    def _initialize_polynomial_coefs(self):
        """ Setup radau polynomials and initialize the weight factor matricies
        self.col_vars['tau_root'] = cs.collocationPoints(self.d, "radau")

        # Dimensionless time inside one control interval
        tau = cs.SX.sym("tau")

        # For all collocation points
        L = [[]]*(self.d+1)
        for j in range(self.d+1):
            # Construct Lagrange polynomials to get the polynomial basis at the
            # collocation point
            L[j] = 1
            for r in range(self.d+1):
                if r != j:
                    L[j] *= (
                        (tau - self.col_vars['tau_root'][r]) / 
                        (self.col_vars['tau_root'][j] -

        self.col_vars['lfcn'] = lfcn = cs.SXFunction(
            'lfcn', [tau], [cs.vertcat(L)])

        # Evaluate the polynomial at the final time to get the coefficients of
        # the continuity equation
        # Coefficients of the continuity equation
        self.col_vars['D'] = lfcn([1.0])[0].toArray().squeeze()

        # Evaluate the time derivative of the polynomial at all collocation
        # points to get the coefficients of the continuity equation
        tfcn = lfcn.tangent()

        # Coefficients of the collocation equation
        self.col_vars['C'] = np.zeros((self.d+1, self.d+1))
        for r in range(self.d+1):
            self.col_vars['C'][:,r] = tfcn([self.col_vars['tau_root'][r]]

        # Find weights for gaussian quadrature: approximate int_0^1 f(x) by
        # Sum(
        xtau = cs.SX.sym("xtau")

        Phi = [[]] * (self.d+1)

        for j in range(self.d+1):
            tau_f_integrator = cs.SXFunction('ode', cs.daeIn(t=tau, x=xtau),
            tau_integrator = cs.Integrator(
                "integrator", "cvodes", tau_f_integrator, {'t0':0., 'tf':1})
            Phi[j] = np.asarray(tau_integrator({'x0' : 0})['xf'])[0][0]

        self.col_vars['Phi'] = np.array(Phi)
        self.col_vars['alpha'] = cs.SX.sym('alpha')
    def _initialize_polynomial_coefs(self):
        """ Setup radau polynomials and initialize the weight factor matricies
        self.col_vars['tau_root'] = cs.collocationPoints(self.d, "radau")

        # Dimensionless time inside one control interval
        tau = cs.SX.sym("tau")

        # For all collocation points
        L = [[]]*(self.d+1)
        for j in range(self.d+1):
            # Construct Lagrange polynomials to get the polynomial basis at the
            # collocation point
            L[j] = 1
            for r in range(self.d+1):
                if r != j:
                    L[j] *= (
                        (tau - self.col_vars['tau_root'][r]) / 
                        (self.col_vars['tau_root'][j] -

        self.col_vars['lfcn'] = lfcn = cs.SXFunction(
            'lfcn', [tau], [cs.vertcat(L)])

        # Evaluate the polynomial at the final time to get the coefficients of
        # the continuity equation
        # Coefficients of the continuity equation
        self.col_vars['D'] = lfcn([1.0])[0].toArray().squeeze()

        # Evaluate the time derivative of the polynomial at all collocation
        # points to get the coefficients of the continuity equation
        tfcn = lfcn.tangent()

        # Coefficients of the collocation equation
        self.col_vars['C'] = np.zeros((self.d+1, self.d+1))
        for r in range(self.d+1):
            self.col_vars['C'][:,r] = tfcn([self.col_vars['tau_root'][r]]

        # Find weights for gaussian quadrature: approximate int_0^1 f(x) by
        # Sum(
        xtau = cs.SX.sym("xtau")

        Phi = [[]] * (self.d+1)

        for j in range(self.d+1):
            tau_f_integrator = cs.SXFunction('ode', cs.daeIn(t=tau, x=xtau),
            tau_integrator = cs.Integrator(
                "integrator", "cvodes", tau_f_integrator, {'t0':0., 'tf':1})
            Phi[j] = np.asarray(tau_integrator({'x0' : 0})['xf'])[0][0]

        self.col_vars['Phi'] = np.array(Phi)
    def _initialize_tgrid(self):
        # Choose collocation points
        tau_root = cs.collocationPoints(self.opts["degree"], self.opts["polynomial"])

