def testCreateFCWithoutWD(self): height, width = 3, 3 with self.test_session(): inputs = tf.random_uniform((5, height * width * 3), seed=1) ops.fc(inputs, 32, weight_decay=0) self.assertEquals( tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.REGULARIZATION_LOSSES), [])
def testReuseVars(self): height, width = 3, 3 inputs = tf.random_uniform((5, height * width * 3), seed=1) with self.test_session(): ops.fc(inputs, 32, scope='fc1') self.assertEquals(len(variables.get_variables('fc1')), 2) ops.fc(inputs, 32, scope='fc1', reuse=True) self.assertEquals(len(variables.get_variables('fc1')), 2)
def testNonReuseVars(self): height, width = 3, 3 inputs = tf.random_uniform((5, height * width * 3), seed=1) with self.test_session(): ops.fc(inputs, 32) self.assertEquals(len(variables.get_variables('FC')), 2) ops.fc(inputs, 32) self.assertEquals(len(variables.get_variables('FC')), 4)
def testReuseFCWithBatchNorm(self): height, width = 3, 3 with self.test_session(): images = tf.random_uniform((5, height * width * 3), seed=1) with scopes.arg_scope([ops.fc], batch_norm_params={'decay': 0.9}): net = ops.fc(images, 27, scope='fc1') net = ops.fc(net, 27, scope='fc1', reuse=True) self.assertEquals(len(variables.get_variables()), 4) self.assertEquals(len(variables.get_variables('fc1/BatchNorm')), 3)
def testCreateFcCreatesWeightsAndBiasesVars(self): height, width = 3, 3 inputs = tf.random_uniform((5, height * width * 3), seed=1) with self.test_session(): self.assertFalse(variables.get_variables('fc1/weights')) self.assertFalse(variables.get_variables('fc1/biases')) ops.fc(inputs, 32, scope='fc1') self.assertTrue(variables.get_variables('fc1/weights')) self.assertTrue(variables.get_variables('fc1/biases'))
def testFCWithBatchNorm(self): height, width = 3, 3 with self.test_session(): images = tf.random_uniform((5, height * width * 3), seed=1) with scopes.arg_scope([ops.fc], batch_norm_params={}): net = ops.fc(images, 27) net = ops.fc(net, 27) self.assertEquals(len(variables.get_variables()), 8) self.assertEquals(len(variables.get_variables('FC/BatchNorm')), 3) self.assertEquals(len(variables.get_variables('FC_1/BatchNorm')), 3)
def testCreateFCWithWD(self): height, width = 3, 3 with self.test_session() as sess: inputs = tf.random_uniform((5, height * width * 3), seed=1) ops.fc(inputs, 32, weight_decay=0.01) wd = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.REGULARIZATION_LOSSES)[0] self.assertEquals(, 'FC/weights/Regularizer/L2Regularizer/value') self.assertTrue( <= 0.01)
def testReuseFCWithWD(self): height, width = 3, 3 with self.test_session(): inputs = tf.random_uniform((5, height * width * 3), seed=1) ops.fc(inputs, 32, weight_decay=0.01, scope='fc') self.assertEquals(len(variables.get_variables()), 2) self.assertEquals( len(tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.REGULARIZATION_LOSSES)), 1) ops.fc(inputs, 32, weight_decay=0.01, scope='fc', reuse=True) self.assertEquals(len(variables.get_variables()), 2) self.assertEquals( len(tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.REGULARIZATION_LOSSES)), 1)
def testCreateFC(self): height, width = 3, 3 with self.test_session(): inputs = tf.random_uniform((5, height * width * 3), seed=1) output = ops.fc(inputs, 32) self.assertEquals(, 'FC/Relu') self.assertListEqual(output.get_shape().as_list(), [5, 32])
