def create_calendar():

    body = {
        "name": "Attendance management bot",
        "description": "Attendance management bot",
        "invitationUserList": [{
            "email": ADMIN_ACCOUNT,
            "actionType": "insert",
            "roleId": 2

    headers = create_headers()
    url = API_BO["calendar"]["create_calendar_url"]
    url = url.replace("_EXTERNAL_KEY_", load_external_key())
    LOGGER.info("create calendar. url:%s body:%s", url, str(body))

    response = auth_post(url, data=json.dumps(body), headers=headers)
    if response.status_code != 200:
        LOGGER.error("create calendar failed. url:%s text:%s body:%s",
                    url, response.text, response.content)
        raise Exception("create calendar id. http response code error.")

    LOGGER.info("create calendar id. url:%s txt:%s body:%s",
                url, response.text, response.content)
    tmp_req = json.loads(response.content)
    if tmp_req["result"] != "success":
        LOGGER.error("create calendar failed. url:%s text:%s body:%s",
                     url, response.text, response.content)
        raise Exception("create calendar id. response no success.")
    return tmp_req["returnValue"]
def push_message(account_id, content, header=None):
    Send message to user. the package is the following JSON structure.
    reference: https://developers.worksmobile.com/jp/document/1005008?lang=en

    :param account_id: user account id
    :param content: message content
    :param header: http header

    if content is None:
        LOGGER.info("content is None.")
        raise HTTPError(500, "internal error. content is None.")

    request = {"accountId": account_id, "content": content}

    headers = API_BO["headers"]
    if header is not None:
        headers = Merge(header, headers)

    headers["consumerKey"] = OPEN_API["consumerKey"]

    url = API_BO["push_url"]
    url = replace_url_bot_no(url)
    response = auth_post(url, data=json.dumps(request), headers=headers)
    if response.status_code != 200:
        LOGGER.error("push message failed. url:%s text:%s body:%s", url,
                     response.text, response.content)
        raise HTTPError(500, "internal error. Internal interface call error.")
def upload_content(file_path):
    Upload rich menu background picture.
    reference: https://developers.worksmobile.com/kr/document/1005025?lang=en

    :param file_path: resource local path
    :return: resource id
    headers = {
        "consumerKey": OPEN_API["consumerKey"],
        "x-works-apiid": OPEN_API["apiId"]

    files = {'resourceName': open(file_path, 'rb')}

    url = API_BO["upload_url"]
    url = utils.replace_url_bot_no(url)

    LOGGER.info("upload content . url:%s", url)

    response = auth_post(url, files=files, headers=headers)
    if response.status_code != 200:
        LOGGER.info("push message failed. url:%s text:%s body:%s", url,
                    response.text, response.content)
        raise Exception("upload content. http return error.")
    if "x-works-resource-id" not in response.headers:
        LOGGER.error("invalid content. url:%s txt:%s headers:%s", url,
                     response.text, response.headers)
        raise Exception("upload content. not fond 'x-works-resource-id'.")
    return response.headers["x-works-resource-id"]
def set_rich_menu_image(resource_id, rich_menu_id):
    Set a rich menu image.
    reference: https://developers.worksmobile.com/kr/document/100504002?lang=en

    :param resource_id: resource id
    :param rich_menu_id: rich menu id
    body = {"resourceId": resource_id}

    headers = API_BO["headers"]
    headers["consumerKey"] = OPEN_API["consumerKey"]

    url = API_BO["rich_menu_url"] + "/" + rich_menu_id + "/content"
    url = utils.replace_url_bot_no(url)
    LOGGER.info("set rich menu image . url:%s", url)

    response = auth_post(url, data=json.dumps(body), headers=headers)
    if response.status_code != 200:
        LOGGER.info("set rich menu image failed. url:%s text:%s body:%s", url,
                    response.text, response.content)
        raise Exception("set richmenu image. http return error.")

    LOGGER.info("set rich menu image success. url:%s txt:%s body:%s", url,
                response.text, response.content)
def get_user_info_by_account(account_id):
    Get user info of account.
    reference: https://developers.worksmobile.com/jp/document/1006004/v1?lang=en
    If you fail to get external key,
    log in to the development console to check your configuration.
    reference: https://auth.worksmobile.com/login/login?

