def instructor(request):
    The instructor view is the view function for the instructor.html page. This
    function expects to be sent an 'instructor' query string with the name of
    the 'clicked-on' instructor. We query the instructor table for the
    instructor with that name and send that instructor as a context to the
    instructor.html template, and that html file is returned as a HTTPresponse
    See https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/topics/http/views/s
    # check to see if the user is logged in
    # if not make the user login
    status, id, cookie = check_login(request, '/scheduler/instructor/')
    setcookie = False
    if status is False:
        return redirect_to_cas('/scheduler/instructor/')
    if cookie != "":
        setcookie = True

    ins = request.GET.get('instructor', None)
    if ins is not None:
        prof = Instructor.objects.get(name=ins)

        response = render(request, 'instructor.html', {'prof': prof, 'id': id})
        if setcookie is True:
            response.__setitem__('Set-Cookie', cookie)
        return response
    return render(request, 'instructor.html', {'id': id})
def inssearch(request):
    The insearch view is the view function for the insearch.html page. This
    view can take in a name query string but does not neccessarily expect it.
    If there is a valid name query string, we query the intructor table for all
    of the instructors whose name or email contains the query string. We then
    send that query set as a context to the 'inssearch.html' template file
    which is then returned as a HttpResponse
    See https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/topics/http/views/
    # check to see if the user is logged in
    # if not make the user login
    status, id, cookie = check_login(request, '/scheduler/instructor/')
    setcookie = False
    if status is False:
        return redirect_to_cas('/scheduler/instructor/')
    if cookie != "":
        setcookie = True

    if request.method == 'GET':
        name = request.GET.get('name', None)
        if name is not None:
            profs = Instructor.objects.filter(
                Q(name__icontains=name) | Q(email__icontains=name))

            response = render(request, 'inssearch.html', {
                'profs': profs,
                'id': id
            if setcookie is True:
                response.__setitem__('Set-Cookie', cookie)
            return response
        return render(request, 'inssearch.html')
        return render(request, 'inssearch.html', {'id': id})
def mycourses(request):
    The mycourses view function is another view function for the add.html page.
    Unlike the other two, this function immediately finds all of the courses
    that the current user is enrolled in and sends that dictionary as a context
    to add.html
    See https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/topics/http/views/
    # check to see if the user is logged in
    # if not make the user login
    status, id, cookie = check_login(request, '/scheduler/instructor/')
    setcookie = False
    if status is False:
        return redirect_to_cas('/scheduler/instructor/')
    if cookie != "":
        setcookie = True

    toSend = {}
    eventIDs = Enrollment.objects.filter(student_id=id).values_list('event_id',
    classes = Instructs.objects.filter(meeting_id__in=eventIDs)

    for c in classes:
        toSend[c] = True

    response = render(request, 'add.html', {
        'classes': toSend,
        'id': id,
        'form': SearchForm()
    if setcookie is True:
        response.__setitem__('Set-Cookie', cookie)
    return response
def inssearch(request):
    The insearch view is the view function for the insearch.html page. This
    view can take in a name query string but does not neccessarily expect it.
    If there is a valid name query string, we query the intructor table for all
    of the instructors whose name or email contains the query string. We then
    send that query set as a context to the 'inssearch.html' template file
    which is then returned as a HttpResponse
    See https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/topics/http/views/
    # check to see if the user is logged in
    # if not make the user login
    status, id, cookie = check_login(request, '/scheduler/instructor/')
    setcookie = False
    if status is False:
        return redirect_to_cas('/scheduler/instructor/')
    if cookie != "":
        setcookie = True

    if request.method == 'GET':
        name = request.GET.get('name', None)
        if name is not None:
            profs = Instructor.objects.filter(
                    name__icontains=name) | Q(email__icontains=name))

