def test_get_signal_with_meta(self, setup_module_load): #pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name """ Testing get_signal_meta. """ # Arrange ppln = (bf.Pipeline().init_variable( name="signal", init_on_each_run=list).load( fmt='wfdb', components=["signal", "meta"]).flip_signals().update_variable( "signal", bf.B("signal"), mode='a').run(batch_size=2, shuffle=False, drop_last=False, n_epochs=1, lazy=True)) dtst = EcgDataset(setup_module_load[0]) # Act ppln_run = (dtst >> ppln).run() signal_var = ppln_run.get_variable("signal") # Assert assert len(signal_var) == 3 assert len(signal_var[0]) == 2 assert signal_var[0][0].shape == (1, 9000)
def LSTM_train_pipeline(model_name="lstm"): model_config = {} return (bf.Pipeline().init_model( "dynamic", MyLSTM, name=model_name, config=model_config).load( fmt='wfdb', components=["signal", "annotation", "meta"], ann_ext='pu1').train_model(model_name, x=B('signal'), y_true=B('annot')))
def HMM_predict_pipeline(model_path, batch_size=20, features="hmm_features", channel_ix=0, annot="hmm_annotation", model_name='HMM'): """Prediction pipeline for Hidden Markov Model. This pipeline isolates QRS, PQ and QT segments. It works with dataset that generates batches of class ``EcgBatch``. Parameters ---------- model_path : str Path to pretrained ``HMModel``. batch_size : int Number of samples in batch. Default value is 20. features : str Batch attribute to store calculated features. channel_ix : int Index of channel, which data should be used in training and predicting. annot: str Specifies attribute of batch in which annotation will be stored. Returns ------- pipeline : Pipeline Output pipeline. """ config_predict = {'build': False, 'load': {'path': model_path}} return (bf.Pipeline().init_model( "static", HMModel, model_name, config=config_predict).cwt( src="signal", dst=features, scales=[4, 8, 16], wavelet="mexh").standardize( axis=-1, src=features, dst=features).predict_model( model_name, make_data=partial(prepare_hmm_input, features=features, channel_ix=channel_ix), save_to=bf.B(annot), mode='w').calc_ecg_parameters(src=annot))
def HMM_preprocessing_pipeline(batch_size=20): features = "hmm_features" return ( bf.Pipeline().init_variable("annsamps", init_on_each_run=list). init_variable("anntypes", init_on_each_run=list).init_variable( features, init_on_each_run=list).cwt( src="signal", dst=features, scales=[4, 8, 16], wavelet="mexh") #применяется непрерыное вейвлет. преобр. .standardize( axis=-1, src=features, dst=features ) #преобразуется в посл-ть с единичной дисперсией и c мат.ожиданием 0 .update_variable("annsamps", bf.F(get_annsamples), mode='e').update_variable("anntypes", bf.F(get_anntypes), mode='e').update_variable( features, bf.B(features), mode='e'))
def LoadEcgPipeline(batch_size=20, annot_ext="pu1"): """Preprocessing pipeline for Hidden Markov Model. This pipeline prepares data for ``hmm_train_pipeline``. It works with dataset that generates batches of class ``EcgBatch``. Parameters ---------- batch_size : int Number of samples in batch. Default value is 20. features : str Batch attribute to store calculated features. Returns ------- pipeline : Pipeline Output pipeline. """ return (bf.Pipeline().load(fmt='wfdb', components=["signal", "annotation", "meta"], ann_ext=annot_ext))
bf.Pipeline() # refer pipeline API for more information # .init_variable("annsamps", init_on_each_run=list) # create a variable if not exists, before each run, initiate it a list, a method in Pipeline class .init_variable("anntypes", init_on_each_run=list) .load( # this is coming from ECGBatch fmt='wfdb', # (optional), source format components=["signal", # from ECGBatch class, store ECG signals in numpy array "annotation", # from ECGBatch class, array of dicts with different types of annotations, e.g. array of R-peaks "meta"], # from ECGBatch class, array of dicts with metadata about ECG records, e.g. signal frequency # (str or array like) components to load ann_ext='pu1') # (str, optional), extension of the annotation file .update_variable( # update a value of a given variable lazily during pipeline executuion "annsamps", # name of the variable bf.F(get_annsamples), # a callable which take a batch (could be a batch class method or an arbitrary function) # here 'get_annsamples' was defined as a callable before mode='e') # mode 'e' extend a variable with new value, if a variable is a list .update_variable("anntypes", bf.F(get_anntypes), # a callable which take a batch (could be a batch class method or an arbitrary function) mode='e') # mode 'e' extend a variable with new value, if a variable is a list .run( # coming from pipeline batch_size=20, # number of items in the batch shuffle=False, # no conduct random shuffle drop_last=False, # if True, drop the last batch if it contains fewer than batch_size items n_epochs=1, # number of epoches required lazy=True) # execute all lazy actions for each batch in the dataset