        # Degree of interpolating polynomial
        d = self.opts["degree"]

        # Size of the finite elements
        self.opts["h"] = self.opts["tf"] / self.opts["nk"]

        # Coefficients of the collocation equation
        self.opts["C"] = np.zeros((d + 1, d + 1))

        # Dimensionless time inside one control interval
        tau = cs.SX.sym("tau")

        T = np.zeros((self.opts["nk"], d + 1))
        for k in range(self.opts["nk"]):
            for j in range(d + 1):
                T[k, j] = self.opts["h"] * (k + tau_root[j])
        self.opts["T"] = T

        # Construct Lagrange polynomials to get the polynomial basis at the
        # collocation point
        L = [[]] * (d + 1)

        # For all collocation points
        for j in range(d + 1):
            L[j] = 1
            for r in range(d + 1):
                if r != j:
                    L[j] *= (tau - tau_root[r]) / (tau_root[j] - tau_root[r])

        self._lfcn = cs.SXFunction("lfcn", [tau], [cs.vertcat(L)])

        # Evaluate the polynomial at the final time to get the coefficients of
        # the continuity equation
        self.opts["D"] = np.asarray(self._lfcn([1.0])[0]).squeeze()

        # Evaluate the time derivative of the polynomial at all collocation
        # points to get the coefficients of the continuity equation
        tfcn = self._lfcn.tangent()
        for r in range(d + 1):
            self.opts["C"][:, r] = tfcn([tau_root[r]])[0].toArray().squeeze()

        self._tgrid = np.array(
                point + self.opts["h"] * np.array(tau_root)
                for point in np.linspace(0, self.opts["tf"], self.opts["nk"], endpoint=False)
    def _initialize_tgrid(self):
        # Choose collocation points
        tau_root = cs.collocationPoints(self.opts['degree'],

        # Degree of interpolating polynomial
        d = self.opts['degree']

        # Size of the finite elements
        self.opts['h'] = self.opts['tf'] / self.opts['nk']

        # Coefficients of the collocation equation
        self.opts['C'] = np.zeros((d + 1, d + 1))

        # Dimensionless time inside one control interval
        tau = cs.SX.sym("tau")

        T = np.zeros((self.opts['nk'], d + 1))
        for k in range(self.opts['nk']):
            for j in range(d + 1):
                T[k, j] = self.opts['h'] * (k + tau_root[j])
        self.opts['T'] = T

        # Construct Lagrange polynomials to get the polynomial basis at the
        # collocation point
        L = [[]] * (d + 1)

        # For all collocation points
        for j in range(d + 1):
            L[j] = 1
            for r in range(d + 1):
                if r != j:
                    L[j] *= (tau - tau_root[r]) / (tau_root[j] - tau_root[r])

        self._lfcn = cs.SXFunction('lfcn', [tau], [cs.vertcat(L)])

        # Evaluate the polynomial at the final time to get the coefficients of
        # the continuity equation
        self.opts['D'] = np.asarray(self._lfcn([1.0])[0]).squeeze()

        # Evaluate the time derivative of the polynomial at all collocation
        # points to get the coefficients of the continuity equation
        tfcn = self._lfcn.tangent()
        for r in range(d + 1):
            self.opts['C'][:, r] = tfcn([tau_root[r]])[0].toArray().squeeze()

        self._tgrid = np.array([
            point + self.opts['h'] * np.array(tau_root) for point in
            np.linspace(0, self.opts['tf'], self.opts['nk'], endpoint=False)
def collocation_points(order, scheme):

    return ca.collocationPoints(order, scheme)
    def __init__(self, system = None, \
        tu = None, uN = None, \
        ty = None, yN = None,
        pinit = None, \
        xinit = None, \
        scheme = "radau", \
        order = 3):

        self.tstart_setup = time.time()


        if not type(system) is systems.ExplODE:

            raise TypeError("Setup-method " + self.__class__.__name__ + \
                " not allowed for system of type " + str(type(system)) + ".")