    :return: external key
    contacts_url = "%s?account=%s" % \
                       (API_BO["TZone"]["contacts_url"], account_id)
    headers = {
        "content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
        "charset": "UTF-8",
        "consumerKey": OPEN_API["consumerKey"]

    response = auth_post(contacts_url, headers=headers)
    if response.status_code != 200 or response.content is None:
        LOGGER.error("get user info failed. url:%s text:%s body:%s",
                     contacts_url, response.text, response.content)
        raise Exception("get user info. http return code error.")
    tmp_req = json.loads(response.content)
    data = tmp_req.get("data", None)
    if data is None:
        raise Exception("get user info. data filed is None.")
    external_key = data.get("externalKey", None)
    name = data.get("name", None)
    if external_key is None:
        raise Exception("get user info. external_key filed is None.")
    return external_key, name
def make_add_rich_menu_body(rich_menu_name):
    add rich menu body
    reference: https://developers.worksmobile.com/kr/document/100504001?lang=en

    :param rich_menu_name: rich menu name
    :return: rich menu id
    size = make_size(2500, 1686)

    bound0 = make_bound(0, 0, 1250, 1286)
    action0 = make_postback_action(
        display_text="Record clock-in",
        label="Record clock-in",

    bound1 = make_bound(1250, 0, 1250, 1286)
    action1 = make_postback_action("sign_out",
                                   display_text="Record clock-out",
                                   label="Record clock-out")

    bound2 = make_bound(0, 1286, 2500, 400)
    action2 = make_postback_action("to_first",
                                   display_text="Start over",
                                   label="Start over")

    rich_menu = make_add_rich_menu(rich_menu_name, size, [
        make_area(bound0, action0),
        make_area(bound1, action1),
        make_area(bound2, action2)

    headers = API_BO["headers"]
    headers["consumerKey"] = OPEN_API["consumerKey"]

    url = API_BO["rich_menu_url"]
    url = utils.replace_url_bot_no(url)

    LOGGER.info("register richmenu. url:%s", url)

    response = auth_post(url, data=json.dumps(rich_menu), headers=headers)
    if response.status_code != 200:
        LOGGER.info("register richmenu failed. url:%s text:%s body:%s", url,
                    response.text, response.content)
        raise Exception("register richmenu. http return error.")

    LOGGER.info("register richmenu success. url:%s txt:%s body:%s", url,
                response.text, response.content)

    tmp = json.loads(response.content)
    return tmp["richMenuId"]
def create_schedule(current, end, begin, account_id, title):
    create schedule.
    reference: https://developers.worksmobile.com/kr/document/100702703?lang=ko

    :return: schedule id.

    uid = str(uuid.uuid4()) + account_id
    schedule_data = make_icalendar_data(uid, title, current, end, begin,
                                        account_id, True)
    body = {"ical": schedule_data}

    calendar_id = get_value(API_BO["calendar"]["name"], None)
    if calendar_id is None:
        LOGGER.error("get calendar from cached failed.")
        raise HTTPError(500, "internal error. get calendar is failed.")

    headers = create_headers()
    url = API_BO["calendar"]["create_schedule_url"]
    url = url.replace("_EXTERNAL_KEY_", load_external_key())
    url = url.replace("_CALENDAR_ID_", calendar_id)

    response = auth_post(url, data=json.dumps(body), headers=headers)
    if response.status_code != 200:
        LOGGER.error("create schedules failed. url:%s text:%s body:%s", url,
                     response.text, response.content)
        raise HTTPError(500,
                        "internal error. create schedule http code error.")

    tmp_req = json.loads(response.content)
    if tmp_req["result"] != "success":
        LOGGER.error("create schedule failed. url:%s text:%s body:%s", url,
                     response.text, response.content)
        raise HTTPError(500, "internal error. http response error.")

    LOGGER.info("create schedule. url:%s text:%s body:%s", url, response.text,

    return_value = tmp_req.get("returnValue", None)
    if return_value is None:
        LOGGER.error("create schedule failed. url:%s text:%s body:%s", url,
                     response.text, response.content)
        raise HTTPError(500, "internal error. create schedule content error.")

    schedule_uid = return_value.get("icalUid", None)
    if schedule_uid is None:
        LOGGER.error("create schedule failed. url:%s text:%s body:%s", url,
                     response.text, response.content)
        raise HTTPError(500, "internal error. create schedule content error.")
    return schedule_uid
def set_user_specific_rich_menu(rich_menu_id, account_id):
    headers = API_BO["headers"]
    headers["consumerKey"] = OPEN_API["consumerKey"]
    url = API_BO["rich_menu_url"] + "/" \
          + rich_menu_id + "/account/" + account_id

    url = utils.replace_url_bot_no(url)

    response = auth_post(url, headers=headers)
    if response.status_code != 200:
        LOGGER.info("push message failed. url:%s text:%s body:%s",
                    url, response.text, response.content)
        raise Exception("set user specific richmenu. http return error.")
    LOGGER.info("set user specific richmenu success. url:%s txt:%s body:%s",
                url, response.text, response.content)
def create_schedule(current, end, begin, account_id):
    summarys = {"kr": "출근시간", "jp": "出勤時間", "en": "Clock-in time"}

    uid = str(uuid.uuid4()) + account_id
    schedule_data = make_icalendar_data(uid, summarys[LOCAL], current, end,
                                        begin, account_id, True)
    body = {"ical": schedule_data}

    calendar_id = get_value(API_BO["calendar"]["name"], None)
    if calendar_id is None:
        LOGGER.error("get calendar from cached failed.")
        raise HTTPError(500, "internal error. get calendar is failed.")