            response = render(request, 'inssearch.html', {'profs': profs,
                                                          'id': id})
            if setcookie is True:
                response.__setitem__('Set-Cookie', cookie)
            return response
        return render(request, 'inssearch.html')
        return render(request, 'inssearch.html', {'id': id})
def instructor(request):
    The instructor view is the view function for the instructor.html page. This
    function expects to be sent an 'instructor' query string with the name of
    the 'clicked-on' instructor. We query the instructor table for the
    instructor with that name and send that instructor as a context to the
    instructor.html template, and that html file is returned as a HTTPresponse
    See https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/topics/http/views/s
    # check to see if the user is logged in
    # if not make the user login
    status, id, cookie = check_login(request, '/scheduler/instructor/')
    setcookie = False
    if status is False:
        return redirect_to_cas('/scheduler/instructor/')
    if cookie != "":
        setcookie = True

    ins = request.GET.get('instructor', None)
    if ins is not None:
        prof = Instructor.objects.get(name=ins)

        response = render(request, 'instructor.html', {'prof': prof, 'id': id})
        if setcookie is True:
            response.__setitem__('Set-Cookie', cookie)
        return response
    return render(request, 'instructor.html', {'id': id})
def mycourses(request):
    The mycourses view function is another view function for the add.html page.
    Unlike the other two, this function immediately finds all of the courses
    that the current user is enrolled in and sends that dictionary as a context
    to add.html
    See https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/topics/http/views/
    # check to see if the user is logged in
    # if not make the user login
    status, id, cookie = check_login(request, '/scheduler/instructor/')
    setcookie = False
    if status is False:
        return redirect_to_cas('/scheduler/instructor/')
    if cookie != "":
        setcookie = True

    toSend = {}
    eventIDs = Enrollment.objects.filter(student_id=id).values_list('event_id',
    classes = Instructs.objects.filter(meeting_id__in=eventIDs)

    for c in classes:
        toSend[c] = True

    response = render(request, 'add.html', {'classes': toSend, 'id': id,
                                            'form': SearchForm()})
    if setcookie is True:
        response.__setitem__('Set-Cookie', cookie)
    return response
def searchtest(request):
    status, id, cookie = check_login(request, '/scheduler/instructor/')
    # setcookie = False
    if status is False:
        return redirect_to_cas('/scheduler/instructor/')
    # if cookie != "":
    # setcookie = True

    return render(request, 'live_search_test.html')
def searchtest(request):
    status, id, cookie = check_login(request,
    # setcookie = False
    if status is False:
        return redirect_to_cas('/scheduler/instructor/')
    # if cookie != "":
        # setcookie = True

    return render(request, 'live_search_test.html')
def schedule(request):
    """The view for schedule.html once the user has logged in database is
    queried for all the events associated with that user'self id. The function
    calculates the absolute position for the colored square for each event and
    the height for each square for display on the user's schedule. The function
    also assigns each event a different random color. Each event is put into a
    dictionary with the event as a key and an array corresponding to the top,
    height, and color of the square as the value. This dictionary is passed as
    a context to the schedule.html template which is returned to the webrowser
    as an HTTPresponse
    See https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/topics/http/views/
    # check to see if the user is logged in
    # if not make the user login
    status, id, cookie = check_login(request,
                                     settings.LOCATION + '/scheduler/')
    setcookie = False
    if status is False:
        return redirect_to_cas(settings.LOCATION + '/scheduler/')
    if cookie != "":
        setcookie = True

    colors = [
        '#FF0000', '#32E01B', '#003CFF', '#FF9D00', '#00B7FF', '#9D00FF',
        '#FF00EA', '#B5AA59', '#79BF6B', '#CFA27E'

    stu, created = Student.objects.get_or_create(case_id=id)
    toSend = {}
    if created is False:
        enrolls = Enrollment.objects.filter(student__case_id=id)

        for enroll in enrolls:
            event = Event.objects.get(id=enroll.event_id)
            top = event.start_time.hour - 6
            top += event.start_time.minute / 60.0
            top *= 75
            top += 135
            height = event.start_time.hour + (event.start_time.minute / 60.0)
            height = (event.end_time.hour +
                      event.end_time.minute / 60.0) - height
            height *= 60
            height *= 1.2
            height += 3
            randColor = random.randint(0, len(colors) - 1)
            color = colors[randColor] + ''
            del colors[randColor]
            toSend[event] = [top, height, color]