def testCreateFCWithoutActivation(self): height, width = 3, 3 with self.test_session(): inputs = tf.random_uniform((5, height * width * 3), seed=1) output = ops.fc(inputs, 32, activation=None) self.assertEquals(, 'FC/xw_plus_b')
def testCreateFCWithScope(self): height, width = 3, 3 with self.test_session(): inputs = tf.random_uniform((5, height * width * 3), seed=1) output = ops.fc(inputs, 32, scope='fc1') self.assertEquals(, 'fc1/Relu')
def inception_v3(inputs, dropout_keep_prob=0.8, num_classes=1000, is_training=True, restore_logits=True, scope='', reuse=None): """Latest Inception from "Rethinking the Inception Architecture for Computer Vision" Christian Szegedy, Vincent Vanhoucke, Sergey Ioffe, Jonathon Shlens, Zbigniew Wojna Args: inputs: a tensor of size [batch_size, height, width, channels]. dropout_keep_prob: dropout keep_prob. num_classes: number of predicted classes. is_training: whether is training or not. restore_logits: whether or not the logits layers should be restored. Useful for fine-tuning a model with different num_classes. scope: Optional scope for op_scope. reuse: weather to reuse weights or not (used for evaluation) Returns: a list containing 'logits', 'aux_logits' Tensors. """ # end_points will collect relevant activations for external use, for example # summaries or losses. end_points = {} with tf.name_scope(scope, 'inception_v3', [inputs]): with scopes.arg_scope([ops.conv2d, ops.fc, ops.batch_norm, ops.dropout], is_training=is_training): with scopes.arg_scope([ops.conv2d, ops.max_pool, ops.avg_pool], stride=1, padding='VALID'): # 256 x 256 x 3 end_points['conv0'] = ops.conv2d(inputs, 32, [3, 3], stride=2, scope='conv0') # 128 x 128 x 32 end_points['conv1'] = ops.conv2d(end_points['conv0'], 32, [3, 3], scope='conv1') # 128 x 128 x 32 end_points['conv2'] = ops.conv2d(end_points['conv1'], 64, [3, 3], padding='SAME', scope='conv2') # 128 x 128 x 64 end_points['pool1'] = ops.max_pool(end_points['conv2'], [3, 3], stride=2, scope='pool1') # 64 x 64 x 64 end_points['conv3'] = ops.conv2d(end_points['pool1'], 80, [1, 1], scope='conv3') # 64 x 64 x 80. end_points['conv4'] = ops.conv2d(end_points['conv3'], 192, [3, 3], scope='conv4') # 64 x 64 x 192. end_points['pool2'] = ops.max_pool(end_points['conv4'], [3, 3], stride=2, scope='pool2') # 32 x 32 x 192. net = end_points['pool2'] # Inception blocks with scopes.arg_scope([ops.conv2d, ops.max_pool, ops.avg_pool], stride=1, padding='SAME'): # mixed: 32 x 32 x 256. with tf.variable_scope('mixed_32x32x256a'): with tf.variable_scope('branch1x1'): branch1x1 = ops.conv2d(net, 64, [1, 1]) with tf.variable_scope('branch5x5'): branch5x5 = ops.conv2d(net, 48, [1, 1]) branch5x5 = ops.conv2d(branch5x5, 64, [5, 5]) with tf.variable_scope('branch3x3dbl'): branch3x3dbl = ops.conv2d(net, 64, [1, 1]) branch3x3dbl = ops.conv2d(branch3x3dbl, 96, [3, 3]) branch3x3dbl = ops.conv2d(branch3x3dbl, 96, [3, 3]) with tf.variable_scope('branch_pool'): branch_pool = ops.avg_pool(net, [3, 3]) branch_pool = ops.conv2d(branch_pool, 32, [1, 1]) net = tf.concat_v2([branch1x1, branch5x5, branch3x3dbl, branch_pool], 3) end_points['mixed_32x32x256a'] = net # mixed_1: 32 x 32 x 288. with tf.variable_scope('mixed_32x32x288a'): with tf.variable_scope('branch1x1'): branch1x1 = ops.conv2d(net, 64, [1, 1]) with tf.variable_scope('branch5x5'): branch5x5 = ops.conv2d(net, 48, [1, 1]) branch5x5 = ops.conv2d(branch5x5, 64, [5, 5]) with tf.variable_scope('branch3x3dbl'): branch3x3dbl = ops.conv2d(net, 64, [1, 1]) branch3x3dbl = ops.conv2d(branch3x3dbl, 96, [3, 3]) branch3x3dbl = ops.conv2d(branch3x3dbl, 96, [3, 3]) with tf.variable_scope('branch_pool'): branch_pool = ops.avg_pool(net, [3, 3]) branch_pool = ops.conv2d(branch_pool, 64, [1, 1]) net = tf.concat_v2([branch1x1, branch5x5, branch3x3dbl, branch_pool], 3) end_points['mixed_32x32x288a'] = net # mixed_2: 32 x 32 x 288. with tf.variable_scope('mixed_32x32x288b'): with tf.variable_scope('branch1x1'): branch1x1 = ops.conv2d(net, 64, [1, 1]) with tf.variable_scope('branch5x5'): branch5x5 = ops.conv2d(net, 48, [1, 1]) branch5x5 = ops.conv2d(branch5x5, 64, [5, 5]) with tf.variable_scope('branch3x3dbl'): branch3x3dbl = ops.conv2d(net, 64, [1, 1]) branch3x3dbl = ops.conv2d(branch3x3dbl, 96, [3, 3]) branch3x3dbl = ops.conv2d(branch3x3dbl, 96, [3, 3]) with tf.variable_scope('branch_pool'): branch_pool = ops.avg_pool(net, [3, 3]) branch_pool = ops.conv2d(branch_pool, 64, [1, 1]) net = tf.concat_v2([branch1x1, branch5x5, branch3x3dbl, branch_pool], 3) end_points['mixed_32x32x288b'] = net # mixed_3: 16 x 16 x 768. with tf.variable_scope('mixed_16x16x768a'): with tf.variable_scope('branch3x3'): branch3x3 = ops.conv2d(net, 384, [3, 3], stride=2, padding='VALID') with tf.variable_scope('branch3x3dbl'): branch3x3dbl = ops.conv2d(net, 64, [1, 1]) branch3x3dbl = ops.conv2d(branch3x3dbl, 96, [3, 3]) branch3x3dbl = ops.conv2d(branch3x3dbl, 96, [3, 3], stride=2, padding='VALID') with tf.variable_scope('branch_pool'): branch_pool = ops.max_pool(net, [3, 3], stride=2, padding='VALID') net = tf.concat_v2([branch3x3, branch3x3dbl, branch_pool], 3) end_points['mixed_16x16x768a'] = net # mixed4: 16 x 16 x 768. with tf.variable_scope('mixed_16x16x768b'): with tf.variable_scope('branch1x1'): branch1x1 = ops.conv2d(net, 192, [1, 1]) with tf.variable_scope('branch7x7'): branch7x7 = ops.conv2d(net, 128, [1, 1]) branch7x7 = ops.conv2d(branch7x7, 128, [1, 7]) branch7x7 = ops.conv2d(branch7x7, 192, [7, 1]) with tf.variable_scope('branch7x7dbl'): branch7x7dbl = ops.conv2d(net, 128, [1, 1]) branch7x7dbl = ops.conv2d(branch7x7dbl, 128, [7, 1]) branch7x7dbl = ops.conv2d(branch7x7dbl, 128, [1, 7]) branch7x7dbl = ops.conv2d(branch7x7dbl, 128, [7, 1]) branch7x7dbl = ops.conv2d(branch7x7dbl, 192, [1, 7]) with tf.variable_scope('branch_pool'): branch_pool = ops.avg_pool(net, [3, 3]) branch_pool = ops.conv2d(branch_pool, 192, [1, 1]) net = tf.concat_v2([branch1x1, branch7x7, branch7x7dbl, branch_pool], 3) end_points['mixed_16x16x768b'] = net # mixed_5: 16 x 16 x 768. with tf.variable_scope('mixed_16x16x768c'): with tf.variable_scope('branch1x1'): branch1x1 = ops.conv2d(net, 192, [1, 1]) with tf.variable_scope('branch7x7'): branch7x7 = ops.conv2d(net, 160, [1, 1]) branch7x7 = ops.conv2d(branch7x7, 160, [1, 7]) branch7x7 = ops.conv2d(branch7x7, 192, [7, 1]) with tf.variable_scope('branch7x7dbl'): branch7x7dbl = ops.conv2d(net, 160, [1, 1]) branch7x7dbl = ops.conv2d(branch7x7dbl, 160, [7, 1]) branch7x7dbl = ops.conv2d(branch7x7dbl, 160, [1, 7]) branch7x7dbl = ops.conv2d(branch7x7dbl, 160, [7, 1]) branch7x7dbl = ops.conv2d(branch7x7dbl, 192, [1, 7]) with tf.variable_scope('branch_pool'): branch_pool = ops.avg_pool(net, [3, 3]) branch_pool = ops.conv2d(branch_pool, 192, [1, 1]) net = tf.concat_v2([branch1x1, branch7x7, branch7x7dbl, branch_pool], 3) end_points['mixed_16x16x768c'] = net # mixed_6: 16 x 16 x 768. with tf.variable_scope('mixed_16x16x768d'): with tf.variable_scope('branch1x1'): branch1x1 = ops.conv2d(net, 192, [1, 1]) with tf.variable_scope('branch7x7'): branch7x7 = ops.conv2d(net, 160, [1, 1]) branch7x7 = ops.conv2d(branch7x7, 160, [1, 7]) branch7x7 = ops.conv2d(branch7x7, 192, [7, 1]) with tf.variable_scope('branch7x7dbl'): branch7x7dbl = ops.conv2d(net, 160, [1, 1]) branch7x7dbl = ops.conv2d(branch7x7dbl, 160, [7, 1]) branch7x7dbl = ops.conv2d(branch7x7dbl, 160, [1, 7]) branch7x7dbl = ops.conv2d(branch7x7dbl, 160, [7, 1]) branch7x7dbl = ops.conv2d(branch7x7dbl, 192, [1, 7]) with tf.variable_scope('branch_pool'): branch_pool = ops.avg_pool(net, [3, 3]) branch_pool = ops.conv2d(branch_pool, 192, [1, 1]) net = tf.concat_v2([branch1x1, branch7x7, branch7x7dbl, branch_pool], 3) end_points['mixed_16x16x768d'] = net # mixed_7: 16 x 16 x 768. with tf.variable_scope('mixed_16x16x768e'): with tf.variable_scope('branch1x1'): branch1x1 = ops.conv2d(net, 192, [1, 1]) with tf.variable_scope('branch7x7'): branch7x7 = ops.conv2d(net, 192, [1, 1]) branch7x7 = ops.conv2d(branch7x7, 192, [1, 7]) branch7x7 = ops.conv2d(branch7x7, 192, [7, 1]) with tf.variable_scope('branch7x7dbl'): branch7x7dbl = ops.conv2d(net, 192, [1, 1]) branch7x7dbl = ops.conv2d(branch7x7dbl, 192, [7, 1]) branch7x7dbl = ops.conv2d(branch7x7dbl, 192, [1, 7]) branch7x7dbl = ops.conv2d(branch7x7dbl, 192, [7, 1]) branch7x7dbl = ops.conv2d(branch7x7dbl, 192, [1, 7]) with tf.variable_scope('branch_pool'): branch_pool = ops.avg_pool(net, [3, 3]) branch_pool = ops.conv2d(branch_pool, 192, [1, 1]) net = tf.concat_v2([branch1x1, branch7x7, branch7x7dbl, branch_pool], 3) end_points['mixed_16x16x768e'] = net # Auxiliary Head logits aux_logits = tf.identity(end_points['mixed_16x16x768e']) with tf.variable_scope('aux_logits'): aux_logits = ops.avg_pool(aux_logits, [5, 5], stride=3, padding='VALID') aux_logits = ops.conv2d(aux_logits, 128, [1, 1], scope='proj') # Shape of feature map before the final layer. shape = aux_logits.get_shape() aux_logits = ops.conv2d(aux_logits, 768, shape[1:3], stddev=0.01, padding='VALID') aux_logits = ops.flatten(aux_logits) aux_logits = ops.fc(aux_logits, num_classes, activation=None, stddev=0.001, restore=restore_logits) end_points['aux_logits'] = aux_logits # mixed_8: 8 x 8 x 1280. # Note that the scope below is not changed to not void previous # checkpoints. # (TODO) Fix the scope when appropriate. with tf.variable_scope('mixed_16x16x1280a'): with tf.variable_scope('branch3x3'): branch3x3 = ops.conv2d(net, 192, [1, 1]) branch3x3 = ops.conv2d(branch3x3, 320, [3, 3], stride=2, padding='VALID') with tf.variable_scope('branch7x7x3'): branch7x7x3 = ops.conv2d(net, 192, [1, 1]) branch7x7x3 = ops.conv2d(branch7x7x3, 192, [1, 7]) branch7x7x3 = ops.conv2d(branch7x7x3, 192, [7, 1]) branch7x7x3 = ops.conv2d(branch7x7x3, 192, [3, 3], stride=2, padding='VALID') with tf.variable_scope('branch_pool'): branch_pool = ops.max_pool(net, [3, 3], stride=2, padding='VALID') net = tf.concat_v2([branch3x3, branch7x7x3, branch_pool], 3) end_points['mixed_16x16x1280a'] = net # mixed_9: 8 x 8 x 2048. with tf.variable_scope('mixed_8x8x2048a'): with tf.variable_scope('branch1x1'): branch1x1 = ops.conv2d(net, 320, [1, 1]) with tf.variable_scope('branch3x3'): branch3x3 = ops.conv2d(net, 384, [1, 1]) branch3x3 = tf.concat_v2([ops.conv2d(branch3x3, 384, [1, 3]), ops.conv2d(branch3x3, 384, [3, 1])], 3) with tf.variable_scope('branch3x3dbl'): branch3x3dbl = ops.conv2d(net, 448, [1, 1]) branch3x3dbl = ops.conv2d(branch3x3dbl, 384, [3, 3]) branch3x3dbl = tf.concat_v2([ops.conv2d(branch3x3dbl, 384, [1, 3]), ops.conv2d(branch3x3dbl, 384, [3, 1])], 3) with tf.variable_scope('branch_pool'): branch_pool = ops.avg_pool(net, [3, 3]) branch_pool = ops.conv2d(branch_pool, 192, [1, 1]) net = tf.concat_v2([branch1x1, branch3x3, branch3x3dbl, branch_pool], 3) end_points['mixed_8x8x2048a'] = net # mixed_10: 8 x 8 x 2048. with tf.variable_scope('mixed_8x8x2048b'): with tf.variable_scope('branch1x1'): branch1x1 = ops.conv2d(net, 320, [1, 1]) with tf.variable_scope('branch3x3'): branch3x3 = ops.conv2d(net, 384, [1, 1]) branch3x3 = tf.concat_v2([ops.conv2d(branch3x3, 384, [1, 3]), ops.conv2d(branch3x3, 384, [3, 1])], 3) with tf.variable_scope('branch3x3dbl'): branch3x3dbl = ops.conv2d(net, 448, [1, 1]) branch3x3dbl = ops.conv2d(branch3x3dbl, 384, [3, 3]) branch3x3dbl = tf.concat_v2([ops.conv2d(branch3x3dbl, 384, [1, 3]), ops.conv2d(branch3x3dbl, 384, [3, 1])], 3) with tf.variable_scope('branch_pool'): branch_pool = ops.avg_pool(net, [3, 3]) branch_pool = ops.conv2d(branch_pool, 192, [1, 1]) net = tf.concat_v2([branch1x1, branch3x3, branch3x3dbl, branch_pool], 3) end_points['mixed_8x8x2048b'] = net # Final pooling and prediction with tf.variable_scope('logits'): shape = net.get_shape() net = ops.avg_pool(net, shape[1:3], padding='VALID', scope='pool') # 1 x 1 x 2048 net = ops.dropout(net, dropout_keep_prob, scope='dropout') net = ops.flatten(net, scope='flatten') # 2048 logits = ops.fc(net, num_classes, activation=None, scope='logits', restore=restore_logits) # 2 end_points['logits'] = logits end_points['predictions'] = tf.nn.softmax(logits, name='predictions') return logits, end_points
def inception_v3(inputs, dropout_keep_prob=0.8, num_classes=1000, is_training=True, restore_logits=True, scope='', reuse=None): """Latest Inception from "Rethinking the Inception Architecture for Computer Vision" Christian Szegedy, Vincent Vanhoucke, Sergey Ioffe, Jonathon Shlens, Zbigniew Wojna Args: inputs: a tensor of size [batch_size, height, width, channels]. dropout_keep_prob: dropout keep_prob. num_classes: number of predicted classes. is_training: whether is training or not. restore_logits: whether or not the logits layers should be restored. Useful for fine-tuning a model with different num_classes. scope: Optional scope for op_scope. reuse: weather to reuse weights or not (used for evaluation) Returns: a list containing 'logits', 'aux_logits' Tensors. """ # end_points will collect relevant activations for external use, for example # summaries or losses. end_points = {} with tf.name_scope(scope, 'inception_v3', [inputs]): with scopes.arg_scope( [ops.conv2d, ops.fc, ops.batch_norm, ops.dropout], is_training=is_training): with scopes.arg_scope([ops.conv2d, ops.max_pool, ops.avg_pool], stride=1, padding='VALID'): # 256 x 256 x 3 end_points['conv0'] = ops.conv2d(inputs, 32, [3, 3], stride=2, scope='conv0') # 128 x 128 x 32 end_points['conv1'] = ops.conv2d(end_points['conv0'], 32, [3, 3], scope='conv1') # 128 x 128 x 32 end_points['conv2'] = ops.conv2d(end_points['conv1'], 64, [3, 3], padding='SAME', scope='conv2') # 128 x 128 x 64 end_points['pool1'] = ops.max_pool(end_points['conv2'], [3, 