def generate_output():
    # Load JSON
    f = open('competition/test_cases.json')

    test_cases = json.load(f)
    myCashier = Cashier()
    userID = '5ea023be-b530-4816-8eda-5340cfabe9b0'
    output_paths = []
    for test_db in test_cases:
        dbName = test_db['name']
        dbId = test_db['uuid']
        receipts = myCashier.process(dbName)
        # Generate output file
        path = "outputs/output-{}.json".format(dbName)
        output_json(dbId, userID, receipts, path=path)
    return output_paths
def evaluate_intenvory(dbs, gt_path):
    # Load JSON groundtruth
    with open(gt_path) as f:
        gt_data = json.load(f)

    gt_list = gt_data['lists']
    if not DEBUG:
        # with open('gt_final.json', 'w') as outfile:
        #     json.dump(gt_data, outfile)

    # Metrics
    tp, fp, tn, fn = 0, 0, 0, 0
    overall_num_preds, overall_num_gt = 0, 0
    for i in range(len(dbs)):
        print("\n\nEvaluating database: ", dbs[i])
        # Metrics per database
        db_tp, db_fp, db_tn, db_fn = 0, 0, 0, 0
        db_pred_counts, db_gt_counts = 0, 0

        ########## Generate Prediction ##########
        dbName = dbs[i]
        myCashier = Cashier()
        receipts = myCashier.process(dbName)

        ########## Evaluate Ground truth ##########
        gt_entry = gt_list[i]
        # Find groundtruth entry for this database
        tmp_i = 0
        while (gt_entry['dataset'] != dbName):
            tmp_i += 1
            gt_entry = gt_list[tmp_i]
            assert (tmp_i < len(gt_list))
        assert (gt_entry['dataset'] == dbName)
        event_list = gt_entry['events']
        for event in event_list:
            gt_products = event['observation']['products']
            gt_customerID = event['observation']['target_id']
            # Find the corresponding customer receipts
            if (gt_customerID in receipts):
                # Find the corresponding products on the receipt
                customer_receipt = receipts[gt_customerID]
                for gt_product in gt_products:
                    gt_productID = gt_product['id']
                    for productID, entry in customer_receipt.purchaseList.items(
                        if (gt_productID == productID):
                            product, quantity = entry
                            if (quantity > 0):
                                db_tp += 1
                                customer_receipt.purchaseList[productID] = (
                                    product, quantity - 1
                                )  # entry = (product, quantity)
                    db_gt_counts += 1
                # No such customer
                for gt_product in gt_products:
                    db_gt_counts += 1

        # Print False Items

        num_receipt = 0
        for id, customer_receipt in receipts.items():
            if VERBOSE:
                print("============== False Receipt {} ==============".format(
                print("Customer ID: " + id)
                print("Purchase List: ")
            for _, entry in customer_receipt.purchaseList.items():
                product, quantity = entry
                if quantity != 0:
                    if VERBOSE:
                            "*Name: " + product.name + ", Quantities: " +
                            str(quantity), product.thumbnail)
                    db_fp += quantity
            num_receipt += 1

        db_fn = db_gt_counts - db_tp
        db_pred_counts = db_tp + db_fp
        overall_num_preds += db_pred_counts
        overall_num_gt += db_gt_counts
        tp += db_tp
        fp += db_fp
        fn += db_fn

        # Display DB Evaluation
            "Database: {}, Correct Items on Receipts: {}/{}, Total GT items: {}"
            .format(dbName, db_tp, db_pred_counts, db_gt_counts))

    print("\n================== Evaluation Summary ==================")
    print("Databases: ", dbs)
    print("Ground truth version: ", gt_path)
    precision = 0.0 if tp + fp == 0 else tp * 100.0 / (tp + fp)
    print("Overall precision is: {:.1f}%".format(precision))
    recall = 0.0 if tp + fn == 0 else tp * 100.0 / (tp + fn)
    print("Overall recall is: {:.1f}%".format(recall))
    if (precision + recall == 0):
        f1 = 0
        f1 = 2 * precision * recall / (precision + recall)
    print("Overall F1 is: {:.1f}%".format(f1))