    response = render(request, 'schedule.html', {'events': toSend, 'id': id})
    if setcookie is True:
        response.__setitem__('Set-Cookie', cookie)
    return response
def share(request):
    # check to see if the user is logged in
    # if not make the user login
    status, id, cookie = check_login(request, '/scheduler/instructor/')
    # setcookie = False
    if status is False:
        return redirect_to_cas('/scheduler/instructor/')
    # if cookie != "":
    #    setcookie = True
    share_ids = Shares.objects.values_list('shareid', flat=True)
    rand = random.randint(1111111111, 9999999999)
    while rand in share_ids:
        rand = random.randint(1111111111, 9999999999)
def share(request):
    # check to see if the user is logged in
    # if not make the user login
    status, id, cookie = check_login(request, '/scheduler/instructor/')
    # setcookie = False
    if status is False:
        return redirect_to_cas('/scheduler/instructor/')
    # if cookie != "":
    #    setcookie = True
    share_ids = Shares.objects.values_list('shareid', flat=True)
    rand = random.randint(1111111111, 9999999999)
    while rand in share_ids:
        rand = random.randint(1111111111, 9999999999)
def schedule(request):
    """The view for schedule.html once the user has logged in database is
    queried for all the events associated with that user'self id. The function
    calculates the absolute position for the colored square for each event and
    the height for each square for display on the user's schedule. The function
    also assigns each event a different random color. Each event is put into a
    dictionary with the event as a key and an array corresponding to the top,
    height, and color of the square as the value. This dictionary is passed as
    a context to the schedule.html template which is returned to the webrowser
    as an HTTPresponse
    See https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/topics/http/views/
    # check to see if the user is logged in
    # if not make the user login
    status, id, cookie = check_login(request, settings.LOCATION + '/scheduler/')
    setcookie = False
    if status is False:
        return redirect_to_cas(settings.LOCATION + '/scheduler/')
    if cookie != "":
        setcookie = True

    colors = ['#FF0000', '#32E01B', '#003CFF', '#FF9D00', '#00B7FF', '#9D00FF',
              '#FF00EA', '#B5AA59', '#79BF6B', '#CFA27E']

    stu, created = Student.objects.get_or_create(case_id=id)
    toSend = {}
    if created is False:
        enrolls = Enrollment.objects.filter(student__case_id=id)

        for enroll in enrolls:
            event = Event.objects.get(id=enroll.event_id)
            top = event.start_time.hour - 6
            top += event.start_time.minute / 60.0
            top *= 75
            top += 135
            height = event.start_time.hour + (event.start_time.minute / 60.0)
            height = (
                event.end_time.hour + event.end_time.minute / 60.0) - height
            height *= 60
            height *= 1.2
            height += 3
            randColor = random.randint(0, len(colors)-1)
            color = colors[randColor] + ''
            del colors[randColor]
            toSend[event] = [top, height, color]

    response = render(request, 'schedule.html', {'events': toSend, 'id': id})
    if setcookie is True:
        response.__setitem__('Set-Cookie', cookie)
    return response
def about(request):
    The about view function is the trivial view function that just returns the
    rendering of the about.html template file
    # check to see if the user is logged in
    # if not make the user login
    status, id, cookie = check_login(request, '/scheduler/instructor/')
    # setcookie = False
    if status is False:
        return redirect_to_cas('/scheduler/instructor/')
    # if cookie != "":
    #    setcookie = True

    return render(request, 'about.html')
def about(request):
    The about view function is the trivial view function that just returns the
    rendering of the about.html template file
    # check to see if the user is logged in
    # if not make the user login
    status, id, cookie = check_login(request, '/scheduler/instructor/')
    # setcookie = False
    if status is False:
        return redirect_to_cas('/scheduler/instructor/')
    # if cookie != "":
    #    setcookie = True

