class Interpreter(Visitor): """ Interpreter inherit from Visitor and interpret it when visiting the abstract syntax tree """ def __init__(self, parser: Parser): self.parser = parser self.analyzer = SemanticAnalyzer() self.callstack = CallStack() def error(self, error_code: ErrorCode, token): raise RuntimeError( error_code=error_code, token=token, message=f'{error_code.value} -> {token}', ) def log(self, msg): print(msg) def visit_binop(self, node: BinOp): left_val = self.visit(node.left) right_val = self.visit(node.right) # todo type checker if node.op.type is TokenType.PLUS: return left_val + right_val elif node.op.type is TokenType.MINUS: return left_val - right_val elif node.op.type is TokenType.MUL: return left_val * right_val elif node.op.type is TokenType.INTEGER_DIV: return left_val // right_val elif node.op.type is TokenType.FLOAT_DIV: return left_val / right_val elif node.op.type is TokenType.MOD: return left_val % right_val elif node.op.type is TokenType.AND: return left_val and right_val elif node.op.type is TokenType.OR: return left_val or right_val elif node.op.type is TokenType.EQUALS: return left_val == right_val elif node.op.type is TokenType.NOT_EQUALS: return left_val != right_val elif node.op.type is TokenType.GREATER: return left_val > right_val elif node.op.type is TokenType.GREATER_EQUALS: return left_val >= right_val elif node.op.type is TokenType.LESS: return left_val < right_val elif node.op.type is TokenType.LESS_EQUALS: return left_val <= right_val def visit_num(self, node: Num): return node.value def visit_boolean(self, node: Boolean): return node.value def visit_unaryop(self, node: UnaryOp): if node.op.type is TokenType.PLUS: return +self.visit(node.factor) if node.op.type is TokenType.MINUS: return -self.visit(node.factor) if node.op.type is TokenType.NOT: return not self.visit(node.factor) def visit_compound(self, node: Compound): for child in node.childrens: self.visit(child) def visit_var(self, node: Var): current_frame: Frame = self.callstack.peek() # get value by variable's name val = current_frame.get_value( return val def visit_assign(self, node: Assign): var_name = # get variable's name var_value = self.visit(node.right) current_frame: Frame = self.callstack.peek() if current_frame.type is FrameType.FUNCTION and == var_name: current_frame.return_val = var_value else: current_frame.set_value(var_name, var_value) def visit_program(self, node: Program): program_name = self.log(f'ENTER: PROGRAM {program_name}') frame = Frame(name=program_name, type=FrameType.PROGRAM) self.callstack.push(frame) self.visit(node.block) self.log(str(self.callstack)) self.callstack.pop() self.log(f'LEAVE: PROGRAM {program_name}') def visit_block(self, node: Block): for declaration in node.declarations: self.visit(declaration) self.visit(node.compound_statement) def visit_vardecl(self, node: VarDecl): var_name = current_frame: Frame = self.callstack.peek() current_frame.define(var_name) def visit_procdecl(self, node: ProcedureDecl): proc_name = node.token.value current_frame: Frame = self.callstack.peek() current_frame.define(proc_name) current_frame.set_value(proc_name, node) def visit_proccall(self, node: ProcedureCall): proc_name = node.proc_name current_frame = self.callstack.peek() proc_node: ProcedureDecl = current_frame.get_value(proc_name) self.log(f'ENTER: PROCEDURE {proc_name}') # get actual params values actual_param_values = [ self.visit(actual_param) for actual_param in node.actual_params ] proc_frame = Frame(name=proc_name, type=FrameType.PROCEDURE) self.callstack.push(proc_frame) current_frame: Frame = self.callstack.peek() # map actual params to formal params for (formal_param, actual_param_value) in zip(proc_node.params, actual_param_values): current_frame.define( current_frame.set_value(, actual_param_value) self.visit(proc_node.block) self.log(str(self.callstack)) self.callstack.pop() self.log(f'LEAVE: PROCEDURE {proc_name}') def visit_funcdecl(self, node: FunctionDecl): func_name = node.token.value current_frame: Frame = self.callstack.peek() current_frame.define(func_name) current_frame.set_value(func_name, node) def visit_funccall(self, node: FunctionCall): current_frame = self.callstack.peek() func_name = node.func_name func_node: FunctionDecl = current_frame.get_value(func_name) self.log(f'ENTER: FUNCTION {func_name}') func_frame = Frame(name=func_name, type=FrameType.FUNCTION) self.callstack.push(func_frame) current_frame: Frame = self.callstack.peek() # get actual params values to formal params actual_param_values = [ self.visit(actual_param) for actual_param in node.actual_params ] for (formal_param, actual_param_value) in zip(func_node.params, actual_param_values): current_frame.define( current_frame.set_value(, actual_param_value) self.visit(func_node.block) self.log(str(self.callstack)) self.log(f'LEAVE: FUNCTION {func_name}') return_val = current_frame.return_val self.callstack.pop() if return_val is None: self.error(error_code=ErrorCode.MISSING_RETURN, token=node.token) return return_val def visit_condition(self, node: Condition): if self.visit(node.condition_node): self.visit(node.then_node) elif node.else_node is not None: self.visit(node.else_node) def visit_then(self, node: Then): self.visit(node.child) def visit_else(self, node: Else): self.visit(node.child) def visit_while(self, node: WhileLoop): while self.visit(node.conditon_node) is True: try: self.visit(node.body_node) except ContinueError: continue except BreakError: break def visit_continue(self, node: Continue): raise ContinueError() def visit_break(self, node: Break): raise BreakError() def interpret(self): ast = self.parser.parse() self.analyzer.visit(ast) self.visit(ast)