def solve_nlp(prop_name, thrust): rho0 = 1.225 i0_motor0 = 0.04 V_inf0 = 1 R_motor0 = 0.05 T_desired = thrust #### Thrust constraint prop_data = prop_db[prop_name] key0 = list(prop_data['dynamic'].keys())[0] my_prop = prop_data['dynamic'][key0]['data'] CT_lut = ca.interpolant('CT', 'bspline', [my_prop.index], my_prop.CT) CP_lut = ca.interpolant('CP', 'bspline', [my_prop.index], my_prop.CP) eta_lut = ca.interpolant('CP', 'bspline', [my_prop.index], my_prop.eta) eta_prop_lut = ca.interpolant('eta', 'bspline', [my_prop.index], my_prop.eta) Q_prop_lut = ca.substitute(Q_prop, CP, CP_lut(J)) T_prop_lut = ca.substitute(T_prop, CT, CT_lut(J)) states = ca.vertcat(rpm_prop, v_batt, Kv_motor) params = ca.vertcat(rho, r_prop_in, i0_motor, V_inf, R_motor) p0 = [rho0, prop_data['D'] / 2, i0_motor0, V_inf0, R_motor0] f_Q_prop = ca.Function('Q_prop', [states, params], [Q_prop_lut]) f_Q_motor = ca.Function('Q_motor', [states, params], [Q_motor]) f_eta_motor = ca.Function('eta_motor', [states, params], [eta_motor]) f_eta_prop = ca.Function('eta_prop', [states, params], [eta_prop_lut(J)]) f_eta = ca.Function('eta', [states, params], [eta_prop_lut(J) * eta_motor]) f_T_prop = ca.Function('T_prop', [states, params], [T_prop_lut]) #%% nlp = { 'f': -f_eta(states, p0), 'x': states, 'g': ca.substitute(ca.vertcat(Q_prop_lut - Q_motor, T_prop_lut - T_desired), params, p0) } S = ca.nlpsol('eff_max', 'ipopt', nlp, { 'print_time': 0, 'ipopt': { 'sb': 'yes', 'print_level': 0, } }) res = S(x0=[1000, 5, 1000], lbg=[0, 0], ubg=[0, 0]) stats = S.stats() if stats['success']: print('\n') print('propeller -> ' + prop_name, res['x'], res['g'], -res['f']) print('\n') v0 = float(res['x'][1]) kv0 = float(res['x'][2]) if -res['f'] > 0.3: rpm_sweep(prop_name, v0, kv0, i0_motor0, V_inf0, R_motor0) return res, stats
def rpm_sweep(prop_name, v0, kv0, i0_motor0, V_inf0, R_motor0): prop_data = prop_db[prop_name] key0 = list(prop_data['dynamic'].keys())[0] my_prop = prop_data['dynamic'][key0]['data'] CT_lut = ca.interpolant('CT','bspline',[my_prop.index],my_prop.CT) CP_lut = ca.interpolant('CP','bspline',[my_prop.index],my_prop.CP) eta_lut = ca.interpolant('CP','bspline',[my_prop.index],my_prop.eta) eta_prop_lut = ca.interpolant('eta','bspline',[my_prop.index],my_prop.eta) Q_prop_lut = ca.substitute(Q_prop, CP, CP_lut(J)) T_prop_lut = ca.substitute(T_prop, CT, CT_lut(J)) states = ca.vertcat(rpm_prop) params = ca.vertcat(rho, r_prop_in, v_batt, Kv_motor, i0_motor, V_inf, R_motor) p0 = [1.225, prop_data['D']/2, v0, kv0, i0_motor0, V_inf0, R_motor0] f_Q_prop = ca.Function('Q_prop', [states, params], [Q_prop_lut]) f_Q_motor = ca.Function('Q_motor', [states, params], [Q_motor]) f_T_prop = ca.Function('T_prop', [states, params], [T_prop_lut]) f_eta_motor = ca.Function('eta_motor', [states, params], [eta_motor]) f_eta_prop = ca.Function('eta_prop', [states, params], [eta_prop_lut(J)]) f_eta = ca.Function('eta', [states, params], [eta_prop_lut(J)*eta_motor]) rpm = np.array([np.linspace(0, 4000, 1000)]) plt.figure() plt.subplot(311) plt.plot(rpm.T, f_Q_motor(rpm, p0).T, label='motor') plt.plot(rpm.T, f_Q_prop(rpm, p0).T, label='prop') plt.title('prop motor matching') plt.legend() plt.ylabel('torque, N-m') plt.grid(True) plt.subplot(312) plt.plot(rpm.T, f_T_prop(rpm, p0).T, label='prop') plt.legend() plt.ylabel('thrust, N') plt.grid(True) plt.subplot(313) plt.plot(rpm.T, f_eta_motor(rpm, p0).T, label='motor') plt.plot(rpm.T, f_eta_prop(rpm, p0).T, label='prop') plt.plot(rpm.T, f_eta(rpm, p0).T, label='total') plt.xlabel('prop angular velocity, rpm') plt.ylabel('efficiency') plt.grid(True) plt.legend() plt.gca().set_ylim(0, 1)
def solve_grid(self): """ Implements the gridding algorithm by solving the optimization problem for each point in the grid. """ print("Solving grid...") for n in range(int(self.sim_time / self.dt)): print("Iteration: ", n, "/", int(self.sim_time / self.dt)) # Get cost at grid point # Hint: take inspiration from Gridder class # for ... # for ... # Update cost to go J_flat = self.J[:, :, :, :, n] J_flat = J_flat.ravel(order='F') if self.DEBUG: print("U[:,:,", n, "]:\n ", self.U[:, :, n]) print("J[:,:,:,:,", n, "]:\n ", J_flat) # Update cost-to-go policy self.Jtogo = ca.interpolant('new_cost', 'bspline', [self.x1, self.x2, self.x3, self.x4], J_flat, {"algorithm": "smooth_linear"}) self.Jtogo_updated = True print("Finished!") pass
def create_table2D(name, row_label, col_label, data, abs_row=False, abs_col=False, interp_method=INTERP_DEFAULT): """ Creates a table interpolation function with x as rows and y as columns """ assert data[0, 0] == 0 row_grid = data[1:, 0] col_grid = data[0, 1:] table_data = data[1:, 1:] interp = ca.interpolant(name + '_interp', interp_method, [row_grid, col_grid], table_data.ravel(order='F')) x = ca.MX.sym('x') y = ca.MX.sym('y') if abs_row: xs = ca.fabs(x) else: xs = x if abs_col: ys = ca.fabs(y) else: ys = y func = ca.Function('Cx', [x, y], [interp(ca.vertcat(xs, ys))], [row_label, col_label], [name]) # check for i, x in enumerate(row_grid): for j, y in enumerate(col_grid): assert ca.fabs(func(x, y) - table_data[i, j]) < TABLE_CHECK_TOL return func
def cubic_spline(self, step=40): # Loading waypoints from csv file # input_file = rospy.get_param("~wp_file") input_file = "/home/lva/data_file/wp-for-mpcc.csv" data = genfromtxt(input_file, delimiter=',') x_list = data[:, 0] y_list = data[:, 1] self.wp_len = len(x_list) l_list = np.arange(0, self.wp_len, 1) self.L = int(self.wp_len / step) * step self.cs_x = ca.interpolant('cs_x', 'bspline', [l_list[::step]], x_list[::step]) self.cs_y = ca.interpolant('cs_y', 'bspline', [l_list[::step]], y_list[::step]) th = ca.MX.sym('th') # Tangent angle self.Phi = ca.Function('Phi', [th], [ ca.arctan( ca.jacobian(self.cs_y(th), th) / ca.jacobian(self.cs_x(th), th)) ]) print(self.L)
def create_Cz(): alpha_deg = ca.MX.sym('alpha_deg') beta_deg = ca.MX.sym('beta_deg') elev_deg = ca.MX.sym('elev_deg') data = np.array([ [-10, -5, 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45], [0.770, 0.241, -0.100, -0.416, -0.731, -1.053, -1.366, -1.646, -1.917, -2.120, -2.248, -2.229] ]) interp = ca.interpolant('Cz_interp', INTERP_DEFAULT, [data[0, :]], data[1, :]) return ca.Function('Cz', [alpha_deg, beta_deg, elev_deg], [interp(alpha_deg)*(1 - (beta_deg/57.3)**2) - 0.19*elev_deg/25.0], ['alpha_deg', 'beta_deg', 'elev_deg'], ['Cz'])
def create_damping(): data = np.array([ [-10, -5, 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45], # alpha, deg [ -0.267, -0.110, 0.308, 1.34, 2.08, 2.91, 2.76, 2.05, 1.50, 1.49, 1.83, 1.21 ], # CXq [ 0.882, 0.852, 0.876, 0.958, 0.962, 0.974, 0.819, 0.483, 0.590, 1.21, -0.493, -1.04 ], # CYr [ -0.108, -0.108, -0.188, 0.110, 0.258, 0.226, 0.344, 0.362, 0.611, 0.529, 0.298, -2.27 ], # CYp [ -8.80, -25.8, -28.9, -31.4, -31.2, -30.7, -27.7, -28.2, -29.0, -29.8, -38.3, -35.3 ], # CZq [ -0.126, -0.026, 0.063, 0.113, 0.208, 0.230, 0.319, 0.437, 0.680, 0.100, 0.447, -0.330 ], # Clr [ -0.360, -0.359, -0.443, -0.420, -0.383, -0.375, -0.329, -0.294, -0.230, -0.210, -0.120, -0.100 ], # Clp [ -7.21, -0.540, -5.23, -5.26, -6.11, -6.64, -5.69, -6.00, -6.20, -6.40, -6.60, -6.00 ], # Cmq [ -0.380, -0.363, -0.378, -0.386, -0.370, -0.453, -0.550, -0.582, -0.595, -0.637, -1.02, -0.840 ], # Cnr [ 0.061, 0.052, 0.052, -0.012, -0.013, -0.024, 0.050, 0.150, 0.130, 0.158, 0.240, 0.150 ] ]) # Cnp names = ['CXq', 'CYr', 'CYp', 'CZq', 'Clr', 'Clp', 'Cmq', 'Cnr', 'Cnp'] for i, name in enumerate(names): tables[name] = ca.interpolant('{:s}_interp'.format(name), INTERP_DEFAULT, [data[0, :]], data[i + 1, :]) # check for j, x in enumerate(data[0, :]): assert ca.fabs(tables[name](x) - data[i + 1, j]) < TABLE_CHECK_TOL
def __init__(self, deltaT=0): """ :param deltaT: Temperature differential w.r.t. ISA conditions :type deltaT: float, optional :returns: None """ self.deltaT = deltaT z = np.arange(0, 20.5e3, 500) T = np.maximum(T0_MSL + lapse_rate_troposphere * z, T_tropopause * np.ones_like(z)) P_tropo = P0_MSL * (T / T0_MSL)**(-g / Rg / lapse_rate_troposphere) P_pause = P_tropo[22] * np.exp(-g / Rg / T * (z - h_tropopause)) P = np.hstack([P_tropo[:23], P_pause[23:]]) z_I = np.arange(0, 20.5e3, 341) T_I = np.maximum(T0_MSL + lapse_rate_troposphere * z_I, T_tropopause * np.ones_like(z_I)) self.IP = interpolant('P', 'bspline', [z], P, {}) self.IT = interpolant('T', 'bspline', [z_I], T_I, {})
def solve_grid(self): """ Implements the gridding algorithm by solving the optimization problem for each point in the grid. """ print("Solving grid...") for n in range(int(self.sim_time / self.dt)): print("Time-step: ", "{:.2f}".format(n * self.dt), "/", self.sim_time) # Get cost at grid point for i in range(len(self.x1)): for j in range(len(self.x2)): x = np.array([self.x1[i], self.x2[j]]) u, cost = self.solve_dp(x) if self.use_nonlinear_controller is False: self.U[i, j, n] = u else: # Modify grid to account for virtual input v a0 = self.model.a0 b0 = self.model.b0 self.U[i, j, n] = (1 / ca.cos(x[0]) * (a0 / b0 * (ca.sin(x[0]) - x[0]) + u)) self.J[i, j, n] = cost # Update cost to go if self.DEBUG: print("U[:,:,", n, "]:\n ", self.U[:, :, n]) print("J[:,:,", n, "]:\n ", self.J[:, :, n]) J_flat = self.J[:, :, n] J_flat = J_flat.ravel(order='F') # Update cost-to-go policy self.Jtogo = ca.interpolant('new_cost', 'bspline', [self.x1, self.x2], J_flat, {"algorithm": "smooth_linear"}) self.Jtogo_updated = True print("Finished!") pass
def solve_grid(self): """ Implements the gridding algorithm by solving the optimization problem for each point in the grid. """ print("Solving grid...") for n in range(int(self.sim_time / self.dt)): print("Iteration: ", n, "/", int(self.sim_time / self.dt)) # Get cost at grid point for i in range(len(self.x1)): for j in range(len(self.x2)): for k in range(len(self.x3)): for l in range(len(self.x4)): x = np.array([ self.x1[i], self.x2[j], self.x3[k], self.x4[l] ]) u, cost = self.solve_dp(x) self.U[i, j, k, l, n] = u self.J[i, j, k, l, n] = cost # Update cost to go J_flat = self.J[:, :, :, :, n] J_flat = J_flat.ravel(order='F') if self.DEBUG: print("U[:,:,", n, "]:\n ", self.U[:, :, n]) print("J[:,:,:,:,", n, "]:\n ", J_flat) # Update cost-to-go policy self.Jtogo = ca.interpolant('new_cost', 'bspline', [self.x1, self.x2, self.x3, self.x4], J_flat, {"algorithm": "smooth_linear"}) self.Jtogo_updated = True print("Finished!") pass
def finite_time_dp(self, x, t): """ Retrieves the optimal control for a given state and time-step. :param x: current state :type x: numpy array :param t: time step :type t: float :return: optimal control input :rtype: float """ n = int(self.sim_time / self.dt) - int(t / self.dt) - 1 U_flat = self.U[:, :, :, :, n].ravel(order="F") self.sample_u = ca.interpolant('new_cost', 'bspline', [self.x1, self.x2, self.x3, self.x4], U_flat, {"algorithm": "smooth_linear"}) u = self.sample_u(x.T) # Log cost and energy self.log_cost(x, u) return u