    return render(request, 'about.html')
def info(request):
    The info view is called whenever the user clicks on a meeting-time's name.
    The function is passed a request with a query string containing the desired
    course's department and course number. We perform a query search on the
    Instructs relation to find all classes that match the passed dept and
    number combination (or at least contain those strings). Then we perform the
    same search throught the enrollment table to find classes the user is
    already enrolled in as we did in the add view. This dictionary is passed as
    a context to the add.html template which is returned to the webrowser as an
    See https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/topics/http/views/
    # check to see if the user is logged in
    # if not make the user login
    status, id, cookie = check_login(request, '/scheduler/info/')
    setcookie = False
    if status is False:
        return redirect_to_cas('/scheduler/info/')
    if cookie != "":
        setcookie = True

    theCourse = request.GET.get('course', None)
    if theCourse is not None:
        # the course is passed in as dept~!~coursenumber
        arr = theCourse.split('~!~')
        classes = Instructs.objects.filter(

        toSend = {}
        for c in classes:
            if Enrollment.objects.filter(student_id=id,
                toSend[c] = True
                toSend[c] = False

        response = render(request, 'info.html', {'classes': toSend, 'id': id})
        if setcookie is True:
            response.__setitem__('Set-Cookie', cookie)
        return response
    return render(request, 'info.html', {'id': id})
def info(request):
    The info view is called whenever the user clicks on a meeting-time's name.
    The function is passed a request with a query string containing the desired
    course's department and course number. We perform a query search on the
    Instructs relation to find all classes that match the passed dept and
    number combination (or at least contain those strings). Then we perform the
    same search throught the enrollment table to find classes the user is
    already enrolled in as we did in the add view. This dictionary is passed as
    a context to the add.html template which is returned to the webrowser as an
    See https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/topics/http/views/
    # check to see if the user is logged in
    # if not make the user login
    status, id, cookie = check_login(request, '/scheduler/info/')
    setcookie = False
    if status is False:
        return redirect_to_cas('/scheduler/info/')
    if cookie != "":
        setcookie = True

    theCourse = request.GET.get('course', None)
    if theCourse is not None:
        # the course is passed in as dept~!~coursenumber
        arr = theCourse.split('~!~')
        classes = Instructs.objects.filter(

        toSend = {}
        for c in classes:
            if Enrollment.objects.filter(student_id=id,
                toSend[c] = True
                toSend[c] = False

        response = render(request, 'info.html', {'classes': toSend, 'id': id})
        if setcookie is True:
            response.__setitem__('Set-Cookie', cookie)
        return response
    return render(request, 'info.html', {'id': id})
def inscourse(request):
    The inscourse view is a temporary view that redirects the user back to the
    add.html page. However, the query we have to perform is slightly different,
    thus neccessitating an entirely new view. Here we are passed an instructor
    name as part of the request. We query the Instructs table for all of the
    tuples whose instructor's name matched the name query string. We then
    perform the same filter from add where we check to see which of the courses
    from the first queryset the user is enrolled in. We create a dictionary of
    classes to booleans and pass that as a context to the add.html template and
    return as a HttpResponse
    See https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/topics/http/views/
    # check to see if the user is logged in
    # if not make the user login
    status, id, cookie = check_login(request, '/scheduler/instructor/')
    setcookie = False
    if status is False:
        return redirect_to_cas('/scheduler/instructor/')
    if cookie != "":
        setcookie = True

    toSend = {}
    ins = request.GET.get('name', None)
    if ins is not None:
        classes = Instructs.objects.filter(instructor=ins)

        for c in classes:
            if Enrollment.objects.filter(student_id=id,
                toSend[c] = True
                toSend[c] = False

        response = render(request, 'add.html', {
            'classes': toSend,
            'id': id,
            'form': SearchForm()
        if setcookie is True:
            response.__setitem__('Set-Cookie', cookie)
        return response
    return render(request, 'add.html', {'id': id, 'form': SearchForm()})
def inscourse(request):
    The inscourse view is a temporary view that redirects the user back to the
    add.html page. However, the query we have to perform is slightly different,
    thus neccessitating an entirely new view. Here we are passed an instructor
    name as part of the request. We query the Instructs table for all of the
    tuples whose instructor's name matched the name query string. We then
    perform the same filter from add where we check to see which of the courses
    from the first queryset the user is enrolled in. We create a dictionary of
    classes to booleans and pass that as a context to the add.html template and
    return as a HttpResponse
    See https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/topics/http/views/
    # check to see if the user is logged in
    # if not make the user login
    status, id, cookie = check_login(request, '/scheduler/instructor/')
    setcookie = False
    if status is False:
        return redirect_to_cas('/scheduler/instructor/')
    if cookie != "":
        setcookie = True

