class CapaExplorerDataModel(QtCore.QAbstractItemModel): """model for displaying hierarchical results return by capa""" COLUMN_INDEX_RULE_INFORMATION = 0 COLUMN_INDEX_VIRTUAL_ADDRESS = 1 COLUMN_INDEX_DETAILS = 2 COLUMN_COUNT = 3 def __init__(self, parent=None): """initialize model""" super(CapaExplorerDataModel, self).__init__(parent) # root node does not have parent, contains header columns self.root_node = CapaExplorerDataItem( None, ["Rule Information", "Address", "Details"]) def reset(self): """reset UI elements (e.g. checkboxes, IDA color highlights) called when view wants to reset UI display """ for idx in range(self.root_node.childCount()): root_index = self.index(idx, 0, QtCore.QModelIndex()) for model_index in self.iterateChildrenIndexFromRootIndex( root_index, ignore_root=False): model_index.internalPointer().setChecked(False) self.reset_ida_highlighting(model_index.internalPointer(), False) self.dataChanged.emit(model_index, model_index) def clear(self): """clear model data called when view wants to clear UI display """ self.beginResetModel() self.root_node.removeChildren() self.endResetModel() def columnCount(self, model_index): """return number of columns for the children of the given parent @param model_index: QModelIndex @retval column count """ if model_index.isValid(): return model_index.internalPointer().columnCount() else: return self.root_node.columnCount() def data(self, model_index, role): """return data stored at given index by display role this function is used to control UI elements (e.g. text font, color, etc.) based on column, item type, etc. @param model_index: QModelIndex @param role: QtCore.Qt.* @retval data to be displayed """ if not model_index.isValid(): return None item = model_index.internalPointer() column = model_index.column() if role == QtCore.Qt.DisplayRole: # display data in corresponding column return if (role == QtCore.Qt.ToolTipRole and isinstance( item, (CapaExplorerRuleItem, CapaExplorerRuleMatchItem)) and CapaExplorerDataModel.COLUMN_INDEX_RULE_INFORMATION == column): # show tooltip containing rule source return item.source if role == QtCore.Qt.CheckStateRole and column == CapaExplorerDataModel.COLUMN_INDEX_RULE_INFORMATION: # inform view how to display content of checkbox - un/checked return QtCore.Qt.Checked if item.isChecked( ) else QtCore.Qt.Unchecked if role == QtCore.Qt.FontRole and column in ( CapaExplorerDataModel.COLUMN_INDEX_VIRTUAL_ADDRESS, CapaExplorerDataModel.COLUMN_INDEX_DETAILS, ): # set font for virtual address and details columns font = QtGui.QFont("Courier", weight=QtGui.QFont.Medium) if column == CapaExplorerDataModel.COLUMN_INDEX_VIRTUAL_ADDRESS: font.setBold(True) return font if (role == QtCore.Qt.FontRole and isinstance( item, ( CapaExplorerRuleItem, CapaExplorerRuleMatchItem, CapaExplorerBlockItem, CapaExplorerFunctionItem, CapaExplorerFeatureItem, CapaExplorerSubscopeItem, ), ) and column == CapaExplorerDataModel.COLUMN_INDEX_RULE_INFORMATION): # set bold font for important items font = QtGui.QFont() font.setBold(True) return font if role == QtCore.Qt.ForegroundRole and column == CapaExplorerDataModel.COLUMN_INDEX_VIRTUAL_ADDRESS: # set color for virtual address column return QtGui.QColor(88, 139, 174) if (role == QtCore.Qt.ForegroundRole and isinstance(item, CapaExplorerFeatureItem) and column == CapaExplorerDataModel.COLUMN_INDEX_RULE_INFORMATION): # set color for feature items return QtGui.QColor(79, 121, 66) return None def flags(self, model_index): """return item flags for given index @param model_index: QModelIndex @retval QtCore.Qt.ItemFlags """ if not model_index.isValid(): return QtCore.Qt.NoItemFlags return model_index.internalPointer().flags def headerData(self, section, orientation, role): """return data for the given role and section in the header with the specified orientation @param section: int @param orientation: QtCore.Qt.Orientation @param role: QtCore.Qt.DisplayRole @retval header data """ if orientation == QtCore.Qt.Horizontal and role == QtCore.Qt.DisplayRole: return return None def index(self, row, column, parent): """return