class TestMultiDict(TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        super(TestMultiDict, self).setUp()
        self.index = MultiDict()

    def test_add_single(self):
        self.index.add("k", "v")
        self.assertTrue(self.index.contains("k", "v"))

    def test_add_remove_single(self):
        self.index.add("k", "v")
        self.index.discard("k", "v")
        self.assertFalse(self.index.contains("k", "v"))
        self.assertEqual(self.index._index, {})

    def test_empty(self):
        self.assertEqual(self.index.num_items("k"), 0)
        self.assertEqual(list(self.index.iter_values("k")), [])

    def test_add_multiple(self):
        self.index.add("k", "v")
        self.assertEqual(self.index.num_items("k"), 1)
        self.index.add("k", "v")
        self.assertEqual(self.index.num_items("k"), 1)
        self.index.add("k", "v2")
        self.assertEqual(self.index.num_items("k"), 2)
        self.index.add("k", "v3")
        self.assertEqual(self.index.num_items("k"), 3)
        self.assertIn("k", self.index)
        self.assertNotIn("k2", self.index)
        self.assertTrue(self.index.contains("k", "v"))
        self.assertTrue(self.index.contains("k", "v2"))
        self.assertTrue(self.index.contains("k", "v3"))
        self.assertEqual(self.index._index, {"k": set(["v", "v2", "v3"])})
                         set(["v", "v2", "v3"]))
        self.index.discard("k", "v")
        self.index.discard("k", "v2")
        self.assertTrue(self.index.contains("k", "v3"))
        self.index.discard("k", "v3")
        self.assertEqual(self.index._index, {})
class TestMultiDict(TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        super(TestMultiDict, self).setUp()
        self.index = MultiDict()

    def test_add_single(self):
        self.index.add("k", "v")
        self.assertTrue(self.index.contains("k", "v"))
        self.assertEqual(set(self.index.iter_values("k")), set(["v"]))

    def test_add_remove_single(self):
        self.index.add("k", "v")
        self.index.discard("k", "v")
        self.assertFalse(self.index.contains("k", "v"))
        self.assertEqual(self.index._index, {})

    def test_empty(self):
        self.assertEqual(self.index.num_items("k"), 0)
        self.assertEqual(list(self.index.iter_values("k")), [])

    def test_add_multiple(self):
        self.index.add("k", "v")
        self.assertEqual(self.index.num_items("k"), 1)
        self.index.add("k", "v")
        self.assertEqual(self.index.num_items("k"), 1)
        self.index.add("k", "v2")
        self.assertEqual(self.index.num_items("k"), 2)
        self.index.add("k", "v3")
        self.assertEqual(self.index.num_items("k"), 3)
        self.assertIn("k", self.index)
        self.assertNotIn("k2", self.index)
        self.assertTrue(self.index.contains("k", "v"))
        self.assertTrue(self.index.contains("k", "v2"))
        self.assertTrue(self.index.contains("k", "v3"))
        self.assertEqual(self.index._index, {"k": set(["v", "v2", "v3"])})
                         set(["v", "v2", "v3"]))
        self.index.discard("k", "v")
        self.index.discard("k", "v2")
        self.assertTrue(self.index.contains("k", "v3"))
        self.index.discard("k", "v3")
        self.assertEqual(self.index._index, {})
文件: labels.py 项目: elfchief/calico
class LabelValueIndex(LinearScanLabelIndex):
    LabelNode index that indexes the values of labels, allowing for efficient
    (re)calculation of the matches for selectors of the form
    'a == "b" && c == "d" && ...', which are the mainline.
    def __init__(self):
        super(LabelValueIndex, self).__init__()
        self.item_ids_by_key_value = MultiDict()
        # Maps tuples of (a, b) to the set of expressions that are trivially
        # satisfied by label dicts with label a = value b.  For example,
        # trivial expressions of the form a == "b", and a in {"b", "c", ...}
        # can be evaluated by look-up in this dict.
        self.literal_exprs_by_kv = MultiDict()
        # Mapping from expression ID to any expressions that can't be
        # represented in the way described above.
        self.non_kv_expressions_by_id = {}

    def on_labels_update(self, item_id, new_labels):
        Called to update a particular set of labels.

