文件: index.py 项目: j-howell/calibre
def read_index(sections, idx, codec):
    table, cncx = OrderedDict(), CNCX([], codec)

    data = sections[idx].raw

    indx_header = parse_indx_header(data)
    indx_count = indx_header['count']

    if indx_header['ncncx'] > 0:
        off = idx + indx_count + 1
        cncx_records = [x.raw for x in sections[off:off+indx_header['ncncx']]]
        cncx = CNCX(cncx_records, codec)

    tag_section_start = indx_header['tagx']
    control_byte_count, tags = parse_tagx_section(data[tag_section_start:])

    read_variable_len_data(data, indx_header)
    index_headers = []

    for i in range(idx + 1, idx + 1 + indx_count):
        # Index record
        data = sections[i].raw
        index_headers.append(parse_index_record(table, data, control_byte_count, tags, codec,
                indx_header['ordt_map'], strict=True))
        read_variable_len_data(data, index_headers[-1])
    return table, cncx, indx_header, index_headers
def read_index(sections, idx, codec):
    table, cncx = OrderedDict(), CNCX([], codec)

    data = sections[idx].raw

    indx_header = parse_indx_header(data)
    indx_count = indx_header['count']

    if indx_header['ncncx'] > 0:
        off = idx + indx_count + 1
        cncx_records = [x.raw for x in sections[off:off+indx_header['ncncx']]]
        cncx = CNCX(cncx_records, codec)

    tag_section_start = indx_header['tagx']
    control_byte_count, tags = parse_tagx_section(data[tag_section_start:])

    read_variable_len_data(data, indx_header)
    index_headers = []

    for i in range(idx + 1, idx + 1 + indx_count):
        # Index record
        data = sections[i].raw
        index_headers.append(parse_index_record(table, data, control_byte_count, tags, codec,
                indx_header['ordt_map'], strict=True))
        read_variable_len_data(data, index_headers[-1])
    return table, cncx, indx_header, index_headers
文件: mobi6.py 项目: j-howell/calibre
    def __init__(self, record):
        self.record = record
        raw = self.record.raw
        # open('/t/index_header.bin', 'wb').write(raw)
        if raw[:4] != b'INDX':
            raise ValueError('Invalid Primary Index Record')

        self.header_length, = struct.unpack('>I', raw[4:8])
        self.unknown1 = raw[8:12]
        self.header_type, = struct.unpack('>I', raw[12:16])
        self.index_type, = struct.unpack('>I', raw[16:20])
        self.index_type_desc = {0: 'normal', 2:
                'inflection', 6: 'calibre'}.get(self.index_type, 'unknown')
        self.idxt_start, = struct.unpack('>I', raw[20:24])
        self.index_count, = struct.unpack('>I', raw[24:28])
        self.index_encoding_num, = struct.unpack('>I', raw[28:32])
        self.index_encoding = {65001: 'utf-8', 1252:
                'cp1252'}.get(self.index_encoding_num, 'unknown')
        if self.index_encoding == 'unknown':
            raise ValueError(
                'Unknown index encoding: %d'%self.index_encoding_num)
        self.possibly_language = raw[32:36]
        self.num_index_entries, = struct.unpack('>I', raw[36:40])
        self.ordt_start, = struct.unpack('>I', raw[40:44])
        self.ligt_start, = struct.unpack('>I', raw[44:48])
        self.num_of_ligt_entries, = struct.unpack('>I', raw[48:52])
        self.num_of_cncx_blocks, = struct.unpack('>I', raw[52:56])
        self.unknown2 = raw[56:180]
        self.tagx_offset, = struct.unpack(b'>I', raw[180:184])
        if self.tagx_offset != self.header_length:
            raise ValueError('TAGX offset and header length disagree')
        self.unknown3 = raw[184:self.header_length]

        tagx = raw[self.header_length:]
        if not tagx.startswith(b'TAGX'):
            raise ValueError('Invalid TAGX section')
        self.tagx_header_length, = struct.unpack('>I', tagx[4:8])
        self.tagx_control_byte_count, = struct.unpack('>I', tagx[8:12])
        self.tagx_entries = [TagX(*x) for x in parse_tagx_section(tagx)[1]]
        if self.tagx_entries and not self.tagx_entries[-1].is_eof:
            raise ValueError('TAGX last entry is not EOF')