        self.system = system

        # Dimensions

        self.nx = system.x.shape[0]
        self.nu = system.u.shape[0]
        self.np = system.p.shape[0]
        self.neps_e = system.eps_e.shape[0]
        self.neps_u = system.eps_u.shape[0]        
        self.nphi = system.phi.shape[0]

        if np.atleast_2d(tu).shape[0] == 1:

            self.tu = np.asarray(tu)

        elif np.atleast_2d(tu).shape[1] == 1:

                self.tu = np.squeeze(np.atleast_2d(tu).T)


            raise ValueError("Invalid dimension for argument tu.")

        if ty == None:

            self.ty = self.tu

        elif np.atleast_2d(ty).shape[0] == 1:

            self.ty = np.asarray(ty)

        elif np.atleast_2d(ty).shape[1] == 1:

            self.ty = np.squeeze(np.atleast_2d(ty).T)


            raise ValueError("Invalid dimension for argument ty.")

        self.nsteps = self.tu.shape[0] - 1

        self.scheme = scheme
        self.order = order
        self.tauroot = ca.collocationPoints(order, scheme)

        # Degree of interpolating polynomial

        self.ntauroot = len(self.tauroot) - 1

        # Define the optimization variables

        self.P = ca.MX.sym("P", self.np)
        self.X = ca.MX.sym("X", (self.nx * (self.ntauroot+1)), self.nsteps)
        self.XF = ca.MX.sym("XF", self.nx)

        self.V = ca.MX.sym("V", self.nphi, self.nsteps+1)

        if self.neps_e != 0:

            self.EPS_E = ca.MX.sym("EPS_E", \
                (self.neps_e * self.ntauroot), self.nsteps)


            self.EPS_E = ca.DMatrix(0, self.nsteps)

        if self.neps_u != 0:
            self.EPS_U = ca.MX.sym("EPS_U", \
                (self.neps_u * self.ntauroot), self.nsteps)


            self.EPS_U = ca.DMatrix(0, self.nsteps)

        # Define bounds and initial values

        self.check_and_set_initials( \
            uN = uN, \
            pinit = pinit, \
            xinit = xinit)

        # Set tp the collocation coefficients

        # Coefficients of the collocation equation

        self.C = np.zeros((self.ntauroot + 1, self.ntauroot + 1))

        # Coefficients of the continuity equation

        self.D = np.zeros(self.ntauroot + 1)

        # Dimensionless time inside one control interval

        tau = ca.SX.sym("tau")

        # Construct the matrix T that contains all collocation time points

        self.T = np.zeros((self.nsteps, self.ntauroot + 1))

        for k in range(self.nsteps):

            for j in range(self.ntauroot + 1):

                self.T[k,j] = self.tu[k] + \
                    (self.tu[k+1] - self.tu[k]) * self.tauroot[j]

        self.T = self.T.T

        # For all collocation points

        self.lfcns = []

        for j in range(self.ntauroot + 1):

            # Construct Lagrange polynomials to get the polynomial basis
            # at the collocation point
            L = 1
            for r in range(self.ntauroot + 1):
                if r != j:
                    L *= (tau - self.tauroot[r]) / \
                        (self.tauroot[j] - self.tauroot[r])
            lfcn = ca.SXFunction("lfcn", [tau],[L])
            # Evaluate the polynomial at the final time to get the
            # coefficients of the continuity equation
            [self.D[j]] = lfcn([1])

            # Evaluate the time derivative of the polynomial at all 
            # collocation points to get the coefficients of the
            # collocation equation
            tfcn = lfcn.tangent()

            for r in range(self.ntauroot + 1):

                self.C[j,r] = tfcn([self.tauroot[r]])[0]


