文件: shell.py 项目: liorvh/canari
    def __call__(self, value, *args, **kwargs):
        if os.name == 'posix' and hasattr(self.mod.dotransform, 'privileged') and os.geteuid():
            print highlight("Need to be root to run this transform... sudo'ing...", 'green', True)
            os.execvp('sudo', self.sudoargs)

        local_transform_runner(self.mod, value, kwargs, list(args), config, message_writer=console_message)
def list_transforms(args):

    # TODO: project_tree may raise an exception if either project_root can't be
    # determined or if we can't find the package as an installed package.
    # Atleast the create-transform command calls this function without handling
    # the possible exception.  What is the best sollution?

    # TODO: create-transform takes an argument --transform-dir which can be used
    # to control where to place the transform template. This breaks the new
    # assumption of the 'transforms' folder always being inside the 'pkg'
    # folder.  However this is an assumption all over the place, so this
    # parameter doesn't really make much sense?

    # TODO: There are most likely many commands with similar problems
    # (above). and perhaps they should be updated to use the below template and
    # have their argument updated to -d/--dir instead with CWD as the default
    # value.

    # TODO: Perhaps we should introduce a 'create' command that will just make
    # an empty canari root dir (project). Inside this we can then call
    # create-package a number of times to generate all the desired
    # packages. This could even be automated for N-times during the call to
    # 'create'. 'create-package' can even still default to call 'create' if not
    # inside a canari root directory, to preserve backwards compatability.

    # TODO: Handle hyphening of package names. When creating them and when
    # trying to access them.  This goes for project_tree, it should change '-'
    # with '_' in the package name.

        with pushd(args.dir):
            opts = parse_args(args)

        with pushd(args.ptree['src']):

            transform_package = TransformDistribution(opts.package)
            for t in transform_package.transforms:
                print('`- %s: %s' % (highlight(
                    t.__name__, 'green', True), t.dotransform.description))
                print(highlight('  `- Maltego identifiers:', 'black', True))
                for uuid, (input_set,
                           input_type) in zip(t.dotransform.uuids,
                    print '    `- %s applies to %s in set %s' % (
                        highlight(uuid, 'red', False),
                        highlight(input_type._type_, 'red',
                                  False), highlight(input_set, 'red', False))
                print ''
    except ValueError, e:
        print str(e)
def list_transforms(args):

    # TODO: project_tree may raise an exception if either project_root can't be
    # determined or if we can't find the package as an installed package.
    # Atleast the create-transform command calls this function without handling
    # the possible exception.  What is the best sollution?

    # TODO: create-transform takes an argument --transform-dir which can be used
    # to control where to place the transform template. This breaks the new
    # assumption of the 'transforms' folder always being inside the 'pkg'
    # folder.  However this is an assumption all over the place, so this
    # parameter doesn't really make much sense?

    # TODO: There are most likely many commands with similar problems
    # (above). and perhaps they should be updated to use the below template and
    # have their argument updated to -d/--dir instead with CWD as the default
    # value.

    # TODO: Perhaps we should introduce a 'create' command that will just make
    # an empty canari root dir (project). Inside this we can then call
    # create-package a number of times to generate all the desired
    # packages. This could even be automated for N-times during the call to
    # 'create'. 'create-package' can even still default to call 'create' if not
    # inside a canari root directory, to preserve backwards compatability.