    headers = create_headers()
    url = API_BO["calendar"]["create_schedule_url"]
    url = url.replace("_EXTERNAL_KEY_", load_external_key())
    url = url.replace("_CALENDAR_ID_", calendar_id)

    response = auth_post(url, data=json.dumps(body), headers=headers)
    if response.status_code != 200:
        LOGGER.error("create schedules failed. url:%s text:%s body:%s", url,
                     response.text, response.content)
        raise HTTPError(500,
                        "internal error. create schedule http code error.")

    tmp_req = json.loads(response.content)
    if tmp_req["result"] != "success":
        LOGGER.error("create schedule failed. url:%s text:%s body:%s", url,
                     response.text, response.content)
        raise HTTPError(500, "internal error. http response error.")

    LOGGER.info("create schedule. url:%s text:%s body:%s", url, response.text,

    return_value = tmp_req.get("returnValue", None)
    if return_value is None:
        LOGGER.error("create schedule failed. url:%s text:%s body:%s", url,
                     response.text, response.content)
        raise HTTPError(500, "internal error. create schedule content error.")

    schedule_uid = return_value.get("icalUid", None)
    if schedule_uid is None:
        LOGGER.error("create schedule failed. url:%s text:%s body:%s", url,
                     response.text, response.content)
        raise HTTPError(500, "internal error. create schedule content error.")
    return schedule_uid
def set_rich_menu_image(resource_id, rich_menu_id):

    body = {"resourceId": resource_id}

    headers = API_BO["headers"]
    headers["consumerKey"] = OPEN_API["consumerKey"]

    url = API_BO["rich_menu_url"] + "/" + rich_menu_id + "/content"
    url = utils.replace_url_bot_no(url)
    LOGGER.info("set rich menu image . url:%s", url)

    response = auth_post(url, data=json.dumps(body), headers=headers)
    if response.status_code != 200:
        LOGGER.info("set rich menu image failed. url:%s text:%s body:%s",
                    url, response.text, response.content)
        raise Exception("set richmenu image. http return error.")

    LOGGER.info("set rich menu image success. url:%s txt:%s body:%s",
                url, response.text, response.content)
def push_message(account_id, content, header=None):

    if content is None:
        LOGGER.info("content is None.")
        raise HTTPError(500, "internal error. content is None.")

    request = {"accountId": account_id, "content": content}

    headers = API_BO["headers"]
    if header is not None:
        headers = Merge(header, headers)

    headers["consumerKey"] = OPEN_API["consumerKey"]

    url = API_BO["push_url"]
    url = replace_url_bot_no(url)
    response = auth_post(url, data=json.dumps(request), headers=headers)
    if response.status_code != 200:
        LOGGER.error("push message failed. url:%s text:%s body:%s", url,
                     response.text, response.content)
        raise HTTPError(500, "internal error. Internal interface call error.")
def get_external_key_from_remote():
    external_key_url = API_BO["TZone"]["external_key_url"]
    headers = {
        "content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
        "charset": "UTF-8",
        "consumerKey": OPEN_API["consumerKey"]

    response = auth_post(external_key_url, headers=headers)
    if response.status_code != 200 or response.content is None:
        LOGGER.error("get external key failed. url:%s text:%s body:%s",
                     external_key_url, response.text, response.content)
        raise Exception("get external key. http return code error.")
    tmp_req = json.loads(response.content)
    data = tmp_req.get("data", None)
    if data is None:
        raise Exception("get external key. data filed is None.")
    external_key = data.get("externalKey", None)
    if external_key is None:
        raise Exception("get external key. external_key filed is None.")
    return external_key
def set_user_specific_rich_menu(rich_menu_id, account_id):
    Set a user-specific rich menu.
    reference: https://developers.worksmobile.com/kr/document/100504010?lang=en

