    def do_transform(self, request, response, config):
        be = BinaryEdge(config['binaryedge.local.api_key'])
        domain = request.entity.value

            # Only consider the fist page
            res = be.domain_dns(domain)
        except BinaryEdgeException as e:
            raise MaltegoException('BinaryEdge error: %s' % e.msg)
            already = [domain]
            for event in res['events']:
                if 'A' in event:
                    for ip in event['A']:
                        if ip not in already:
                            response += IPv4Address(ip)
                if 'domain' in event:
                    if event['domain'] not in already:
                        response += Domain(event['domain'])
                if 'MX' in event:
                    for mx in event['MX']:
                        if mx not in already:
                            response += MXRecord(mx)
                if 'NS' in event:
                    for ns in event['NS']:
                        if ns not in already:
                            response += NSRecord(ns)
        return response

        return response
def dotransform(request, response, config):

    error, found = lookup_whois(request.value)

    if not error and found:
        if dict == type(found):
            for result, value in found.iteritems():
                if set == type(value):
                    if "whois_domains" == result:
                        for d in value:
                            if d:
                                e = Domain(d)
                                e.fqdn = d
                                response += e

                    if "whois_emails" == result:
                        for em in value:
                            if em:
                                e = EmailAddress(em)
                                response += e

                    if "whois_nameservers" == result:
                        for w in value:
                            if w:
                                e = NSRecord(w)
                                response += e

    #Display error message in Transform Output
    response += UIMessage(error)

    return response
def dotransform(request, response):
    ans = nslookup(request.value, 'NS')
    if ans is not None and DNS in ans:
        for i in range(0, ans[DNS].ancount):
            if ans[DNS].an[i].type == 2:
                response += NSRecord(ans[DNS].an[i].rdata.rstrip('.'))
    return response
def addrecord(record, response):
    if record.type == 2:
        response += NSRecord(record.rdata.rstrip('.'))
    elif record.type == 15:
        e = MXRecord(record.rdata.rstrip('.'))
        e += Field('mxrecord.priority', record.mxpriority)
        response += e
    elif record.type in [1, 5]:
        response += DNSName(record.rrname.rstrip('.'))
    elif record.type == 16:
        response += Phrase(record.rdata)
    return response
def dotransform(request, response, config):

    if 'taskid' in request.fields:
        task = request.fields['taskid']
        task = request.value

    netw = network(report(task))
    dns_lst = []
    for d in netw['dns']:
        if d['request'] not in dns_lst:
            response += NSRecord(d['request'].decode('ascii'), taskid=task)

    return response
def dotransform(request, response):
    domain = request.value
    results = query('-r', domain, 0, 'n')

    for result in results:
        data = json.loads(result)
        if data.has_key('time_first'):
            first = data['time_first']
            last = data['time_last']
        elif data.has_key('zone_time_first'):
            first = data['zone_time_first']
            last = data['zone_time_last']

        fnice = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(
        lnice = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(int(last)).strftime('%m-%d-%Y')

        if data['rrtype'] == 'NS':
            for item in data['rdata']:
                e = NSRecord(item)
                e.linklabel = fnice + ' - ' + lnice
                response += e
        elif data['rrtype'] == 'MX':
            for item in data['rdata']:
                e = MXRecord(item)
                e.linklabel = fnice + ' - ' + lnice
                response += e
        elif data['rrtype'] == 'CNAME':
            for item in data['rdata']:
                e = Domain(item.rstrip('.'))
                e.linklabel = fnice + ' - ' + lnice
                response += e
        elif data['rrtype'] == 'A':
            type = data['rrtype']
            for item in data['rdata']:
                label = type + ' ' + item
                e = Phrase(label)
                e.linklabel = fnice + ' - ' + lnice
                response += e

    return response
def dotransform(request, response, config):

    tr_details = [
        'Reference', 'Source', 'KillChain', 'Firstseen', 'Lastseen',
        'Attribution', 'ProcessType', 'Rrname', 'Rdata', 'Country', 'Tags',
        'Comment', 'RootNode', 'Confidence'

    #Default link color is black
    linkcolor = "0x000000"

    cache, found = search(request.value)

    if found:
        if list == type(found):
            for indicator in found:
                e = ''
                indtype = indicator['Type'].lower().strip()

                if "whois email" == indtype:
                    e = EmailAddress(indicator['Indicator'])
                    #response += e

                if "name server" == indtype:
                    e = NSRecord(indicator['Indicator'])
                    #response += e

                if "domain" == indtype:
                    e = Domain(indicator['Indicator'])
                    e.fqdn = indicator['Indicator']
                    #response += e
                #IF Type is not domain, check if Rrname is not empty
                elif indicator['Rrname'] and indicator['Rrname'] != 'NA':
                    d = Domain(indicator['Rrname'])
                    d.fqdn = indicator['Rrname']
                    response += d

