    def test_array(self):
        # Do a simple test of transit_RA in an array. Use the fact that the RA
        # advances predictably to predict the answers

        from skyfield import earthlib

        epoch = datetime(2000, 1, 1, 11, 58, 56)

        # Create an observer at an arbitrary location
        obs = ctime.Observer(118.3, 36.1)

        # Calculate LST
        t = ctime.unix_to_skyfield_time(ctime.datetime_to_unix(epoch))
        gst = earthlib.sidereal_time(t)
        lst = (360.0 * gst / 24.0 + obs.longitude) % 360.0

        # Drift rate should be very close to 1 degree/4minutes.
        # Fetch times calculated by ephem
        delta_deg = np.arange(20)
        delta_deg.shape = (5, 4)
        lst = lst + delta_deg

        # Calculate RA using transit_RA
        unix_epoch = ctime.datetime_to_unix(epoch)
        unix_times = unix_epoch + (delta_deg * 60 * 4 * ctime.SIDEREAL_S)
        TRA = obs.transit_RA(unix_times)

        # Compare
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(lst, TRA, atol=0.02, rtol=1e-10))
    def test_lsa_tra(self):
        # Near the epoch transit RA and LRA should be extremely close

        dt = datetime(2001, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)

        t1 = ctime.datetime_to_unix(dt)
        obs = ctime.Observer(118.0, 31.0)
        lsa = obs.unix_to_lsa(t1)
        tra = obs.transit_RA(t1)

        self.assertAlmostEqual(lsa, tra, 5)
    def test_reverse_lsa(self):
        # Check that the lsa_to_unix routine correctly inverts a call to
        # unix_to_lsa

        dt1 = datetime(2018, 3, 12, 1, 2, 3)
        t1 = ctime.datetime_to_unix(dt1)

        dt0 = datetime(2018, 3, 12)
        t0 = ctime.datetime_to_unix(dt0)

        obs = ctime.Observer(42.8, 4.7)
        lsa = obs.unix_to_lsa(t1)

        t2 = obs.lsa_to_unix(lsa, t0)

        self.assertAlmostEqual(t1, t2, 2)
    def test_lsa_skyfield(self):
        # Check an lsa calculated by caput.time against one calculated by PyEphem

        from skyfield import earthlib, api

        dt = datetime(2014, 10, 2, 13, 4, 5)
        dt_utc = dt.replace(tzinfo=api.utc)

        t1 = ctime.datetime_to_unix(dt)
        obs = ctime.Observer(42.8, 4.7)
        lsa1 = obs.unix_to_lsa(t1)

        t = ctime.skyfield_wrapper.timescale.utc(dt_utc)
        lsa2 = (earthlib.earth_rotation_angle(t.ut1) * 360.0 +
                obs.longitude) % 360.0

        self.assertAlmostEqual(lsa1, lsa2, 4)
    def test_delta(self):

        delta = np.arange(0, 200000, 1000)  # Seconds.
        # time.time() when I wrote this.  No leap seconds for the next few
        # days.

        obs = ctime.Observer(118.3, 36.1)

        start = 1383679008.816173
        times = start + delta
        start_ra = obs.transit_RA(start)
        ra = obs.transit_RA(times)
        delta_ra = ra - start_ra
        expected = delta / 3600.0 * 15.0 / ctime.SIDEREAL_S
        error = ((expected - delta_ra + 180.0) % 360) - 180
        # Tolerance limited by stellar aberation (40" peak to peak).
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(error, 0, atol=0.02))
    def test_array(self):

        dt = datetime(2025, 1, 1, 12, 0, 0)

        t1 = ctime.datetime_to_unix(dt)

        obs = ctime.Observer(0.0, 0.0)
        times = t1 + np.linspace(0, 48 * 3600.0, 25)
        lsds = obs.unix_to_lsd(times)

        # Check that the vectorization works correctly
        for t, lsd in zip(times, lsds):
            self.assertEqual(lsd, obs.unix_to_lsd(t))

        # Check the inverse is correct.
        itimes = obs.lsd_to_unix(lsds)
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(times, itimes, rtol=1.0e-5, atol=1.0e-5))
    def test_lrd(self):
        """Test Local Earth Rotation Day (LSD) definition."""

        obs = ctime.Observer(113.2, 62.4)
        obs.lsd_start_day = ctime.datetime_to_unix(datetime(2014, 1, 2))

        # Check the zero point is correct
                         obs.lsa_to_unix(0.0, obs.lsd_start_day))

        dt = datetime(2017, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7)
        ut = ctime.datetime_to_unix(dt)

        # Check that the fractional part if equal to the transit RA
        self.assertAlmostEqual(360.0 * (obs.unix_to_lsd(ut) % 1.0),
    def test_epoch(self):

        from skyfield import earthlib

        # At the J2000 epoch, sidereal time and transit RA should be the same.
        epoch = datetime(2000, 1, 1, 11, 58, 56)

        # Create an observer at an arbitrary location
        obs = ctime.Observer(118.3, 36.1)

        # Calculate the transit_RA
        unix_epoch = ctime.datetime_to_unix(epoch)
        TRA = obs.transit_RA(unix_epoch)

        # Calculate LST
        t = ctime.unix_to_skyfield_time(unix_epoch)
        gst = earthlib.sidereal_time(t)
        lst = (360.0 * gst / 24.0 + obs.longitude) % 360.0

        # Tolerance limited by stellar aberation
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(lst, TRA, atol=0.01, rtol=1e-10))
    def test_array(self):

        dt = datetime(2000, 1, 1, 12, 0, 0)

        t1 = ctime.datetime_to_unix(dt)

        obs = ctime.Observer(0.0, 0.0)
        times = t1 + np.linspace(0, 24 * 3600.0, 25)
        lsas = obs.unix_to_lsa(times)

        # Check that the vectorization works correctly
        for t, lsa in zip(times, lsas):
            self.assertEqual(lsa, obs.unix_to_lsa(t))

        # Check the inverse is correct. The first 24 entries should be correct,
        # but the last one should be one sidereal day behind (because times[0]
        # was not in the correct sidereal day)
        itimes = obs.lsa_to_unix(lsas, times[0])
            np.allclose(times[:-1], itimes[:-1], rtol=1.0e-5, atol=1.0e-5))
        self.assertAlmostEqual(times[-1] - itimes[-1],
                               24 * 3600.0 * ctime.SIDEREAL_S, 1)