def _setup_model(self): # States self.x = ca.MX.sym("x", self.nx) T_hts = self.x[self.x_index["T_hts"]] T_lts = self.x[self.x_index["T_lts"]] T_fpsc = self.x[self.x_index["T_fpsc"]] T_fpsc_s = self.x[self.x_index["T_fpsc_s"]] T_vtsc = self.x[self.x_index["T_vtsc"]] T_vtsc_s = self.x[self.x_index["T_vtsc_s"]] T_pscf = self.x[self.x_index["T_pscf"]] T_pscr = self.x[self.x_index["T_pscr"]] T_shx_psc = self.x[self.x_index["T_shx_psc"]] T_shx_ssc = self.x[self.x_index["T_shx_ssc"]] T_fcu_a = self.x[self.x_index["T_fcu_a"]] T_fcu_w = self.x[self.x_index["T_fcu_w"]] T_r_c = self.x[self.x_index["T_r_c"]] T_r_a = self.x[self.x_index["T_r_a"]] dT_amb = self.x[self.x_aux_index["dT_amb"]] dI_vtsc = self.x[self.x_aux_index["dI_vtsc"]] dI_fpsc = self.x[self.x_aux_index["dI_fpsc"]] Qdot_n_c = self.x[self.x_aux_index["Qdot_n_c"]] Qdot_n_a = self.x[self.x_aux_index["Qdot_n_a"]] dalpha_vtsc = self.x[self.x_aux_index["dalpha_vtsc"]] dalpha_fpsc = self.x[self.x_aux_index["dalpha_fpsc"]] # Discrete controls self.b = ca.MX.sym("b", self.nb) b_ac = self.b[self.b_index["b_ac"]] b_fc = self.b[self.b_index["b_fc"]] # Continuous controls self.u = ca.MX.sym("u", v_ppsc = self.u[self.u_index["v_ppsc"]] p_mpsc = self.u[self.u_index["p_mpsc"]] v_plc = self.u[self.u_index["v_plc"]] v_pssc = self.u[self.u_index["v_pssc"]] mdot_o_hts_b = self.u[self.u_index["mdot_o_hts_b"]] mdot_i_hts_b = self.u[self.u_index["mdot_i_hts_b"]] # Time-varying parameters self.c = ca.MX.sym("c", T_amb = self.c[self.c_index["T_amb"]] + dT_amb I_vtsc = self.c[self.c_index["I_vtsc"]] + dI_vtsc I_fpsc = self.c[self.c_index["I_fpsc"]] + dI_fpsc I_r_dir = self.c[self.c_index["I_r_dir"]] I_r_diff = self.c[self.c_index["I_r_diff"]] # Process noise self.w = ca.MX.sym("w", self.nw) w_dT_amb = self.w[self.w_index["dT_amb"]] w_dI_vtsc = self.w[self.w_index["dI_vtsc"]] w_dI_fpsc = self.w[self.w_index["dI_fpsc"]] w_Qdot_n_c = self.w[self.w_index["Qdot_n_c"]] w_Qdot_n_a = self.w[self.w_index["Qdot_n_a"]] w_dalpha_vtsc = self.w[self.w_index["dalpha_vtsc"]] w_dalpha_fpsc = self.w[self.w_index["dalpha_fpsc"]] # Modeling f = [] # Grey box ACM model char_curve_acm = ca.veccat(1.0, \ T_lts[0], T_hts[0], (T_amb + self.p["dT_rc"]), \ T_lts[0]**2, T_hts[0]**2, (T_amb + self.p["dT_rc"])**2, \ T_lts[0] * T_hts[0], T_lts[0] * (T_amb + self.p["dT_rc"]), \ T_hts[0] * (T_amb + self.p["dT_rc"]), \ T_lts[0] * T_hts[0] * (T_amb + self.p["dT_rc"])) params_COP_ac = np.asarray([2.03268, -0.116526, -0.0165648, \ -0.043367, -0.00074309, -0.000105659, -0.00172085, \ 0.00113422, 0.00540221, 0.00116735, -3.87996e-05]) params_Qdot_ac_lt = np.asarray([-5.6924, 1.12102, 0.291654, \ -0.484546, -0.00585722, -0.00140483, 0.00795341, \ 0.00399118, -0.0287113, -0.00221606, 5.42825e-05]) COP_ac = ca.mtimes(np.atleast_2d(params_COP_ac), char_curve_acm) Qdot_ac_lt = ca.mtimes(np.atleast_2d(params_Qdot_ac_lt), char_curve_acm) * 1e3 T_ac_ht = T_hts[0] - ((Qdot_ac_lt / COP_ac) / (self.p["mdot_ac_ht"] * self.p["c_w"])) T_ac_lt = T_lts[0] - (Qdot_ac_lt / (self.p["mdot_ac_lt"] * self.p["c_w"])) # Free cooling T_fc_lt = T_amb + self.p["dT_rc"] # HT storage model mdot_ssc = self.p["mdot_ssc_max"] * v_pssc m_hts = (self.p["V_hts"] * self.p["rho_w"]) / T_hts.numel() mdot_hts_t_s = mdot_ssc - b_ac * self.p["mdot_ac_ht"] mdot_hts_t_sbar = ca.sqrt(mdot_hts_t_s**2 + self.p["eps_hts"]) mdot_hts_b_s = mdot_i_hts_b - mdot_o_hts_b mdot_hts_b_sbar = ca.sqrt(mdot_hts_b_s**2 + self.p["eps_hts"]) f.append( \ (1.0 / m_hts) * ( \ mdot_ssc * T_shx_ssc[-1] \ - b_ac * self.p["mdot_ac_ht"] * T_hts[0] \ - (mdot_hts_t_s * ((T_hts[0] + T_hts[1]) / 2.0) \ + mdot_hts_t_sbar * ((T_hts[0] - T_hts[1]) / 2.0)) \ - (self.p["lambda_hts"][0] / self.p["c_w"] * (T_hts[0] - T_amb))) \ ) f.append( \ (1.0 / m_hts) * ( \ (b_ac * self.p["mdot_ac_ht"] - mdot_i_hts_b) * T_ac_ht - (mdot_ssc - mdot_o_hts_b) * T_hts[1] + (mdot_hts_t_s * ((T_hts[0] + T_hts[1]) / 2.0) + mdot_hts_t_sbar * ((T_hts[0] - T_hts[1]) / 2.0)) + (mdot_hts_b_s * ((T_hts[2] + T_hts[1]) / 2.0) + mdot_hts_b_sbar * ((T_hts[2] - T_hts[1]) / 2.0)) - (self.p["lambda_hts"][3] / self.p["c_w"] * (T_hts[1] - T_amb))) ) f.append( \ (1.0 / m_hts) * ( \ mdot_hts_b_s * (((T_hts[-1] + T_hts[-2]) / 2.0) - ((T_hts[-2] + T_hts[-3]) / 2.0)) \ + mdot_hts_b_sbar * (((T_hts[-1] - T_hts[-2]) / 2.0) - ((T_hts[-2] - T_hts[-3]) / 2.0)) - (self.p["lambda_hts"][-2] / self.p["c_w"] * (T_hts[-2] - T_amb))) ) f.append( \ (1.0 / m_hts) * ( \ mdot_i_hts_b * T_ac_ht - mdot_o_hts_b * T_hts[-1] - (mdot_hts_b_s * ((T_hts[-1] + T_hts[-2]) / 2.0) + mdot_hts_b_sbar * ((T_hts[-1] - T_hts[-2]) / 2.0)) - (self.p["lambda_hts"][-1] / self.p["c_w"] * (T_hts[-1] - T_amb))) ) # LT storage model mdot_lc = self.p["mdot_lc_max"] * v_plc m_lts = (self.p["V_lts"] * self.p["rho_w"]) / T_lts.numel() f.append( \ (1.0 / m_lts) * ( \ mdot_lc * T_fcu_w \ - (1.0 - b_ac - b_fc) * mdot_lc * T_lts[0] \ + b_ac * (self.p["mdot_ac_lt"] - mdot_lc) * T_lts[1] \ - b_ac * self.p["mdot_ac_lt"] * T_lts[0] + b_fc * (self.p["mdot_fc_lt"] - mdot_lc) * T_lts[1] \ - b_fc * self.p["mdot_fc_lt"] * T_lts[0]) ) f.append( \ (1.0 / m_lts) * ( \ (1.0 - b_ac - b_fc) * mdot_lc * T_lts[-2] \ - mdot_lc * T_lts[-1] \ + b_ac * self.p["mdot_ac_lt"] * T_ac_lt \ - b_ac * (self.p["mdot_ac_lt"] - mdot_lc) * T_lts[-1] + b_fc * self.p["mdot_fc_lt"] * T_fc_lt - b_fc * (self.p["mdot_fc_lt"] - mdot_lc) * T_lts[-1]) ) # Flat plate collectors data_v_ppsc = [-0.1, 0.0, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0, 1.1] data_p_mpsc = [0.0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1.0] data_mdot_fpsc = np.array([ 0.00116667, 0., 0.02765, 0.03511667, 0.04258333, 0.04993333, 0.04993333, 0.00116667, 0., 0.02765, 0.03511667, 0.04258333, 0.04993333, 0.04993333, 0.0035, 0., 0.08343, 0.11165333, 0.13568, 0.15895333, 0.15895333, 0.005, 0., 0.12508167, 0.16568, 0.20563333, 0.2397, 0.2397, 0.0055, 0., 0.13999333, 0.1859, 0.22790167, 0.26488, 0.26488, 0.006, 0., 0.14969167, 0.19844, 0.24394167, 0.28695333, 0.28695333, 0.00633333, 0., 0.15706667, 0.21070833, 0.25807, 0.310775, 0.310775, 0.0075, 0., 0.17047833, 0.229775, 0.28826667, 0.34190833, 0.34190833, 0.0095, 0., 0.20687333, 0.27500667, 0.331775, 0.37235333, 0.37235333, 0.013, 0., 0.24111667, 0.31581, 0.38300833, 0.44705167, 0.44705167, 0.013, 0., 0.24111667, 0.31581, 0.38300833, 0.44705167, 0.44705167 ]) iota_mdot_fpsc = ca.interpolant('iota_mdot_fpsc', 'bspline', [data_v_ppsc, data_p_mpsc], \ data_mdot_fpsc) mdot_fpsc = iota_mdot_fpsc(ca.veccat(v_ppsc, p_mpsc)) Qdot_fpsc = self.p["eta_fpsc"] * self.p["A_fpsc"] * I_fpsc Qdot_fpsc_amb = (self.p["alpha_fpsc"] + dalpha_fpsc) * self.p["A_fpsc"] * (T_fpsc - T_amb) f.append( \ (1.0 / self.p["C_fpsc"]) * \ (mdot_fpsc * self.p["c_sl"] * (T_pscf - T_fpsc) + \ Qdot_fpsc - Qdot_fpsc_amb)) f.append((1.0 / (self.p["V_fpsc_s"] * self.p["rho_sl"] * self.p["c_sl"])) * ( \ mdot_fpsc * self.p["c_sl"] * (T_fpsc - T_fpsc_s) - \ self.p["lambda_fpsc_s"] * (T_fpsc_s - T_amb)) ) # Tube collectors data_mdot_vtsc = np.array([ 0.0155, 0., 0.36735, 0.46655, 0.56575, 0.6634, 0.6634, 0.0155, 0., 0.36735, 0.46655, 0.56575, 0.6634, 0.6634, 0.01316667, 0., 0.32157, 0.41501333, 0.50432, 0.59438, 0.59438, 0.01166667, 0., 0.29325167, 0.37932, 0.4577, 0.54363333, 0.54363333, 0.01116667, 0., 0.28167333, 0.3641, 0.44043167, 0.52345333, 0.52345333, 0.01066667, 0., 0.271975, 0.34822667, 0.42439167, 0.50138, 0.50138, 0.01033333, 0., 0.25626667, 0.33095833, 0.39859667, 0.464225, 0.464225, 0.00916667, 0., 0.217855, 0.275225, 0.3384, 0.39975833, 0.39975833, 0.00716667, 0., 0.15479333, 0.19832667, 0.243225, 0.30098, 0.30098, 0.00366667, 0., 0.06721667, 0.08752333, 0.10865833, 0.13128167, 0.13128167, 0.00366667, 0., 0.06721667, 0.08752333, 0.10865833, 0.13128167, 0.13128167 ]) iota_mdot_vtsc = ca.interpolant('iota_mdot_vtsc', 'bspline', [data_v_ppsc, data_p_mpsc], \ data_mdot_vtsc) mdot_vtsc = iota_mdot_vtsc(ca.veccat(v_ppsc, p_mpsc)) Qdot_vtsc = self.p["eta_vtsc"] * self.p["A_vtsc"] * I_vtsc Qdot_vtsc_amb = (self.p["alpha_vtsc"] + dalpha_vtsc) * self.p["A_vtsc"] * (T_vtsc - T_amb) f.append( \ (1.0 / self.p["C_vtsc"]) * \ (mdot_vtsc * self.p["c_sl"] * (T_pscf - T_vtsc) + \ Qdot_vtsc - Qdot_vtsc_amb)) f.append((1.0 / (self.p["V_vtsc_s"] * self.p["rho_sl"] * self.p["c_sl"])) * ( \ mdot_vtsc * self.p["c_sl"] * (T_vtsc - T_vtsc_s) - \ self.p["lambda_vtsc_s"] * (T_vtsc_s - T_amb)) ) # Pipes connecting solar collectors and solar heat exchanger f.append(1.0 / self.p["C_psc"] * ((mdot_fpsc + mdot_vtsc) * \ self.p["c_sl"] * (T_shx_psc[-1] - T_pscf) - \ self.p["lambda_psc"] * (T_pscf - T_amb))) f.append(1.0 / self.p["C_psc"] * (mdot_fpsc * self.p["c_sl"] * T_fpsc_s \ + mdot_vtsc * self.p["c_sl"] * T_vtsc_s \ - (mdot_fpsc + mdot_vtsc) * self.p["c_sl"] * T_pscr \ - self.p["lambda_psc"] * (T_pscr - T_amb))) # Solar heat exchanger m_shx_psc = self.p["V_shx"] * self.p["rho_sl"] / T_shx_psc.numel() m_shx_ssc = self.p["V_shx"] * self.p["rho_w"] / T_shx_psc.numel() A_shx_k = self.p["A_shx"] / T_shx_psc.numel() f.append( \ (1.0 / (m_shx_psc * self.p["c_sl"])) * ( \ (mdot_fpsc + mdot_vtsc) \ * self.p["c_sl"] * (T_pscr - T_shx_psc[0]) \ - (A_shx_k * self.p["alpha_shx"] * (T_shx_psc[0] - T_shx_ssc[-1])))) for k in range(1, T_shx_psc.numel()): f.append( \ (1.0 / (m_shx_psc * self.p["c_sl"])) * ( \ (mdot_fpsc + mdot_vtsc) \ * self.p["c_sl"] * (T_shx_psc[k-1] - T_shx_psc[k]) \ - (A_shx_k * self.p["alpha_shx"] * (T_shx_psc[k] - T_shx_ssc[-1-k])))) f.append( \ (1.0 / (m_shx_ssc * self.p["c_w"])) * ( \ (mdot_ssc - mdot_o_hts_b) * self.p["c_w"] * (T_hts[1] - T_shx_ssc[0]) \ + mdot_o_hts_b * self.p["c_w"] * (T_hts[-1] - T_shx_ssc[0]) \ + (A_shx_k * self.p["alpha_shx"] * (T_shx_psc[-1] - T_shx_ssc[0])))) for k in range(1, T_shx_ssc.numel()): f.append( \ (1.0 / (m_shx_ssc * self.p["c_w"])) * ( \ mdot_ssc * self.p["c_w"] * (T_shx_ssc[k-1] - T_shx_ssc[k]) \ + (A_shx_k * self.p["alpha_shx"] * (T_shx_psc[-1-k] - T_shx_ssc[k])))) # Cooling system model Qdot_fcu_r = self.p["lambda_fcu"] * (T_fcu_a - T_fcu_w) f.append((1.0 / self.p["C_fcu_a"]) * \ (self.p["c_a"] * self.p["mdot_fcu_a"] * (T_r_a[0] - T_fcu_a) - Qdot_fcu_r)) f.append((1.0 / self.p["C_fcu_w"]) * \ (self.p["c_w"] * mdot_lc * (T_lts[-1] - T_fcu_w) + Qdot_fcu_r)) # Building model Qdot_r_a_c = [] for k in range(3): Qdot_r_a_c.append( (1.0 / self.p["R_r_a_c"][k]) * (T_r_a[k] - T_r_c[k])) f.append((1.0 / self.p["C_r_c"][k]) * (Qdot_r_a_c[k] \ + (1.0 / self.p["R_r_c_amb"][k]) * (T_amb - T_r_c[k]) \ + self.p["r_I_dir_c"][k] * I_r_dir + self.p["r_I_diff_c"][k] * I_r_diff \ + Qdot_n_c[k])) Qdot_r_a_a = [] Qdot_r_a_a.append((1.0 / self.p["R_r_a_a"]) * (T_r_a[1] - T_r_a[0])) Qdot_r_a_a.append((1.0 / self.p["R_r_a_a"]) * (T_r_a[2] - T_r_a[1])) f.append((1.0 / self.p["C_r_a"]) * (-Qdot_r_a_c[0] \ + (1.0 / self.p["R_r_a_amb"]) * (T_amb - T_r_a[0]) \ + Qdot_r_a_a[0] - self.p["r_Qdot_fcu_a"][0] * Qdot_fcu_r \ + self.p["r_I_dir_a"][0] * I_r_dir + self.p["r_I_diff_a"][0] * I_r_diff \ + Qdot_n_a[0])) f.append((1.0 / self.p["C_r_a"]) * (-Qdot_r_a_c[1] \ + (1.0 / self.p["R_r_a_amb"]) * (T_amb - T_r_a[1]) \ - Qdot_r_a_a[0] + Qdot_r_a_a[1] - self.p["r_Qdot_fcu_a"][1] * Qdot_fcu_r \ + self.p["r_I_dir_a"][1] * I_r_dir + self.p["r_I_diff_a"][1] * I_r_diff \ + Qdot_n_a[1])) f.append((1.0 / self.p["C_r_a"]) * (-Qdot_r_a_c[2] \ + (1.0 / self.p["R_r_a_amb"]) * (T_amb - T_r_a[2]) \ - Qdot_r_a_a[1] - self.p["r_Qdot_fcu_a"][2] * Qdot_fcu_r \ + self.p["r_I_dir_a"][2] * I_r_dir + self.p["r_I_diff_a"][2] * I_r_diff \ + Qdot_n_a[2])) # Ambient data deviations f.append((-dT_amb / self.p["tau_T_amb"]) + w_dT_amb) f.append((-dI_vtsc / self.p["tau_I_vtsc"]) + w_dI_vtsc) f.append((-dI_fpsc / self.p["tau_I_fpsc"]) + w_dI_fpsc) # Heat flow noise on building model for k in range(3): f.append((-Qdot_n_c[k] / self.p["tau_Qdot_n_c"]) + w_Qdot_n_c[k]) for k in range(3): f.append((-Qdot_n_a[k] / self.p["tau_Qdot_n_a"]) + w_Qdot_n_a[k]) # Heat loss noise for solar collectors f.append(w_dalpha_vtsc) f.append(w_dalpha_fpsc) self.f = ca.veccat(*f) # Measurement function self.y = ca.MX.sym("y", self.ny) h = [] h.append(T_hts[0]) h.append(T_hts[1]) h.append(T_hts[2]) h.append(T_hts[3]) h.append(T_lts[0]) h.append(T_lts[1]) h.append(T_fpsc_s) h.append(T_vtsc_s) h.append(T_shx_psc[0]) h.append(T_shx_psc[3]) h.append(T_shx_ssc[0]) h.append(T_shx_ssc[3]) h.append(T_fcu_w) h.append(T_r_c[0]) h.append(T_r_c[1]) h.append(T_r_c[2]) h.append(T_r_a[0]) h.append(T_r_a[1]) h.append(T_r_a[2]) h.append(T_amb) h.append(I_vtsc) h.append(I_fpsc) self.h = ca.veccat(*h)