    :param rich_menu_id: rich menu id
    :param account_id: user account id
    headers = API_BO["headers"]
    headers["consumerKey"] = OPEN_API["consumerKey"]
    url = API_BO["rich_menu_url"] + "/" \
          + rich_menu_id + "/account/" + account_id

    url = utils.replace_url_bot_no(url)

    response = auth_post(url, headers=headers)
    if response.status_code != 200:
        LOGGER.info("push message failed. url:%s text:%s body:%s", url,
                    response.text, response.content)
        raise Exception("set user specific richmenu. http return error.")
    LOGGER.info("set user specific richmenu success. url:%s txt:%s body:%s",
                url, response.text, response.content)
def upload_content(file_path):
    headers = {
        "consumerKey": OPEN_API["consumerKey"],
        "x-works-apiid": OPEN_API["apiId"]

    files = {'resourceName': open(file_path, 'rb')}

    url = API_BO["upload_url"]
    url = utils.replace_url_bot_no(url)

    LOGGER.info("upload content . url:%s", url)

    response = auth_post(url, files=files, headers=headers)
    if response.status_code != 200:
        LOGGER.info("push message failed. url:%s text:%s body:%s",
                    url, response.text, response.content)
        raise Exception("upload content. http return error.")
    if "x-works-resource-id" not in response.headers:
        LOGGER.error("invalid content. url:%s txt:%s headers:%s",
                    url, response.text, response.headers)
        raise Exception("upload content. not fond 'x-works-resource-id'.")
    return response.headers["x-works-resource-id"]
def make_add_rich_menu_body(rich_menu_name):
    size = make_size(2500, 1686)

    bound0 = make_bound(0, 0, 1250, 1286)
    jp_text0 = i18n_display_text("ja_JP", "出勤を記録する")
    en_text0 = i18n_display_text("en_US", "Record clock-in")
    kr_text0 = i18n_display_text("ko_KR", "출근 기록하기")
    display_text0 = [jp_text0, en_text0, kr_text0]

    jp_label_text0 = make_i18n_label("ja_JP", "出勤を記録する")
    en_label_text0 = make_i18n_label("en_US", "Record clock-in")
    kr_label_text0 = make_i18n_label("ko_KR", "출근 기록하기")
    display_label0 = [jp_label_text0, en_label_text0, kr_label_text0]

    action0 = make_postback_action("sign_in",
                                   display_text="출근 기록하기",
                                   label="출근 기록하기",

    bound1 = make_bound(1250, 0, 1250, 1286)
    jp_text1 = i18n_display_text("ja_JP", "退勤を記録する")
    en_text1 = i18n_display_text("en_US", "Record clock-out")
    kr_text1 = i18n_display_text("ko_KR", "퇴근 기록하기")
    display_text1 = [jp_text1, en_text1, kr_text1]

    jp_label_text1 = make_i18n_label("ja_JP", "退勤を記録する")
    en_label_text1 = make_i18n_label("en_US", "Record clock-out")
    kr_label_text1 = make_i18n_label("ko_KR", "퇴근 기록하기")
    display_label1 = [jp_label_text1, en_label_text1, kr_label_text1]

    action1 = make_postback_action("sign_out",
                                   display_text="퇴근 기록하기",
                                   label="퇴근 기록하기",

    bound2 = make_bound(0, 1286, 2500, 400)
    jp_text2 = i18n_display_text("ja_JP", "最初へ")
    en_text2 = i18n_display_text("en_US", "Start over")
    kr_text2 = i18n_display_text("ko_KR", "처음으로")
    display_text2 = [jp_text2, en_text2, kr_text2]

    jp_label_text2 = make_i18n_label("ja_JP", "最初へ")
    en_label_text2 = make_i18n_label("en_US", "Start over")
    kr_label_text2 = make_i18n_label("ko_KR", "처음으로")
    display_label2 = [jp_label_text2, en_label_text2, kr_label_text2]

    action2 = make_postback_action("to_first",

    rich_menu = make_add_rich_menu(
                        make_area(bound0, action0),
                        make_area(bound1, action1),
                        make_area(bound2, action2)

    headers = API_BO["headers"]
    headers["consumerKey"] = OPEN_API["consumerKey"]

    url = API_BO["rich_menu_url"]
    url = utils.replace_url_bot_no(url)

    LOGGER.info("register richmenu. url:%s", url)

    response = auth_post(url, data=json.dumps(rich_menu), headers=headers)
    if response.status_code != 200:
        LOGGER.info("register richmenu failed. url:%s text:%s body:%s",
                    url, response.text, response.content)
        raise Exception("register richmenu. http return error.")

    LOGGER.info("register richmenu success. url:%s txt:%s body:%s",
                url, response.text, response.content)

    tmp = json.loads(response.content)
    return tmp["richMenuId"]