3], stride=2, scope='pool1') # 64 x 64 x 64 end_points['conv3'] = ops.conv2d(end_points['pool1'], 80, [1, 1], scope='conv3') # 64 x 64 x 80. end_points['conv4'] = ops.conv2d(end_points['conv3'], 192, [3, 3], scope='conv4') # 64 x 64 x 192. end_points['pool2'] = ops.max_pool(end_points['conv4'], [3, 3], stride=2, scope='pool2') # 32 x 32 x 192. net = end_points['pool2'] # Inception blocks with scopes.arg_scope([ops.conv2d, ops.max_pool, ops.avg_pool], stride=1, padding='SAME'): # mixed: 32 x 32 x 256. with tf.variable_scope('mixed_32x32x256a'): with tf.variable_scope('branch1x1'): branch1x1 = ops.conv2d(net, 64, [1, 1]) with tf.variable_scope('branch5x5'): branch5x5 = ops.conv2d(net, 48, [1, 1]) branch5x5 = ops.conv2d(branch5x5, 64, [5, 5]) with tf.variable_scope('branch3x3dbl'): branch3x3dbl = ops.conv2d(net, 64, [1, 1]) branch3x3dbl = ops.conv2d(branch3x3dbl, 96, [3, 3]) branch3x3dbl = ops.conv2d(branch3x3dbl, 96, [3, 3]) with tf.variable_scope('branch_pool'): branch_pool = ops.avg_pool(net, [3, 3]) branch_pool = ops.conv2d(branch_pool, 32, [1, 1]) net = tf.concat_v2( [branch1x1, branch5x5, branch3x3dbl, branch_pool], 3) end_points['mixed_32x32x256a'] = net # mixed_1: 32 x 32 x 288. with tf.variable_scope('mixed_32x32x288a'): with tf.variable_scope('branch1x1'): branch1x1 = ops.conv2d(net, 64, [1, 1]) with tf.variable_scope('branch5x5'): branch5x5 = ops.conv2d(net, 48, [1, 1]) branch5x5 = ops.conv2d(branch5x5, 64, [5, 5]) with tf.variable_scope('branch3x3dbl'): branch3x3dbl = ops.conv2d(net, 64, [1, 1]) branch3x3dbl = ops.conv2d(branch3x3dbl, 96, [3, 3]) branch3x3dbl = ops.conv2d(branch3x3dbl, 96, [3, 3]) with tf.variable_scope('branch_pool'): branch_pool = ops.avg_pool(net, [3, 3]) branch_pool = ops.conv2d(branch_pool, 64, [1, 1]) net = tf.concat_v2( [branch1x1, branch5x5, branch3x3dbl, branch_pool], 3) end_points['mixed_32x32x288a'] = net # mixed_2: 32 x 32 x 288. with tf.variable_scope('mixed_32x32x288b'): with tf.variable_scope('branch1x1'): branch1x1 = ops.conv2d(net, 64, [1, 1]) with tf.variable_scope('branch5x5'): branch5x5 = ops.conv2d(net, 48, [1, 1]) branch5x5 = ops.conv2d(branch5x5, 64, [5, 5]) with tf.variable_scope('branch3x3dbl'): branch3x3dbl = ops.conv2d(net, 64, [1, 1]) branch3x3dbl = ops.conv2d(branch3x3dbl, 96, [3, 3]) branch3x3dbl = ops.conv2d(branch3x3dbl, 96, [3, 3]) with tf.variable_scope('branch_pool'): branch_pool = ops.avg_pool(net, [3, 3]) branch_pool = ops.conv2d(branch_pool, 64, [1, 1]) net = tf.concat_v2( [branch1x1, branch5x5, branch3x3dbl, branch_pool], 3) end_points['mixed_32x32x288b'] = net # mixed_3: 16 x 16 x 768. with tf.variable_scope('mixed_16x16x768a'): with tf.variable_scope('branch3x3'): branch3x3 = ops.conv2d(net, 384, [3, 3], stride=2, padding='VALID') with tf.variable_scope('branch3x3dbl'): branch3x3dbl = ops.conv2d(net, 64, [1, 1]) branch3x3dbl = ops.conv2d(branch3x3dbl, 96, [3, 3]) branch3x3dbl = ops.conv2d(branch3x3dbl, 96, [3, 3], stride=2, padding='VALID') with tf.variable_scope('branch_pool'): branch_pool = ops.max_pool(net, [3, 3], stride=2, padding='VALID') net = tf.concat_v2([branch3x3, branch3x3dbl, branch_pool], 3) end_points['mixed_16x16x768a'] = net # mixed4: 16 x 16 x 768. with tf.variable_scope('mixed_16x16x768b'): with tf.variable_scope('branch1x1'): branch1x1 = ops.conv2d(net, 192, [1, 1]) with tf.variable_scope('branch7x7'): branch7x7 = ops.conv2d(net, 128, [1, 1]) branch7x7 = ops.conv2d(branch7x7, 128, [1, 7]) branch7x7 = ops.conv2d(branch7x7, 192, [7, 1]) with tf.variable_scope('branch7x7dbl'): branch7x7dbl = ops.conv2d(net, 128, [1, 1]) branch7x7dbl = ops.conv2d(branch7x7dbl, 128, [7, 1]) branch7x7dbl = ops.conv2d(branch7x7dbl, 128, [1, 7]) branch7x7dbl = ops.conv2d(branch7x7dbl, 128, [7, 1]) branch7x7dbl = ops.conv2d(branch7x7dbl, 192, [1, 7]) with tf.variable_scope('branch_pool'): branch_pool = ops.avg_pool(net, [3, 3]) branch_pool = ops.conv2d(branch_pool, 192, [1, 1]) net = tf.concat_v2( [branch1x1, branch7x7, branch7x7dbl, branch_pool], 3) end_points['mixed_16x16x768b'] = net # mixed_5: 16 x 16 x 768. with tf.variable_scope('mixed_16x16x768c'): with tf.variable_scope('branch1x1'): branch1x1 = ops.conv2d(net, 192, [1, 1]) with tf.variable_scope('branch7x7'): branch7x7 = ops.conv2d(net, 160, [1, 1]) branch7x7 = ops.conv2d(branch7x7, 160, [1, 7]) branch7x7 = ops.conv2d(branch7x7, 192, [7, 1]) with tf.variable_scope('branch7x7dbl'): branch7x7dbl = ops.conv2d(net, 160, [1, 1]) branch7x7dbl = ops.conv2d(branch7x7dbl, 160, [7, 1]) branch7x7dbl = ops.conv2d(branch7x7dbl, 160, [1, 7]) branch7x7dbl = ops.conv2d(branch7x7dbl, 160, [7, 1]) branch7x7dbl = ops.conv2d(branch7x7dbl, 192, [1, 7]) with tf.variable_scope('branch_pool'): branch_pool = ops.avg_pool(net, [3, 3]) branch_pool = ops.conv2d(branch_pool, 192, [1, 1]) net = tf.concat_v2( [branch1x1, branch7x7, branch7x7dbl, branch_pool], 3) end_points['mixed_16x16x768c'] = net # mixed_6: 16 x 16 x 768. with tf.variable_scope('mixed_16x16x768d'): with tf.variable_scope('branch1x1'): branch1x1 = ops.conv2d(net, 192, [1, 1]) with tf.variable_scope('branch7x7'): branch7x7 = ops.conv2d(net, 160, [1, 1]) branch7x7 = ops.conv2d(branch7x7, 160, [1, 7]) branch7x7 = ops.conv2d(branch7x7, 192, [7, 1]) with tf.variable_scope('branch7x7dbl'): branch7x7dbl = ops.conv2d(net, 160, [1, 1]) branch7x7dbl = ops.conv2d(branch7x7dbl, 160, [7, 1]) branch7x7dbl = ops.conv2d(branch7x7dbl, 160, [1, 7]) branch7x7dbl = ops.conv2d(branch7x7dbl, 160, [7, 1]) branch7x7dbl = ops.conv2d(branch7x7dbl, 192, [1, 7]) with tf.variable_scope('branch_pool'): branch_pool = ops.avg_pool(net, [3, 3]) branch_pool = ops.conv2d(branch_pool, 192, [1, 1]) net = tf.concat_v2( [branch1x1, branch7x7, branch7x7dbl, branch_pool], 3) end_points['mixed_16x16x768d'] = net # mixed_7: 16 x 16 x 768. with tf.variable_scope('mixed_16x16x768e'): with tf.variable_scope('branch1x1'): branch1x1 = ops.conv2d(net, 192, [1, 1]) with tf.variable_scope('branch7x7'): branch7x7 = ops.conv2d(net, 192, [1, 1]) branch7x7 = ops.conv2d(branch7x7, 192, [1, 7]) branch7x7 = ops.conv2d(branch7x7, 192, [7, 1]) with tf.variable_scope('branch7x7dbl'): branch7x7dbl = ops.conv2d(net, 192, [1, 1]) branch7x7dbl = ops.conv2d(branch7x7dbl, 192, [7, 1]) branch7x7dbl = ops.conv2d(branch7x7dbl, 192, [1, 7]) branch7x7dbl = ops.conv2d(branch7x7dbl, 192, [7, 1]) branch7x7dbl = ops.conv2d(branch7x7dbl, 192, [1, 7]) with tf.variable_scope('branch_pool'): branch_pool = ops.avg_pool(net, [3, 3]) branch_pool = ops.conv2d(branch_pool, 192, [1, 1]) net = tf.concat_v2( [branch1x1, branch7x7, branch7x7dbl, branch_pool], 3) end_points['mixed_16x16x768e'] = net # Auxiliary Head logits aux_logits = tf.identity(end_points['mixed_16x16x768e']) with tf.variable_scope('aux_logits'): aux_logits = ops.avg_pool(aux_logits, [5, 