def video_feed(): if cfg.camera_detected: """Video streaming route. Put this in the src attribute of an img tag.""" return Response(gen(cam.Camera()), mimetype='multipart/x-mixed-replace; boundary=frame') else: return 'no video'
else: import camera_files as camera import single_point_tracking as tracking import motor_control_l6470 as motor_control import updates_listener import web_ui import image_preview import camera_adjuster import dithering import messages import coordinates_calibration import gotoer if __name__ == '__main__': cam = camera.Camera() cam.start() tracker = tracking.SinglePointTracking() tracker.start() seconds_per_rotation = (24. * 60. * 60.) gear_ratio = 128. steps_per_rotation = 400. base_steps_per_second_ra = steps_per_rotation * gear_ratio / seconds_per_rotation motor_ra = motor_control.MotorControl( bus=0, cs_pin=0, slave_pin=22, reset_pin=17, speed_adjustment_msg=messages.CMD_SET_SPEED_ADJUSTMENT_RA,
#!/usr/bin/env python3 import timelapse import camera_pi # import config # import tlconfig cam = camera_pi.Camera() tl = timelapse.TimeLapse(cam) tl.config.PARAM['res'] = {'width': 1080, 'height': 1920} tl.config.PARAM['interval'] = 90 tl.config.set_config() for t in tl.timelapse(): print(t)