def test_modify_tree(self): text = """ for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) { var x = 5 + i; } """ parser = Parser() tree = parser.parse(text) for node in walk(tree): if isinstance(node, asttypes.Identifier) and node.value == 'i': node.value = 'hello' self.assertMultiLineEqual( str(tree), textwrap.dedent(""" for (var hello = 0; hello < 10; hello++) { var x = 5 + hello; } """).lstrip())
import lxml.etree from calmjs.parse.parsers.es5 import Parser from .jsonlike import * from .xmlvisitor import XmlVisitor __version__ = "0.4.0" _parser = Parser() _visitor = XmlVisitor() def parse(text, encoding="utf8", debug=False): if not isinstance(text, str): text = text.decode(encoding) tree = _parser.parse(text, debug=debug) xml = _visitor.visit(tree) return xml def pretty_print(tree): return lxml.etree.tostring(tree, pretty_print=True, encoding="unicode")
def es5(source): return Parser(asttypes=asttypes).parse(source)
def main(arg_dir, arg_file, arg_from_ep, arg_to_ep, arg_url, custom_stdout, arg_debug, arg_proxy=None): try: sys.stdout = custom_stdout # stderr can test with calmjs error: # Don't be confuse, outer es5 use internal es5, both files named # this file -> CalmParser() -> calmjs.parse.parsers.es5 -> [calmjs\parse\parsers\] # ->, lextab=lextab) -> from calmjs.parse.lexers.es5 import Lexer # -> [calmjs\parse\lexers\] -> class Lexer(object): -> def build(self, **kwargs): -> ply.lex.lex(object=self, **kwargs) # -> [] -> def lex -> errorlog = PlyLogger(sys.stderr) -> class PlyLogger(object): -> def error(self, msg, *args, **kwargs): # -> self.f.write('ERROR: ' + (msg % args) + '\n') # f should means stderr here # [UPDATE] disable since useless now (other place change stderr is calmjs CP.parse(script.text) below) # Without stderr still able to shows ffmpeg not found traceback on gui log # sys.stderr = custom_stdout if not arg_url: print('main arg_url: ' + repr(arg_url)) #quit('[!] [e1] Please specify cinema url in Abort.') return quit( '[!] [e1] 请用该格式 的链接。' ) # Should accept these formats: # # # Deprecated # # Deprecated # # Deprecated # #VODPLAY_PREFIX = '' NEWS_VODPLAY_PREFIX = 'vodplay/' VODPLAY_PREFIX = 'vodplay/' VODDETAIL_PREFIX = 'voddetail/' #VP_PREFIX = '' VP_PREFIX = 'vp/' ORIG_PREFIX = 'voddetail-' cinema_url_post = '.html' #cinema_url_pre = '' if '://' not in arg_url: arg_url = 'https://' + arg_url arg_path = '/'.join(arg_url.split('/')[-2:]) cinema_url_pre = '/'.join( arg_url.split('/')[:-2]) + '/' + VODPLAY_PREFIX arg_url_m = arg_path.strip( ) #.replace('', '') try: #if arg_url_m.startswith(''): if arg_url_m.startswith(ORIG_PREFIX): #cinema_id = int(arg_url_m.split('')[1].split('.html')[0]) cinema_id = int( arg_url_m.split(ORIG_PREFIX)[1].split('.html')[0]) cinema_id = str( cinema_id) #set back str after test int() ValueError cinema_url_middle = '-1-' elif arg_url_m.startswith(NEWS_VODPLAY_PREFIX): cinema_id = int( arg_url_m.split(NEWS_VODPLAY_PREFIX)[1].split('-')[0]) cinema_id = str(cinema_id) cinema_url_middle = '-' + arg_url_m.split( NEWS_VODPLAY_PREFIX)[1].split('-')[1] + '-' elif arg_url_m.startswith(VODPLAY_PREFIX): cinema_id = int( arg_url_m.split(VODPLAY_PREFIX)[1].split('-')[0]) cinema_id = str(cinema_id) cinema_url_middle = '-' + arg_url_m.split( VODPLAY_PREFIX)[1].split('-')[1] + '-' elif arg_url_m.startswith(VODDETAIL_PREFIX): cinema_id = int( arg_url_m.split(VODDETAIL_PREFIX)[1].split('.')