def HMM_train_pipeline(hmm_preprocessed, batch_size=20, features="hmm_features", channel_ix=0, n_iter=25, random_state=42, model_name='HMM', states=(3, 5, 8, 11, 14, 16)): """Train pipeline for Hidden Markov Model. This pipeline trains hmm model to isolate QRS, PQ and QT segments. It works with dataset that generates batches of class ``EcgBatch``. Parameters ---------- hmm_preprocessed : Pipeline Pipeline with precomputed hmm features through ``hmm_preprocessing_pipeline`` batch_size : int Number of samples in batch. Default value is 20. features : str Batch attribute to store calculated features. channel_ix : int Index of signal's channel, which should be used in training and predicting. n_iter : int Number of learning iterations for ``HMModel``. random_state: int Random state for ``HMModel``. states: list States of Markov model. 0 to states[0] = QRS. states[0] to states[1] = ST. states[1] to states[2] = T. states[2] to states[3] = states[3] to states[4] = P. states[4] to states[5] = PQ. Default value is (3, 5, 8, 11, 14, 16). Returns ------- pipeline : Pipeline Output pipeline. """ lengths = [ features_iter.shape[2] for features_iter in hmm_preprocessed.get_variable(features) ] hmm_features = np.concatenate([ features_iter[channel_ix, :, :].T for features_iter in hmm_preprocessed.get_variable(features) ]) anntype = hmm_preprocessed.get_variable("anntypes") annsamp = hmm_preprocessed.get_variable("annsamps") expanded = np.concatenate([ expand_annotation(samp, types, length) for samp, types, length in zip(annsamp, anntype, lengths) ]) means, covariances = prepare_means_covars(hmm_features, expanded, states=states, num_states=states[5], num_features=3) transition_matrix, start_probabilities = prepare_transmat_startprob( states=states) config_train = { 'build': True, 'estimator': hmm.GaussianHMM(n_components=states[5], n_iter=n_iter, covariance_type="full", random_state=random_state, init_params='', verbose=True), 'init_params': { 'means_': means, 'covars_': covariances, 'transmat_': transition_matrix, 'startprob_': start_probabilities } } return (bf.Pipeline().init_model( "dynamic", HMModel, model_name, config=config_train).init_variable( "verbose", init_on_each_run=list).load( fmt='wfdb', components=["signal", "annotation", "meta"], ann_ext='pu1').cwt( src="signal", dst=features, scales=[4, 8, 16], wavelet="mexh").standardize( axis=-1, src=features, dst=features).train_model( model_name, make_data=partial(prepare_hmm_input, features=features, channel_ix=channel_ix), save_to=V("verbose")).call( lambda _, v: print(v[-1]), v=V('verbose')))
def dirichlet_train_pipeline(labels_path, batch_size=256, n_epochs=1000, gpu_options=None, loss_history='loss_history', model_name='dirichlet'): """Train pipeline for Dirichlet model. This pipeline trains Dirichlet model to find propability of atrial fibrillation. It works with dataset that generates batches of class ``EcgBatch``. Parameters ---------- labels_path : str Path to csv file with true labels. batch_size : int Number of samples per gradient update. Default value is 256. n_epochs : int Number of times to iterate over the training data arrays. Default value is 1000. gpu_options : GPUOptions An argument for tf.ConfigProto ``gpu_options`` proto field. Default value is ``None``. loss_history : str Name of pipeline variable to save loss values to. Returns ------- pipeline : Pipeline Output pipeline. """ model_config = { "session": { "config": tf.ConfigProto(gpu_options=gpu_options) }, "input_shape": F(lambda batch: batch.signal[0].shape[1:]), "class_names": F(lambda batch: batch.label_binarizer.classes_), "loss": None, } return (bf.Pipeline().init_model( "dynamic", DirichletModel, name=model_name, config=model_config).init_variable( loss_history, init_on_each_run=list).load( components=["signal", "meta"], fmt="wfdb").load( components="target", fmt="csv", src=labels_path).drop_labels(["~"]).rename_labels({ "N": "NO", "O": "NO" }).flip_signals().random_resample_signals( "normal", loc=300, scale=10).random_split_signals(2048, { "A": 9, "NO": 3 }).binarize_labels().train_model( model_name, make_data=concatenate_ecg_batch, fetches="loss", save_to=V(loss_history), mode="a").run(batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=True, drop_last=True, n_epochs=n_epochs, lazy=True))
def PanTompkinsPipeline(batch_size=20, annot="pan_tomp_annotation"): return (bf.Pipeline().init_variable( annot, init_on_each_run=list).my_pan_tompkins(dst=annot).update_variable( annot, bf.B(annot), mode='e'))
def HilbertTransformPipeline(batch_size=20, annot="hilbert_annotation"): return (bf.Pipeline().init_variable(annot, init_on_each_run=list).load( fmt='wfdb', components=["signal", "meta"]).band_pass_signals( 8, 20).hilbert_transform(dst=annot).update_variable(annot, bf.B(annot), mode='e'))