def render_to_xml(self, context_dict):
        Render the template using the `context_dict` dict.
        Returns an `etree` XML element.
        # add dummy STATIC_URL to template context
        context_dict.setdefault("STATIC_URL", "/dummy-static/")
            xml_str = capa_render_template(self.TEMPLATE_NAME, context_dict)
            raise TemplateError(exceptions.text_error_template().render())

        # Attempt to construct an XML tree from the template
        # This makes it easy to use XPath to make assertions, rather
        # than dealing with a string.
        # We modify the string slightly by wrapping it in <test>
        # tags, to ensure it has one root element.
            xml = etree.fromstring("<test>" + xml_str + "</test>")
        except Exception as exc:
            raise TemplateError("Could not parse XML from '{0}': {1}".format(
                                xml_str, str(exc)))
            return xml
    def render_to_xml(self, context_dict):
        Render the template using the `context_dict` dict.
        Returns an `etree` XML element.
        # add dummy STATIC_URL to template context
        context_dict.setdefault("STATIC_URL", "/dummy-static/")
            xml_str = capa_render_template(self.TEMPLATE_NAME, context_dict)
            raise TemplateError(exceptions.text_error_template().render())

        # Attempt to construct an XML tree from the template
        # This makes it easy to use XPath to make assertions, rather
        # than dealing with a string.
        # We modify the string slightly by wrapping it in <test>
        # tags, to ensure it has one root element.
            xml = etree.fromstring("<test>" + xml_str + "</test>")
        except Exception as exc:
            raise TemplateError("Could not parse XML from '{0}': {1}".format(
                xml_str, str(exc)))
            return xml