    toSend = {}
    ins = request.GET.get('name', None)
    if ins is not None:
        classes = Instructs.objects.filter(instructor=ins)

        for c in classes:
            if Enrollment.objects.filter(student_id=id,
                toSend[c] = True
                toSend[c] = False

        response = render(request, 'add.html', {'classes': toSend, 'id': id,
                                                'form': SearchForm()})
        if setcookie is True:
            response.__setitem__('Set-Cookie', cookie)
        return response
    return render(request, 'add.html', {'id': id, 'form': SearchForm()})
def event_json(request):
    status, id, cookie = check_login(request,
                                     settings.LOCATION + '/scheduler/')
    setcookie = False
    if status is False:
        return redirect_to_cas(settings.LOCATION + '/scheduler/')
    if cookie != "":
        setcookie = True
    enrolls = Enrollment.objects.filter(student__case_id=id)

    response_data = []
    for enroll in enrolls:
        event = Event.objects.get(id=enroll.event_id)
        start = request.GET.get('start', None)
        end = request.GET.get('end', None)
        # if start != None && end != None:
        start_date = dateutil.parser.parse(start)
        end_date = dateutil.parser.parse(end)
        if event.start_date > start_date.date():
            date_to_start = event.start_date
            date_to_start = start_date.date()
        if event.end_date < end_date.date():
            date_to_end = event.end_date
            date_to_end = end_date.date()

        for dt in rrule.rrule(rrule.DAILY,
            event_data = {}
            event_data['id'] = enroll.event_id
            if event.meetingtime:
                event_data['title'] = event.meetingtime.meeting_class.dept \
                    + ' ' + str(event.meetingtime.meeting_class.class_number)
                event_data['title'] = event.customevent.event_name
            event_data['allDay'] = False

            if "Su" in event.recur_type and dt.weekday() == 6:
                event_data['start'] = str(dt.date().isoformat()) + 'T' + str(
                event_data['end'] = str(dt.date().isoformat()) + 'T' + str(
            elif "M" in event.recur_type and dt.weekday() == 0:
                event_data['start'] = str(dt.date().isoformat()) + 'T' + str(
                event_data['end'] = str(dt.date().isoformat()) + 'T' + str(
            elif "Tu" in event.recur_type and dt.weekday() == 1:
                event_data['start'] = str(dt.date().isoformat()) + 'T' + str(
                event_data['end'] = str(dt.date().isoformat()) + 'T' + str(
            elif "W" in event.recur_type and dt.weekday() == 2:
                event_data['start'] = str(dt.date().isoformat()) + 'T' + str(
                event_data['end'] = str(dt.date().isoformat()) + 'T' + str(
            elif "Th" in event.recur_type and dt.weekday() == 3:
                event_data['start'] = str(dt.date().isoformat()) + 'T' + str(
                event_data['end'] = str(dt.date().isoformat()) + 'T' + str(
            elif "F" in event.recur_type and dt.weekday() == 4:
                event_data['start'] = str(dt.date().isoformat()) + 'T' + str(
                event_data['end'] = str(dt.date().isoformat()) + 'T' + str(
            elif "Sa" in event.recur_type and dt.weekday() == 5:
                event_data['start'] = str(dt.date().isoformat()) + 'T' + str(
                event_data['end'] = str(dt.date().isoformat()) + 'T' + str(

