    def pre_initialization(self):
        """Method that is called before the model thread is started, while the app is still
        running single threaded.

        The default implementation does nothing and returns None. Overwrite
        this method for custom behaviour.

        An example use of this function would be to
        present the user with a dialog to select the database to use, and to store the
        result in some global variable that is later used in the settings.ENGINE function.
        if self.application_admin.database_selection:
            from camelot.view.database_selection import select_database
    def pre_initialization(self):
        """Method that is called before the model thread is started, while the app is still
        running single threaded.

        The default implementation does nothing and returns None. Overwrite
        this method for custom behaviour.

        An example use of this function would be to
        present the user with a dialog to select the database to use, and to store the
        result in some global variable that is later used in the settings.ENGINE function.
        if self.application_admin.database_selection:
            from camelot.view.database_selection import select_database

    def pre_initialization(self):
        """Method that is called before the model thread is started, while the app is still
        running single threaded.

        The default implementation verifies if the select_database attribute is set to
        True on the ApplicationAdmin, and if this is the case, present the user with a
        database selection wizard.
        if self.application_admin.database_selection:
            # in case of profile selection, load the system locale translations for
            # the profile dialog.  These might be different from the final translations
            # that are specified in the profile
            locale_name = QtCore.QLocale().name()
            language_name = locale_name.split('_')[0]
            camelot_translator = self.application_admin._load_translator_from_file( 'camelot', 
                                                                                    'art/translations/%s/LC_MESSAGES/'%language_name )
            if camelot_translator:
                QtCore.QCoreApplication.instance().installTranslator( camelot_translator )
            from camelot.view.database_selection import select_database
    def pre_initialization(self):
        """Method that is called before the model thread is started, while the app is still
        running single threaded.

        The default implementation verifies if the database_selection attribute is set to
        True on the ApplicationAdmin, and if this is the case, present the user with a
        database selection wizard.
        if self.application_admin.database_selection:
            # in case of profile selection, load the system locale translations for
            # the profile dialog.  These might be different from the final translations
            # that are specified in the profile
            locale_name = QtCore.QLocale().name()
            language_name = locale_name.split('_')[0]
            camelot_translator = self.application_admin._load_translator_from_file( 'camelot', 
                                                                                    'art/translations/%s/LC_MESSAGES/'%language_name )
            if camelot_translator:
                QtCore.QCoreApplication.instance().installTranslator( camelot_translator )
            from camelot.view.database_selection import select_database