class CartRpcOneNodeTest(Test):
    Runs basic CaRT RPC tests

    :avocado: tags=all,rpc,one_node
    def setUp(self):
        """ Test setup """
        print("Running setup\n")
        self.utils = CartUtils()
        self.env = self.utils.get_env(self)

    def tearDown(self):
        """ Test tear down """
        print("Run TearDown\n")

    def test_cart_rpc(self):
        Test CaRT RPC

        :avocado: tags=all,rpc,one_node

        urifile = self.utils.create_uri_file()

        srvcmd = self.utils.build_cmd(self, self.env, "srv", True, urifile)
        clicmd = self.utils.build_cmd(self, self.env, "cli", False, urifile)

        self.utils.launch_srv_cli_test(self, srvcmd, clicmd)
class CartCtlOneNodeTest(Test):
    Runs basic CaRT ctl tests

    :avocado: tags=all,ctl,one_node
    def setUp(self):
        """ Test setup """
        print("Running setup\n")
        self.utils = CartUtils()
        self.env = self.utils.get_env(self)

    def tearDown(self):
        """ Test tear down """
        print("Run TearDown\n")

    def test_cart_ctl(self):
        Test CaRT ctl

        :avocado: tags=all,ctl,one_node

        urifile = self.utils.create_uri_file()

        srvcmd = self.utils.build_cmd(self, self.env, "srv", True, urifile)

        print("\nServer cmd : %s\n" % srvcmd)

            srv_rtn = self.utils.launch_cmd_bg(self, srvcmd)
        except Exception as e:
            print("Exception in launching server : {}".format(e))
            self.fail("Test failed.\n")

        # Verify the server is still running.
        if not self.utils.check_process(srv_rtn):
            procrtn = self.utils.stop_process(srv_rtn)
            self.fail("Server did not launch, return code %s" \
                       % procrtn)

        clicmd = self.utils.build_cmd(self, self.env, "cli1", False, urifile)
        print("\nClient cmd : %s\n" % clicmd)
        self.utils.launch_test(self, clicmd, srv_rtn)
        clicmd = self.utils.build_cmd(self, self.env, "cli2", False, urifile)
        print("\nClient cmd : %s\n" % clicmd)
        self.utils.launch_test(self, clicmd, srv_rtn)
        clicmd = self.utils.build_cmd(self, self.env, "cli3", False, urifile)
        print("\nClient cmd : %s\n" % clicmd)
        self.utils.launch_test(self, clicmd, srv_rtn)
        clicmd = self.utils.build_cmd(self, self.env, "cli4", False, urifile)
        print("\nClient cmd : %s\n" % clicmd)
        self.utils.launch_test(self, clicmd, srv_rtn)
        clicmd = self.utils.build_cmd(self, self.env, "cli5", False, urifile)
        print("\nClient cmd : %s\n" % clicmd)
        self.utils.launch_test(self, clicmd, srv_rtn)
        clicmd = self.utils.build_cmd(self, self.env, "cli6", False, urifile)
        print("\nClient cmd : %s\n" % clicmd)
        self.utils.launch_test(self, clicmd, srv_rtn)
class CartSelfTwoNodeTest(Test):
    Runs basic CaRT self test

    :avocado: tags=all,selftest,two_node
    def setUp(self):
        """ Test setup """
        print("Running setup\n")
        self.utils = CartUtils()
        self.env = self.utils.get_env(self)

    def tearDown(self):
        """ Test tear down """
        print("Run TearDown\n")

    def test_cart_selftest(self):
        Test CaRT Self Test

        :avocado: tags=all,selftest,two_node

        urifile = self.utils.create_uri_file()

        srvcmd = self.utils.build_cmd(self, self.env, "srv", True, urifile)
        clicmd = self.utils.build_cmd(self, self.env, "cli", False, urifile)

        print("\nServer cmd : %s\n" % srvcmd)
        print("\nClient cmd : %s\n" % clicmd)

        srv_rtn = self.utils.launch_cmd_bg(self, srvcmd)

