def InstallCgpt(index_page, force): """Install necessary cgpt utility on the sudo path. Args: index_page: html page to download au-generator containing correct cgpt force: a boolean, True when all existing bundle files can be deleted Raises: BundlingError when resource fetch and extract fails or overwrite is denied """ au_gen_url = os.path.join(index_page, cb_constants.AU_GEN) if not Download(au_gen_url): raise cb_constants.BundlingError( 'Necessary resource %s could not be fetched.' % au_gen_url) au_gen_name = os.path.join(cb_constants.WORKDIR, cb_constants.AU_GEN) cgpt_name = os.path.join(cb_constants.WORKDIR, 'cgpt') if not ZipExtract(au_gen_name, 'cgpt', path=cb_constants.WORKDIR): raise cb_constants.BundlingError( 'Could not extract necesary resource %s from %s.' % (cgpt_name, au_gen_name)) cgpt_dest = os.path.join(cb_constants.SUDO_DIR, 'cgpt') if os.path.exists(cgpt_dest): if force: MoveCgpt(cgpt_name, cgpt_dest) else: msg = 'cgpt exists at %s, please confirm update' % cgpt_dest if AskUserConfirmation(msg): MoveCgpt(cgpt_name, cgpt_dest) else: raise cb_constants.BundlingError( 'Necessary utility cgpt already exists at %s, use -f to overwrite ' 'with newest version.' % cgpt_dest) else: MoveCgpt(cgpt_name, cgpt_dest)
def ExtractFirmware(image_name, firmware_dest, mount_point, board): """Extract firmware from an SSD image to help prepare a factory bundle. See docstring of CheckEnvironment() for environmental prerequisites. Args: image_name: a string, absolute file path to SSD release image binary. firmware_dest: a string, absolute path to directory firmware should go. mount_point: a string, directory to mount SSD image. board: a string, target board. Raises: BundlingError when necessary tools are missing or SSD mounting fails. """ if not CheckEnvironment(image_name, firmware_dest, mount_point): raise cb_constants.BundlingError( 'Environment check failed, please fix conditions listed above.') image = os.path.basename(image_name) try:'Mounting SSD image.') cmd_result = RunCommand([ './', '--read_only', '--safe', '='.join(['--from', cb_constants.WORKDIR]), '='.join(['--image', image]), '='.join(['--rootfs_mountpt', mount_point]) ]) if not os.path.exists(mount_point) or not os.listdir(mount_point): err = ('Failed to mount SSD image at %s: cmd_result = %r' % (mount_point, cmd_result)) raise cb_constants.BundlingError(err) cros_fw = os.path.join(mount_point, 'usr', 'sbin', 'chromeos-firmwareupdate') fw_name = ListFirmware(image_name, cros_fw, board) firmdir = ExtractFiles(cros_fw) if not firmdir: raise cb_constants.BundlingError( 'Failed to extract firmware files.') for k, v in FIRMWARE_MAP[board].iteritems(): src_path = os.path.join(firmdir, v['name']) if not os.path.exists(src_path): logging.debug('shutil: skip non-existing file %s', src_path) continue dst_path = os.path.join(firmware_dest, fw_name[k]) shutil.copy(src_path, dst_path) # Per yongjaek in 11/2011, also copy chromeos-firmwareupdate shellball shutil.copy(cros_fw, firmware_dest) finally: RunCommand(['./', '--unmount']) filename = os.path.join(cb_constants.WORKDIR, image_name) md5filename = filename + '.md5' if not CheckMd5(filename, md5filename): raise cb_constants.BundlingError( 'SSD image MD5 check failed, image was corrupted!')
