def test_valid(self, requests_get: MagicMock): """ should succeed to get ping data from remove cauldron kernel """ requests_get.return_value = MockResponse(200) url_raw = '' r = support.run_command('connect {}'.format(url_raw)) self.assertFalse(r.failed, support.Message('Failed', response=r)) url_clean =['url'] self.assertTrue(url_clean.startswith('http://'), support.Message('Schema', response=r)) self.assertLess(0, url_clean.index(url_raw), support.Message('Modified Url', response=r)) self.assertTrue( self.assertEqual(environ.remote_connection.url, url_clean) support.run_command('disconnect')
def test_create_simple_success(self): """ """ r = support.create_project(self, 'test_create') self.assertFalse( r.failed, support.Message('Failed to create project', response=r)) path = os.path.join(['source_directory'], 'cauldron.json') self.assertTrue( os.path.exists(path), support.Message( 'No project found', 'Missing cauldron.json file that should exist when a new', 'project is created', response=r, path=path))
def test_no_url(self): """ should fail if no url is provided in the command """ r = support.run_command('connect') self.assertTrue( r.failed, support.Message( 'CONNECT-FAIL', 'Should fail to run connect command when no url is provided', response=r))
def test_autocomplete(self): """ :return: """ alias = 'ex' path = environ.paths.resources('examples') support.run_command('alias add "{}" "{}" --temporary'.format( alias, path)) result = support.autocomplete('create my_project @home:') self.assertIsNotNone( result, support.Message('autocomplete result should not be None', result=result)) # Get all directories in the examples folder items = [(e, os.path.join(path, e)) for e in os.listdir(path)] items = [e for e in items if os.path.isdir(e[1])] result = support.autocomplete('create my_project @ex:') self.assertEqual( len(result), len(items), support.Message('should autocomplete from the examples folder', result=result, items=items)) hellos = [e for e in items if e[0].startswith('hell')] result = support.autocomplete('create my_project @ex:hell') self.assertEqual( len(result), len(hellos), support.Message( 'should autocomplete examples that start with "hell"', result=result, items=items))
def test_create_twice(self): """ """ r1 = support.create_project(self, 'test_create') r1.identifier = 'First {}'.format(r1.identifier) r2 = support.create_project(self, 'test_create', confirm=False) r2.identifier = 'Second {}'.format(r2.identifier) self.assertTrue( r2.failed, support.Message( 'No second project', 'It should not be possible to create a second project in the', 'same location', response=r2))
def test_library(self): """ should refresh the local project library with the updated value """ support.create_project(self, 'jack') project = cd.project.get_internal_project() lib_directory = os.path.join(project.source_directory, 'libs', '_jack') os.makedirs(lib_directory) path = os.path.join(lib_directory, '') with open(path, 'w') as fp: fp.write('TEST_VALUE = 1\n') # TODO: Fix these forced pauses time.sleep(1) self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(path), 'Library does not exist') support.add_step(self, contents='\n'.join([ 'import cauldron as cd', 'import _jack', 'cd.shared.TEST_VALUE = _jack.TEST_VALUE' ])) response = support.run_command('run --force') self.assertFalse( response.failed, support.Message( 'RUN-STEP', 'should be able to run the step that imports the local library', 'without failing', response=response)) self.assertEqual(cd.shared.TEST_VALUE, 1) # Pause execution to deal with race conditions in modified # times that cause this test to fail on certain systems time.sleep(1) with open(os.path.join(lib_directory, ''), 'w') as fp: fp.write('TEST_VALUE = 2\n') # TODO: Fix these forced pauses time.sleep(1) support.run_command('run --force') self.assertEqual(cd.shared.TEST_VALUE, 2)