[0]) cinema_id = str(cinema_id) cinema_url_middle = '-1-' elif arg_url_m.startswith(VP_PREFIX): cinema_id = int(arg_url_m.split(VP_PREFIX)[1].split('-')[0]) cinema_id = str(cinema_id) cinema_url_middle = '-' + arg_url_m.split(VP_PREFIX)[1].split( '-')[1] + '-' else: #return quit('[!] [e2] Please specify cinema url in Abort.') return quit( '[!] [e2] 请用该格式 的链接。' ) except ValueError as ve: print(ve) #return quit('[!] [e3] Please specify cinema url in Abort.') return quit( '[!] [e3] 请用该格式 的链接。' ) if arg_file: if arg_dir: return quit('[!] 不能同时使用 -d 和 -f 选项。') ep_ts_path = os.path.abspath(arg_file + '.ts') ep_mp4_path = os.path.abspath(arg_file + '.mp4') arg_to_ep = 2 else: if not arg_to_ep: return quit('[!] 请用 `--to-ep N` 选项决定从第 N 集停止下集。') if arg_from_ep > arg_to_ep: return quit('[!] 从第几集必须小于或等于到第几集。') arg_to_ep += 1 if not arg_dir: return quit('[!] 请用 `-d 目录名` 选项。') dir_path_m = os.path.abspath(arg_dir) if not os.path.isdir(dir_path_m): try: os.makedirs(dir_path_m) except OSError: return quit('[i] 无法创建目录。或许已有同名文件? ') # http_headers = { 'User-Agent': UA #'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/79.0.3945.117 Safari/537.36' #, 'From': '*****@*****.**' # This is another valid field } def calm_assign(node): #print('$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ START') #print(type(node)) #can see class xxx(e.g. BinOp) at calmjs/parse/ #print(node) #print('$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ M') #print(dir(node)) #print('$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ END') return isinstance(node, CalmAssign) def calm_id(node): #print(node) #print(type(node)) #print(isinstance(node, Identifier)) return isinstance(node, CalmIdentifier) def calm_str(node): return isinstance(node, CalmString) def calm_var(node): return isinstance(node, CalmVar) ''' // //import js in console: var imported = document.createElement('script'); // imported.src = ''; document.head.appendChild(imported); //rerun the code from webpage: var content = "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"; var bytes = CryptoJS.AES.decrypt(content, 'ppvod'); var originalText = bytes.toString(CryptoJS.enc.Utf8); //get: "var hosts = '|||||||localhost'; var playlist = '[{\"url\":\"/20190923/EEGkg4vm/hls/index.m3u8\"}]'; playlist = JSON.parse(playlist); var danmuenable = 0; var magnet = \"\" var redirecturl = \"\"; var videoid = \"1Rhgp5nzyWuK3P6k\"; var id = '1Rhgp5nzyWuK3P6k' var l = '' var r = '' var t = '15' var d = '' var u = '' var main = \"/ppvod/H2GPhFCJ\"; var playertype = 'dplayer'; // dplayer || ckplayer var mp4 = \"/20190923/EEGkg4vm/mp4/EEGkg4vm.mp4\"; var xml = \"\"; var pic = \"/20190923/EEGkg4vm/1.jpg\"; $(function () { var t = BrowserType(); if (t && t.indexOf(\"IE\") >= 0 ) playertype = \"ckplayer\" var order = 0; init(order); }) # (some UA blocked including Chrome, but can use other UA OR use correct referer): var player_data={"flag":"play","encrypt":0,"trysee":0,"points":0,"link":"\/vodplay\/1554-1-1.html","link_next":"","link_pre":"\/vodplay\/1554-1-37.html","url":"https:\/\/\/20200901\/69OYAim7\/index.m3u8","url_next":"","from":"videojs-tv.js","server":"no","note":"","id":"1554","sid":1,"nid":38} ''' CP = CalmParser() walker = CalmWalker() if arg_proxy: arg_proxy = arg_proxy.strip() if arg_proxy: if '://' not in arg_proxy: arg_proxy = 'https://' + arg_proxy proxies = { 'https': arg_proxy, } print('[...] 