def test_validate_any_valid_input(self):
     validate_any should pass if any arguments are truthy
         utils.validate_any([], 'a', None)
         utils.validate_any([], 'a', 2)
     except AttributeError:
def enroll_user_sections(request_ctx, section_id, enrollment_user_id, enrollment_type=None, enrollment_role=None, enrollment_role_id=None, enrollment_enrollment_state=None, enrollment_course_section_id=None, enrollment_limit_privileges_to_course_section=None, enrollment_notify=None, enrollment_self_enrollment_code=None, enrollment_self_enrolled=None, **request_kwargs):
    Create a new user enrollment for a course or section.

        :param request_ctx: The request context
        :type request_ctx: :class:RequestContext
        :param section_id: (required) ID
        :type section_id: string
        :param enrollment_user_id: (required) The ID of the user to be enrolled in the course.
        :type enrollment_user_id: string
        :param enrollment_type: (required) Enroll the user as a student, teacher, TA, observer, or designer. If no value is given, the type will be inferred by enrollment[role] if supplied, otherwise 'StudentEnrollment' will be used.
        :type enrollment_type: string
        :param enrollment_role: (optional) Deprecated. Assigns a custom course-level role to the user.
        :type enrollment_role: string or None
        :param enrollment_role_id: (optional) Assigns a custom course-level role to the user.
        :type enrollment_role_id: string or None
        :param enrollment_enrollment_state: (optional) If set to 'active,' student will be immediately enrolled in the course. Otherwise they will be required to accept a course invitation. Default is 'invited.'
        :type enrollment_enrollment_state: string or None
        :param enrollment_course_section_id: (optional) The ID of the course section to enroll the student in. If the section-specific URL is used, this argument is redundant and will be ignored.
        :type enrollment_course_section_id: integer or None
        :param enrollment_limit_privileges_to_course_section: (optional) If a teacher or TA enrollment, teacher/TA will be restricted to the section given by course_section_id.
        :type enrollment_limit_privileges_to_course_section: boolean or None
        :param enrollment_notify: (optional) If true, a notification will be sent to the enrolled user. Notifications are not sent by default.
        :type enrollment_notify: boolean or None
        :param enrollment_self_enrollment_code: (optional) If the current user is not allowed to manage enrollments in this course, but the course allows self-enrollment, the user can self- enroll as a student in the default section by passing in a valid code. When self-enrolling, the user_id must be 'self'. The enrollment_state will be set to 'active' and all other arguments will be ignored.
        :type enrollment_self_enrollment_code: string or None
        :param enrollment_self_enrolled: (optional) If true, marks the enrollment as a self-enrollment, which gives students the ability to drop the course if desired. Defaults to false.
        :type enrollment_self_enrolled: Boolean
        :return: Enroll a user
        :rtype: requests.Response (with Enrollment data)


    enrollment_type_types = ('StudentEnrollment', 'TeacherEnrollment', 'TaEnrollment', 'ObserverEnrollment', 'DesignerEnrollment')
    enrollment_enrollment_state_types = ('active', 'invited')
    enrollment_role_type_choices = ('enrollment_role', 'enrollment_role_id', 'enrollment_type')
    utils.validate_attr_is_acceptable(enrollment_type, enrollment_type_types)
    utils.validate_attr_is_acceptable(enrollment_enrollment_state, enrollment_enrollment_state_types)
                       enrollment_role, enrollment_role_id, enrollment_type)
    path = '/v1/sections/{section_id}/enrollments'
    payload = {
        'enrollment[user_id]': enrollment_user_id,
        'enrollment[type]': enrollment_type,
        'enrollment[role]': enrollment_role,
        'enrollment[role_id]': enrollment_role_id,
        'enrollment[enrollment_state]': enrollment_enrollment_state,
        'enrollment[course_section_id]': enrollment_course_section_id,
        'enrollment[limit_privileges_to_course_section]': enrollment_limit_privileges_to_course_section,
        'enrollment[notify]': enrollment_notify,
        'enrollment[self_enrollment_code]': enrollment_self_enrollment_code,
        'enrollment[self_enrolled]': enrollment_self_enrolled,
    url = request_ctx.base_api_url + path.format(section_id=section_id)
    response =, url, payload=payload, **request_kwargs)

    return response
def enroll_user_sections(request_ctx,
    Create a new user enrollment for a course or section.