        # Verify the server is still running.
        if not self.utils.check_process(srv_rtn):
            procrtn = self.utils.stop_process(srv_rtn)
            self.fail("Server did not launch, return code %s" % procrtn)

        self.utils.launch_test(self, clicmd, srv_rtn)

class CartGroupTiersThreeNodeTest(Test):
    Runs basic CaRT group tier tests

    :avocado: tags=all,group_tiers,three_node
    def setUp(self):
        """ Test setup """
        print("Running setup\n")
        self.utils = CartUtils()
        self.env = self.utils.get_env(self)

    def tearDown(self):
        """ Test tear down """
        print("Run TearDown\n")

    def test_group_tier(self):
        Test CaRT group_tier

        :avocado: tags=all,multi_tier,group_tiers,three_node
        urifile1 = self.utils.create_uri_file()

        srvcmd = self.utils.build_cmd(self, self.env, "srv1", True, urifile1)

        urifile2 = self.utils.create_uri_file()

        srv2cmd = self.utils.build_cmd(self, self.env, "srv2", True, urifile2)

            srv2_rtn = self.utils.launch_cmd_bg(self, srv2cmd)
        except Exception as e:
            self.utils.print("Exception in launching server : {}".format(e))
            self.fail("Test failed.\n")


            srv_rtn = self.utils.launch_cmd_bg(self, srvcmd)
        except Exception as e:
            self.utils.print("Exception in launching server : {}".format(e))
            self.fail("Test failed.\n")


        clicmd = self.utils.build_cmd(self, self.env, "cli1", False, urifile2)

        self.utils.launch_test(self, clicmd, srv_rtn, srv2_rtn)

        clicmd = self.utils.build_cmd(self, self.env, "cli2", False, urifile1)

        self.utils.launch_test(self, clicmd, srv_rtn, srv2_rtn)

        # Stop the server
        self.utils.print("Stopping server process 2 {}".format(srv2_rtn))
        procrtn2 = self.utils.stop_process(srv2_rtn)

        self.utils.print("Stopping server process 1 {}".format(srv_rtn))
        procrtn1 = self.utils.stop_process(srv_rtn)

        if procrtn2 or procrtn1:
            self.fail("Test failed. \
                       server 1 ret code {} \
                       server 2 ret code {}".format(procrtn1, procrtn2))
class CartSingletonTwoNodeTest(Test):
    Runs basic CaRT singleton tests

    :avocado: tags=all,singleton,two_node
    def setUp(self):
        """ Test setup """
        print("Running setup\n")
        self.utils = CartUtils()
        self.env = self.utils.get_env(self)
        self.tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
        os.environ["CRT_PHY_ADDR_STR"] = self.params.get("CRT_PHY_ADDR_STR",
        os.environ["OFI_INTERFACE"] = self.params.get("OFI_INTERFACE",
        os.environ["CRT_CTX_NUM"] = self.params.get("cli_CRT_CTX_NUM",
        os.environ["CRT_CTX_SHARE_ADDR"] = self.params.get("CRT_CTX_SHARE_ADDR",

    def tearDown(self):
        """ Test tear down """
        print("Run TearDown\n")

    def test_cart_singleton(self):
        Test CaRT Singleton

        :avocado: tags=all,singleton,two_node
        urifile = self.utils.create_uri_file()

        srvcmd = self.utils.build_cmd(self, self.env, "srv", True, urifile)

        srvcmd += " -p {} -s".format(self.tempdir)

            srv_rtn = self.utils.launch_cmd_bg(self, srvcmd)
        except Exception as e:
            self.utils.print("Exception in launching server : {}".format(e))
            self.fail("Test failed.\n")


        # Verify the server is still running.
        if not self.utils.check_process(srv_rtn):
            procrtn = self.utils.stop_process(srv_rtn)
            self.fail("Server did not launch, return code %s" \
                       % procrtn)

        clicmd = self.params.get("cli_bin", '/run/tests/*/')

        clicmd += " -p {} -s".format(self.tempdir)

        self.utils.launch_test(self, clicmd, srv_rtn)