    response = HttpResponse(json.dumps(response_data),
    if setcookie is True:
        response.__setitem__('Set-Cookie', cookie)
    return response
def customevent(request):
    The customevent view function is the view for the custom.html field. If the
    event is passed a request with a POST method, ie the user hit a submit
    button, then the view all of the query strings and, if the strings are
    valid (see below), we create a new entry in the customevent table with the
    query strings set as the corresponding attributes. Then we create a new
    enrollment table entry linking the current user to the newly created custom
    event. Then we return a HttpResponseRedirect to the home page If this view
    is called without a POST request method, then we simply pass the
    custom.html template an empty instance of an EventForm (see below) and
    return the rendered custom.html page as a HttpResponse.
    See https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/topics/http/views/
    # check to see if the user is logged in
    # if not make the user login
    status, id, cookie = check_login(request, '/scheduler/instructor/')
    setcookie = False
    if status is False:
        return redirect_to_cas('/scheduler/instructor/')
    if cookie != "":
        setcookie = True

    if request.method == "POST":
        form = EventForm(request.POST)
        if form.is_valid():
            name = form.cleaned_data['event_title']
            time = form.cleaned_data['times']
            sdate = form.cleaned_data['start_date']
            edate = form.cleaned_data['end_date']

                loc = form.cleaned_data['location']
                loc = ""

            startTimeArr, endTimeArr = parse_time(time)

            dayStr = ''
            if form.cleaned_data['su']:
                dayStr += 'Su'
            if form.cleaned_data['m']:
                dayStr += 'M'
            if form.cleaned_data['tu']:
                dayStr += 'Tu'
            if form.cleaned_data['w']:
                dayStr += 'W'
            if form.cleaned_data['th']:
                dayStr += 'Th'
            if form.cleaned_data['f']:
                dayStr += 'F'
            if form.cleaned_data['sa']:
                dayStr += 'Sa'

            if '' == dayStr:
                return render(request, 'custom.html', {
                    'id': id,
                    'form': form,
                    'dayErr': True

            # event = CustomEvent(
            # start_time=datetime.time(startTimeArr[0], startTimeArr[1]),
            # end_time=datetime.time(endTimeArr[0], endTimeArr[1]),
            # recur_type=days, event_name=name)
            event = CustomEvent(
                start_time=datetime.time(startTimeArr[0], startTimeArr[1]),
                end_time=datetime.time(endTimeArr[0], endTimeArr[1]),

            stu = Student.objects.get(case_id=id)
            enroll = Enrollment(student_id=stu.pk, event_id=event.id)

            return HttpResponseRedirect('/scheduler/')
        form = EventForm()

    response = render(request, 'custom.html', {'id': id, 'form': form})
    if setcookie is True:
        response.__setitem__('Set-Cookie', cookie)
    return response
def customevent(request):
    The customevent view function is the view for the custom.html field. If the
    event is passed a request with a POST method, ie the user hit a submit
    button, then the view all of the query strings and, if the strings are
    valid (see below), we create a new entry in the customevent table with the
    query strings set as the corresponding attributes. Then we create a new
    enrollment table entry linking the current user to the newly created custom
    event. Then we return a HttpResponseRedirect to the home page If this view
    is called without a POST request method, then we simply pass the
    custom.html template an empty instance of an EventForm (see below) and
    return the rendered custom.html page as a HttpResponse.
    See https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/topics/http/views/
    # check to see if the user is logged in
    # if not make the user login
    status, id, cookie = check_login(request, '/scheduler/instructor/')
    setcookie = False
    if status is False:
        return redirect_to_cas('/scheduler/instructor/')
    if cookie != "":
        setcookie = True

    if request.method == "POST":
        form = EventForm(request.POST)
        if form.is_valid():
            name = form.cleaned_data['event_title']
            time = form.cleaned_data['times']
            sdate = form.cleaned_data['start_date']
            edate = form.cleaned_data['end_date']

                loc = form.cleaned_data['location']
                loc = ""

            startTimeArr, endTimeArr = parse_time(time)

            dayStr = ''
            if form.cleaned_data['su']:
                dayStr += 'Su'
            if form.cleaned_data['m']:
                dayStr += 'M'
            if form.cleaned_data['tu']:
                dayStr += 'Tu'
            if form.cleaned_data['w']:
                dayStr += 'W'
            if form.cleaned_data['th']:
                dayStr += 'Th'
            if form.cleaned_data['f']:
                dayStr += 'F'
            if form.cleaned_data['sa']:
                dayStr += 'Sa'

            if '' == dayStr:
                return render(request, 'custom.html', {'id': id, 'form': form,
                                                       'dayErr': True})