尝试代理: ' + proxies['https']) else: proxies = {} print('[...] 无代理。') for ep in range(arg_from_ep, arg_to_ep): url = ''.join([ cinema_url_pre, cinema_id, cinema_url_middle, str(ep), cinema_url_post ]) #don't override template cinema_url if arg_file: print('[...] 尝试 URL: ' + url) else: print('[当前第{}集] 尝试 URL: {}'.format(ep, url)) try: if arg_debug: #logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG, format="%(message)s") http.client.HTTPConnection.debuglevel = 1 logging.basicConfig(filename='duboku_ep' + str(ep) + '.log') logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.DEBUG) requests_log = logging.getLogger( "requests.packages.urllib3") requests_log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) requests_log.propagate = True with open('duboku_ep' + str(ep) + '.log', 'w') as f: f.write('URL: ' + url + '\n\n') try: try: http_headers.pop('referer') except KeyError: pass r = requests.get(url, allow_redirects=True, headers=http_headers, timeout=30, proxies=proxies) except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: print('\n[!] 你的网络出现问题,也可能是网站的服务器问题。\n', flush=True) continue if arg_debug: with open('duboku_ep' + str(ep) + '.log', 'a') as f: f.write(r.text) except requests.exceptions.ProxyError as pe: print( '[😞] 代理错误。请检查您的代理。确保有端口号(port number), 例如端口1234:\n' ) print(traceback.format_exc()) break soup = BeautifulSoup(r.text, 'html.parser') ct_b64 = '' #reset passwd = '' #reset http_headers.update({'referer': url}) printed_err = False got_ep_url = False for script in soup.find_all('script'): #print(script) try: #program = es5(script.text) #PyInstaller has issue to make `ply_dist = working_set.find(Requirement.parse('ply'))` in calmjs\parse\ return non-None #... And causes self.parser.parse in \calmjs\parse\parsers\ no parse method #... bcoz set with unknown pkg name by Parser() constructor/init 's tabmodule=yacctab arg #, so re-assign stderr here to ignore this common warning msg to send to gui log # [UPDATE] disable since useless now. #sys.stderr = sys.__stderr__ tree = CP.parse(script.text) #sys.stderr = custom_stdout #print(type(tree)) #<class 'calmjs.parse.factory.ES5Program'> #print(tree) #print('######## START') #print(tree) #text #type is <class 'calmjs.parse.factory.ES5Program' #print(walker.filter(tree, assignment)) #<generator object Walker.filter at 0x7f0b75664360> #print(walker.filter(tree, assignment)) #for w in walker.filter(tree, assignment): # print(w) ep_url = '' #reset is_vimeo = False vimeo_qd = {} if arg_dir: ep_mp4_path = None for w in walker.filter(tree, calm_id): if w.value == 'player_data': for wa in walker.filter(tree, calm_assign): if wa.left.value == '"url"': #'' included "" rv = wa.right.value ep_url = rv.replace( '\/', '/').strip('\"').strip('\'') #episode not exists if not ep_url.strip(): if not printed_err: print('[!] 不存在第{}集。'.format(ep)) printed_err = True continue try: if ep_url.split('/')[2].split( '.')