def fit_and_select(input, save=True, verbose=True, read_existing=True, hall=None): """ Arguments --------- input: dict The input settings as a dict save: boolean, optional, default=True Save a pickle file containing the training data and scoring metric. The file name, which can be specified by input["fit_data_filename"], defaults to "fit_data.pkl". verbose: boolean, optional, default=True Print information to stdout. read_existing: boolean, optional, default=True If it exists, read the pickle file containing the training data and scoring metric. The file name, which can be specified by input["fit_data_filename"], defaults to "fit_data.pkl". hall:, optional, default=None A Hall Of Fame to add resulting individuals to Returns ------- (fdata, estimator, selector) fdata: casm.learn.FittingData A FittingData instance containing the problem data. estimator: estimator object implementing 'fit' The estimator specified by the input settings. selector: selector object implementing 'fit' and having either a 'get_support()' or 'get_halloffame()' member The feature selector specified by the input settings. """ # construct FittingData fdata = make_fitting_data(input, save=True, verbose=verbose, read_existing=True) # construct model used for fitting estimator = make_estimator(input, verbose=verbose) # feature selection selector = make_selector(input, estimator, scoring=fdata.scoring,, penalty=fdata.penalty, verbose=verbose) if not hasattr(selector, "get_halloffame") and not hasattr( selector, "get_support"): raise Exception( "Selector has neither 'get_halloffame' nor 'get_support'") # fit if verbose: print("# Fit and select...") t = time.clock(), fdata.weighted_y) # print calculation properties that may be of interest if verbose: # custom for SelectFromModel if hasattr(selector, "estimator_") and hasattr(selector.estimator_, "n_iter_"): print("# Iterations:", selector.estimator_.n_iter_) if hasattr(selector, "estimator_") and hasattr(selector.estimator_, "alpha_"): print("# Alpha:", selector.estimator_.alpha_) if hasattr(selector, "threshold"): print("# Feature selection threshold:", selector.threshold) print("# DONE Runtime:", time.clock() - t, "(s)\n") if hall is not None: # store results: Assume selector either has a 'get_halloffame()' attribute, or 'get_support()' member if hasattr(selector, "get_halloffame"): if verbose: print("Adding statistics...") selector_hall = selector.get_halloffame() for i in range(len(selector_hall)): add_individual_detail(selector_hall[i], estimator, fdata, input, selector=selector) if verbose: print(" DONE\n") if verbose: print("Result:") print_halloffame(selector_hall) hall.update(selector_hall) elif hasattr(selector, "get_support"): indiv = casm.learn.creator.Individual(selector.get_support()) if verbose: print("Adding statistics...") = casm.learn.model_selection.cross_val_score( estimator, fdata.weighted_X, indiv, y=fdata.weighted_y, scoring=fdata.scoring,, penalty=fdata.penalty) add_individual_detail(indiv, estimator, fdata, input, selector=selector) if verbose: print(" DONE\n") if verbose: print("Result:") print_halloffame([indiv]) hall.update([indiv]) return (fdata, estimator, selector)
def direct_fit(input, save=True, verbose=True, read_existing=True, hall=None): """ Fit ECI and add details for a set of individuals specified for feature_selection method 'DirectSelection' via the 'population' kwarg. Arguments --------- input: dict The input settings as a dict save: boolean, optional, default=True Save a pickle file containing the training data and scoring metric. The file name, which can be specified by input["fit_data_filename"], defaults to "fit_data.pkl". verbose: boolean, optional, default=True Print information to stdout. read_existing: boolean, optional, default=True If it exists, read the pickle file containing the training data and scoring metric. The file name, which can be specified by input["fit_data_filename"], defaults to "fit_data.pkl". hall:, optional, default=None A Hall Of Fame to add resulting individuals to Returns ------- population: List[individuals] A list of the individuals that were fit """ # construct FittingData fdata = make_fitting_data(input, save=True, verbose=verbose, read_existing=True) kwargs = input["feature_selection"]["kwargs"] population = make_population(fdata.n_features, kwargs["population"]) for indiv_i, indiv in enumerate(population): if verbose: print "Begin fitting individual", indiv_i, "of", len(population) _input = copy.deepcopy(input) use_saved_estimator = kwargs.get("use_saved_estimator", False) # check for 'use_saved_estimator' if use_saved_estimator and getattr(indiv, "input", None) is not None: _input["estimator"] = indiv.input["estimator"] estimator = make_estimator(_input) = cross_val_score(estimator, fdata.weighted_X, indiv, y=fdata.weighted_y, scoring=fdata.scoring,, penalty=fdata.penalty) add_individual_detail(indiv, estimator, fdata, _input, selector=None) if verbose: print " DONE\n" if verbose: print "Result:" print_halloffame(population) if hall is not None: hall.update(population) return population
def direct_fit(input, save=True, verbose=True, read_existing=True, hall=None): """ Fit ECI and add details for a set of individuals specified for feature_selection method 'DirectSelection' via the 'population' kwarg. Arguments --------- input: dict The input settings as a dict save: boolean, optional, default=True Save a pickle file containing the training data and scoring metric. The file name, which can be specified by input["fit_data_filename"], defaults to "fit_data.pkl". verbose: boolean, optional, default=True Print information to stdout. read_existing: boolean, optional, default=True If it exists, read the pickle file containing the training data and scoring metric. The file name, which can be specified by input["fit_data_filename"], defaults to "fit_data.pkl". hall:, optional, default=None A Hall Of Fame to add resulting individuals to Returns ------- population: List[individuals] A list of the individuals that were fit """ # construct FittingData fdata = make_fitting_data(input, save=True, verbose=verbose, read_existing=True) kwargs = input["feature_selection"]["kwargs"] population = make_population(fdata.n_features, kwargs["population"]) for indiv_i, indiv in enumerate(population): if verbose: print "Begin fitting individual", indiv_i, "of", len(population) _input = copy.deepcopy(input) use_saved_estimator = kwargs.get("use_saved_estimator", False) # check for 'use_saved_estimator' if use_saved_estimator and getattr(indiv, "input", None) is not None: _input["estimator"] = indiv.input["estimator"] estimator = make_estimator(_input) = cross_val_score(estimator, fdata.weighted_X, indiv, y=fdata.weighted_y, scoring=fdata.scoring,, penalty=fdata.penalty) add_individual_detail(indiv, estimator, fdata, _input, selector=None) if verbose: print " DONE\n" if verbose: print "Result:" print_halloffame(population); if hall is not None: hall.update(population) return population