        Triggers events for match changes.
        :param item_id: an opaque (hashable) ID to associate with the
               labels.  There can only be one set of labels per ID.
        :param new_labels: The labels dict to add to the index or None to
               remove it.
        _log.debug("Updating labels for %s to %s", item_id, new_labels)
        # Find any old labels associated with this item_id and remove the
        # ones that have changed from the index.
        old_labels = self.labels_by_item_id.get(item_id, {})
        for k_v in old_labels.iteritems():
            k, v = k_v
            if new_labels is None or new_labels.get(k) != v:
                _log.debug("Removing old key/value (%s, %s) from index", k, v)
                self.item_ids_by_key_value.discard(k_v, item_id)
        # Check all the old matches for updates.  Record that we've already
        # re-evaluated these expressions so we can skip them later.
        seen_expr_ids = set()
        old_matches = list(self.matches_by_item_id.iter_values(item_id))
        for expr_id in old_matches:
            self._update_matches(expr_id, self.expressions_by_id[expr_id],
                                 item_id, new_labels)
        if new_labels is not None:
            # Spin through the new labels, storing them in the index and
            # looking for expressions of the form 'k == "v"', which we have
            # indexed.
            for k_v in new_labels.iteritems():
                _log.debug("Adding (%s, %s) to index", *k_v)
                self.item_ids_by_key_value.add(k_v, item_id)
                for expr_id in self.literal_exprs_by_kv.iter_values(k_v):
                    if expr_id in seen_expr_ids:
                    self._store_match(expr_id, item_id)
        # Spin through the remaining expressions, which we can't optimize.
        for expr_id, expr in self.non_kv_expressions_by_id.iteritems():
            if expr_id in seen_expr_ids:
            _log.debug("Checking updated labels against non-indexed expr: %s",
            self._update_matches(expr_id, expr, item_id, new_labels)
        # Finally, store the update.
        self._store_labels(item_id, new_labels)

    def on_expression_update(self, expr_id, expr):
        Called to update a particular expression.

        Triggers events for match changes.
        :param expr_id: an opaque (hashable) ID to associate with the
               expression.  There can only be one expression per ID.
        :param expr: The SelectorExpression to add to the index or None to
               remove it.
        old_expr = self.expressions_by_id.get(expr_id)
        if expr == old_expr:
            _log.debug("Expression %s unchanged, ignoring", expr_id)

        # Remove any old value from the indexes.  We'll then add the expression
        # back in if it's suitable below.
        _log.debug("Expression %s updated to %s", expr_id, expr)
        if old_expr and isinstance(old_expr.expr_op, (LabelToLiteralEqualityNode,
            # Either an expression of the form a == "b", or one of the form
            # a in {"b", "c", ...}.  Undo our index for the old entry, we'll
            # then add it back in below.
            label_name = old_expr.expr_op.lhs
            if isinstance(old_expr.expr_op, LabelToLiteralEqualityNode):
                values = [old_expr.expr_op.rhs]
                values = old_expr.expr_op.rhs
            for value in values:
                _log.debug("Old expression was indexed, removing")
                k_v = label_name, value
                self.literal_exprs_by_kv.discard(k_v, expr_id)

        self.non_kv_expressions_by_id.pop(expr_id, None)

        if not expr:
            # Deletion, clean up the matches.
            for item_id in list(self.matches_by_expr_id.iter_values(expr_id)):
                _log.debug("Expression deleted, removing old match: %s",
                self._update_matches(expr_id, None, item_id,
        elif isinstance(expr.expr_op, (LabelToLiteralEqualityNode,
            # Either an expression of the form a == "b", or one of the form
            # a in {"b", "c", ...}.  We can optimise these forms so that
            # they can be evaluated by an exact lookup.
            label_name = expr.expr_op.lhs
            if isinstance(expr.expr_op, LabelToLiteralEqualityNode):
                values = [expr.expr_op.rhs]
                values = expr.expr_op.rhs

            # Get the old matches as a set.  Then we can discard the items
            # that still match, leaving us with the ones that no longer
            # match.
            old_matches = set(self.matches_by_expr_id.iter_values(expr_id))
            for value in values:
                _log.debug("New expression is a LabelToLiteralEqualityNode, using "
                k_v = label_name, value
                for item_id in self.item_ids_by_key_value.iter_values(k_v):
                    _log.debug("From index, %s matches %s", expr_id, item_id)
                    self._store_match(expr_id, item_id)
                self.literal_exprs_by_kv.add(k_v, expr_id)
            # old_matches now contains only the items that this expression
            # previously matched but no longer does.  Remove them.
            for item_id in old_matches:
                _log.debug("Removing old match %s, %s", expr_id, item_id)
                self._discard_match(expr_id, item_id)
            # The expression isn't a super-simple k == "v", let's see if we
            # can still use the index...
            required_kvs = expr.required_kvs if expr else None
            if required_kvs:
                # The expression has some required k == "v" constraints, let's
                # try to find an index that reduces the work we need to do.
                _log.debug("New expression requires these values: %s",
                best_kv = self._find_best_index(required_kvs)
                # Scan over the best index that we found.
                old_matches = set(self.matches_by_expr_id.iter_values(expr_id))
                for item_id in self.item_ids_by_key_value.iter_values(best_kv):
                    self._update_matches(expr_id, expr, item_id,
                # Clean up any left-over old matches.
                for item_id in old_matches:
                    self._update_matches(expr_id, None, item_id,
                # The expression was just too complex to index.  Give up and
                # do a linear scan.
                _log.debug("%s too complex to use indexes, doing linear scan",
                self._scan_all_labels(expr_id, expr)
            self.non_kv_expressions_by_id[expr_id] = expr
        # Finally, store the update.
        self._store_expression(expr_id, expr)