    # TODO: Handle hyphening of package names. When creating them and when
    # trying to access them.  This goes for project_tree, it should change '-'
    # with '_' in the package name.

        with pushd(args.dir):
            opts = parse_args(args)

        with pushd(args.ptree['src']):

            transform_package = TransformDistribution(opts.package)
            for t in transform_package.transforms:
                print ('`- %s: %s' % (highlight(t.__name__, 'green', True), t.dotransform.description))
                print (highlight('  `- Maltego identifiers:', 'black', True))
                for uuid, (input_set, input_type) in zip(t.dotransform.uuids, t.dotransform.inputs):
                    print '    `- %s applies to %s in set %s' % (
                        highlight(uuid, 'red', False),
                        highlight(input_type._type_, 'red', False),
                        highlight(input_set, 'red', False)
                print ''
    except ValueError, e:
        print str(e)
文件: shell.py 项目: reenberg/canari
    def __call__(self, value, *args, **kwargs):
        if os.name == 'posix' and hasattr(self.mod.dotransform,
                                          'privileged') and os.geteuid():
            print highlight(
                "Need to be root to run this transform... sudo'ing...",
                'green', True)
            os.execvp('sudo', self.sudoargs)

文件: utils.py 项目: liorvh/canari
def console_message(msg, tab=-1):
    Internal API: Returns a prettified tree-based output of an XML message for debugging purposes. This helper function
    is used by the debug-transform command.
    tab += 1

    if isinstance(msg, Model):
        msg = fromstring(msg.render(fragment=True))

    print('%s`- %s: %s %s' % (
        '  ' * tab,
        highlight(msg.tag, None, True),
        highlight(msg.text, 'red', False) if msg.text is not None else '',
        highlight(msg.attrib, 'green', True) if msg.attrib.keys() else ''
    for c in msg.getchildren():
        print('  %s`- %s: %s %s' % (
            '  ' * tab,
            highlight(c.tag, None, True),
            highlight(c.text, 'red', False) if c.text is not None else '',
            highlight(c.attrib, 'green', True) if c.attrib.keys() else ''
        for sc in c.getchildren():
            tab += 1
            console_message(sc, tab)
            tab -= 1
文件: shell.py 项目: liorvh/canari
def shell(opts):


    if not opts.package.endswith('transforms'):
        opts.package = '%s.transforms' % opts.package

        t = TransformDistribution(opts.package)
        with pushd(opts.working_dir or t.default_prefix):
            mtg_console = MtgConsole(opts.package)
            mtg_console.interact(highlight('Welcome to Canari %s.' % canari.__version__, 'green', True))
    except ValueError, e:
        print str(e)
文件: shell.py 项目: reenberg/canari
def shell(opts):


    if not opts.package.endswith('transforms'):
        opts.package = '%s.transforms' % opts.package

        t = TransformDistribution(opts.package)
        with pushd(opts.working_dir or t.default_prefix):
            mtg_console = MtgConsole(opts.package)
                highlight('Welcome to Canari %s.' % canari.__version__,
                          'green', True))
    except ValueError, e:
        print str(e)
def console_message(msg, tab=-1):
    Internal API: Returns a prettified tree-based output of an XML message for debugging purposes. This helper function
    is used by the debug-transform command.
    tab += 1

    if isinstance(msg, Model):
        msg = fromstring(msg.render(fragment=True))

    print('%s`- %s: %s %s' %
          ('  ' * tab, highlight(msg.tag, None, True),
           highlight(msg.text, 'red', False) if msg.text is not None else '',
           highlight(msg.attrib, 'green', True) if msg.attrib.keys() else ''))
    for c in msg.getchildren():
        print('  %s`- %s: %s %s' %
              ('  ' * tab, highlight(c.tag, None, True),
               highlight(c.text, 'red', False) if c.text is not None else '',
               highlight(c.attrib, 'green', True) if c.attrib.keys() else ''))
        for sc in c.getchildren():
            tab += 1
            console_message(sc, tab)
            tab -= 1
文件: common.py 项目: liorvh/canari
def project_tree(package=None):
    """Returns a dict of the project tree.

    Will try and look for local/source packages first, and if it fails to find
    a valid project root, it will look for system installed packages instead.

    Returns a dictionary with the following fields:
    - root: Path of the canari root folder or None if not applicable.
    - src: Path of the folder containing the package.
    - pkg: Path of the actual package.
    - pkg_name: Name of the package, which details are returned about.
    - resources: Path of the resources folder inside the package.
    - transforms: Path of the transforms folder inside the package.