def _convert(self, symbol, t, y, y_dot, inputs): """ See :meth:`CasadiConverter.convert()`. """ if isinstance( symbol, ( pybamm.Scalar, pybamm.Array, pybamm.Time, pybamm.InputParameter, pybamm.ExternalVariable, ), ): return casadi.MX(symbol.evaluate(t, y, y_dot, inputs)) elif isinstance(symbol, pybamm.StateVector): if y is None: raise ValueError("Must provide a 'y' for converting state vectors") return casadi.vertcat(*[y[y_slice] for y_slice in symbol.y_slices]) elif isinstance(symbol, pybamm.StateVectorDot): if y_dot is None: raise ValueError("Must provide a 'y_dot' for converting state vectors") return casadi.vertcat(*[y_dot[y_slice] for y_slice in symbol.y_slices]) elif isinstance(symbol, pybamm.BinaryOperator): left, right = symbol.children # process children converted_left = self.convert(left, t, y, y_dot, inputs) converted_right = self.convert(right, t, y, y_dot, inputs) if isinstance(symbol, pybamm.Minimum): return casadi.fmin(converted_left, converted_right) if isinstance(symbol, pybamm.Maximum): return casadi.fmax(converted_left, converted_right) # _binary_evaluate defined in derived classes for specific rules return symbol._binary_evaluate(converted_left, converted_right) elif isinstance(symbol, pybamm.UnaryOperator): converted_child = self.convert(symbol.child, t, y, y_dot, inputs) if isinstance(symbol, pybamm.AbsoluteValue): return casadi.fabs(converted_child) return symbol._unary_evaluate(converted_child) elif isinstance(symbol, pybamm.Function): converted_children = [ self.convert(child, t, y, y_dot, inputs) for child in symbol.children ] # Special functions if symbol.function == np.min: return casadi.mmin(*converted_children) elif symbol.function == np.max: return casadi.mmax(*converted_children) elif symbol.function == np.abs: return casadi.fabs(*converted_children) elif symbol.function == np.sqrt: return casadi.sqrt(*converted_children) elif symbol.function == np.sin: return casadi.sin(*converted_children) elif symbol.function == np.arcsinh: return casadi.arcsinh(*converted_children) elif symbol.function == np.arccosh: return casadi.arccosh(*converted_children) elif symbol.function == np.tanh: return casadi.tanh(*converted_children) elif symbol.function == np.cosh: return casadi.cosh(*converted_children) elif symbol.function == np.sinh: return casadi.sinh(*converted_children) elif symbol.function == np.cos: return casadi.cos(*converted_children) elif symbol.function == np.exp: return casadi.exp(*converted_children) elif symbol.function == np.log: return casadi.log(*converted_children) elif symbol.function == np.sign: return casadi.sign(*converted_children) elif isinstance(symbol.function, (PchipInterpolator, CubicSpline)): return casadi.interpolant("LUT", "bspline", [symbol.x], symbol.y)( *converted_children ) elif symbol.function.__name__.startswith("elementwise_grad_of_"): differentiating_child_idx = int(symbol.function.__name__[-1]) # Create dummy symbolic variables in order to differentiate using CasADi dummy_vars = [ casadi.MX.sym("y_" + str(i)) for i in range(len(converted_children)) ] func_diff = casadi.gradient( symbol.differentiated_function(*dummy_vars), dummy_vars[differentiating_child_idx], ) # Create function and evaluate it using the children casadi_func_diff = casadi.Function("func_diff", dummy_vars, [func_diff]) return casadi_func_diff(*converted_children) # Other functions else: return symbol._function_evaluate(converted_children) elif isinstance(symbol, pybamm.Concatenation): converted_children = [ self.convert(child, t, y, y_dot, inputs) for child in symbol.children ] if isinstance(symbol, (pybamm.NumpyConcatenation, pybamm.SparseStack)): return casadi.vertcat(*converted_children) # DomainConcatenation specifies a particular ordering for the concatenation, # which we must follow elif isinstance(symbol, pybamm.DomainConcatenation): slice_starts = [] all_child_vectors = [] for i in range(symbol.secondary_dimensions_npts): child_vectors = [] for child_var, slices in zip( converted_children, symbol._children_slices ): for child_dom, child_slice in slices.items(): slice_starts.append(symbol._slices[child_dom][i].start) child_vectors.append( child_var[child_slice[i].start : child_slice[i].stop] ) all_child_vectors.extend( [v for _, v in sorted(zip(slice_starts, child_vectors))] ) return casadi.vertcat(*all_child_vectors) else: raise TypeError( """ Cannot convert symbol of type '{}' to CasADi. Symbols must all be 'linear algebra' at this stage. """.format( type(symbol) ) )
def opt_mintime(reftrack: np.ndarray, coeffs_x: np.ndarray, coeffs_y: np.ndarray, normvectors: np.ndarray, pars: dict, tpamap_path: str, tpadata_path: str, export_path: str, print_debug: bool = False, plot_debug: bool = False) -> tuple: """ Created by: Fabian Christ Documentation: The minimum lap time problem is described as an optimal control problem, converted to a nonlinear program using direct orthogonal Gauss-Legendre collocation and then solved by the interior-point method IPOPT. Reduced computing times are achieved using a curvilinear abscissa approach for track description, algorithmic differentiation using the software framework CasADi, and a smoothing of the track input data by approximate spline regression. The vehicles behavior is approximated as a double track model with quasi-steady state tire load simplification and nonlinear tire model. Please refer to our paper for further information: Christ, Wischnewski, Heilmeier, Lohmann Time-Optimal Trajectory Planning for a Race Car Considering Variable Tire-Road Friction Coefficients Inputs: reftrack: track [x_m, y_m, w_tr_right_m, w_tr_left_m] coeffs_x: coefficient matrix of the x splines with size (no_splines x 4) coeffs_y: coefficient matrix of the y splines with size (no_splines x 4) normvectors: array containing normalized normal vectors for every traj. point [x_component, y_component] pars: parameters dictionary tpamap_path: file path to tpa map (required for friction map loading) tpadata_path: file path to tpa data (required for friction map loading) export_path: path to output folder for warm start files and solution files print_debug: determines if debug messages are printed plot_debug: determines if debug plots are shown Outputs: alpha_opt: solution vector of the optimization problem containing the lateral shift in m for every point v_opt: velocity profile for the raceline """ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # PREPARE TRACK INFORMATION ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # spline lengths spline_lengths_refline = tph.calc_spline_lengths.calc_spline_lengths( coeffs_x=coeffs_x, coeffs_y=coeffs_y) # calculate heading and curvature (numerically) kappa_refline = tph.calc_head_curv_num. \ calc_head_curv_num(path=reftrack[:, :2], el_lengths=spline_lengths_refline, is_closed=True, stepsize_curv_preview=pars["curv_calc_opts"]["d_preview_curv"], stepsize_curv_review=pars["curv_calc_opts"]["d_review_curv"], stepsize_psi_preview=pars["curv_calc_opts"]["d_preview_head"], stepsize_psi_review=pars["curv_calc_opts"]["d_review_head"])[1] # close track kappa_refline_cl = np.append(kappa_refline, kappa_refline[0]) w_tr_left_cl = np.append(reftrack[:, 3], reftrack[0, 3]) w_tr_right_cl = np.append(reftrack[:, 2], reftrack[0, 2]) # step size along the reference line h = pars["stepsize_opts"]["stepsize_reg"] # optimization steps (0, 1, 2 ... end point/start point) steps = [i for i in range(kappa_refline_cl.size)] # number of control intervals N = steps[-1] # station along the reference line s_opt = np.linspace(0.0, N * h, N + 1) # interpolate curvature of reference line in terms of steps kappa_interp = ca.interpolant('kappa_interp', 'linear', [steps], kappa_refline_cl) # interpolate track width (left and right to reference line) in terms of steps w_tr_left_interp = ca.interpolant('w_tr_left_interp', 'linear', [steps], w_tr_left_cl) w_tr_right_interp = ca.interpolant('w_tr_right_interp', 'linear', [steps], w_tr_right_cl) # describe friction coefficients from friction map with linear equations or gaussian basis functions if pars["optim_opts"]["var_friction"] is not None: w_mue_fl, w_mue_fr, w_mue_rl, w_mue_rr, center_dist = opt_mintime_traj.src. \ approx_friction_map.approx_friction_map(reftrack=reftrack, normvectors=normvectors, tpamap_path=tpamap_path, tpadata_path=tpadata_path, pars=pars, dn=pars["optim_opts"]["dn"], n_gauss=pars["optim_opts"]["n_gauss"], print_debug=print_debug, plot_debug=plot_debug) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # DIRECT GAUSS-LEGENDRE COLLOCATION -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # degree of interpolating polynomial d = 3 # legendre collocation points tau = np.append(0, ca.collocation_points(d, 'legendre')) # coefficient matrix for formulating the collocation equation C = np.zeros((d + 1, d + 1)) # coefficient matrix for formulating the collocation equation D = np.zeros(d + 1) # coefficient matrix for formulating the collocation equation B = np.zeros(d + 1) # construct polynomial basis for j in range(d + 1): # construct Lagrange polynomials to get the polynomial basis at the collocation point p = np.poly1d([1]) for r in range(d + 1): if r != j: p *= np.poly1d([1, -tau[r]]) / (tau[j] - tau[r]) # evaluate polynomial at the final time to get the coefficients of the continuity equation D[j] = p(1.0) # evaluate time