    def _find_best_index(self, required_kvs):
        Finds the smallest index for the given set of key/value requirements.

        For example, an expression "env == 'prod' && type == 'foo'" would have
        requirements [("env", "prod"), ("type", "foo")].  Suppose type=="foo"
        only applies to a handful of items but env=="prod" applies to many;
        this method would return ("type", "foo") as the best index.

        :returns the key, value tuple for the best index to use.
        min_kv = None
        min_num = None
        for k_v in required_kvs:
            num = self.item_ids_by_key_value.num_items(k_v)
            if min_num is None or num < min_num:
                min_kv = k_v
                min_num = num
                if num < 10:
                    # Good enough, let's get on with evaluating the
                    # expressions rather than spending more time looking for
                    # a better index.
        _log.debug("Best index: %s, %s items", min_kv, min_num)
        return min_kv
class LabelValueIndex(LinearScanLabelIndex):
    LabelNode index that indexes the values of labels, allowing for efficient
    (re)calculation of the matches for selectors of the form
    'a == "b" && c == "d" && ...', which are the mainline.
    def __init__(self):
        super(LabelValueIndex, self).__init__()
        self.item_ids_by_key_value = MultiDict()
        # Maps tuples of (a, b) to the set of expressions that are trivially
        # satisfied by label dicts with label a = value b.  For example,
        # trivial expressions of the form a == "b", and a in {"b", "c", ...}
        # can be evaluated by look-up in this dict.
        self.literal_exprs_by_kv = MultiDict()
        # Mapping from expression ID to any expressions that can't be
        # represented in the way described above.
        self.non_kv_expressions_by_id = {}

    def on_labels_update(self, item_id, new_labels):
        Called to update a particular set of labels.

        Triggers events for match changes.
        :param item_id: an opaque (hashable) ID to associate with the
               labels.  There can only be one set of labels per ID.
        :param new_labels: The labels dict to add to the index or None to
               remove it.
        _log.debug("Updating labels for %s to %s", item_id, new_labels)
        # Find any old labels associated with this item_id and remove the
        # ones that have changed from the index.
        old_labels = self.labels_by_item_id.get(item_id, {})
        for k_v in old_labels.iteritems():
            k, v = k_v
            if new_labels is None or new_labels.get(k) != v:
                _log.debug("Removing old key/value (%s, %s) from index", k, v)
                self.item_ids_by_key_value.discard(k_v, item_id)
        # Check all the old matches for updates.  Record that we've already
        # re-evaluated these expressions so we can skip them later.
        seen_expr_ids = set()
        old_matches = list(self.matches_by_item_id.iter_values(item_id))
        for expr_id in old_matches:
            self._update_matches(expr_id, self.expressions_by_id[expr_id],
                                 item_id, new_labels)
        if new_labels is not None:
            # Spin through the new labels, storing them in the index and
            # looking for expressions of the form 'k == "v"', which we have
            # indexed.
            for k_v in new_labels.iteritems():
                _log.debug("Adding (%s, %s) to index", *k_v)
                self.item_ids_by_key_value.add(k_v, item_id)
                for expr_id in self.literal_exprs_by_kv.iter_values(k_v):
                    if expr_id in seen_expr_ids:
                    self._store_match(expr_id, item_id)
        # Spin through the remaining expressions, which we can't optimize.
        for expr_id, expr in self.non_kv_expressions_by_id.iteritems():
            if expr_id in seen_expr_ids:
            _log.debug("Checking updated labels against non-indexed expr: %s",
            self._update_matches(expr_id, expr, item_id, new_labels)
        # Finally, store the update.
        self._store_labels(item_id, new_labels)

    def on_expression_update(self, expr_id, expr):
        Called to update a particular expression.