            # event = CustomEvent(
            # start_time=datetime.time(startTimeArr[0], startTimeArr[1]),
            # end_time=datetime.time(endTimeArr[0], endTimeArr[1]),
            # recur_type=days, event_name=name)
            event = CustomEvent(
                start_time=datetime.time(startTimeArr[0], startTimeArr[1]),
                end_time=datetime.time(endTimeArr[0], endTimeArr[1]),
                start_date=sdate, end_date=edate, recur_type=dayStr,
                event_name=name, location=loc,

            stu = Student.objects.get(case_id=id)
            enroll = Enrollment(student_id=stu.pk, event_id=event.id)

            return HttpResponseRedirect('/scheduler/')
        form = EventForm()

    response = render(request, 'custom.html', {'id': id, 'form': form})
    if setcookie is True:
        response.__setitem__('Set-Cookie', cookie)
    return response
def add(request):
    The view for add.html. This view function is a little more complicated
    because it sometimes a 'Search' parameter as part of the passed request. It
    also uses python regexes to check the request against formats such as EECS
    337 or EECS341, that way we can query on the proper event attributes.
    Finally, after finding the querySet for the passed search parameter, we
    create a dictionary with each event as a key. Then, we run through all of
    the results and check to see if the current user is enrolled in that event.
    If so we set the value for that event's key in our dict to the
    corresponding boolean value. This dictionary is passed as a context to the
    add.html template which is returned to the webrowser as an HTTPresponse
    See https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/topics/http/views/
    # check to see if the user is logged in
    # if not make the user login
    status, id, cookie = check_login(request, '/scheduler/add/')
    setcookie = False
    if status is False:
        return redirect_to_cas('/scheduler/add/')
    if cookie != "":
        setcookie = True

    toSend = {}
    if request.method == 'GET':
        form = SearchForm(request.GET)
        # criterion = request.GET.get('Search', None)
        # TODO better regexes
        # patt=re.compile('(\w\w\w\w ((\w\w\w)|(\w\w\w\w)))|(\w\w\w\w\w\w\w)')
        patt = re.compile('(\w\w\w\w( )*(\d+|(\d+w)))')
        if form.is_valid():
            criterion = form.cleaned_data['criterion']
            if patt.match(criterion):
                str = string.replace(criterion, ' ', '')
                arr = [None]*2
                arr[0] = str[0:3]
                arr[1] = str[4:]
                # arr = criterion.split(' ')
                classes = Instructs.objects.filter(
                classes = Instructs.objects.filter(
                    ) | Q(
                    ) | Q(
                # numb = len(Class.objects.all())

            for c in classes:
                if Enrollment.objects.filter(student_id=id,
                    toSend[c] = True
                    toSend[c] = False
        form = SearchForm()
    response = render(request, 'add.html', {'classes': toSend,
                                            'id': id, 'form': form})
    if setcookie is True:
        response.__setitem__('Set-Cookie', cookie)
    return response
def event_json(request):
    status, id, cookie = check_login(
        request, settings.LOCATION + '/scheduler/')
    setcookie = False
    if status is False:
        return redirect_to_cas(settings.LOCATION + '/scheduler/')
    if cookie != "":
        setcookie = True
    enrolls = Enrollment.objects.filter(student__case_id=id)

    response_data = []
    for enroll in enrolls:
        event = Event.objects.get(id=enroll.event_id)
        start = request.GET.get('start', None)
        end = request.GET.get('end', None)
        # if start != None && end != None:
        start_date = dateutil.parser.parse(start)
        end_date = dateutil.parser.parse(end)
        if event.start_date > start_date.date():
            date_to_start = event.start_date
            date_to_start = start_date.date()
        if event.end_date < end_date.date():
            date_to_end = event.end_date
            date_to_end = end_date.date()