derivative of polynomial at collocation points to get the coefficients of continuity equation p_der = np.polyder(p) for r in range(d + 1): C[j, r] = p_der(tau[r]) # evaluate integral of the polynomial to get the coefficients of the quadrature function pint = np.polyint(p) B[j] = pint(1.0) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # STATE VARIABLES -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # number of state variables nx = 5 # velocity [m/s] v_n = ca.SX.sym('v_n') v_s = 50 v = v_s * v_n # side slip angle [rad] beta_n = ca.SX.sym('beta_n') beta_s = 0.5 beta = beta_s * beta_n # yaw rate [rad/s] omega_z_n = ca.SX.sym('omega_z_n') omega_z_s = 1 omega_z = omega_z_s * omega_z_n # lateral distance to reference line (positive = left) [m] n_n = ca.SX.sym('n_n') n_s = 5.0 n = n_s * n_n # relative angle to tangent on reference line [rad] xi_n = ca.SX.sym('xi_n') xi_s = 1.0 xi = xi_s * xi_n # scaling factors for state variables x_s = np.array([v_s, beta_s, omega_z_s, n_s, xi_s]) # put all states together x = ca.vertcat(v_n, beta_n, omega_z_n, n_n, xi_n) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # CONTROL VARIABLES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # number of control variables nu = 4 # steer angle [rad] delta_n = ca.SX.sym('delta_n') delta_s = 0.5 delta = delta_s * delta_n # positive longitudinal force (drive) [N] f_drive_n = ca.SX.sym('f_drive_n') f_drive_s = 7500.0 f_drive = f_drive_s * f_drive_n # negative longitudinal force (brake) [N] f_brake_n = ca.SX.sym('f_brake_n') f_brake_s = 20000.0 f_brake = f_brake_s * f_brake_n # lateral wheel load transfer [N] gamma_y_n = ca.SX.sym('gamma_y_n') gamma_y_s = 5000.0 gamma_y = gamma_y_s * gamma_y_n # scaling factors for control variables u_s = np.array([delta_s, f_drive_s, f_brake_s, gamma_y_s]) # put all controls together u = ca.vertcat(delta_n, f_drive_n, f_brake_n, gamma_y_n) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # MODEL EQUATIONS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # extract vehicle and tire parameters veh = pars["vehicle_params_mintime"] tire = pars["tire_params_mintime"] # general constants g = pars["veh_params"]["g"] rho = pars["veh_params"]["rho_air"] mass = pars["veh_params"]["mass"] # curvature of reference line [rad/m] kappa = ca.SX.sym('kappa') # drag force [N] f_xdrag = pars["veh_params"]["dragcoeff"] * v**2 # rolling resistance forces [N] f_xroll_fl = 0.5 * tire["c_roll"] * mass * g * veh["wheelbase_rear"] / veh[ "wheelbase"] f_xroll_fr = 0.5 * tire["c_roll"] * mass * g * veh["wheelbase_rear"] / veh[ "wheelbase"] f_xroll_rl = 0.5 * tire["c_roll"] * mass * g * veh[ "wheelbase_front"] / veh["wheelbase"] f_xroll_rr = 0.5 * tire["c_roll"] * mass * g * veh[ "wheelbase_front"] / veh["wheelbase"] f_xroll = tire["c_roll"] * mass * g # static normal tire forces [N] f_zstat_fl = 0.5 * mass * g * veh["wheelbase_rear"] / veh["wheelbase"] f_zstat_fr = 0.5 * mass * g * veh["wheelbase_rear"] / veh["wheelbase"] f_zstat_rl = 0.5 * mass * g * veh["wheelbase_front"] / veh["wheelbase"] f_zstat_rr = 0.5 * mass * g * veh["wheelbase_front"] / veh["wheelbase"] # dynamic normal tire forces (aerodynamic downforces) [N] f_zlift_fl = 0.5 * 0.5 * veh["clA_front"] * rho * v**2 f_zlift_fr = 0.5 * 0.5 * veh["clA_front"] * rho * v**2 f_zlift_rl = 0.5 * 0.5 * veh["clA_rear"] * rho * v**2 f_zlift_rr = 0.5 * 0.5 * veh["clA_rear"] * rho * v**2 # dynamic normal tire forces (load transfers) [N] f_zdyn_fl = (-0.5 * veh["cog_z"] / veh["wheelbase"] * (f_drive + f_brake - f_xdrag - f_xroll) - veh["k_roll"] * gamma_y) f_zdyn_fr = (-0.5 * veh["cog_z"] / veh["wheelbase"] * (f_drive + f_brake - f_xdrag - f_xroll) + veh["k_roll"] * gamma_y) f_zdyn_rl = (0.5 * veh["cog_z"] / veh["wheelbase"] * (f_drive + f_brake - f_xdrag - f_xroll) - (1.0 - veh["k_roll"]) * gamma_y) f_zdyn_rr = (0.5 * veh["cog_z"] / veh["wheelbase"] * (f_drive + f_brake - f_xdrag - f_xroll) + (1.0 - veh["k_roll"]) * gamma_y) # sum of all normal tire forces [N] f_z_fl = f_zstat_fl + f_zlift_fl + f_zdyn_fl f_z_fr = f_zstat_fr + f_zlift_fr + f_zdyn_fr f_z_rl = f_zstat_rl + f_zlift_rl + f_zdyn_rl f_z_rr = f_zstat_rr + f_zlift_rr + f_zdyn_rr # slip angles [rad] alpha_fl = delta - ca.atan( (v * ca.sin(beta) + veh["wheelbase_front"] * omega_z) / (v * ca.cos(beta) - 0.5 * veh["track_width_front"] * omega_z)) alpha_fr = delta - ca.atan( (v * ca.sin(beta) + veh["wheelbase_front"] * omega_z) / (v * ca.cos(beta) + 0.5 * veh["track_width_front"] * omega_z)) alpha_rl = ca.atan( (-v * ca.sin(beta) + veh["wheelbase_rear"] * omega_z) / (v * ca.cos(beta) - 0.5 * veh["track_width_rear"] * omega_z)) alpha_rr = ca.atan( (-v * ca.sin(beta) + veh["wheelbase_rear"] * omega_z) / (v * ca.cos(beta) + 0.5 * veh["track_width_rear"] * omega_z)) # lateral tire forces [N] f_y_fl = (pars["optim_opts"]["mue"] * f_z_fl * (1 + tire["eps_front"] * f_z_fl / tire["f_z0"]) * ca.sin(tire["C_front"] * ca.atan(tire["B_front"] * alpha_fl - tire["E_front"] * (tire["B_front"] * alpha_fl - ca.atan(tire["B_front"] * alpha_fl))))) f_y_fr = (pars["optim_opts"]["mue"] * f_z_fr * (1 + tire["eps_front"] * f_z_fr / tire["f_z0"]) * ca.sin(tire["C_front"] * ca.atan(tire["B_front"] * alpha_fr - tire["E_front"] * (tire["B_front"] * alpha_fr - ca.atan(tire["B_front"] * alpha_fr))))) f_y_rl = (pars["optim_opts"]["mue"] * f_z_rl * (1 + tire["eps_rear"] * f_z_rl / tire["f_z0"]) * ca.sin(tire["C_rear"] * ca.atan(tire["B_rear"] * alpha_rl - tire["E_rear"] * (tire["B_rear"] * alpha_rl - ca.atan(tire["B_rear"] * alpha_rl))))) f_y_rr = (pars["optim_opts"]["mue"] * f_z_rr * (1 + tire["eps_rear"] * f_z_rr / tire["f_z0"]) * ca.sin(tire["C_rear"] * ca.atan(tire["B_rear"] * alpha_rr - tire["E_rear"] * (tire["B_rear"] * alpha_rr - ca.atan(tire["B_rear"] * alpha_rr))))) # longitudinal tire forces [N] f_x_fl = 0.5 * f_drive * veh["k_drive_front"] + 0.5 * f_brake * veh[ "k_brake_front"] - f_xroll_fl f_x_fr = 0.5 * f_drive * veh["k_drive_front"] + 0.5 * f_brake * veh[ "k_brake_front"] - f_xroll_fr f_x_rl = 0.5 * f_drive * (1 - veh["k_drive_front"]) + 0.5 * f_brake * ( 1 - veh["k_brake_front"]) - f_xroll_rl f_x_rr = 0.5 * f_drive * (1 - veh["k_drive_front"]) + 0.5 * f_brake * ( 1 - veh["k_brake_front"]) - f_xroll_rr # longitudinal acceleration [m/s²] ax = (f_x_rl + f_x_rr + (f_x_fl + f_x_fr) * ca.cos(delta) - (f_y_fl + f_y_fr) * ca.sin(delta) - pars["veh_params"]["dragcoeff"] * v**2) / mass # lateral acceleration [m/s²] ay = ((f_x_fl + f_x_fr) * ca.sin(delta) + f_y_rl + f_y_rr + (f_y_fl + f_y_fr) * ca.cos(delta)) / mass # time-distance scaling factor (dt/ds) sf = (1.0 - n * kappa) / (v * (ca.cos(xi + beta))) # model equations for two track model (ordinary differential equations) dv = (sf / mass) * ( (f_x_rl + f_x_rr) * ca.cos(beta) + (f_x_fl + f_x_fr) * ca.cos(delta - beta) + (f_y_rl + f_y_rr) * ca.sin(beta) - (f_y_fl + f_y_fr) * ca.sin(delta - beta) - f_xdrag * ca.cos(beta)) dbeta = sf * ( -omega_z + (-(f_x_rl + f_x_rr) * ca.sin(beta) + (f_x_fl + f_x_fr) * ca.sin(delta - beta) + (f_y_rl + f_y_rr) * ca.cos(beta) + (f_y_fl + f_y_fr) * ca.cos(delta - beta) + f_xdrag * ca.sin(beta)) / (mass * v)) domega_z = (sf / veh["I_z"]) * ( (f_x_rr - f_x_rl) * veh["track_width_rear"] / 2 - (f_y_rl + f_y_rr) * veh["wheelbase_rear"] + ((f_x_fr - f_x_fl) * ca.cos(delta) + (f_y_fl - f_y_fr) * ca.sin(delta)) * veh["track_width_front"] / 2 + ((f_y_fl + f_y_fr) * ca.cos(delta) + (f_x_fl + f_x_fr) * ca.sin(delta)) * veh["track_width_front"]) dn = sf * v * ca.sin(xi + beta) dxi = sf * omega_z - kappa # put all ODEs together dx = ca.vertcat(dv, dbeta, domega_z, dn, dxi) / x_s # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # CONTROL BOUNDARIES ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ delta_min = -veh["delta_max"] / delta_s # min. steer angle [rad] delta_max = veh["delta_max"] / delta_s # max. steer angle [rad] f_drive_min = 0.0 # min. longitudinal drive force [N] f_drive_max = veh[ "f_drive_max"] / f_drive_s # max. longitudinal drive force [N] f_brake_min = -veh[ "f_brake_max"] / f_brake_s # min. longitudinal brake force [N] f_brake_max = 0.0 # max. longitudinal brake force [N] gamma_y_min = -np.inf # min. lateral wheel load transfer [N] gamma_y_max = np.inf # max. lateral wheel load transfer [N] # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # STATE BOUNDARIES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ v_min = 1.0 / v_s # min. velocity [m/s] v_max = pars["optim_opts"]["v_max"] / v_s # max. velocity [m/s] beta_min = -0.5 * np.pi / beta_s # min. side slip angle [rad] beta_max = 0.5 * np.pi / beta_s # max. side slip angle [rad] omega_z_min = -0.5 * np.pi / omega_z_s # min. yaw rate [rad/s] omega_z_max = 0.5 * np.pi / omega_z_s # max. yaw rate [rad/s] xi_min = -0.5 * np.pi / xi_s # min. relative angle to tangent on reference line [rad] xi_max = 0.5 * np.pi / xi_s # max. relative angle to tangent on reference line [rad] # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # INITIAL GUESS FOR DECISION VARIABLES ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ v_guess = 20.0 / v_s # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # HELPER FUNCTIONS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # continuous time dynamics f_dyn = ca.Function('f_dyn', [x, u, kappa], [dx, sf], ['x', 'u', 'kappa'], ['dx', 'sf']) # longitudinal tire forces [N] f_fx = ca.Function('f_fx', [x, u], [f_x_fl, f_x_fr, f_x_rl, f_x_rr], ['x', 'u'], ['f_x_fl', 'f_x_fr', 'f_x_rl', 'f_x_rr']) # lateral tire forces [N] f_fy = ca.Function('f_fy', [x, u], [f_y_fl, f_y_fr, f_y_rl, f_y_rr], ['x', 'u'], ['f_y_fl', 'f_y_fr', 'f_y_rl', 'f_y_rr']) # vertical tire forces [N] f_fz = ca.Function('f_fz', [x, u], [f_z_fl, f_z_fr, f_z_rl, f_z_rr], ['x', 'u'], ['f_z_fl', 'f_z_fr', 'f_z_rl', 'f_z_rr']) # longitudinal and lateral acceleration [m/s²] f_a = ca.Function('f_a', [x, u], [ax, ay], ['x', 'u'], ['ax', 'ay']) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # FORMULATE NONLINEAR PROGRAM -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # initialize NLP vectors w = [] w0 = [] lbw = [] ubw = [] J = 0 g = [] lbg = [] ubg = [] # initialize ouput vectors x_opt = [] u_opt = [] dt_opt = [] tf_opt = [] ax_opt = [] ay_opt = [] ec_opt = [] # initialize control vectors (for regularization) delta_p = [] F_p = [] # boundary constraint: lift initial conditions Xk = ca.MX.sym('X0', nx) w.append(Xk) n_min = (-w_tr_right_interp(0) + pars["optim_opts"]["width_opt"] / 2) / n_s n_max = (w_tr_left_interp(0) - pars["optim_opts"]["width_opt"] / 2) / n_s lbw.append([v_min, beta_min, omega_z_min, n_min, xi_min]) ubw.append([v_max, beta_max, omega_z_max, n_max, xi_max]) w0.append([v_guess, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]) x_opt.append(Xk * x_s) # loop along the racetrack and formulate path constraints & system dynamic for k in range(N): # add decision variables for the control Uk = ca.MX.sym('U_' + str(k), nu) w.append(Uk) lbw.append([delta_min, f_drive_min, f_brake_min, gamma_y_min]) ubw.append([delta_max, f_drive_max, f_brake_max, gamma_y_max]) w0.append([0.0] * nu) # add decision variables for the state at collocation points Xc = [] for j in range(d): Xkj = ca.MX.sym('X_' + str(k) + '_' + str(j), nx) Xc.append(Xkj) w.append(Xkj) lbw.append([-np.inf] * nx) ubw.append([np.inf] * nx) w0.append([v_guess, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]) # loop over all collocation points Xk_end = D[0] * Xk sf_opt = [] for j in range(1, d + 1): # calculate the state derivative at the collocation point xp = C[0, j] * Xk for r in range(d): xp = xp + C[r + 1, j] * Xc[r] # interpolate kappa at the collocation point kappa_col = kappa_interp(k + tau[j]) # append collocation equations (system dynamic) fj, qj = f_dyn(Xc[j - 1], Uk, kappa_col) g.append(h * fj - xp) lbg.append([0.0] * nx) ubg.append([0.0] * nx) # add contribution to the end state Xk_end = Xk_end + D[j] * Xc[j - 1] # add contribution to quadrature function J = J + B[j] * qj * h # add contribution to scaling factor (for calculating lap time) sf_opt.append(B[j] * qj * h) # calculate used energy dt_opt.append(sf_opt[0] + sf_opt[1] + sf_opt[2]) ec_opt.append(Xk[0] * v_s * Uk[1] * f_drive_s * dt_opt[-1]) # add new decision variables for state at end of the collocation interval Xk = ca.MX.sym('X_' + str(k + 1), nx) w.append(Xk) n_min = (-w_tr_right_interp(k + 1) + pars["optim_opts"]["width_opt"] / 2.0) / n_s n_max = (w_tr_left_interp(k + 1) - pars["optim_opts"]["width_opt"] / 2.0) / n_s lbw.append([v_min, beta_min, omega_z_min, n_min, xi_min]) ubw.append([v_max, beta_max, omega_z_max, n_max, xi_max]) w0.append([v_guess, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]) # add equality constraint g.append(Xk_end - Xk) lbg.append([0.0] * nx) ubg.append([0.0] * nx) # get tire forces f_x_flk, f_x_frk, f_x_rlk, f_x_rrk = f_fx(Xk, Uk) f_y_flk, f_y_frk, f_y_rlk, f_y_rrk = f_fy(Xk, Uk) f_z_flk, f_z_frk, f_z_rlk, f_z_rrk = f_fz(Xk, Uk) # get accelerations (longitudinal + lateral) axk, ayk = f_a(Xk, Uk) # path constraint: limitied engine power g.append(Xk[0] * Uk[1]) lbg.append([-np.inf]) ubg.append([veh["power_max"] / (f_drive_s * v_s)]) # get constant friction coefficient if pars["optim_opts"]["var_friction"] is None: mue_fl = pars["optim_opts"]["mue"] mue_fr = pars["optim_opts"]["mue"] mue_rl = pars["optim_opts"]["mue"] mue_rr = pars["optim_opts"]["mue"] # calculate variable friction coefficients along the reference line (regression with linear equations) elif pars["optim_opts"]["var_friction"] == "linear": # friction coefficient for each tire mue_fl = w_mue_fl[k + 1, 0] * Xk[3] * n_s + w_mue_fl[k + 1, 1] mue_fr = w_mue_fr[k + 1, 0] * Xk[3] * n_s + w_mue_fr[k + 1, 1] mue_rl = w_mue_rl[k + 1, 0] * Xk[3] * n_s + w_mue_rl[k + 1, 1] mue_rr = w_mue_rr[k + 1, 0] * Xk[3] * n_s + w_mue_rr[k + 1, 1] # calculate variable friction coefficients along the reference line (regression with gaussian basis functions) elif pars["optim_opts"]["var_friction"] == "gauss": # gaussian basis functions sigma = 2.0 * center_dist[k + 1, 0] n_gauss = pars["optim_opts"]["n_gauss"] n_q = np.linspace(-n_gauss, n_gauss, 2 * n_gauss + 1) * center_dist[k + 1, 0] gauss_basis = [] for i in range(2 * n_gauss + 1): gauss_basis.append( ca.exp(-(Xk[3] * n_s - n_q[i])**2 / (2 * (sigma**2)))) gauss_basis = ca.vertcat(*gauss_basis) mue_fl =[k + 1, :-1], gauss_basis) + w_mue_fl[k + 1, -1] mue_fr =[k + 1, :-1], gauss_basis) + w_mue_fr[k + 1, -1] mue_rl =[k + 1, :-1], gauss_basis) + w_mue_rl[k + 1, -1] mue_rr =[k + 1, :-1], gauss_basis) + w_mue_rr[k + 1, -1] else: raise ValueError("No friction coefficients are available!") # path constraint: Kamm's Circle for each wheel g.append(((f_x_flk / (mue_fl * f_z_flk))**2 + (f_y_flk / (mue_fl * f_z_flk))**2)) g.append(((f_x_frk / (mue_fr * f_z_frk))**2 + (f_y_frk / (mue_fr * f_z_frk))**2)) g.append(((f_x_rlk / (mue_rl * f_z_rlk))**2 + (f_y_rlk / (mue_rl * f_z_rlk))**2)) g.append(((f_x_rrk / (mue_rr * f_z_rrk))**2 + (f_y_rrk / (mue_rr * f_z_rrk))**2)) lbg.append([0.0] * 4) ubg.append([1.0] * 4) # path constraint: lateral wheel load transfer g.append(( (f_y_flk + f_y_frk) * ca.cos(Uk[0] * delta_s) + f_y_rlk + f_y_rrk + (f_x_flk + f_x_frk) * ca.sin(Uk[0] * delta_s)) * veh["cog_z"] / ((veh["track_width_front"] + veh["track_width_rear"]) / 2) - Uk[3] * gamma_y_s) lbg.append([0.0]) ubg.append([0.0]) # path constraint: f_drive * f_brake == 0 (no simultaneous operation of brake and accelerator pedal) g.append(Uk[1] * Uk[2]) lbg.append([-20000.0 / (f_drive_s * f_brake_s)]) ubg.append([0.0]) # path constraint: actor dynamic if k > 0: sigma = (1 - kappa_interp(k) * Xk[3] * n_s) / (Xk[0] * v_s) g.append((Uk - w[1 + (k - 1) * nx]) / (pars["stepsize_opts"]["stepsize_reg"] * sigma)) lbg.append([ delta_min / (veh["t_delta"]), -np.inf, f_brake_min / (veh["t_brake"]), -np.inf ]) ubg.append([ delta_max / (veh["t_delta"]), f_drive_max / (veh["t_drive"]), np.inf, np.inf ]) # path constraint: safe trajectories with acceleration ellipse if pars["optim_opts"]["safe_traj"]: g.append((ca.fmax(axk, 0) / pars["optim_opts"]["ax_pos_safe"])**2 + (ayk / pars["optim_opts"]["ay_safe"])**2) g.append((ca.fmin(axk, 0) / pars["optim_opts"]["ax_neg_safe"])**2 + (ayk / pars["optim_opts"]["ay_safe"])**2) lbg.append([0.0] * 2) ubg.append([1.0] * 2) # append controls (for regularization) delta_p.append(Uk[0] * delta_s) F_p.append(Uk[1] * f_drive_s / 10000.0 + Uk[2] * f_brake_s / 10000.0) # append outputs x_opt.append(Xk * x_s) u_opt.append(Uk * u_s) tf_opt.extend([f_x_flk, f_y_flk, f_z_flk, f_x_frk, f_y_frk, f_z_frk]) tf_opt.extend([f_x_rlk, f_y_rlk, f_z_rlk, f_x_rrk, f_y_rrk, f_z_rrk]) ax_opt.append(axk) ay_opt.append(ayk) # boundary constraint: start states = final states g.append(w[0] - Xk) lbg.append([0.0] * nx) ubg.append([0.0] * nx) # path constraint: limited energy consumption if pars["optim_opts"]["limit_energy"]: g.append(ca.sum1(ca.vertcat(*ec_opt)) / 3600000.0) lbg.append([0]) ubg.append([pars["optim_opts"]["energy_limit"]]) # formulate differentiation matrix (for regularization) diff_matrix = np.eye(N) for i in range(N - 1): diff_matrix[i, i + 1] = -1.0 diff_matrix[N - 1, 0] = -1.0 # regularization (delta) delta_p = ca.vertcat(*delta_p) Jp_delta = ca.mtimes(ca.MX(diff_matrix), delta_p) Jp_delta =, Jp_delta) # regularization (f_drive + f_brake) F_p = ca.vertcat(*F_p) Jp_f = ca.mtimes(ca.MX(diff_matrix), F_p) Jp_f =, Jp_f) # formulate objective J = J + pars["optim_opts"]["penalty_F"] * Jp_f + pars["optim_opts"][ "penalty_delta"] * Jp_delta # concatenate NLP vectors w = ca.vertcat(*w) g = ca.vertcat(*g) w0 = np.concatenate(w0) lbw = np.concatenate(lbw) ubw = np.concatenate(ubw) lbg = np.concatenate(lbg) ubg = np.concatenate(ubg) # concatenate output vectors x_opt = ca.vertcat(*x_opt) u_opt = ca.vertcat(*u_opt) tf_opt = ca.vertcat(*tf_opt) dt_opt = ca.vertcat(*dt_opt) ax_opt = ca.vertcat(*ax_opt) ay_opt = ca.vertcat(*ay_opt) ec_opt = ca.vertcat(*ec_opt) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # CREATE NLP SOLVER ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # fill nlp structure nlp = {'f': J, 'x': w, 'g': g} # solver options opts = { "expand": True, "verbose": print_debug, "ipopt.max_iter": 2000, "ipopt.tol": 1e-7 } # solver options for warm start if pars["optim_opts"]["warm_start"]: opts_warm_start = { "ipopt.warm_start_init_point": "yes", "ipopt.warm_start_bound_push": 1e-9, "ipopt.warm_start_mult_bound_push": 1e-9, "ipopt.warm_start_slack_bound_push": 1e-9, "ipopt.mu_init": 1e-9 } opts.update(opts_warm_start) # load warm start files if pars["optim_opts"]["warm_start"]: try: w0 = np.loadtxt(os.path.join(export_path, 'w0.csv')) lam_x0 = np.loadtxt(os.path.join(export_path, 'lam_x0.csv')) lam_g0 = np.loadtxt(os.path.join(export_path, 'lam_g0.csv')) except IOError: print('\033[91m' + 'WARNING: Failed to load warm start files!' + '\033[0m') sys.exit(1) # check warm start files if pars["optim_opts"]["warm_start"] and not len(w0) == len(lbw): print( '\033[91m' + 'WARNING: Warm start files do not fit to the dimension of the NLP!' + '\033[0m') sys.exit(1) # create solver instance solver = ca.nlpsol("solver", "ipopt", nlp, opts) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # SOLVE NLP -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # start time measure t0 = time.perf_counter() # solve NLP if pars["optim_opts"]["warm_start"]: sol = solver(x0=w0, lbx=lbw, ubx=ubw, lbg=lbg, ubg=ubg, lam_x0=lam_x0, lam_g0=lam_g0) else: sol = solver(x0=w0, lbx=lbw, ubx=ubw, lbg=lbg, ubg=ubg) # end time measure tend = time.perf_counter() # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # EXTRACT SOLUTION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # helper function to extract solution for state variables, control variables, tire forces, time f_sol = ca.Function( 'f_sol', [w], [x_opt, u_opt, tf_opt, dt_opt, ax_opt, ay_opt, ec_opt], ['w'], ['x_opt', 'u_opt', 'tf_opt', 'dt_opt', 'ax_opt', 'ay_opt', 'ec_opt']) # extract solution x_opt, u_opt, tf_opt, dt_opt, ax_opt, ay_opt, ec_opt = f_sol(sol['x']) # solution for state variables x_opt = np.reshape(x_opt, (N + 1, nx)) # solution for control variables u_opt = np.reshape(u_opt, (N, nu)) # solution for tire forces tf_opt = np.append(tf_opt[-12:], tf_opt[:]) tf_opt = np.reshape(tf_opt, (N + 1, 12)) # solution for time t_opt = np.hstack((0.0, np.cumsum(dt_opt))) # solution for acceleration ax_opt = np.append(ax_opt[-1], ax_opt) ay_opt = np.append(ay_opt[-1], ay_opt) atot_opt = np.sqrt(np.power(ax_opt, 2) + np.power(ay_opt, 2)) # solution for energy consumption ec_opt_cum = np.hstack((0.0, np.cumsum(ec_opt))) / 3600.0 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # EXPORT SOLUTION -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # export data to CSVs opt_mintime_traj.src.export_mintime_solution.export_mintime_solution( file_path=export_path, s=s_opt, t=t_opt, x=x_opt, u=u_opt, tf=tf_opt, ax=ax_opt, ay=ay_opt, atot=atot_opt, w0=sol["x"], lam_x0=sol["lam_x"], lam_g0=sol["lam_g"]) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # PLOT & PRINT RESULTS --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ if plot_debug: opt_mintime_traj.src.result_plots_mintime.result_plots_mintime( pars=pars, reftrack=reftrack, s=s_opt, t=t_opt, x=x_opt, u=u_opt, ax=ax_opt, ay=ay_opt, atot=atot_opt, tf=tf_opt, ec=ec_opt_cum) if print_debug: print("INFO: Laptime: %.3fs" % t_opt[-1]) print("INFO: NLP solving time: %.3fs" % (tend - t0)) print("INFO: Maximum abs(ay): %.2fm/s2" % np.amax(ay_opt)) print("INFO: Maximum ax: %.2fm/s2" % np.amax(ax_opt)) print("INFO: Minimum ax: %.2fm/s2" % np.amin(ax_opt)) print("INFO: Maximum total acc: %.2fm/s2" % np.amax(atot_opt)) print('INFO: Energy consumption: %.3fWh' % ec_opt_cum[-1]) return -x_opt[:-1, 3], x_opt[:-1, 0]