[1].lower() == 'vimeo': # e.g. # -> is_vimeo = True if arg_debug: with open( 'duboku_ep' + str(ep) + '.log', 'a') as f: f.write( '\n\nEP URL of VIMEO: ' + ep_url + '\n\n') #print('呼叫 vimeo... ' + repr(ep_url)) r_iframe = requests.get( ep_url, allow_redirects=True, headers=http_headers, timeout=30, proxies=proxies) if arg_debug: with open( 'duboku_ep' + str(ep) + '.log', 'a') as f: f.write(r_iframe.text) soup_iframe = BeautifulSoup( r_iframe.text, 'html.parser') for vimeo_script in soup_iframe.find_all( 'script'): tree = es5(vimeo_script.text) for w in walker.filter( tree, calm_var): if w.identifier.value == 'config': for config_wp in try: for config_wp2 in for config_wp3 in if 'progressive' != config_wp3.left.value.strip( '"' ).lower( ): continue try: for config_wp4 in config_wp3.right.children( ): next_width_k = '' next_url_v = '' for config_wp5 in if config_wp5.left.value.strip( '"' ).lower( ) == 'width': next_width_k = config_wp5.right.value if next_url_v: vimeo_qd[int( next_width_k )] = next_url_v elif config_wp5.left.value.strip( '"' ).lower( ) == 'url': next_url_v = config_wp5.right.value.strip( '"' ) if next_width_k: vimeo_qd[int( next_width_k )] = next_url_v except ( TypeError, AttributeError ): pass #print(traceback.format_exc()) except (TypeError, AttributeError ): pass except IndexError: print('Split ep url failed: ' + repr(ep_url)) if is_vimeo: #print('vimeo 视频质量: ' + repr(vimeo_qd)) if not vimeo_qd: continue vimeo_qdk = list(vimeo_qd.keys()) vimeo_qdk.sort(key=int) ep_url = vimeo_qd[int(vimeo_qdk[-1])] elif rv.endswith('.m3u8"') or rv.endswith( ".m3u8'" ): #[todo:0] need check ' also ? pass else: #single video normally came here #print('NEW url type? ' + repr(ep_url)) if arg_debug: with open( 'duboku_ep' + str(ep) + '.log', 'a') as f: f.write('\n\nEP URL: ' + ep_url + '\n\n') r_iframe = requests.get( ep_url, allow_redirects=True, headers=http_headers, timeout=30, proxies=proxies) if arg_debug: with open( 'duboku_ep' + str(ep) + '.log', 'a') as f: f.write(r_iframe.text) soup_iframe = BeautifulSoup( r_iframe.text, 'html.parser') decrypted_final_js = None for script_iframe in soup_iframe.find_all( 'script'): tree_iframe = CalmParser().parse( script_iframe.text.strip()) for decrypt_js in walker.filter( tree_iframe, calm_var): if decrypt_js.identifier.value == 'content': ct_b64 = decrypt_js.initializer.value elif decrypt_js.identifier.value == 'bytes': get_passwd = False for decrypt_i, decrypt_js_c in enumerate( decrypt_js. initializer. children()): if get_passwd: #(content, 'ppvod') for dci, dc in enumerate( decrypt_js_c .children( )): if dci == 1 and isinstance( dc. value, str): passwd = dc.value[ 1: -1] #exclude '' if decrypt_js_c.__str__( ) == 'CryptoJS.AES.decrypt': #CryptoJS.AES.decrypt get_passwd = True elif decrypt_js.identifier.value == 'playlist': decrypted_final_js = tree_iframe if ct_b64: print('ct b64 data: ' + repr(ct_b64)) print('passwd: ' + repr(passwd)) decrypted_final_content = crypto_py_aes_main( ct_b64, passwd) decrypted_final_js = CalmParser( ).parse(decrypted_final_content. decode()) #else: # No nid decrypt, direct use plain `decrypted_final_js = tree_iframe` above m3u8_path_incomplete = '' #reset m3u8_host_incomplete = '' for decrypted_final_var in walker.filter( decrypted_final_js, calm_var): if decrypted_final_var.identifier.value == 'playlist': decrypted_m3u8_path = decrypted_final_var.initializer.value[ 1:-1] # exclude '' if "'" in decrypted_m3u8_path: dot_type = "'" elif '"' in decrypted_m3u8_path: dot_type = '"' else: continue for path_part in decrypted_m3u8_path.split( dot_type): if path_part.endswith( '.m3u8'): m3u8_path_incomplete = path_part elif decrypted_final_var.identifier.value == 'redirecturl': m3u8_host_incomplete = decrypted_final_var.initializer.value[ 1:-1] #exclude "" if not m3u8_host_incomplete.endswith( '/' ) and not m3u8_path_incomplete.startswith( '/'): ep_url = m3u8_host_incomplete + '/' + m3u8_path_incomplete else: ep_url = m3u8_host_incomplete + m3u8_path_incomplete if arg_dir: ep_filename = os.path.basename(''.join( ['第', str(ep), '集'])) ep_ts_path = os.path.join( dir_path_m, ''.join([ os.path.basename(ep_filename) + '.ts' ])) ep_mp4_path = os.path.join( dir_path_m, ''.join([ os.path.basename(ep_filename), '.mp4' ])) if ep_url: break if ep_url: break if ep_url and ep_mp4_path: got_ep_url = True print('下载的 url: ' + ep_url) if not is_vimeo: print('下载的 ts 路径: ' + ep_ts_path) print('下载的 mp4 路径: ' + ep_mp4_path) if arg_debug: with open('duboku_ep' + str(ep) + '.log', 'a') as f: f.write('\n\n下载的 url: ' + ep_url) if not is_vimeo: f.write('\n下载的 ts 路径: ' + ep_ts_path) f.write('\n下载的 mp4 路径: ' + ep_mp4_path + '\n\n') if is_vimeo: r = requests.get(ep_url, allow_redirects=True, headers=http_headers, timeout=30, proxies=proxies, stream=True) chunk_size = 1024 # 1 MB file_size = int(r.headers['Content-Length']) num_bars = 0 #int(file_size / chunk_size) with open(ep_mp4_path, 'wb') as fp: for chunk in tqdm.tqdm( r.iter_content(chunk_size=chunk_size), total=num_bars, position=0, mininterval=5, unit='KB', desc=ep_mp4_path, leave=True, file=sys.stdout): fp.write(chunk) else: r = requests.get(ep_url, allow_redirects=True, headers=http_headers, timeout=30, proxies=proxies) if arg_debug: with open('duboku_ep' + str(ep) + '.log', 'a') as f: f.write('r: ' + r.text) # Disable `if` condition line below, if want to test convert .ts without re-download if m3u8_decryptopr_main(r.text, ep_ts_path, ep_url, http_headers, arg_debug, 'duboku_ep' + str(ep) + '.log', proxies=proxies): remux_ts_to_mp4(ep_ts_path, ep_mp4_path) #source_url = "" # #youtube_dl.utils.std_headers['User-Agent'] = UA #try: # This one shouldn't pass .mp4 ep_path # youtube_dl.YoutubeDL(params={'-c': '', '-q': '', '--no-mtime': '', # 'outtmpl': ep_path + '.%(ext)s'}).download([ep_url]) #except youtube_dl.utils.DownloadError: # print(traceback.format_exc()) # print( # 'Possible reason is filename too long. Please retry with -s <maximum filename size>.') # sys.exit() break #print(walker.extract(tree, assignment)) #print('######## END') except calmjs.parse.exceptions.ECMASyntaxError as ee: pass #here is normal #print('ex') #print(traceback.format_exc()) except Exception: #Need to catch & print exception explicitly to pass to duboku_gui to show err log print(traceback.format_exc()) try: print('[😞]') except UnicodeEncodeError: print('[!] 失败。') if not got_ep_url: if not printed_err: if arg_file: print('[!] 不存在该部影片。') else: print('[!] 不存在第{}集。'.format(ep)) except Exception: try: print(traceback.format_exc()) except UnicodeEncodeError: print('[!] 出现错误。') try: print('[😄] 全部下载工作完毕。您已可以关闭窗口, 或下载别的视频。') except UnicodeEncodeError: print('[*] 全部下载工作完毕。您已可以关闭窗口, 或下载别的视频。') '''