        idxt0_pos = self.header_length+self.tagx_header_length
        last_num, consumed = decode_hex_number(raw[idxt0_pos:])
        count_pos = idxt0_pos + consumed
        self.ncx_count, = struct.unpack(b'>H', raw[count_pos:count_pos+2])
        self.last_entry = last_num

        if last_num != self.ncx_count - 1:
            raise ValueError('Last id number in the NCX != NCX count - 1')
        # There may be some alignment zero bytes between the end of the idxt0
        # and self.idxt_start

        idxt = raw[self.idxt_start:]
        if idxt[:4] != b'IDXT':
            raise ValueError('Invalid IDXT header')
        length_check, = struct.unpack(b'>H', idxt[4:6])
        if length_check != self.header_length + self.tagx_header_length:
            raise ValueError('Length check failed')
文件: mobi6.py 项目: zyhong/calibre
    def __init__(self, record):
        self.record = record
        raw = self.record.raw
        # open('/t/index_header.bin', 'wb').write(raw)
        if raw[:4] != b'INDX':
            raise ValueError('Invalid Primary Index Record')

        self.header_length, = struct.unpack('>I', raw[4:8])
        self.unknown1 = raw[8:12]
        self.header_type, = struct.unpack('>I', raw[12:16])
        self.index_type, = struct.unpack('>I', raw[16:20])
        self.index_type_desc = {0: 'normal', 2:
                'inflection', 6: 'calibre'}.get(self.index_type, 'unknown')
        self.idxt_start, = struct.unpack('>I', raw[20:24])
        self.index_count, = struct.unpack('>I', raw[24:28])
        self.index_encoding_num, = struct.unpack('>I', raw[28:32])
        self.index_encoding = {65001: 'utf-8', 1252:
                'cp1252'}.get(self.index_encoding_num, 'unknown')
        if self.index_encoding == 'unknown':
            raise ValueError(
                'Unknown index encoding: %d'%self.index_encoding_num)
        self.possibly_language = raw[32:36]
        self.num_index_entries, = struct.unpack('>I', raw[36:40])
        self.ordt_start, = struct.unpack('>I', raw[40:44])
        self.ligt_start, = struct.unpack('>I', raw[44:48])
        self.num_of_ligt_entries, = struct.unpack('>I', raw[48:52])
        self.num_of_cncx_blocks, = struct.unpack('>I', raw[52:56])
        self.unknown2 = raw[56:180]
        self.tagx_offset, = struct.unpack(b'>I', raw[180:184])
        if self.tagx_offset != self.header_length:
            raise ValueError('TAGX offset and header length disagree')
        self.unknown3 = raw[184:self.header_length]

        tagx = raw[self.header_length:]
        if not tagx.startswith(b'TAGX'):
            raise ValueError('Invalid TAGX section')
        self.tagx_header_length, = struct.unpack('>I', tagx[4:8])
        self.tagx_control_byte_count, = struct.unpack('>I', tagx[8:12])
        self.tagx_entries = [TagX(*x) for x in parse_tagx_section(tagx)[1]]
        if self.tagx_entries and not self.tagx_entries[-1].is_eof:
            raise ValueError('TAGX last entry is not EOF')

        idxt0_pos = self.header_length+self.tagx_header_length
        last_num, consumed = decode_hex_number(raw[idxt0_pos:])
        count_pos = idxt0_pos + consumed
        self.ncx_count, = struct.unpack(b'>H', raw[count_pos:count_pos+2])
        self.last_entry = last_num

        if last_num != self.ncx_count - 1:
            raise ValueError('Last id number in the NCX != NCX count - 1')
        # There may be some alignment zero bytes between the end of the idxt0
        # and self.idxt_start

        idxt = raw[self.idxt_start:]
        if idxt[:4] != b'IDXT':
            raise ValueError('Invalid IDXT header')
        length_check, = struct.unpack(b'>H', idxt[4:6])
        if length_check != self.header_length + self.tagx_header_length:
            raise ValueError('Length check failed')