def transform_declaration(decl):
    decl = StyleDeclaration(decl)
    changed = False
    for prop, parent_prop in tuple(decl):
        if prop.name in page_break_properties:
            changed = True
            name = prop.name.partition('-')[2]
            for prefix in ('', '-webkit-column-'):
                # Note that Firefox does not support break-after at all
                # https://bugzil.la/549114
                decl.set_property(prefix + name, prop.value, prop.priority)
            decl.remove_property(prop, parent_prop)
        elif prop.name == 'font-size':
            raw = prop.value
            afs = absolute_font_sizes.get(raw)
            if afs is not None:
                changed = True
                decl.change_property(prop, parent_prop, afs)
            l, unit = parse_css_length(raw)
            if unit in absolute_units:
                changed = True
                l = convert_fontsize(l, unit)
                decl.change_property(prop, parent_prop,
                                     unicode_type(l) + 'rem')
    return changed
def transform_declaration(decl):
    decl = StyleDeclaration(decl)
    changed = False
    for prop, parent_prop in tuple(decl):
        if prop.name in {'page-break-before', 'page-break-after', 'page-break-inside'}:
            changed = True
            name = prop.name.partition('-')[2]
            for prefix in ('', '-webkit-column-'):
                # Note that Firefox does not support break-after at all
                # https://bugzil.la/549114
                decl.set_property(prefix + name, prop.value, prop.priority)
            decl.remove_property(prop, parent_prop)
        elif prop.name == 'font-size':
            l, unit = parse_css_length(prop.value)
            if unit in absolute_units:
                changed = True
                l = convert_fontsize(l, unit)
                decl.change_property(prop, parent_prop, str(l) + 'rem')
    return changed
def transform_declaration(decl):
    decl = StyleDeclaration(decl)
    changed = False
    for prop, parent_prop in tuple(decl):
        if prop.name in {'page-break-before', 'page-break-after', 'page-break-inside'}:
            changed = True
            name = prop.name.partition('-')[2]
            for prefix in ('', '-webkit-column-'):
                # Note that Firefox does not support break-after at all
                # https://bugzil.la/549114
                decl.set_property(prefix + name, prop.value, prop.priority)
            decl.remove_property(prop, parent_prop)
        elif prop.name == 'font-size':
            l, unit = parse_css_length(prop.value)
            if unit in absolute_units:
                changed = True
                l = convert_fontsize(l, unit)
                decl.change_property(prop, parent_prop, str(l) + 'rem')
    return changed
def transform_declaration(decl):
    decl = StyleDeclaration(decl)
    changed = False
    nonstandard_writing_mode_props = {}
    standard_writing_mode_props = {}

    for prop, parent_prop in tuple(decl):
        if prop.name in page_break_properties:
            changed = True
            name = prop.name.partition('-')[2]
            for prefix in ('', '-webkit-column-'):
                # Note that Firefox does not support break-after at all
                # https://bugzil.la/549114
                decl.set_property(prefix + name, prop.value, prop.priority)
            decl.remove_property(prop, parent_prop)
        elif prop.name == 'font-size':
            raw = prop.value
            afs = absolute_font_sizes.get(raw)
            if afs is not None:
                changed = True
                decl.change_property(prop, parent_prop, afs)
            l, unit = parse_css_length(raw)
            if unit in absolute_units:
                changed = True
                l = convert_fontsize(l, unit)
                decl.change_property(prop, parent_prop, unicode_type(l) + 'rem')
        elif prop.name in nonstandard_writing_mode_property_names:
            nonstandard_writing_mode_props[prop.value] = prop.priority
        elif prop.name == 'writing-mode':
            standard_writing_mode_props[prop.value] = True

    # Add standard writing-mode properties if they don't exist so that
    # all of the browsers supported by the viewer work in vertical modes
    for value, priority in nonstandard_writing_mode_props.items():
        if value not in standard_writing_mode_props:
            decl.set_property('writing-mode', value, priority)
            changed = True

    return changed