def rpm_sweep(prop_name, v0, kv0, i0_motor0, V_inf0, R_motor0): prop_data = prop_db[prop_name] key0 = list(prop_data['dynamic'].keys())[0] my_prop = prop_data['dynamic'][key0]['data'] CT_lut = ca.interpolant('CT', 'bspline', [my_prop.index], my_prop.CT) CP_lut = ca.interpolant('CP', 'bspline', [my_prop.index], my_prop.CP) eta_lut = ca.interpolant('CP', 'bspline', [my_prop.index], my_prop.eta) eta_prop_lut = ca.interpolant('eta', 'bspline', [my_prop.index], my_prop.eta) Q_prop_lut = ca.substitute(Q_prop, CP, CP_lut(J)) T_prop_lut = ca.substitute(T_prop, CT, CT_lut(J)) states = ca.vertcat(rpm_prop) params = ca.vertcat(rho, r_prop_in, v_batt, Kv_motor, i0_motor, V_inf, R_motor) p0 = [1.225, prop_data['D'] / 2, v0, kv0, i0_motor0, V_inf0, R_motor0] f_Q_prop = ca.Function('Q_prop', [states, params], [Q_prop_lut]) f_Q_motor = ca.Function('Q_motor', [states, params], [Q_motor]) f_T_prop = ca.Function('T_prop', [states, params], [T_prop_lut]) f_eta_motor = ca.Function('eta_motor', [states, params], [eta_motor]) f_eta_prop = ca.Function('eta_prop', [states, params], [eta_prop_lut(J)]) f_eta = ca.Function('eta', [states, params], [eta_prop_lut(J) * eta_motor]) rpm = np.array([np.linspace(0, 4000, 1000)]) plt.figure() plt.subplot(311) plt.plot(rpm.T, f_Q_motor(rpm, p0).T, label='motor') plt.plot(rpm.T, f_Q_prop(rpm, p0).T, label='prop') plt.title('prop motor matching') plt.legend() plt.ylabel('torque, N-m') plt.grid(True) plt.subplot(312) plt.plot(rpm.T, f_T_prop(rpm, p0).T, label='prop') plt.legend() plt.ylabel('thrust, N') plt.grid(True) plt.subplot(313) plt.plot(rpm.T, f_eta_motor(rpm, p0).T, label='motor') plt.plot(rpm.T, f_eta_prop(rpm, p0).T, label='prop') plt.plot(rpm.T, f_eta(rpm, p0).T, label='total') plt.xlabel('prop angular velocity, rpm') plt.ylabel('efficiency') plt.grid(True) plt.legend() plt.gca().set_ylim(0, 1) ## scipy.sparse.csc_matrix is said to be better by casadi author f_eta_prop_array = np.array(f_eta_prop(rpm, p0))[0] max_eta_prop = np.nanmax(f_eta_prop_array) index = np.where(f_eta_prop_array == max_eta_prop) omega = rpm[0][index][0] T = np.array(f_T_prop(omega, p0))[0] Q = np.array(f_Q_prop(omega, p0))[0] display(Math(r'\eta_{prop, max} = ' + str(max_eta_prop) \ + r'\ at\ \Omega =\ ' + str(omega) + r'\ \frac{rev}{min}')) ## TODO get ideal motor properties in a dictionary and store them, including motor eta data = { 'prop_name': prop_name, 'max_eta_prop': max_eta_prop, 'omega': omega, 'T': T, 'Q': Q } store(data)
def __interpolate__(self): self.x_B = [] self.dx_B = [] self.z_B = [] self.dz_B = [] self.q_H = [] self.dq_H = [] self.q_K = [] self.dq_K = [] self.u_K = [] self.u_H = [] if self.debug: if self.var_dt: self.dt = self.opti.debug.value(self.h) else: self.dt = self.h for i in range(self.N): self.x_B.append(self.opti.debug.value(self.states[0, i])) self.z_B.append(self.opti.debug.value(self.states[1, i])) self.q_H.append(self.opti.debug.value(self.states[2, i])) self.q_K.append(self.opti.debug.value(self.states[3, i])) self.dx_B.append(self.opti.debug.value(self.dstates[0, i])) self.dz_B.append(self.opti.debug.value(self.dstates[1, i])) self.dq_H.append(self.opti.debug.value(self.dstates[2, i])) self.dq_K.append(self.opti.debug.value(self.dstates[3, i])) self.u_H.append(self.opti.debug.value(self.actions[0, i])) self.u_K.append(self.opti.debug.value(self.actions[1, i])) else: if self.var_dt: self.dt = self.solution.value(self.h) else: self.dt = self.h for i in range(self.N): self.x_B.append(self.solution.value(self.states[0, i])) self.z_B.append(self.solution.value(self.states[1, i])) self.q_H.append(self.solution.value(self.states[2, i])) self.q_K.append(self.solution.value(self.states[3, i])) self.dx_B.append(self.solution.value(self.dstates[0, i])) self.dz_B.append(self.solution.value(self.dstates[1, i])) self.dq_H.append(self.solution.value(self.dstates[2, i])) self.dq_K.append(self.solution.value(self.dstates[3, i])) self.u_H.append(self.solution.value(self.actions[0, i])) self.u_K.append(self.solution.value(self.actions[1, i])) self.k = self.model.dt / 8 self.t = np.linspace(0, self.N * self.dt, int(self.N * self.dt / self.k)) print(self.dt) self.t_points = np.linspace(0, self.N * self.dt, self.N) x_B_spline_function = ca.interpolant('LUT', 'bspline', [self.t_points], self.x_B) self.x_B_spline = x_B_spline_function(self.t) z_B_spline_function = ca.interpolant('LUT', 'bspline', [self.t_points], self.z_B) self.z_B_spline = z_B_spline_function(self.t) q_H_spline_function = ca.interpolant('LUT', 'bspline', [self.t_points], self.q_H) self.q_H_spline = q_H_spline_function(self.t) q_K_spline_function = ca.interpolant('LUT', 'bspline', [self.t_points], self.q_K) self.q_K_spline = q_K_spline_function(self.t) dx_B_spline_function = ca.interpolant('LUT', 'bspline', [self.t_points], self.dx_B) self.dx_B_spline = dx_B_spline_function(self.t) dz_B_spline_function = ca.interpolant('LUT', 'bspline', [self.t_points], self.dz_B) self.dz_B_spline = dz_B_spline_function(self.t) dq_H_spline_function = ca.interpolant('LUT', 'bspline', [self.t_points], self.dq_H) self.dq_H_spline = dq_H_spline_function(self.t) dq_K_spline_function = ca.interpolant('LUT', 'bspline', [self.t_points], self.dq_K) self.dq_K_spline = dq_K_spline_function(self.t) self.__plot__()
def lin_interpolant(self, x: np.ndarray, y: np.ndarray) -> ca.interpolant: """Creates a differentiable Casadi interpolant object to linearly interpolate y from x""" return ca.interpolant('LUT', 'linear', [x], y)
from sys import path # temp intallation folder of CasADi (pre-compiled version) path.append(r"/home/theo/software/tools/CasADi/test/casadi-linux-py27-58aa427") import casadi as ca import numpy as np xgrid = np.linspace(1,6,6) V = [-1,-1,-2,-3,0,2] lut = ca.interpolant('LUT','bspline',[xgrid],V) print(lut(2.5)) ############################################# xgrid = np.linspace(-5,5,11) ygrid = np.linspace(-4,4,9) X,Y = np.meshgrid(xgrid,ygrid,indexing='ij') R = np.sqrt(5*X**2 + Y**2)+ 1 data = np.sin(R)/R data_flat = data.ravel(order='F') print data.shape dataXY = np.array([X,Y]) dataXY_flat = dataXY.ravel(order='F') print dataXY_flat.shape # lut = ca.interpolant('name','bspline',[xgrid,ygrid],data_flat) lut = ca.interpolant('name','bspline',data_flat, [X,Y]) print(lut([0.5,1]))
env_map = RaceMap('RaceTrack1020') s = env_map.start e = env_map.end path_finder = PathFinder(env_map.obs_hm._check_line, env_map.start, env_map.end) path = path_finder.run_search(5) # env_map.obs_hm.show_map(True, path) xgrid = np.linspace(0, 100, 100) ygrid = np.linspace(0, 100, 100) # flat_track = track.ravel(order='F') flat_track = env_map.obs_hm.race_map flat_track = flat_track.ravel('F') flat_track = [1 if flat_track[i] else 0 for i in range(len(flat_track))] lut = ca.interpolant('lut', 'bspline', [xgrid, ygrid], flat_track) print(lut([90, 48])) print(lut([48, 90])) N = len(path) x = ca.MX.sym('x', N) y = ca.MX.sym('y', N) th = ca.MX.sym('th', N) ds = ca.MX.sym('ds', N) nlp = {\ 'x': ca.vertcat(x, y, th, ds), 'f': ca.sum1(ds) ,#+ ca.sumsqr(th[1:] - th[:-1]) * 1000, # a curve term will be added here # 'f': ca.sumsqr(th[1:] - th[:-1]),
tunnel_s1 = np.linspace(0, 1, tlength1) bx = ocp.parameter(NB) by = ocp.parameter(NB) br = ocp.parameter(NB) ocp.set_value(bx, shifted_midpoints_x) ocp.set_value(by, shifted_midpoints_y) ocp.set_value(br, shifted_radii) ocp.subject_to( ocp.at_tf(s_obs) <= 1 ) # effect unclear === the path given is long = first ocp iteration will not get there if dt is small obs_spline_x = interpolant('x', 'bspline', [tunnel_s1], 1, { "algorithm": "smooth_linear", "smooth_linear_frac": 0.49 }) obs_spline_y = interpolant('y', 'bspline', [tunnel_s1], 1, { "algorithm": "smooth_linear", "smooth_linear_frac": 0.49 }) obs_spline_r = interpolant('r', 'bspline', [tunnel_s1], 1, { "algorithm": "smooth_linear", "smooth_linear_frac": 0.49 }) ocp.subject_to(x > 0) ocp.subject_to((x - obs_spline_x(s_obs, bx))**2 + (y - obs_spline_y(s_obs, by))**2 - (obs_spline_r(s_obs, br))**2 < 0)
def prepare(prop_name, V_inf0, thrust_required, margin, max_volts): prop_data = prop_db[prop_name] key0 = list(prop_data['dynamic'].keys())[0] my_prop = prop_data['dynamic'][key0]['data'] CT_lut = ca.interpolant('CT', 'bspline', [my_prop.index], my_prop.CT) CP_lut = ca.interpolant('CP', 'bspline', [my_prop.index], my_prop.CP) eta_prop_lut = ca.interpolant('eta', 'bspline', [my_prop.index], my_prop.eta) Q_prop_lut = ca.substitute(Q_prop, CP, CP_lut(J)) T_prop_lut = ca.substitute(T_prop, CT, CT_lut(J)) states = ca.vertcat(rpm_prop) params = ca.vertcat(rho, r_prop_in, V_inf) p0 = [1.225, prop_data['D'] / 2, V_inf0] f_Q_prop = ca.Function('Q_prop', [states, params], [Q_prop_lut]) f_T_prop = ca.Function('T_prop', [states, params], [T_prop_lut]) f_eta_prop = ca.Function('eta_prop', [states, params], [eta_prop_lut(J)]) f_thrustC_prop = ca.Function('CT_prop', [states, params], [CT_lut(J)]) f_powerC_prop = ca.Function('CP_prop', [states, params], [CP_lut(J)]) rpm = np.array([np.linspace(1, 5000, 1000)]) #ct_J = np.around([V_inf0/(r*rpm_to_rps*prop_data['D']) for r in ct_rpm[0]], decimals=4) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 8)) ###ax1 = plt.subplot(511) ###plt.plot(rpm.T, f_Q_prop(rpm, p0).T, label='prop') #plt.plot(motor_omega, Q_m, '--', label='motor') ###plt.ylabel('torque, N-m') ###plt.legend() ###plt.grid(True) #ax2 = plt.subplot(512) #plt.plot(rpm.T, f_T_prop(rpm, p0).T, label='prop') #plt.ylabel('thrust, N') #plt.grid(True) #ax3 = plt.subplot(513) #plt.plot(rpm.T, f_eta_prop(rpm, p0).T, label='prop') #plt.xlabel('prop angular velocity, rpm') #plt.ylabel('efficiency') #plt.grid(True) ax4 = plt.subplot(514) plt.plot(rpm.T, f_thrustC_prop(rpm, p0).T, label='prop') plt.xlabel('Advance Ratio not') plt.ylabel('CT') plt.grid(True) ax5 = plt.subplot(515) plt.plot(rpm.T, f_powerC_prop(rpm, p0).T, label='prop') plt.xlabel('Advance Ratio not') plt.ylabel('CP') plt.grid(True) #ax1.set_ylim([0, 0.01]) #ax1.set_xlim([1,3000]) #ax2.set_ylim([0, 0.5]) #ax2.set_xlim([1,3000]) #ax3.set_ylim([0, 1]) #ax3.set_xlim([1,3000]) ax4.set_ylim([0, 0.2]) ax4.set_xlim([3000, 1]) ax5.set_ylim([0, 0.2]) ax5.set_xlim([3000, 1]) ## scipy.sparse.csc_matrix is said to be better by casadi author f_eta_prop_array = np.array(f_eta_prop(rpm, p0))[0] max_eta_prop = np.nanmax(f_eta_prop_array) index = np.where(f_eta_prop_array == max_eta_prop) omega = rpm[0][index][0] T = np.array(f_T_prop(omega, p0))[0] Q = np.array(f_Q_prop(omega, p0))[0] ## values at required thrust T_array = np.array(f_T_prop(rpm, p0))[0] proximity = (T_array - thrust_required)**2 index1 = np.where(proximity == np.nanmin(proximity)) T_required = T_array[index1] omega_required = rpm[0][index1][0] eta_required = f_eta_prop_array[index1] Q_required = np.array(f_Q_prop(rpm, p0))[0][index1] rpm_proximity = (eta_required - max_eta_prop)**2 if T_required > thrust_required - margin: motordat = md.prepare_m(Q_required, omega_required, max_volts) #motor0 = list(motordat.keys())[0] #motor_omega = motordat[motor0]['omega'] / rpm_to_rps ##plot Q_m vs Q_prop?? data = {'prop_name': prop_name, 'max_eta_prop': max_eta_prop, 'omega_max': omega, 'T_max': T,\ 'Q_max': Q, 'diameter [in]': prop_data['D'], 'T_required': T_required, 'omega_required': omega_required,\ 'eta_required': eta_required, 'Q_required': Q_required, 'rpm_proximity': rpm_proximity} plot(data, motordat) store(data)