        Triggers events for match changes.
        :param expr_id: an opaque (hashable) ID to associate with the
               expression.  There can only be one expression per ID.
        :param expr: The SelectorExpression to add to the index or None to
               remove it.
        old_expr = self.expressions_by_id.get(expr_id)
        if expr == old_expr:
            _log.debug("Expression %s unchanged, ignoring", expr_id)

        # Remove any old value from the indexes.  We'll then add the expression
        # back in if it's suitable below.
        _log.debug("Expression %s updated to %s", expr_id, expr)
        if old_expr and isinstance(
            (LabelToLiteralEqualityNode, LabelInSetLiteralNode)):
            # Either an expression of the form a == "b", or one of the form
            # a in {"b", "c", ...}.  Undo our index for the old entry, we'll
            # then add it back in below.
            label_name = old_expr.expr_op.lhs
            if isinstance(old_expr.expr_op, LabelToLiteralEqualityNode):
                values = [old_expr.expr_op.rhs]
                values = old_expr.expr_op.rhs
            for value in values:
                _log.debug("Old expression was indexed, removing")
                k_v = label_name, value
                self.literal_exprs_by_kv.discard(k_v, expr_id)

        self.non_kv_expressions_by_id.pop(expr_id, None)

        if not expr:
            # Deletion, clean up the matches.
            for item_id in list(self.matches_by_expr_id.iter_values(expr_id)):
                _log.debug("Expression deleted, removing old match: %s",
                self._update_matches(expr_id, None, item_id,
        elif isinstance(expr.expr_op,
                        (LabelToLiteralEqualityNode, LabelInSetLiteralNode)):
            # Either an expression of the form a == "b", or one of the form
            # a in {"b", "c", ...}.  We can optimise these forms so that
            # they can be evaluated by an exact lookup.
            label_name = expr.expr_op.lhs
            if isinstance(expr.expr_op, LabelToLiteralEqualityNode):
                values = [expr.expr_op.rhs]
                values = expr.expr_op.rhs

            # Get the old matches as a set.  Then we can discard the items
            # that still match, leaving us with the ones that no longer
            # match.
            old_matches = set(self.matches_by_expr_id.iter_values(expr_id))
            for value in values:
                    "New expression is a LabelToLiteralEqualityNode, using "
                k_v = label_name, value
                for item_id in self.item_ids_by_key_value.iter_values(k_v):
                    _log.debug("From index, %s matches %s", expr_id, item_id)
                    self._store_match(expr_id, item_id)
                self.literal_exprs_by_kv.add(k_v, expr_id)
            # old_matches now contains only the items that this expression
            # previously matched but no longer does.  Remove them.
            for item_id in old_matches:
                _log.debug("Removing old match %s, %s", expr_id, item_id)
                self._discard_match(expr_id, item_id)
            # The expression isn't a super-simple k == "v", let's see if we
            # can still use the index...
            required_kvs = expr.required_kvs if expr else None
            if required_kvs:
                # The expression has some required k == "v" constraints, let's
                # try to find an index that reduces the work we need to do.
                _log.debug("New expression requires these values: %s",
                best_kv = self._find_best_index(required_kvs)
                # Scan over the best index that we found.
                old_matches = set(self.matches_by_expr_id.iter_values(expr_id))
                for item_id in self.item_ids_by_key_value.iter_values(best_kv):
                    self._update_matches(expr_id, expr, item_id,
                # Clean up any left-over old matches.
                for item_id in old_matches:
                    self._update_matches(expr_id, None, item_id,
                # The expression was just too complex to index.  Give up and
                # do a linear scan.
                _log.debug("%s too complex to use indexes, doing linear scan",
                self._scan_all_labels(expr_id, expr)
            self.non_kv_expressions_by_id[expr_id] = expr
        # Finally, store the update.
        self._store_expression(expr_id, expr)

    def _find_best_index(self, required_kvs):
        Finds the smallest index for the given set of key/value requirements.

        For example, an expression "env == 'prod' && type == 'foo'" would have
        requirements [("env", "prod"), ("type", "foo")].  Suppose type=="foo"
        only applies to a handful of items but env=="prod" applies to many;
        this method would return ("type", "foo") as the best index.

        :returns the key, value tuple for the best index to use.
        min_kv = None
        min_num = None
        for k_v in required_kvs:
            num = self.item_ids_by_key_value.num_items(k_v)
            if min_num is None or num < min_num:
                min_kv = k_v
                min_num = num
                if num < 10:
                    # Good enough, let's get on with evaluating the
                    # expressions rather than spending more time looking for
                    # a better index.
        _log.debug("Best index: %s, %s items", min_kv, min_num)
        return min_kv