        # Initialize phiN

        self.phiN = []

        # Initialize measurement function

        phifcn = ca.MXFunction("phifcn", \
            [system.t, system.u, system.x, system.eps_u, system.p], \

        # Initialzie setup of g

        self.g = []

        # Initialize ODE right-hand-side

        ffcn = ca.MXFunction("ffcn", \
            [system.t, system.u, system.x, system.eps_e, system.eps_u, \
            system.p], [system.f])

        # Collect information for measurement function

        # Structs to hold variables for later mapped evaluation

        Tphi = []
        Uphi = []
        Xphi = []
        EPS_Uphi = []

        for k in range(self.nsteps):

            hk = self.tu[k + 1] - self.tu[k]
            t_meas = self.ty[np.where(np.logical_and( \
                self.ty >= self.tu[k], self.ty < self.tu[k + 1]))]

            for t_meas_j in t_meas:

                Uphi.append(self.uN[:, k])
                EPS_Uphi.append(self.EPS_U[:self.neps_u, k])

                if t_meas_j == self.tu[k]:

                    Xphi.append(self.X[:self.nx, k])


                    tau = (t_meas_j - self.tu[k]) / hk

                    x_temp = 0

                    for r in range(self.ntauroot + 1):

                        x_temp += self.lfcns[r]([tau])[0] * \
                        self.X[r*self.nx : (r+1) * self.nx, k]


        if self.tu[-1] in self.ty:


        # Mapped calculation of the collocation equations

        # Collocation nodes

        hc = ca.MX.sym("hc", 1)
        tc = ca.MX.sym("tc", self.ntauroot)
        xc = ca.MX.sym("xc", self.nx * (self.ntauroot+1))
        eps_ec = ca.MX.sym("eps_ec", self.neps_e * self.ntauroot)
        eps_uc = ca.MX.sym("eps_uc", self.neps_u * self.ntauroot)

        coleqn = ca.vertcat([ \

            hc * ffcn([tc[j-1], \
                system.u, \
                xc[j*self.nx : (j+1)*self.nx], \
                eps_ec[(j-1)*self.neps_e : j*self.neps_e], \
                eps_uc[(j-1)*self.neps_u : j*self.neps_u], \
                system.p])[0] - \

            sum([self.C[r,j] * xc[r*self.nx : (r+1)*self.nx] \

                for r in range(self.ntauroot + 1)]) \
                    for j in range(1, self.ntauroot + 1)])

        coleqnfcn = ca.MXFunction("coleqnfcn", \
            [hc, tc, system.u, xc, eps_ec, eps_uc, system.p], [coleqn])
        coleqnfcn = coleqnfcn.expand()

        [gcol] = coleqnfcn.map([ \
            np.atleast_2d((self.tu[1:] - self.tu[:-1])), self.T[1:,:], \
            self.uN, self.X, self.EPS_E, self.EPS_U, self.P])

        # Continuity nodes

        xnext = ca.MX.sym("xnext", self.nx)

        conteqn = xnext - sum([self.D[r] * xc[r*self.nx : (r+1)*self.nx] \
            for r in range(self.ntauroot + 1)])

        conteqnfcn = ca.MXFunction("conteqnfcn", [xnext, xc], [conteqn])
        conteqnfcn = conteqnfcn.expand()

        [gcont] = conteqnfcn.map([ \
            ca.horzcat([self.X[:self.nx, 1:], self.XF]), self.X])

        # Stack equality constraints together

        self.g = ca.veccat([gcol, gcont])

        # Evaluation of the measurement function

        [self.phiN] = phifcn.map( \
            [ca.horzcat(k) for k in Tphi, Uphi, Xphi, EPS_Uphi] + \

        # self.phiNfcn = ca.MXFunction("phiNfcn", [self.Vars], [self.phiN])

        self.tend_setup = time.time()
        self.duration_setup = self.tend_setup - self.tstart_setup

        print('Initialization of ExplODE system sucessful.')