index of the item by row, column, and parent index @param row: item row @param column: item column @param parent: QModelIndex of parent @retval QModelIndex of item """ if not self.hasIndex(row, column, parent): return QtCore.QModelIndex() if not parent.isValid(): parent_item = self.root_node else: parent_item = parent.internalPointer() child_item = parent_item.child(row) if child_item: return self.createIndex(row, column, child_item) else: return QtCore.QModelIndex() def parent(self, model_index): """return parent index by child index if the item has no parent, an invalid QModelIndex is returned @param model_index: QModelIndex of child @retval QModelIndex of parent """ if not model_index.isValid(): return QtCore.QModelIndex() child = model_index.internalPointer() parent = child.parent() if parent == self.root_node: return QtCore.QModelIndex() return self.createIndex(parent.row(), 0, parent) def iterateChildrenIndexFromRootIndex(self, model_index, ignore_root=True): """depth-first traversal of child nodes @param model_index: QModelIndex of starting item @param ignore_root: True, do not yield root index, False yield root index @retval yield QModelIndex """ visited = set() stack = deque((model_index, )) while True: try: child_index = stack.pop() except IndexError: break if child_index not in visited: if not ignore_root or child_index is not model_index: # ignore root yield child_index visited.add(child_index) for idx in range(self.rowCount(child_index)): stack.append(child_index.child(idx, 0)) def reset_ida_highlighting(self, item, checked): """reset IDA highlight for item @param item: CapaExplorerDataItem @param checked: True, item checked, False item not checked """ if not isinstance( item, (CapaExplorerStringViewItem, CapaExplorerInstructionViewItem, CapaExplorerByteViewItem)): # ignore other item types return curr_highlight = idc.get_color(item.location, idc.CIC_ITEM) if checked: # item checked - record current highlight and set to new item.ida_highlight = curr_highlight idc.set_color(item.location, idc.CIC_ITEM, DEFAULT_HIGHLIGHT) else: # item unchecked - reset highlight if curr_highlight != DEFAULT_HIGHLIGHT: # user modified highlight - record new highlight and do not modify item.ida_highlight = curr_highlight else: # reset highlight to previous idc.set_color(item.location, idc.CIC_ITEM, item.ida_highlight) def setData(self, model_index, value, role): """set data at index by role @param model_index: QModelIndex of item @param value: value to set @param role: QtCore.Qt.EditRole """ if not model_index.isValid(): return False if (role == QtCore.Qt.CheckStateRole and model_index.column() == CapaExplorerDataModel.COLUMN_INDEX_RULE_INFORMATION): # user un/checked box - un/check parent and children for child_index in self.iterateChildrenIndexFromRootIndex( model_index, ignore_root=False): child_index.internalPointer().setChecked(value) self.reset_ida_highlighting(child_index.internalPointer(), value) self.dataChanged.emit(child_index, child_index) return True if (role == QtCore.Qt.EditRole and value and model_index.column() == CapaExplorerDataModel.COLUMN_INDEX_RULE_INFORMATION and isinstance(model_index.internalPointer(), CapaExplorerFunctionItem)): # user renamed function - update IDA database and data model old_name = model_index.internalPointer().info new_name = str(value) if idaapi.set_name(model_index.internalPointer().location, new_name): # success update IDA database - update data model self.update_function_name(old_name, new_name) return True # no handle return False def rowCount(self, model_index): """return number of rows under item by index when the parent is valid it means that is returning the number of children of parent @param model_index: QModelIndex @retval row count """ if model_index.column() > 0: return 0 if not model_index.isValid(): item = self.root_node else: item = model_index.internalPointer() return item.childCount() def render_capa_doc_statement_node(self, parent, statement, locations, doc): """render capa statement read from doc @param parent: parent to which new child is assigned @param statement: statement read from doc @param locations: locations of children (applies to range only?) @param doc: result doc """ if statement["type"] in ("and", "or", "optional"): display = statement["type"] if statement.get("description"): display += " (%s)" % statement["description"] return CapaExplorerDefaultItem(parent, display) elif statement["type"] == "not": # TODO: do we display 'not' pass elif statement["type"] == "some": display = "%d or more" % statement["count"] if statement.get("description"): display += " (%s)" % statement["description"] return CapaExplorerDefaultItem(parent, display) elif statement["type"] == "range": # `range` is a weird node, its almost a hybrid of statement + feature. # it is a specific feature repeated multiple times. # there's no additional logic in the feature part, just the existence of a feature. # so, we have to inline some of the feature rendering here. display = "count(%s): " % self.capa_doc_feature_to_display( statement["child"]) if statement["max"] == statement["min"]: display += "%d" % (statement["min"]) elif statement["min"] == 0: display += "%d or fewer" % (statement["max"]) elif statement["max"] == (1 << 64 - 1): display += "%d or more" % (statement["min"]) else: display += "between %d and %d" % (statement["min"], statement["max"]) if statement.get("description"): display += " (%s)" % statement["description"] parent2 = CapaExplorerFeatureItem(parent, display=display) for location in locations: # for each location render child node for range statement self.render_capa_doc_feature(parent2, statement["child"], location, doc) return parent2 elif statement["type"] == "subscope": display = statement[statement["type"]] if statement.get("description"): display += " (%s)" % statement["description"] return CapaExplorerSubscopeItem(parent, display) else: raise RuntimeError("unexpected match statement type: " + str(statement)) def render_capa_doc_match(self, parent, match, doc): """render capa match read from doc @param parent: parent node to which new child is assigned @param match: match read from doc @param doc: result doc """ if not match["success"]: # TODO: display failed branches at some point? Help with debugging rules? return # optional statement with no successful children is empty if match["node"].get( "statement", {}).get("type") == "optional" and not any( map(lambda m: m["success"], match["children"])): return if match["node"]["type"] == "statement": parent2 = self.render_capa_doc_statement_node( parent, match["node"]["statement"], match.get("locations", []), doc) elif match["node"]["type"] == "feature": parent2 = self.render_capa_doc_feature_node( parent, match["node"]["feature"], match.get("locations", []), doc) else: raise RuntimeError("unexpected node type: " + str(match["node"]["type"])) for child in match.get("children", []): self.render_capa_doc_match(parent2, child, doc) def render_capa_doc(self, doc): """render capa features specified in doc @param doc: capa result doc """ # inform model that changes are about to occur self.beginResetModel() for rule in rutils.capability_rules(doc): rule_name = rule["meta"]["name"] rule_namespace = rule["meta"].get("namespace") parent = CapaExplorerRuleItem(self.root_node, rule_name, rule_namespace, len(rule["matches"]), rule["source"]) for (location, match ) in doc["rules"][rule["meta"]["name"]]["matches"].items(): if rule["meta"]["scope"] == capa.rules.FILE_SCOPE: parent2 = parent elif rule["meta"]["scope"] == capa.rules.FUNCTION_SCOPE: parent2 = CapaExplorerFunctionItem(parent, location) elif rule["meta"]["scope"] == capa.rules.BASIC_BLOCK_SCOPE: parent2 = CapaExplorerBlockItem(parent, location) else: raise RuntimeError("unexpected rule scope: " + str(rule["meta"]["scope"])) self.render_capa_doc_match(parent2, match, doc) # inform model changes have ended self.endResetModel() def capa_doc_feature_to_display(self, feature): """convert capa doc feature type string to display string for ui @param feature: capa feature read from doc """ if feature[feature["type"]]: if feature.get("description", ""): return "%s(%s = %s)" % (feature["type"], feature[feature["type"]], feature["description"]) else: return "%s(%s)" % (feature["type"], feature[feature["type"]]) else: return "%s" % feature["type"] def render_capa_doc_feature_node(self, parent, feature, locations, doc): """process capa doc feature node @param parent: parent node to which child is assigned @param feature: capa doc feature node @param locations: locations identified for feature @param doc: capa doc """ display = self.capa_doc_feature_to_display(feature) if len(locations) == 1: # only one location for feature so no need to nest children parent2 = self.render_capa_doc_feature( parent, feature, next(iter(locations)), doc, display=display, ) else: # feature has multiple children, nest under one parent feature node parent2 = CapaExplorerFeatureItem(parent, display) for location in sorted(locations): self.render_capa_doc_feature(parent2, feature, location, doc) return parent2 def render_capa_doc_feature(self, parent, feature, location, doc, display="-"): """render capa feature read from doc @param parent: parent node to which new child is assigned @param feature: feature read from doc @param doc: capa feature doc @param location: address of feature @param display: text to display in plugin UI """ # special handling for characteristic pending type if feature["type"] == "characteristic": if feature[feature["type"]] in ("embedded pe", ): return CapaExplorerByteViewItem(parent, display, location) if feature[feature["type"]] in ("loop", "recursive call", "tight loop"): return CapaExplorerFeatureItem(parent, display=display) # default to instruction view for all other characteristics return CapaExplorerInstructionViewItem(parent, display, location) if feature["type"] == "match": # display content of rule for all rule matches return CapaExplorerRuleMatchItem(parent, display, source=doc["rules"].get( feature[feature["type"]], {}).get("source", "")) if feature["type"] == "regex": return CapaExplorerFeatureItem(parent, display, location, details=feature["match"]) if feature["type"] == "basicblock": return CapaExplorerBlockItem(parent, location) if feature["type"] in ( "bytes", "api", "mnemonic", "number", "offset", "number/x32", "number/x64", "offset/x32", "offset/x64", ): # display instruction preview return CapaExplorerInstructionViewItem(parent, display, location) if feature["type"] in ("section", ): # display byte preview return CapaExplorerByteViewItem(parent, display, location) if feature["type"] in ("string", ): # display string preview return CapaExplorerStringViewItem(parent, display, location) if feature["type"] in ("import", "export"): # display no preview return CapaExplorerFeatureItem(parent, display=display) raise RuntimeError("unexpected feature type: " + str(feature["type"])) def update_function_name(self, old_name, new_name): """update all instances of old function name with new function name called when user updates function name using plugin UI @param old_name: old function name @param new_name: new function name """ # create empty root index for search root_index = self.index(0, 0, QtCore.QModelIndex()) # convert name to view format for matching e.g. function(my_function) old_name = CapaExplorerFunctionItem.fmt % old_name # recursive search for all instances of old function name for model_index in self.match(root_index, QtCore.Qt.DisplayRole, old_name, hits=-1, flags=QtCore.Qt.MatchRecursive): if not isinstance(model_index.internalPointer(), CapaExplorerFunctionItem): continue # replace old function name with new function name and emit change model_index.internalPointer().info = new_name self.dataChanged.emit(model_index, model_index)
def __init__(self, parent=None): """initialize model""" super(CapaExplorerDataModel, self).__init__(parent) # root node does not have parent, contains header columns self.root_node = CapaExplorerDataItem( None, ["Rule Information", "Address", "Details"])
def __init__(self, parent=None): """ """ super(CapaExplorerDataModel, self).__init__(parent) self.root_node = CapaExplorerDataItem(None, ["Rule Information", "Address", "Details"])