def update_category_graph(ddljeniscategory, ddlxcategory): return { 'data': getPlot(ddljeniscategory,ddlxcategory), 'layout': go.Layout( xaxis={'title': ddlxcategory.capitalize()}, yaxis={'title': 'US$'}, margin={'l': 40, 'b': 40, 't': 10, 'r': 10}, legend={'x': 0, 'y': 1.2}, hovermode='closest', boxmode='group',violinmode='group' # plot_bgcolor= 'black', paper_bgcolor= 'black', ) };
def update_graph_categorical(jenisPlot,jenisPok,radioButt): return { 'data': getPlot(jenisPlot,jenisPok,radioButt), 'layout': go.Layout( xaxis={'title':jenisPok}, yaxis={'title':radioButt}, margin={'l':40,'b':40,'t':10,'r':10}, # legend={'x':0, 'y':1}, hovermode='closest',boxmode='group',violinmode='group' ) }
def update_graph_categorical(jenisPlot, xax, radioButt): return { 'data': getPlot(jenisPlot, xax, radioButt), 'layout': go.Layout(xaxis={'title': xax}, yaxis={'title': radioButt}, margin=dict(l=40, b=40, t=10, r=10), hovermode='closest', boxmode='group', violinmode='group'), }
def update_category_graph(ddlcateogrytype, ddlxtype): return { 'data':getPlot(ddlcateogrytype, ddlxtype), 'layout': go.Layout( xaxis = {'title': ddlxtype.capitalize()}, yaxis = {'title': 'US$'}, margin = {'l': 40, 'b':40, 't':10, 'r':10}, boxmode = 'group', violinmode = 'group', hovermode = 'closest' ) }
def update_graph_categorical(jenisPlot): return { 'data': getPlot(jenisPlot), 'layout': go.Layout( xaxis={'title': 'Generation'}, yaxis={'title': 'Total Stat'}, margin=dict(l=40, b=40, t=10, r=10), # legend=dict(x=0,y=1), hovermode='closest', boxmode='group', violinmode='group') }
def update_category_graph(ddlcateogrytype, ddlxtype): return { 'data':getPlot(ddlcateogrytype, ddlxtype), 'layout': go.Layout( xaxis = {'title': ddlxtype.capitalize()}, yaxis = {'title': 'US$'}, margin = {'l': 40, 'b':40, 't':10, 'r':10}, boxmode = 'group', violinmode = 'group', #determine the position of legend (x,y) # legend = {'x':0, 'y':1}, hovermode = 'closest' ) }
def update(jenisPlot): return { "data": getPlot(jenisPlot), 'layout': go.Layout( xaxis={'title': 'Generation'}, yaxis={'title': 'Total Stats'}, margin={ 'l': 40, 'b': 40, 't': 10, 'r': 10 }, # legend= {'x' : 0 , 'y' : 1}, hovermode='closest') }