                if "ip" == indtype:
                    e = IPv4Address(indicator['Indicator'])
                    #response += e
                #IF Type is not IP, check if Rdata is not empty
                elif indicator['Rdata']:
                    i = IPv4Address(indicator['Rdata'])
                    response += i

                if "phone or fax no." == indtype:
                    e = PhoneNumber(indicator['Indicator'])
                    #response += e

                if "whois address component" == indtype:
                    e = Phrase(indicator['Indicator'])
                    #response += e

                if "email" == indtype:
                    e = EmailAddress(indicator['Indicator'])
                    #response += e

                if "netname" == indtype:
                    e = NetNameThreatRecon(indicator['Indicator'])
                    #response += e

                if "cidr" == indtype:
                    e = IPv4Address(indicator['Indicator'])
                    #response += e

                if "netrange" == indtype:
                    e = Netblock(indicator['Indicator'])
                    #response += e

                if indicator['Country']:
                    l = Location(indicator['Country'])
                    response += l

                #Add Comments and details to own Entity
                entity = e  #request.entity

                #Set comments
                if indicator['Comment']:
                    entity.notes = string_filter(indicator['Comment'])

                    #Set Details
                for detail in tr_details:
                    if detail in indicator:
                        if indicator[detail]:
                            entity += Label(name=detail,

                #Set link color
                if "Confidence" in indicator:
                    if indicator['Confidence'] >= 70:
                        linkcolor = "0xff0000"

                entity.linkcolor = linkcolor

                response += entity

    return response
def dotransform(request, response, config):

    tr_details = [
        'Reference', 'Source', 'KillChain', 'Firstseen', 'Lastseen',
        'Attribution', 'ProcessType', 'Rrname', 'Rdata', 'Country', 'Tags',
        'Comment', 'RootNode', 'Confidence'

    #Disable cache to get actual data from Threat Recon
    cache, found = search(request.value, cache=False)

    #Default linkcolor
    linkcolor = "0x000000"

    if found:
        if defaultdict == type(found):
            for rootnode, value in found.iteritems():
                #If the RootNode is empty, display attributes
                if len(rootnode) == 0:
                    for indicator in value:
                        e = ''
                        indtype = indicator['Type'].lower().strip()

                        if "whois email" == indtype:
                            e = EmailAddress(indicator['Indicator'])

                        if "name server" == indtype:
                            e = NSRecord(indicator['Indicator'])

                        if "domain" == indtype:
                            e = Domain(indicator['Indicator'])
                            e.fqdn = indicator['Indicator']

                        if "ip" == indtype:
                            e = IPv4Address(indicator['Indicator'])

                        if "phone or fax no." == indtype:
                            e = PhoneNumber(indicator['Indicator'])

                        if "whois address component" == indtype:
                            e = Phrase(indicator['Indicator'])

                        if "email" == indtype:
                            e = EmailAddress(indicator['Indicator'])

                        if "netname" == indtype:
                            e = NetNameThreatRecon(indicator['Indicator'])

                        if "cidr" == indtype:
                            e = IPv4Address(indicator['Indicator'])

                        if "netrange" == indtype:
                            e = Netblock(indicator['Indicator'])

                        if e:
                            #Set linkcolor
                            e.linkcolor = linkcolor

                            #Set comments
                            if indicator['Comment']:
                                e.notes = string_filter(indicator['Comment'])

                            #Set Details
                            for detail in tr_details:
                                if detail in indicator:
                                    if indicator[detail]:
                                        e += Label(name=detail,

                            response += e
                    #Display the RootNodes
                    e = ThreatRecon(rootnode)
                    response += e
    return response
def nslookup(name, type_, response, resolvers=None, recursive=True):
    name = name.rstrip('.')
    if isinstance(type_, basestring):
        type_ = dns.rdatatype.from_text(type_)
    if type_ == dns.rdatatype.PTR:
        name = dns.reversename.from_address(name)
    if not resolvers:
        resolvers = dns.resolver.get_default_resolver().nameservers
    elif isinstance(resolvers, basestring):
        resolvers = [resolvers]

    if type_ in [dns.rdatatype.AXFR, dns.rdatatype.IXFR]:
            discovered_names = []
            for ns in dns.resolver.query(name, dns.rdatatype.NS):
            return True
        except dns.resolver.NXDOMAIN:
            response += UIMessage("DNS records for %s do not exist." %
        except dns.resolver.NoNameservers:
            response += UIMessage("No nameservers found for %s." % repr(name))
        except dns.resolver.Timeout:
            response += UIMessage("DNS request for %s timed out." % repr(name))
        except dns.resolver.NoAnswer:
            response += UIMessage(
                "DNS request for %s resulted in no response." % repr(name))
        except socket.error:
            response += UIMessage(
                "A socket error has occurred. Make sure you are connected or the traffic is allowed."
        return False

