from camera_pose_calibration.msg import CalibrationEstimate, CameraPose, RobotMeasurement, CameraMeasurement from camera_pose_calibration import init_optimization_prior from camera_pose_calibration import estimate # checkerboard points in checkerboard frame check_points = [] for x in range(0, 2): for y in range(-1, 1): check_points.append(PyKDL.Vector(x, y, 1)) # generate camera's and targets cal_estimate = CalibrationEstimate() camera_a = CameraPose() camera_a.camera_id = 'cam_a' #camera_a.pose = posemath.toMsg(PyKDL.Frame(PyKDL.Rotation.RPY(0, pi/2.0, 0), PyKDL.Vector(0, 0 ,0))) camera_a.pose = posemath.toMsg(PyKDL.Frame(PyKDL.Vector(0, 0 ,0))) camera_b = CameraPose() camera_b.camera_id = 'cam_b' #camera_b.pose = posemath.toMsg(PyKDL.Frame(PyKDL.Rotation.RPY(0,pi/2.0,0), PyKDL.Vector(0, -1, 0))) camera_b.pose = posemath.toMsg(PyKDL.Frame(PyKDL.Vector(0, -1, 0))) #target_1 = posemath.toMsg(PyKDL.Frame(PyKDL.Rotation.RPY(0, pi/7.0, 0), PyKDL.Vector(1, 0, 0))) target_1 = posemath.toMsg(PyKDL.Frame(PyKDL.Vector(0, -2, 1))) #target_2 = posemath.toMsg(PyKDL.Frame(PyKDL.Rotation.RPY(0, pi/3.0, 0), PyKDL.Vector(2, 0, 0))) target_2 = posemath.toMsg(PyKDL.Frame(PyKDL.Vector(0, 2, 1)))
def meas_cb(self, msg): with self.lock: # check if cam_info is valid for camera in msg.M_cam: P = camera.cam_info.P all_zero = True for i in range(12): if P[i] != 0: all_zero = False if all_zero: rospy.logfatal("Camera info of %s is all zero. You should calibrate your camera intrinsics first "%camera.camera_id) exit(-1) # Modify all the camera info messages to make sure that ROI and binning are removed, and P is updated accordingly # Update is done in place #for camera in msg.M_cam: # camera.cam_info = camera_info_converter.unbin(camera.cam_info) if rospy.has_param('optimizer_conditional_resetter_enable'): self.reset_flag = rospy.get_param('optimizer_conditional_resetter_enable') else: self.reset_flag = False if self.reset_flag == True : urdf_cam_ns = rospy.get_param("urdf_cam_ns") new_cam_ns = rospy.get_param("new_cam_ns") u_info = rospy.wait_for_message(urdf_cam_ns+'/camera_info', CameraInfo) n_info = rospy.wait_for_message(new_cam_ns+'/camera_info', CameraInfo) urdf_cam_frame = u_info.header.frame_id new_cam_frame = n_info.header.frame_id mounting_frame = rospy.get_param("mounting_frame") # if any of the frames has changed... if self.prev_3_frames != () : if self.prev_3_frames != (urdf_cam_frame, new_cam_frame, mounting_frame): self.frames_changed = True if self.frames_changed : self.state = None self.meas = [] # clear cache self.timestamps = [] self.measurement_count = 0 self.prev_tf_transforms = {} rospy.loginfo('Reset calibration state') print "\033[43;1mTarget frames have changed. Clean up everything and start over! \033[0m\n\n" self.frames_changed = False if len(self.tf_check_pairs) > 0 : self.prev_tf_pair = self.tf_check_pairs[0] self.tf_check_pairs = [] self.tf_check_pairs.append((mounting_frame, urdf_cam_frame)) # only keep one pair in the list at a time self.prev_3_frames = (urdf_cam_frame, new_cam_frame, mounting_frame) self.prev_tf_pair = (mounting_frame, urdf_cam_frame) TheMoment = msg.header.stamp # check for tf transform changes for (frame1, frame2) in self.tf_check_pairs: transform = None print "\nLooking up transformation \033[34;1mfrom\033[0m %s \033[34;1mto\033[0m %s ..." % (frame1, frame2) while not rospy.is_shutdown(): try: self.tf_listener.waitForTransform(frame1, frame2, TheMoment, rospy.Duration(10)) transform = self.tf_listener.lookupTransform(frame1, frame2, TheMoment) #((),()) print "found\n" break except (tf.LookupException, tf.ConnectivityException): print "transform lookup failed, retrying..." if self.measurement_count > 0: prev_transform = self.prev_tf_transforms[(frame1, frame2)] dx = transform[0][0] - prev_transform[0][0] dy = transform[0][1] - prev_transform[0][1] dz = transform[0][2] - prev_transform[0][2] dAngle = self.getAngle(transform[1]) - self.getAngle(prev_transform[1]) a=self.getAxis(transform[1]) b=self.getAxis(prev_transform[1]) dAxis = (a[0]*b[0] + a[1]*b[1] + a[2]*b[2])/1. # a dot b #print "\n" #print "\033[34;1m-- Debug Info --\033[0m" print "checking for pose change..." print "measurement_count = %d" % self.measurement_count print " dx = %10f | < 0.0002 m" % dx print " dy = %10f | < 0.0002 m" % dy print " dz = %10f | < 0.0002 m" % dz print "dAngle = %10f | < 0.00174 rad" % dAngle print " dAxis = %10f | > 0.99999\n" % dAxis if ( (math.fabs(dx) > 0.0002) or (math.fabs(dy) > 0.0002) or (math.fabs(dz) > 0.0002) or (math.fabs(dAngle)>0.00174) or (math.fabs(dAxis) < 0.99999) ) : # if transform != previous_transform: print "\033[44;1mDetect pose change: %s has changed pose relative to %s since last time!\033[0m\n\n" % (frame1, frame2) ###self.reset() # no, you cannot call reset() here. self.state = None count = len(self.meas) self.meas = [] # clear cache self.timestamps = [] rospy.loginfo('Reset calibration state') print "\033[33;1m%ld\033[0m previous measurements in the cache are deleted.\n\n" % count self.measurement_count = 0 self.prev_tf_transforms[(frame1, frame2)] = transform # add timestamp to list self.timestamps.append(msg.header.stamp) # add measurements to list self.meas.append(msg) print "MEAS", len(self.meas) for m in self.meas: print " - stamp: %f"%m.header.stamp.to_sec() print "\n" self.measurement_count += 1 print "\nNo. of measurements fed to optimizer: %d\n\n" % self.measurement_count ## self.last_stamp_pub.publish(self.meas[-1].header.stamp) # initialize state if needed if True: #not self.state: self.state = CalibrationEstimate() camera_poses, checkerboard_poses = init_optimization_prior.find_initial_poses(self.meas) self.state.targets = [ posemath.toMsg(checkerboard_poses[i]) for i in range(len(checkerboard_poses)) ] self.state.cameras = [ CameraPose(camera_id, posemath.toMsg(camera_pose)) for camera_id, camera_pose in camera_poses.iteritems()] print "Proceed to optimization...\n" # run optimization self.state = estimate.enhance(self.meas, self.state) print "\nOptimized!\n" # publish calibration state res = CameraCalibration() ## initialize a new Message instance res.camera_pose = [camera.pose for camera in self.state.cameras] res.camera_id = [camera.camera_id for camera in self.state.cameras] res.time_stamp = [timestamp for timestamp in self.timestamps] #copy res.m_count = len(res.time_stamp); # self.measurement_count