def __interpolate__(self): self.x1 = [] self.dx1 = [] self.x2 = [] self.dx2 = [] self.x3 = [] self.dx3 = [] self.u1 = [] self.u2 = [] if self.debug: if self.var_dt: self.dt = self.opti.debug.value(self.h) else: self.dt = self.h for i in range(self.N): self.x1.append(self.opti.debug.value(self.states[i][0])) self.x2.append(self.opti.debug.value(self.states[i][1])) self.x3.append(self.opti.debug.value(self.states[i][2])) self.dx1.append(self.solution.value(self.dstates[i][0])) self.dx2.append(self.solution.value(self.dstates[i][1])) self.dx3.append(self.solution.value(self.dstates[i][2])) self.u1.append(self.opti.debug.value(self.actions[i][0])) self.u2.append(self.opti.debug.value(self.actions[i][1])) else: if self.var_dt: self.dt = self.solution.value(self.h) else: self.dt = self.h for i in range(self.N): self.x1.append(self.solution.value(self.states[i][0])) self.x2.append(self.solution.value(self.states[i][1])) self.x3.append(self.solution.value(self.states[i][2])) self.dx1.append(self.solution.value(self.dstates[i][0])) self.dx2.append(self.solution.value(self.dstates[i][1])) self.dx3.append(self.solution.value(self.dstates[i][2])) self.u1.append(self.solution.value(self.actions[i][0])) self.u2.append(self.solution.value(self.actions[i][1])) self.k = self.dt / 4 self.t = np.linspace(0, self.T, int(self.T / self.k)) self.t_points = np.linspace(0, self.N * self.dt, self.N) x1_spline_function = ca.interpolant('LUT', 'bspline', [self.t_points], self.x1) self.x1_spline = x1_spline_function(self.t) x2_spline_function = ca.interpolant('LUT', 'bspline', [self.t_points], self.x2) self.x2_spline = x2_spline_function(self.t) x3_spline_function = ca.interpolant('LUT', 'bspline', [self.t_points], self.x3) self.x3_spline = x3_spline_function(self.t) dx1_spline_function = ca.interpolant('LUT', 'bspline', [self.t_points], self.dx1) self.dx1_spline = dx1_spline_function(self.t) dx2_spline_function = ca.interpolant('LUT', 'bspline', [self.t_points], self.dx2) self.dx2_spline = dx2_spline_function(self.t) dx3_spline_function = ca.interpolant('LUT', 'bspline', [self.t_points], self.dx3) self.dx3_spline = dx3_spline_function(self.t) self.__plot__()
def interpn(points: Tuple[_onp.ndarray], values: _onp.ndarray, xi: _onp.ndarray, method: str = "linear", bounds_error=True, fill_value=_onp.NaN) -> _onp.ndarray: """ Performs multidimensional interpolation on regular grids. Analogue to scipy.interpolate.interpn(). See syntax here: Args: points: The points defining the regular grid in n dimensions. Tuple of coordinates of each axis. values: The data on the regular grid in n dimensions. xi: The coordinates to sample the gridded data at. method: The method of interpolation to perform. one of: * "bspline" (Note: differentiable and suitable for optimization - made of piecewise-cubics. For other applications, other interpolators may be faster. Not monotonicity-preserving - may overshoot.) * "linear" (Note: differentiable, but not suitable for use in optimization w/o subgradient treatment due to C1-discontinuity) * "nearest" (Note: NOT differentiable, don't use in optimization. Fast.) bounds_error: If True, when interpolated values are requested outside of the domain of the input data, a ValueError is raised. If False, then fill_value is used. fill_value: If provided, the value to use for points outside of the interpolation domain. If None, values outside the domain are extrapolated. Returns: Interpolated values at input coordinates. """ ### Check input types for points and values if is_casadi_type([points, values], recursive=True): raise TypeError( "The underlying dataset (points, values) must consist of NumPy arrays." ) ### Check dimensions of points for points_axis in points: points_axis = array(points_axis) if not len(points_axis.shape) == 1: raise ValueError( "`points` must consist of a tuple of 1D ndarrays defining the coordinates of each axis." ) ### Check dimensions of values implied_values_shape = tuple(len(points_axis) for points_axis in points) if not values.shape == implied_values_shape: raise ValueError(f""" The shape of `values` should be {implied_values_shape}. """) if ( ### NumPy implementation not is_casadi_type([points, values, xi], recursive=True)) and ( (method == "linear") or (method == "nearest")): xi = _onp.array(xi).reshape((-1, len(implied_values_shape))) return _interpolate.interpn(points=points, values=values, xi=xi, method=method, bounds_error=bounds_error, fill_value=fill_value) elif ( ### CasADi implementation (method == "linear") or (method == "bspline")): ### Add handling to patch a specific bug in CasADi that occurs when `values` is all zeros. ### For more information, see: if method == "bspline" and all(values == 0): return zeros_like(xi) ### If xi is an int or float, promote it to an array if isinstance(xi, int) or isinstance(xi, float): xi = array([xi]) ### If xi is a NumPy array and 1D, convert it to 2D for this. if not is_casadi_type(xi, recursive=False) and len(xi.shape) != 2: xi = _onp.reshape(xi, (-1, 1)) ### Check that xi is now 2D if not len(xi.shape) == 2: raise ValueError( "`xi` must have the shape (n_points, n_dimensions)!") ### Transpose xi so that xi.shape is [n_points, n_dimensions]. n_dimensions = len(points) if not len(points) in xi.shape: raise ValueError( "`xi` must have the shape (n_points, n_dimensions)!") if not xi.shape[1] == n_dimensions: xi = xi.T assert xi.shape[1] == n_dimensions ### Calculate the minimum and maximum values along each axis. axis_values_min = [_onp.min(axis_values) for axis_values in points] axis_values_max = [_onp.max(axis_values) for axis_values in points] ### If fill_value is None, project the xi back onto the nearest point in the domain. if fill_value is None: for axis in range(n_dimensions): xi[:, axis] = where(xi[:, axis] > axis_values_max[axis], axis_values_max[axis], xi[:, axis]) xi[:, axis] = where(xi[:, axis] < axis_values_min[axis], axis_values_min[axis], xi[:, axis]) ### Check bounds_error if bounds_error: if isinstance(xi, _cas.MX): raise ValueError( "Can't have the `bounds_error` flag as True if `xi` is of cas.MX type." ) for axis in range(n_dimensions): if any( logical_or(xi[:, axis] > axis_values_max[axis], xi[:, axis] < axis_values_min[axis])): raise ValueError( f"One of the requested xi is out of bounds in dimension {axis}" ) ### Do the interpolation values_flattened = _onp.ravel(values, order='F') interpolator = _cas.interpolant('Interpolator', method, points, values_flattened) fi = interpolator(xi.T).T ### If fill_value is a scalar, replace all out-of-bounds xi with that value. if fill_value is not None: for axis in range(n_dimensions): fi = where(xi[:, axis] > axis_values_max[axis], fill_value, fi) fi = where(xi[:, axis] < axis_values_min[axis], fill_value, fi) ### If DM output (i.e. a numeric value), convert that back to an array if isinstance(fi, _cas.DM): if fi.shape == (1, 1): return float(fi) else: return _onp.array(fi, dtype=float).reshape(-1) return fi else: raise ValueError("Bad value of `method`!")
def exitExpression(self, tree): if isinstance(tree.operator, ast.ComponentRef): op = else: op = tree.operator if op == '*': op = 'mtimes' # .* differs from * if op.startswith('.'): op = op[1:] logger.debug('exitExpression') n_operands = len(tree.operands) if op == 'der': v = self.get_mx(tree.operands[0]) src = self.get_derivative(v) elif op == '-' and n_operands == 1: src = -self.get_mx(tree.operands[0]) elif op == 'not' and n_operands == 1: src = ca.if_else(self.get_mx(tree.operands[0]), 0, 1, True) elif op == 'mtimes': assert n_operands >= 2 src = self.get_mx(tree.operands[0]) for i in tree.operands[1:]: src = ca.mtimes(src, self.get_mx(i)) elif op == 'transpose' and n_operands == 1: src = self.get_mx(tree.operands[0]).T elif op == 'sum' and n_operands == 1: v = self.get_mx(tree.operands[0]) src = ca.sum1(v) elif op == 'linspace' and n_operands == 3: a = self.get_mx(tree.operands[0]) b = self.get_mx(tree.operands[1]) n_steps = self.get_integer(tree.operands[2]) src = ca.linspace(a, b, n_steps) elif op == 'fill' and n_operands == 2: val = self.get_mx(tree.operands[0]) n_row = self.get_integer(tree.operands[1]) src = val * ca.DM.ones(n_row) elif op == 'fill' and n_operands == 3: val = self.get_mx(tree.operands[0]) n_row = self.get_integer(tree.operands[1]) n_col = self.get_integer(tree.operands[2]) src = val * ca.DM.ones(n_row, n_col) elif op == 'zeros' and n_operands == 1: n_row = self.get_integer(tree.operands[0]) src = ca.DM.zeros(n_row) elif op == 'zeros' and n_operands == 2: n_row = self.get_integer(tree.operands[0]) n_col = self.get_integer(tree.operands[1]) src = ca.DM.zeros(n_row, n_col) elif op == 'ones' and n_operands == 1: n_row = self.get_integer(tree.operands[0]) src = ca.DM.ones(n_row) elif op == 'ones' and n_operands == 2: n_row = self.get_integer(tree.operands[0]) n_col = self.get_integer(tree.operands[1]) src = ca.DM.ones(n_row, n_col) elif op == 'identity' and n_operands == 1: n = self.get_integer(tree.operands[0]) src = ca.DM.eye(n) elif op == 'diagonal' and n_operands == 1: diag = self.get_mx(tree.operands[0]) n = len(diag) indices = list(range(n)) src = ca.DM.triplet(indices, indices, diag, n, n) elif op == 'cat': axis = self.get_integer(tree.operands[0]) assert axis == 1, "Currently only concatenation on first axis is supported" entries = [] for sym in [self.get_mx(op) for op in tree.operands[1:]]: if isinstance(sym, list): for e in sym: entries.append(e) else: entries.append(sym) src = ca.vertcat(*entries) elif op == 'delay' and n_operands == 2: expr = self.get_mx(tree.operands[0]) duration = self.get_mx(tree.operands[1]) src = _new_mx('_pymoca_delay_{}'.format(self.delay_counter), *expr.size()) self.delay_counter += 1 for f in self.for_loops: syms = set(ca.symvar(expr)) if syms.intersection(f.indexed_symbols): f.register_indexed_symbol(src, lambda i: i, True, tree.operands[0], f.index_variable) self.model.delay_states.append( self.model.inputs.append(Variable(src)) delay_argument = DelayArgument(expr, duration) self.model.delay_arguments.append(delay_argument) elif op == '_pymoca_interp1d' and n_operands >= 3 and n_operands <= 4: entered_class = self.entered_classes[-1] if isinstance(tree.operands[0], ast.ComponentRef): xp = self.get_mx(entered_class.symbols[tree.operands[0].name].value) else: xp = self.get_mx(tree.operands[0]) if isinstance(tree.operands[1], ast.ComponentRef): yp = self.get_mx(entered_class.symbols[tree.operands[1].name].value) else: yp = self.get_mx(tree.operands[1]) arg = self.get_mx(tree.operands[2]) if