        request = dns.message.make_query(name, type_, dns.rdataclass.IN)
        if not recursive:
            request.flags ^= dns.flags.RD
        for resolver in resolvers:
            ans = dns.query.udp(request, resolver).answer
            if ans:
                for rrset in ans:
                    for rr in rrset:
                        if rr.rdtype == type_:
                            if type_ == dns.rdatatype.A:
                                response += IPv4Address(rr.to_text(True))
                            elif type_ == dns.rdatatype.NS:
                                response += UIMessage(repr(rr))
                                response += NSRecord(rr.to_text()[:-1])
                            elif type_ == dns.rdatatype.CNAME:
                                response += DNSName(rr.to_text())
                            elif type_ == dns.rdatatype.SOA:
                                e = NSRecord(rr.mname.to_text(True))
                                e += Field('mailaddr',
                                response += e
                            elif type_ == dns.rdatatype.PTR:
                                response += DNSName(rr.to_text()[:-1])
                            elif type_ == dns.rdatatype.MX:
                                e = MXRecord(rr.exchange.to_text(True))
                                e.mxpriority = rr.preference
                                response += e
                            elif type_ == dns.rdatatype.TXT:
                                response += Phrase(rr.to_text(True))
                            elif type_ == dns.rdatatype.AAAA:
                                response += IPv6Address(rr.to_text(True))
                                response += Phrase(rr.to_text(True))
                return True
    except dns.resolver.NXDOMAIN:
        response += UIMessage("DNS records for %s do not exist." % repr(name))
    except dns.resolver.Timeout:
        response += UIMessage("DNS request for %s timed out." % repr(name))
    except dns.resolver.NoNameservers:
        response += UIMessage("No name servers found for %s." % repr(name))
    except dns.resolver.NoAnswer:
        response += UIMessage(
            "The DNS server returned with no response for %s." % repr(name))
    except socket.error:
        response += UIMessage(
            "A socket error has occurred. Make sure you are connected or the traffic is allowed."
    return False
def dotransform(request, response, config):
    The dotransform function is our transform's entry point. The request object has the following properties:
        - value:    a string containing the value of the input entity.
        - fields:   a dictionary of entity field names and their respective values of the input entity.
        - params:   any additional command-line arguments to be passed to the transform.
        - entity:   the information above is serialized into an Entity object. The entity type is determined
                    by the inputs field in @configure for local transforms. For remote transforms, the entity
                    type is determined by the information in the body of the request. Local transforms suffer
                    from one limitation: if more than one entity type is listed in the inputs field of @configure,
                    the entity type might not be resolvable. Therefore, this should not be referenced in local
                    transforms if there is more than one input entity type defined in @configure.

    The response object is a container for output entities, UI messages, and exception messages. The config object
    contains a key-value store of the configuration file.
    TODO: write your data mining logic below.
    client = get_client(config)
    prog = 10
    debug('Starting RiskIQ passive dns lookup...')
    value = request.entities[0].value
    if IP_REGEX.match(value):
        api_response = client.get_dns_ptr_by_ip(value, rrtype=None)
        api_response = client.get_dns_data_by_name(value, rrtype=None)
    if not api_response:
        return response
    dns_data = api_response['records']
    a_responses = set()
    ns_responses = set()
    mx_responses = set()
    aaaa_responses = set()
    cname_responses = set()
    responses = set()
    for dns_datum in dns_data:
        data = dns_datum['data']
        if dns_datum.get('rrtype') == 'A':
            a_responses |= set(data)
        elif dns_datum.get('rrtype') == 'CNAME':
            cname_responses |= set(data)
        elif dns_datum.get('rrtype') == 'NS':
            ns_responses |= set(data)
        elif dns_datum.get('rrtype') == 'MX':
            mx_responses |= set(data)
        elif dns_datum.get('rrtype') == 'AAAA':
            aaaa_responses |= set(data)
        elif dns_datum.get('rrtype') == 'TXT':
            responses |= set(data)
    prog += 40
    for rec in a_responses:
        e = IPv4Address(rec)
        e.ip = rec
        response += e
    prog += 10
    for rec in aaaa_responses:
        e = IPv6Address(rec)
        e.ip = rec
        response += e
    prog += 10
    for _rec in ns_responses:
        rec = fix_dom(_rec)
        e = NSRecord(rec)
        e.fqdn = rec
        response += e
    prog += 10
    for _rec in mx_responses:
        rec = fix_dom(_rec)
        e = MXRecord(rec)
        e.fqdn = rec
        response += e
    prog += 10
    for _rec in cname_responses:
        rec = fix_dom(_rec)
        e = DNSName(rec)
        e.fqdn = rec
        response += e
    prog += 10
    for _rec in responses:
        rec = fix_dom(_rec)
        if IP_REGEX.match(rec):
            e = IPv4Address(rec)
            e.ip = rec
            e = DNSName(rec)
            e.fqdn = rec
        response += e
    return response