        for dt in rrule.rrule(rrule.DAILY, dtstart=date_to_start,
            event_data = {}
            event_data['id'] = enroll.event_id
            if event.meetingtime:
                event_data['title'] = event.meetingtime.meeting_class.dept \
                    + ' ' + str(event.meetingtime.meeting_class.class_number)
                event_data['title'] = event.customevent.event_name
            event_data['allDay'] = False

            if "Su" in event.recur_type and dt.weekday() == 6:
                event_data['start'] = str(
                ) + 'T' + str(
                event_data['end'] = str(
                ) + 'T' + str(
            elif "M" in event.recur_type and dt.weekday() == 0:
                event_data['start'] = str(
                ) + 'T' + str(
                event_data['end'] = str(
                ) + 'T' + str(
            elif "Tu" in event.recur_type and dt.weekday() == 1:
                event_data['start'] = str(
                ) + 'T' + str(
                event_data['end'] = str(
                ) + 'T' + str(
            elif "W" in event.recur_type and dt.weekday() == 2:
                event_data['start'] = str(
                ) + 'T' + str(
                event_data['end'] = str(
                ) + 'T' + str(
            elif "Th" in event.recur_type and dt.weekday() == 3:
                event_data['start'] = str(
                ) + 'T' + str(
                event_data['end'] = str(
                ) + 'T' + str(
            elif "F" in event.recur_type and dt.weekday() == 4:
                event_data['start'] = str(
                ) + 'T' + str(
                event_data['end'] = str(
                ) + 'T' + str(
            elif "Sa" in event.recur_type and dt.weekday() == 5:
                event_data['start'] = str(
                ) + 'T' + str(
                event_data['end'] = str(
                ) + 'T' + str(

    response = HttpResponse(json.dumps(response_data),
    if setcookie is True:
        response.__setitem__('Set-Cookie', cookie)
    return response
def add(request):
    The view for add.html. This view function is a little more complicated
    because it sometimes a 'Search' parameter as part of the passed request. It
    also uses python regexes to check the request against formats such as EECS
    337 or EECS341, that way we can query on the proper event attributes.
    Finally, after finding the querySet for the passed search parameter, we
    create a dictionary with each event as a key. Then, we run through all of
    the results and check to see if the current user is enrolled in that event.
    If so we set the value for that event's key in our dict to the
    corresponding boolean value. This dictionary is passed as a context to the
    add.html template which is returned to the webrowser as an HTTPresponse
    See https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/topics/http/views/
    # check to see if the user is logged in
    # if not make the user login
    status, id, cookie = check_login(request, '/scheduler/add/')
    setcookie = False
    if status is False:
        return redirect_to_cas('/scheduler/add/')
    if cookie != "":
        setcookie = True

    toSend = {}
    if request.method == 'GET':
        form = SearchForm(request.GET)
        # criterion = request.GET.get('Search', None)
        # TODO better regexes
        # patt=re.compile('(\w\w\w\w ((\w\w\w)|(\w\w\w\w)))|(\w\w\w\w\w\w\w)')
        patt = re.compile('(\w\w\w\w( )*(\d+|(\d+w)))')
        if form.is_valid():
            criterion = form.cleaned_data['criterion']
            if patt.match(criterion):
                str = string.replace(criterion, ' ', '')
                arr = [None] * 2
                arr[0] = str[0:3]
                arr[1] = str[4:]
                # arr = criterion.split(' ')
                classes = Instructs.objects.filter(
                classes = Instructs.objects.filter(
                    | Q(meeting__meeting_class__dept__icontains=criterion) |
                # numb = len(Class.objects.all())

            for c in classes:
                if Enrollment.objects.filter(student_id=id,
                    toSend[c] = True
                    toSend[c] = False
        form = SearchForm()
    response = render(request, 'add.html', {
        'classes': toSend,
        'id': id,
        'form': form
    if setcookie is True:
        response.__setitem__('Set-Cookie', cookie)
    return response