        # Stop the server
        self.utils.print("Stopping server process {}".format(srv_rtn))
        procrtn = self.utils.stop_process(srv_rtn)

        if procrtn:
            self.fail("Test failed. Server ret code {}".format(procrtn))

    def test_multi_tier_singleton_attach(self):
        Test CaRT Multi_tier singleton attach test on two nodes

        :avocado: tags=all,singleton,multi_tier,two_node
        urifile = self.utils.create_uri_file()

        srvcmd = self.utils.build_cmd(self, self.env, "srv", True, urifile)

        srvcmd += " -p {} -s -m".format(self.tempdir)

        srv2_bin = self.params.get("srv2_bin", '/run/tests/*/')
        srv2_ctx = self.params.get("srv2_CRT_CTX_NUM",

        srv2_hos = self.params.get("srv2", '/run/hosts/*/')
        srv2_ppn = self.params.get("srv2_ppn", '/run/tests/*/')
        hostfile = self.utils.write_host_file(srv2_hos, srv2_ppn)

        srvcmd += " : {} -x CRT_CTX_NUM={} -N {} --hostfile {} {}".format(self.env,
                                      srv2_ctx, srv2_ppn, hostfile, srv2_bin)

            srv_rtn = self.utils.launch_cmd_bg(self, srvcmd)
        except Exception as e:
            self.utils.print("Exception in launching server : {}".format(e))
            self.fail("Test failed.\n")


        # Verify the server is still running.
        if not self.utils.check_process(srv_rtn):
            procrtn = self.utils.stop_process(srv_rtn)
            self.fail("Server did not launch, return code %s" \
                       % procrtn)

        clicmd = self.params.get("cli_bin", '/run/tests/*/')

        clicmd += " -p {} -s -m".format(self.tempdir)

        self.utils.launch_test(self, clicmd, srv_rtn)

        # Stop the server
        self.utils.print("Stopping server process {}".format(srv_rtn))
        procrtn = self.utils.stop_process(srv_rtn)

        if procrtn:
            self.fail("Test failed. Server ret code {}".format(procrtn))

    def test_multi_tier_without_singleton_attach(self):
        Test CaRT Multi_tier without singleton attach test on two nodes

        :avocado: tags=all,singleton,multi_tier,two_node
        urifile = self.utils.create_uri_file()

        srvcmd = self.utils.build_cmd(self, self.env, "srv", True, urifile)

        srvcmd += " -m"

        srv2cmd = self.utils.build_cmd(self, self.env, "srv2", False, urifile)

            srv_rtn = self.utils.launch_cmd_bg(self, srvcmd)
        except Exception as e:
            self.utils.print("Exception in launching server : {}".format(e))
            self.fail("Test failed.\n")


            srv2_rtn = self.utils.launch_cmd_bg(self, srv2cmd)
        except Exception as e:
            self.utils.print("Exception in launching server : {}".format(e))
            self.fail("Test failed.\n")

        # Verify the server is still running.
        if not self.utils.check_process(srv_rtn):
            procrtn = self.utils.stop_process(srv_rtn)
            self.fail("Server did not launch, return code %s" \
                       % procrtn)

        clicmd = self.utils.build_cmd(self, self.env, "cli", False, urifile)

        clicmd += " -m"

        self.utils.launch_test(self, clicmd, srv_rtn, srv2_rtn)

        # Stop the server
        self.utils.print("Stopping server process {}".format(srv_rtn))
        procrtn1 = self.utils.stop_process(srv_rtn)

        self.utils.print("Stopping server process {}".format(srv2_rtn))
        procrtn2 = self.utils.stop_process(srv2_rtn)

        if procrtn1 or procrtn2:
            self.fail("Test failed. \
                       Server ret code {} {}".format(procrtn1, procrtn2))