month_g, 'text', txt_atts).text = str(day) x += dayw week_y += dayh curweek = curweek + 1
import calendar yy = int(input('Enter year ')) mm = int(input('Enter month ')) print(calendar.month(yy, mm)) calendar.setfirstweekday(firstweekday=6) print(calendar.month(yy, mm)) print('*' * 12) for i in range(12): print(calendar.month(yy, i + 1)) print('*' * 12)
import threading import time import logging import calendar calendar.setfirstweekday(0) # Monday is the first day of the week from Display import Display class Calender: def __init__(self, display: Display): logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, datefmt="%H:%M:%S") self.__display = display self.cal_width = 240 # Calendar strings to be displayed self.weekday_name = None self.month_name = None self.day_of_the_month = None self.current_year = None self.month_cal = None self.calendar_month = None cal_reset_thread = threading.Thread(target=self.__reset, daemon=True) cal_reset_thread.start() self.fonts = self.__display.fonts"Calender : Calender Setup correctly") def __reset(self): time_in_mins = 30 time_in_seconds = time_in_mins * 60
def _getCalendar(self): """ Wrapper to ensure we set the first day of the week every time """ calendar.setfirstweekday(self.getFirstWeekDay()) return calendar
def get_context_data(self, **kwargs): context = ListView.get_context_data(self, **kwargs) ol = context['object_list'] calendar.setfirstweekday(calendar.SUNDAY) try: m = int(self.request.GET.get('m', '0')) except: m = 0 context['m_next'] = m + 1 context['m_previous'] = m - 1 now = mes_base = datetime(now.year, now.month, 15) mes_base = mes_base + timedelta(days=int(m) * 30) cal = calendar.monthcalendar(mes_base.year, mes_base.month) for i, semana in enumerate(cal): for j, dia in enumerate(semana): if dia: cal[i][j] = { 'data': datetime(mes_base.year, mes_base.month, dia), 'eventos': [], 'now': == dia and mes_base.month == now.month, 'destaque': False } for evento in ol.filter( inicio__year=mes_base.year, inicio__month=mes_base.month): ano = evento.inicio.year mes = evento.inicio.month dia = primeiro_dia = datetime(ano, mes, 1) dia_pos = dia + primeiro_dia.weekday() if evento.caracteristica == Evento.FERIADO: cal[(dia_pos) // 7][(dia_pos) % 7]['destaque'] = True cal[(dia_pos) // 7][(dia_pos) % 7]['eventos'].insert(0, evento) linha_inicial = cal[0][::-1] for i, dia in enumerate(linha_inicial): if dia: dia_pos = dia['data'] else: dia_pos = dia_pos - timedelta(days=1) linha_inicial[i] = { 'data': dia_pos, 'eventos': None, 'now': False, 'destaque': False } cal[0] = linha_inicial[::-1] linha_final = cal[-1] for i, dia in enumerate(linha_final): if dia: dia_pos = dia['data'] else: dia_pos = dia_pos + timedelta(days=1) linha_final[i] = { 'data': dia_pos, 'eventos': None, 'now': == dia and mes_base.month == now.month, 'destaque': False } cal[-1] = linha_final context['object_list'] = cal return context
def create_calendar(self): calendar.setfirstweekday(settings.FIRST_DAY_OF_WEEK) now = datetime.datetime(self.year, self.month, 1) if self.month == 12: self.next_month = now.replace(year=now.year+1, month=1) self.next_year = self.year+1 else: self.next_month = now.replace(month=now.month+1) self.next_year = self.year if self.month == 1: self.last_month = now.replace(year=self.year-1, month=12) self.last_year = self.year-1 else: self.last_month = now.replace(month=now.month-1) self.last_year = self.year self.week_day_labels = [x for x in calendar.weekheader(5).split(' ') if x != ''] self.current_month = datetime.datetime(self.year, self.month, 1) self.month_name = calendar.month_name[self.month] if self.month == 12: self.next_month = self.current_month.replace( year=self.year+1, month=1) else: self.next_month = self.current_month.replace( month=self.current_month.month+1) self.next_month_name = self.next_month.strftime('%B') if self.month == 1: self.last_month = self.current_month.replace( year=self.year-1, month=12) else: self.last_month = self.current_month.replace( month=self.current_month.month-1) self.last_month_name = self.last_month.strftime('%B') self.cal_weeks = calendar.monthcalendar(self.year, self.month) self.monthrange = calendar.monthrange(self.year, self.month)[1] self.cal_days = [] items = self.calendar_items(self.month, self.monthrange) for week, day in [(week, day) for week in xrange(0, len(self.cal_weeks)) for day in xrange(0, 7)]: imgCounter = dict() dsCounter = dict() prCounter = dict() imgCounter = 0 dsCounter = 0 prCounter = 0 d = int(self.cal_weeks[week][day]) if d > 0: t_items = {'image': [], 'dataset': [], 'project': []} for item in items.get(d): if item.get('type') == 'ome.model.core.Image': try: t_items['image'].index(item.get('id')) except: imgCounter += 1 t_items['image'].append(item.get('id')) elif item.get('type') == 'ome.model.containers.Dataset': try: t_items['dataset'].index(item.get('id')) except: dsCounter += 1 t_items['dataset'].append(item.get('id')) elif item.get('type') == 'ome.model.containers.Project': try: t_items['project'].index(item.get('id')) except: prCounter += 1 t_items['project'].append(item.get('id')) self.cal_days.append({ 'day': self.cal_weeks[week][day], 'counter': {'imgCounter': imgCounter, 'dsCounter': dsCounter, 'prCounter': prCounter}}) else: self.cal_days.append({ 'day': self.cal_weeks[week][day], 'counter': {}}) self.cal_weeks[week][day] = {'cell': self.cal_days[-1]}
def __init__(self, on_date_change, keybindings, on_press, firstweekday=0, weeknumbers=False, get_styles=None): """ on_date_change: a function that is called every time the selected date is changed with the newly selected date as a first (and only argument) keybindings: bind keys to specific functions, keys are commands (e.g. movement commands, values are lists of keys that should be bound to those commands. See below for the defaults. Available commands: 'left', 'right', 'up', 'down': move cursor in direction 'today': refocus on today 'mark': toggles selection mode on_press: dict of functions that are called when the key is pressed. These functions must accept at least two argument. In the normal case the first argument is the currently selected date ( and the second is *None*. When a date range is selected, the first argument is the earlier and the second argument is the later date. The function's return values are interpreted as pressed keys. """ default_keybindings = { 'left': ['left'], 'down': ['down'], 'right': ['right'], 'up': ['up'], 'today': ['t'], 'view': [], 'mark': ['v'], } from collections import defaultdict on_press = defaultdict(lambda: lambda x: x, on_press) default_keybindings.update(keybindings) calendar.setfirstweekday(firstweekday) weekheader = calendar.weekheader(2) # calendar.weekheader returns bytes for python2 and unicode for python3 if compat.VERSION == 2: weekheader = weekheader.decode('utf-8') dnames = weekheader.split(' ') def _get_styles(date, focus): if focus: if date == return 'today focus' else: return 'reveal focus' else: if date == return 'today' else: return None if get_styles is None: get_styles = _get_styles if weeknumbers == 'right': dnames.append('#w') dnames = urwid.Columns([(4, urwid.Text(' '))] + [(2, urwid.AttrMap(urwid.Text(name), 'dayname')) for name in dnames], dividechars=1) self.walker = CalendarWalker(on_date_change, on_press, default_keybindings, firstweekday, weeknumbers, get_styles) box = CListBox(self.walker) frame = urwid.Frame(box, header=dnames) urwid.WidgetWrap.__init__(self, frame)