    # Default values for the returned fields.
    tree = dict(

        root = project_root()

        # TODO: The 'src' folder is currently harcoded inside setup.py. People
        # may change this and thus we should probably read this value from
        # '.canari', so the user may change this freely.

        # Using find_packages we don't risk having to deal with the *.egg-info
        # folder and trying to make a best guess at what folder is a actual
        # source code, tests, or something else.
        packages = filter(lambda pkg: pkg.find('.') < 0, find_packages('src'))
        if package is None and len(packages) == 1:
            # No package was specified by the user and there is only one
            # possibility, so silently choose that one.
            package = packages[0]
        elif package not in packages:
            # The supplied package was not found or not specified (None).  List
            # the found packages and make the user choose the correct one.
            if package is not None:
                print "{warning} You specified a specific transform package, but " \
                    "it does {_not_} exist inside this canari source directory. " \
                    "\nPerhaps you ment to refer to an already installed package?\n" \
                        .format(warning = highlight('[warning]', 'red', False),
                                _not_= highlight('not', None, True))

            print "The possible transform packages inside this canari root directory are:"
            print 'Root dir: %s' % root
            n = parse_int('Choose a package', packages, default=0)
            package = packages[n]

        #else: the user supplied package name is already a valid one, and the
        #one the user picked.. so all is good.
        assert package is not None, 'Fatal error: No package has been found or choosen!'

        # Update the tree dict with all relevant information for this source package
        tree['root'] = root
        # Again 'src' is hardcooded in setup.py
        tree['src'] = os.path.join(tree['root'], 'src')
        tree['pkg'] = os.path.join(tree['src'], package)
    except ValueError as ve:
        # If we can't locate the project root, then we are not within a (source)
        # canari project folder and thus we will try and look for installed
        # packages instead.
        for module_importer, name, ispkg in iter_modules():
            # module_importer is most likely a pkgutils.ImpImporter instance (or
            # the like) that has been initialised with a path that matches the
            # (egg) install directory of the current module being iterated.
            # Thus any calls to functions (e.g., find_module) on this instance
            # will be limited to that path (i.e., you can't load arbitrary
            # packages from it).
            if name == package:
                # Installed packages, don't have a (canari) 'root' folder.
                # However it seems that (atleast) installed eggs have a form of
                # 'src' folder named #pkg_name#-#pkg_version#-#py_version#.egg.
                # This folder (generally) contains two folders: #pkg_name# and
                # EGG-INFO
                tree['src'] = module_importer.path
                tree['pkg'] = module_importer.find_module(package).filename

                break # No need to keep searching.

        if tree['src'] is None:
            # We didn't find the user supplied package name in the list of
            # installed packages.
            raise ValueError("You are not inside a canari root directory ('%s'), "
                             "and it was not possible to locate " "the given package "
                             "'%s' among the list of installed packages."
                             % (os.getcwd(), package))

    tree['pkg_name'] = package
    # A transform packages structure is expected to have a 'pkg_name.resources'
    # and 'pkg_name.transforms', thus we won't dynamically look for these as
    # everything else will break, if they can't be imported as such.

    # TODO: Here be dragons. Does python3 module madness break this assumption
    # with its new fancy features of ways to have modules not nessesarily
    # stricly tied to the file system?
    tree['resources'] = os.path.join(tree['pkg'], 'resources')
    tree['transforms'] = os.path.join(tree['pkg'], 'transforms')
    return tree
def list_commands(opts):
    cmds = canari_main.subparsers.choices
    k = cmds.keys()
    for i in k:
        print('%s - %s' % (highlight(i, 'green', True), cmds[i].description))
def list_commands(opts):
    cmds = canari_main.subparsers.choices
    k = cmds.keys()
    for i in k:
        print ('%s - %s' % (highlight(i, 'green', True), cmds[i].description))