5], stride=3, padding='VALID') aux_logits = ops.conv2d(aux_logits, 128, [1, 1], scope='proj') # Shape of feature map before the final layer. shape = aux_logits.get_shape() aux_logits = ops.conv2d(aux_logits, 768, shape[1:3], stddev=0.01, padding='VALID') aux_logits = ops.flatten(aux_logits) aux_logits = ops.fc(aux_logits, num_classes, activation=None, stddev=0.001, restore=restore_logits) end_points['aux_logits'] = aux_logits # mixed_8: 8 x 8 x 1280. # Note that the scope below is not changed to not void previous # checkpoints. # (TODO) Fix the scope when appropriate. with tf.variable_scope('mixed_16x16x1280a'): with tf.variable_scope('branch3x3'): branch3x3 = ops.conv2d(net, 192, [1, 1]) branch3x3 = ops.conv2d(branch3x3, 320, [3, 3], stride=2, padding='VALID') with tf.variable_scope('branch7x7x3'): branch7x7x3 = ops.conv2d(net, 192, [1, 1]) branch7x7x3 = ops.conv2d(branch7x7x3, 192, [1, 7]) branch7x7x3 = ops.conv2d(branch7x7x3, 192, [7, 1]) branch7x7x3 = ops.conv2d(branch7x7x3, 192, [3, 3], stride=2, padding='VALID') with tf.variable_scope('branch_pool'): branch_pool = ops.max_pool(net, [3, 3], stride=2, padding='VALID') net = tf.concat_v2([branch3x3, branch7x7x3, branch_pool], 3) end_points['mixed_16x16x1280a'] = net # mixed_9: 8 x 8 x 2048. with tf.variable_scope('mixed_8x8x2048a'): with tf.variable_scope('branch1x1'): branch1x1 = ops.conv2d(net, 320, [1, 1]) with tf.variable_scope('branch3x3'): branch3x3 = ops.conv2d(net, 384, [1, 1]) branch3x3 = tf.concat_v2([ ops.conv2d(branch3x3, 384, [1, 3]), ops.conv2d(branch3x3, 384, [3, 1]) ], 3) with tf.variable_scope('branch3x3dbl'): branch3x3dbl = ops.conv2d(net, 448, [1, 1]) branch3x3dbl = ops.conv2d(branch3x3dbl, 384, [3, 3]) branch3x3dbl = tf.concat_v2([ ops.conv2d(branch3x3dbl, 384, [1, 3]), ops.conv2d(branch3x3dbl, 384, [3, 1]) ], 3) with tf.variable_scope('branch_pool'): branch_pool = ops.avg_pool(net, [3, 3]) branch_pool = ops.conv2d(branch_pool, 192, [1, 1]) net = tf.concat_v2( [branch1x1, branch3x3, branch3x3dbl, branch_pool], 3) end_points['mixed_8x8x2048a'] = net # mixed_10: 8 x 8 x 2048. with tf.variable_scope('mixed_8x8x2048b'): with tf.variable_scope('branch1x1'): branch1x1 = ops.conv2d(net, 320, [1, 1]) with tf.variable_scope('branch3x3'): branch3x3 = ops.conv2d(net, 384, [1, 1]) branch3x3 = tf.concat_v2([ ops.conv2d(branch3x3, 384, [1, 3]), ops.conv2d(branch3x3, 384, [3, 1]) ], 3) with tf.variable_scope('branch3x3dbl'): branch3x3dbl = ops.conv2d(net, 448, [1, 1]) branch3x3dbl = ops.conv2d(branch3x3dbl, 384, [3, 3]) branch3x3dbl = tf.concat_v2([ ops.conv2d(branch3x3dbl, 384, [1, 3]), ops.conv2d(branch3x3dbl, 384, [3, 1]) ], 3) with tf.variable_scope('branch_pool'): branch_pool = ops.avg_pool(net, [3, 3]) branch_pool = ops.conv2d(branch_pool, 192, [1, 1]) net = tf.concat_v2( [branch1x1, branch3x3, branch3x3dbl, branch_pool], 3) end_points['mixed_8x8x2048b'] = net # Final pooling and prediction with tf.variable_scope('logits'): shape = net.get_shape() net = ops.avg_pool(net, shape[1:3], padding='VALID', scope='pool') # 1 x 1 x 2048 net = ops.dropout(net, dropout_keep_prob, scope='dropout') net = ops.flatten(net, scope='flatten') # 2048 logits = ops.fc(net, num_classes, activation=None, scope='logits', restore=restore_logits) # 2 end_points['logits'] = logits end_points['predictions'] = tf.nn.softmax( logits, name='predictions') return logits, end_points