def main(): global Debug_Mode Debug_Mode = 0 global do_screen_update do_screen_update = 1 global epd epd = epd7in5b.EPD() if Debug_Mode == 0: epd.init() else: print('-= Debug Mode =-') global todo_response todo_response = '' global cal_width cal_width = 240 global line_start line_start = 48 global weather_reponse global forecast_reponse # All fonts used in frames global font_cal font_cal = ImageFont.truetype( '/usr/share/fonts/truetype/freefont/FreeMonoBold.ttf', 16) global font_day font_day = ImageFont.truetype('fonts/Roboto-Black.ttf', 110) global font_weather font_weather = ImageFont.truetype('fonts/Roboto-Black.ttf', 20) global font_day_str font_day_str = ImageFont.truetype('fonts/Roboto-Light.ttf', 35) global font_month_str font_month_str = ImageFont.truetype('fonts/Roboto-Light.ttf', 25) global font_weather_icons font_weather_icons = ImageFont.truetype('fonts/meteocons-webfont.ttf', 45) global font_tasks_list_title font_tasks_list_title = ImageFont.truetype('fonts/Roboto-Light.ttf', 30) global font_tasks_list font_tasks_list = ImageFont.truetype('fonts/tahoma.ttf', 12) global font_tasks_due_date font_tasks_due_date = ImageFont.truetype('fonts/tahoma.ttf', 11) global font_tasks_priority font_tasks_priority = ImageFont.truetype('fonts/tahoma.ttf', 9) global font_update_moment font_update_moment = ImageFont.truetype('fonts/tahoma.ttf', 9) global icons_list icons_list = { u'01d': u'B', u'01n': u'C', u'02d': u'H', u'02n': u'I', u'03d': u'N', u'03n': u'N', u'04d': u'Y', u'04n': u'Y', u'09d': u'R', u'09n': u'R', u'10d': u'R', u'10n': u'R', u'11d': u'P', u'11n': u'P', u'13d': u'W', u'13n': u'W', u'50d': u'M', u'50n': u'W' } calendar.setfirstweekday(0) # Monday is the first day of the week global todo_wait todo_wait = 300 global refresh_time refresh_time = 900 start_time = time.time() + refresh_time while True: query_todo_list() if (do_screen_update == 1): do_screen_update = 0 refresh_Screen() start_time = time.time() + refresh_time elif (time.time() - start_time) > 0: print('-= General Refresh =-') refresh_Screen() start_time = time.time() + refresh_time time.sleep(todo_wait)
import calendar from datetime import datetime, timedelta """ Display Full calendar for given Year """ print(calendar.calendar(2018, 3, 2, 6)) """ Display Starting weekday - Mon-Sun(0-6) """ calendar.setfirstweekday(calendar.SUNDAY) print("First Week day is :", calendar.firstweekday()) """ Check if the given year is leap """ print(calendar.isleap(2018)) """ Counts total leap days between given year range """ print("There are", calendar.leapdays(2012, 2021), "leap days from 2012 to 2021") """ Display full given month """ print() print(calendar.month(2018, 12, 2, 1)) """ Give day name on Given date """ day = calendar.day_name[calendar.weekday(2018, 12, 27)] print("Weekday on 27th December, 2018 is", day) """ Counts occurrences of Weekday """ c = calendar.Calendar() date = datetime(2018, 12, 27) a = 0 while date > datetime(2018, 12, 1): a += 1 date -= timedelta(7)
try: for o, a in opts: if o in ("-h", "--help"): die_with_usage() elif o in ("-y", "--year"): fullyear = True elif o in ("-c", "--columns"): ncols = int(a) elif o in ("-s", "--separator"): sep = a elif o in ("-n", "--nohilight"): nohilight = True elif o in ("-t", "--today"): y, m, d = map(int, a.split("-")) today =, m, d) elif o in ("-f", "--firstday"): d = int(lookup(Days, a.lower())) if not (1 <= d <= 7): raise Exception("bad first day-of-week %s; " "must be 1 (Monday) to 7 (Sunday)" % d) calendar.setfirstweekday(d - 1) else: raise Exception("unhandled option") except Exception as err: die_with_usage(err, 3) Year, Month, Date ="-")[0:3] Date = Date.lstrip('0') ## compute the months to print months = [] if len(args) == 0: args = [Month] for a in args: if fullyear: sy, sm, ey, em = int(a), 1, int(a), 12 else: s, e = a, a