        :param request_ctx: The request context
        :type request_ctx: :class:RequestContext
        :param section_id: (required) ID
        :type section_id: string
        :param enrollment_user_id: (required) The ID of the user to be enrolled in the course.
        :type enrollment_user_id: string
        :param enrollment_type: (required) Enroll the user as a student, teacher, TA, observer, or designer. If no value is given, the type will be inferred by enrollment[role] if supplied, otherwise 'StudentEnrollment' will be used.
        :type enrollment_type: string
        :param enrollment_role: (optional) Deprecated. Assigns a custom course-level role to the user.
        :type enrollment_role: string or None
        :param enrollment_role_id: (optional) Assigns a custom course-level role to the user.
        :type enrollment_role_id: string or None
        :param enrollment_enrollment_state: (optional) If set to 'active,' student will be immediately enrolled in the course. Otherwise they will be required to accept a course invitation. Default is 'invited.'
        :type enrollment_enrollment_state: string or None
        :param enrollment_course_section_id: (optional) The ID of the course section to enroll the student in. If the section-specific URL is used, this argument is redundant and will be ignored.
        :type enrollment_course_section_id: integer or None
        :param enrollment_limit_privileges_to_course_section: (optional) If a teacher or TA enrollment, teacher/TA will be restricted to the section given by course_section_id.
        :type enrollment_limit_privileges_to_course_section: boolean or None
        :param enrollment_notify: (optional) If true, a notification will be sent to the enrolled user. Notifications are not sent by default.
        :type enrollment_notify: boolean or None
        :param enrollment_self_enrollment_code: (optional) If the current user is not allowed to manage enrollments in this course, but the course allows self-enrollment, the user can self- enroll as a student in the default section by passing in a valid code. When self-enrolling, the user_id must be 'self'. The enrollment_state will be set to 'active' and all other arguments will be ignored.
        :type enrollment_self_enrollment_code: string or None
        :param enrollment_self_enrolled: (optional) If true, marks the enrollment as a self-enrollment, which gives students the ability to drop the course if desired. Defaults to false.
        :type enrollment_self_enrolled: Boolean
        :return: Enroll a user
        :rtype: requests.Response (with Enrollment data)


    enrollment_type_types = ('StudentEnrollment', 'TeacherEnrollment',
                             'TaEnrollment', 'ObserverEnrollment',
    enrollment_enrollment_state_types = ('active', 'invited')
    enrollment_role_type_choices = ('enrollment_role', 'enrollment_role_id',
    utils.validate_attr_is_acceptable(enrollment_type, enrollment_type_types)
    utils.validate_any(enrollment_role_type_choices, enrollment_role,
                       enrollment_role_id, enrollment_type)
    path = '/v1/sections/{section_id}/enrollments'
    payload = {
        'enrollment[user_id]': enrollment_user_id,
        'enrollment[type]': enrollment_type,
        'enrollment[role]': enrollment_role,
        'enrollment[role_id]': enrollment_role_id,
        'enrollment[enrollment_state]': enrollment_enrollment_state,
        'enrollment[course_section_id]': enrollment_course_section_id,
        'enrollment[notify]': enrollment_notify,
        'enrollment[self_enrollment_code]': enrollment_self_enrollment_code,
        'enrollment[self_enrolled]': enrollment_self_enrolled,
    url = request_ctx.base_api_url + path.format(section_id=section_id)
    response =, url, payload=payload, **request_kwargs)

    return response