n_operands == 4: assert isinstance(tree.operands[3], ast.Primary) mode = tree.operands[3].value else: mode = 'linear' func = ca.interpolant('interpolant', mode, [xp], yp) src = func(arg) elif op == '_pymoca_interp2d' and n_operands >= 5 and n_operands <= 6: entered_class = self.entered_classes[-1] if isinstance(tree.operands[0], ast.ComponentRef): xp = self.get_mx(entered_class.symbols[tree.operands[0].name].value) else: xp = self.get_mx(tree.operands[0]) if isinstance(tree.operands[1], ast.ComponentRef): yp = self.get_mx(entered_class.symbols[tree.operands[1].name].value) else: yp = self.get_mx(tree.operands[1]) if isinstance(tree.operands[2], ast.ComponentRef): zp = self.get_mx(entered_class.symbols[tree.operands[2].name].value) else: zp = self.get_mx(tree.operands[2]) arg_1 = self.get_mx(tree.operands[3]) arg_2 = self.get_mx(tree.operands[4]) if n_operands == 6: assert isinstance(tree.operands[5], ast.Primary) mode = tree.operands[5].value else: mode = 'linear' func = ca.interpolant('interpolant', mode, [xp, yp], np.array(zp).ravel(order='F')) src = func(ca.vertcat(arg_1, arg_2)) elif op in OP_MAP and n_operands == 2: lhs = ca.MX(self.get_mx(tree.operands[0])) rhs = ca.MX(self.get_mx(tree.operands[1])) lhs_op = getattr(lhs, OP_MAP[op]) src = lhs_op(rhs) elif op in OP_MAP and n_operands == 1: lhs = ca.MX(self.get_mx(tree.operands[0])) lhs_op = getattr(lhs, OP_MAP[op]) src = lhs_op() else: src = ca.MX(self.get_mx(tree.operands[0])) # Check for built-in operations, such as the # elementary functions, first. if hasattr(src, op) and n_operands <= 2: if n_operands == 1: src = ca.MX(self.get_mx(tree.operands[0])) src = getattr(src, op)() else: lhs = ca.MX(self.get_mx(tree.operands[0])) rhs = ca.MX(self.get_mx(tree.operands[1])) lhs_op = getattr(lhs, op) src = lhs_op(rhs) else: func = self.get_function(op) src = ca.vertcat(*[self.get_mx(operand) for operand in tree.operands], *self.function_mode)) self.src[tree] = src
def exitExpression(self, tree): if isinstance(tree.operator, ast.ComponentRef): op = else: op = tree.operator if op == '*': op = 'mtimes' # .* differs from * if op.startswith('.'): op = op[1:] logger.debug('exitExpression') n_operands = len(tree.operands) if op == 'der': v = self.get_mx(tree.operands[0]) src = self.get_derivative(v) elif op == '-' and n_operands == 1: src = -self.get_mx(tree.operands[0]) elif op == 'not' and n_operands == 1: src = ca.if_else(self.get_mx(tree.operands[0]), 0, 1, True) elif op == 'mtimes': assert n_operands >= 2 src = self.get_mx(tree.operands[0]) for i in tree.operands[1:]: src = ca.mtimes(src, self.get_mx(i)) elif op == 'transpose' and n_operands == 1: src = self.get_mx(tree.operands[0]).T elif op == 'sum' and n_operands == 1: v = self.get_mx(tree.operands[0]) src = ca.sum1(v) elif op == 'linspace' and n_operands == 3: a = self.get_mx(tree.operands[0]) b = self.get_mx(tree.operands[1]) n_steps = self.get_integer(tree.operands[2]) src = ca.linspace(a, b, n_steps) elif op == 'fill' and n_operands == 2: val = self.get_mx(tree.operands[0]) n_row = self.get_integer(tree.operands[1]) src = val * ca.DM.ones(n_row) elif op == 'fill' and n_operands == 3: val = self.get_mx(tree.operands[0]) n_row = self.get_integer(tree.operands[1]) n_col = self.get_integer(tree.operands[2]) src = val * ca.DM.ones(n_row, n_col) elif op == 'zeros' and n_operands == 1: n_row = self.get_integer(tree.operands[0]) src = ca.DM.zeros(n_row) elif op == 'zeros' and n_operands == 2: n_row = self.get_integer(tree.operands[0]) n_col = self.get_integer(tree.operands[1]) src = ca.DM.zeros(n_row, n_col) elif op == 'ones' and n_operands == 1: n_row = self.get_integer(tree.operands[0]) src = ca.DM.ones(n_row) elif op == 'ones' and n_operands == 2: n_row = self.get_integer(tree.operands[0]) n_col = self.get_integer(tree.operands[1]) src = ca.DM.ones(n_row, n_col) elif op == 'identity' and n_operands == 1: n = self.get_integer(tree.operands[0]) src = ca.DM.eye(n) elif op == 'diagonal' and n_operands == 1: diag = self.get_mx(tree.operands[0]) n = len(diag) indices = list(range(n)) src = ca.DM.triplet(indices, indices, diag, n, n) elif op == 'cat': axis = self.get_integer(tree.operands[0]) assert axis == 1, "Currently only concatenation on first axis is supported" entries = [] for sym in [self.get_mx(op) for op in tree.operands[1:]]: if isinstance(sym, list): for e in sym: entries.append(e) else: entries.append(sym) src = ca.vertcat(*entries) elif op == 'delay' and n_operands == 2: expr = self.get_mx(tree.operands[0]) duration = self.get_mx(tree.operands[1]) src = _new_mx('_pymoca_delay_{}'.format(self.delay_counter), *expr.size()) self.delay_counter += 1 for f in self.for_loops: syms = set(ca.symvar(expr)) if syms.intersection(f.indexed_symbols): f.register_indexed_symbol(src, lambda i: i, True, tree.operands[0], f.index_variable) self.model.delay_states.append( self.model.inputs.append(Variable(src)) delay_argument = DelayArgument(expr, duration) self.model.delay_arguments.append(delay_argument) elif op == '_pymoca_interp1d' and n_operands >= 3 and n_operands <= 4: entered_class = self.entered_classes[-1] if isinstance(tree.operands[0], ast.ComponentRef): xp = self.get_mx(entered_class.symbols[tree.operands[0].name].value) else: xp = self.get_mx(tree.operands[0]) if isinstance(tree.operands[1], ast.ComponentRef): yp = self.get_mx(entered_class.symbols[tree.operands[1].name].value) else: yp = self.get_mx(tree.operands[1]) arg = self.get_mx(tree.operands[2]) if n_operands == 4: assert isinstance(tree.operands[3], ast.Primary) mode = tree.operands[3].value else: mode = 'linear' func = ca.interpolant('interpolant', mode, [xp], yp) src = func(arg) elif op == '_pymoca_interp2d' and n_operands >= 5 and n_operands <= 6: entered_class = self.entered_classes[-1] if isinstance(tree.operands[0], ast.ComponentRef): xp = self.get_mx(entered_class.symbols[tree.operands[0].name].value) else: xp = self.get_mx(tree.operands[0]) if isinstance(tree.operands[1], ast.ComponentRef): yp = self.get_mx(entered_class.symbols[tree.operands[1].name].value) else: yp = self.get_mx(tree.operands[1]) if isinstance(tree.operands[2], ast.ComponentRef): zp = self.get_mx(entered_class.symbols[tree.operands[2].name].value) else: zp = self.get_mx(tree.operands[2]) arg_1 = self.get_mx(tree.operands[3]) arg_2 = self.get_mx(tree.operands[4]) if n_operands == 6: assert isinstance(tree.operands[5], ast.Primary) mode = tree.operands[5].value else: mode = 'linear' func = ca.interpolant('interpolant', mode, [xp, yp], np.array(zp).ravel(order='F')) src = func(ca.vertcat(arg_1, arg_2)) elif op in OP_MAP and n_operands == 2: lhs = ca.MX(self.get_mx(tree.operands[0])) rhs = ca.MX(self.get_mx(tree.operands[1])) lhs_op = getattr(lhs, OP_MAP[op]) src = lhs_op(rhs) elif op in OP_MAP and n_operands == 1: lhs = ca.MX(self.get_mx(tree.operands[0])) lhs_op = getattr(lhs, OP_MAP[op]) src = lhs_op() else: src = ca.MX(self.get_mx(tree.operands[0])) # Check for built-in operations, such as the # elementary functions, first. if hasattr(src, op) and n_operands <= 2: if n_operands == 1: src = ca.MX(self.get_mx(tree.operands[0])) src = getattr(src, op)() else: lhs = ca.MX(self.get_mx(tree.operands[0])) rhs = ca.MX(self.get_mx(tree.operands[1])) lhs_op = getattr(lhs, op) src = lhs_op(rhs) else: try: # Check if there is a component named as the operation. In that case we are dealing with a time access # Should we check for symbol as well? v = self.get_mx(ast.ComponentRef(name=op)) t = self.get_mx(tree.operands[0]) src = self.get_symbol_time_access(v, t) except KeyError: func = self.get_function(op) src = ca.vertcat(*[self.get_mx(operand) for operand in tree.operands], *self.function_mode)) self.src[tree] = src
def MinCurvatureTrajectory(track, obs_map=None): w_min = -track[:, 4] * 0.9 w_max = track[:, 5] * 0.9 nvecs = track[:, 2:4] th_ns = [lib.get_bearing([0, 0], nvecs[i, 0:2]) for i in range(len(nvecs))] xgrid = np.arange(0, obs_map.shape[1]) ygrid = np.arange(0, obs_map.shape[0]) data_flat = np.array(obs_map).ravel(order='F') lut = ca.interpolant('lut', 'bspline', [xgrid, ygrid], data_flat) print(lut([10, 20])) n_max = 3 N = len(track) n_f_a = ca.MX.sym('n_f', N) n_f = ca.MX.sym('n_f', N - 1) th_f = ca.MX.sym('n_f', N - 1) x0_f = ca.MX.sym('x0_f', N - 1) x1_f = ca.MX.sym('x1_f', N - 1) y0_f = ca.MX.sym('y0_f', N - 1) y1_f = ca.MX.sym('y1_f', N - 1) th1_f = ca.MX.sym('y1_f', N - 1) th2_f = ca.MX.sym('y1_f', N - 1) th1_f1 = ca.MX.sym('y1_f', N - 2) th2_f1 = ca.MX.sym('y1_f', N - 2) o_x_s = ca.Function('o_x', [n_f], [track[:-1, 0] + nvecs[:-1, 0] * n_f]) o_y_s = ca.Function('o_y', [n_f], [track[:-1, 1] + nvecs[:-1, 1] * n_f]) o_x_e = ca.Function('o_x', [n_f], [track[1:, 0] + nvecs[1:, 0] * n_f]) o_y_e = ca.Function('o_y', [n_f], [track[1:, 1] + nvecs[1:, 1] * n_f]) dis = ca.Function('dis', [x0_f, x1_f, y0_f, y1_f], [ca.sqrt((x1_f - x0_f)**2 + (y1_f - y0_f)**2)]) track_length = ca.Function('length', [n_f_a], [ dis(o_x_s(n_f_a[:-1]), o_x_e(n_f_a[1:]), o_y_s(n_f_a[:-1]), o_y_e(n_f_a[1:])) ]) real = ca.Function( 'real', [th1_f, th2_f], [ca.cos(th1_f) * ca.cos(th2_f) + ca.sin(th1_f) * ca.sin(th2_f)]) im = ca.Function( 'im', [th1_f, th2_f], [-ca.cos(th1_f) * ca.sin(th2_f) + ca.sin(th1_f) * ca.cos(th2_f)]) sub_cmplx = ca.Function('a_cpx', [th1_f, th2_f], [ca.atan2(im(th1_f, th2_f), real(th1_f, th2_f))]) get_th_n = ca.Function( 'gth', [th_f], [sub_cmplx(ca.pi * np.ones(N - 1), sub_cmplx(th_f, th_ns[:-1]))]) d_n = ca.Function('d_n', [n_f_a, th_f], [track_length(n_f_a) / ca.tan(get_th_n(th_f))]) # objective real1 = ca.Function( 'real1', [th1_f1, th2_f1], [ca.cos(th1_f1) * ca.cos(th2_f1) + ca.sin(th1_f1) * ca.sin(th2_f1)]) im1 = ca.Function( 'im1', [th1_f1, th2_f1], [-ca.cos(th1_f1) * ca.sin(th2_f1) + ca.sin(th1_f1) * ca.cos(th2_f1)]) sub_cmplx1 = ca.Function( 'a_cpx1', [th1_f1, th2_f1], [ca.atan2(im1(th1_f1, th2_f1), real1(th1_f1, th2_f1))]) # define symbols n = ca.MX.sym('n', N) th = ca.MX.sym('th', N - 1) nlp = {\ 'x': ca.vertcat(n, th), 'f': ca.sumsqr(sub_cmplx1(th[1:], th[:-1])), # 'f': ca.sumsqr(track_length(n)), 'g': ca.vertcat( # dynamic constraints n[1:] - (n[:-1] + d_n(n, th)), # lut(ca.horzcat(o_x_s(n[:-1]), o_y_s(n[:-1])).T).T, # boundary constraints n[0], #th[0], n[-1], #th[-1], ) \ } S = ca.nlpsol('S', 'ipopt', nlp, {'ipopt': {'print_level': 5}}) # S = ca.nlpsol('S', 'ipopt', nlp, {'ipopt':{'print_level':0}}) ones = np.ones(N) n0 = ones * 0 th0 = [] for i in range(N - 1): th_00 = lib.get_bearing(track[i, 0:2], track[i + 1, 0:2]) th0.append(th_00) th0 = np.array(th0) x0 = ca.vertcat(n0, th0) # lbx = [-n_max] * N + [-np.pi]*(N-1) # ubx = [n_max] * N + [np.pi]*(N-1) lbx = list(w_min) + [-np.pi] * (N - 1) ubx = list(w_max) + [np.pi] * (N - 1) r = S(x0=x0, lbg=0, ubg=0, lbx=lbx, ubx=ubx) x_opt = r['x'] n_set = np.array(x_opt[:N]) thetas = np.array(x_opt[1 * N:2 * (N - 1)]) # lib.plot_race_line(np.array(track), n_set, wait=True) return n_set