def RecoveryToStandardSsd(image_name, options): """Converts a recovery image into an SSD image. Assumes a chroot setup. Requires sudo privileges to run cros_sdk. Requires the script to run in <ChromeOS_root>/src/scripts. Args: image_name: absolute path name of recovery image to convert options: an object containing inputs to the script please see cros_bundle_lib/CheckBundleInputs for possibilities Returns: a string, the absolute path name of the extracted SSD image Raises: BundlingError when resources not found or conversion fails. """ force = options.force chromeos_root = options.chromeos_root if not'/src/scripts$', os.getcwd()): raise cb_constants.BundlingError( 'ConvertRecoveryToSsd must be run from src/scripts.') image_dir = os.path.dirname(image_name) ssd_name = image_name.replace('recovery', 'ssd') HandleSsdExists(ssd_name, force) # make copy of recovery image to consume if not options.chromeos_root: chroot_work_dir = os.path.join(CHROOT_ROOT, CHROOT_REL_DIR) else: if not (chromeos_root and os.path.isdir(chromeos_root)): raise cb_constants.BundlingError( 'Provided ChromeOS source tree root %s does not exist or ' 'is not a directory' % chromeos_root) chroot_work_dir = os.path.join(chromeos_root, 'chroot', CHROOT_REL_DIR) # ensure we have a chroot to work in chroot_work_parent_dir = re.match('(.*/).*', chroot_work_dir).group(1) if not os.path.exists(chroot_work_parent_dir): raise cb_constants.BundlingError( 'Chroot environment could not be inferred, failed to create link %s.' % chroot_work_dir) if not (chroot_work_dir and os.path.isdir(chroot_work_dir)): os.mkdir(chroot_work_dir) ssd_chroot_name = ssd_name.replace(image_dir, chroot_work_dir) shutil.copy(image_name, ssd_chroot_name) cmd = ([ 'cros_sdk', '--', os.path.join(IMG_SIGN_DIR, ''), ssd_name.replace(image_dir, ReinterpretPathForChroot(chroot_work_dir)) ]) if options.force: cmd.insert(5, '--force') RunCommand(cmd) # move ssd out, clean up folder shutil.move(ssd_chroot_name, ssd_name) shutil.rmtree(chroot_work_dir) return ssd_name
def ListFirmware(image_name, cros_fw, board): """Gets list of strings representing contents of firmware. As of 11/2011, only handles Alex and Stumpy firmwares. Args: image_name: a string, absolute file path to SSD release image binary. cros_fw: a string, absolute path of firmware extraction script. board: a string, target board. Returns: a dict, {fw_type: fw_name}. Raises: BundlingError when necessary files missing. """ if not os.path.exists(cros_fw): err = 'File chromeos-firmwareupdate missing from %s.' % image_name raise cb_constants.BundlingError(err) cmd_result = RunCommand([cros_fw, '-V'], redirect_stdout=True) output = cmd_result.output if not output: err = 'Failed to get output from script %s.' % cros_fw raise cb_constants.BundlingError(err) logging.debug('ListFirmware(): chromeos-firmwareupdate output = %s', output) fw_content = output.split('\n') pat = re.compile('[.]/(.*)') # Look for mandatory firmware files in chromeos-firmwareupdate output. # For example, if fw_content = """ # Package Content: # 57350ea0958cb39a715ddd4ccf2f0e92 *./bios.bin""" # searches = [None, None, <sre.SRE_Match object at 0x...>, ] # fw_files = ['bios.bin'] searches = [ for line in fw_content] fw_files = [ for match in searches if match] for f in [ FIRMWARE_MAP[board][k]['name'] for k in FIRMWARE_MAP[board].keys() ]: if f not in fw_files: raise cb_constants.BundlingError( 'Necessary file %s missing from %s.' % (f, cros_fw)) fw_names = dict() for fw_type in FIRMWARE_MAP[board].keys(): fw_names[fw_type] = _ExtractFirmwareFilename(fw_type, board, fw_content) return fw_names
def RecoveryToFullSsdNoChroot(image_name, options): """Converts a recovery image into an SSD image with stateful partition. This method does not depend on a chroot setup. Args: image_name: absolute path name of recovery image to convert options: an object containing inputs to the script please see cros_bundle_lib/CheckBundleInputs for possibilities Returns: a string, the absolute path name of the extracted SSD image Raises: BundlingError when resources not found or conversion fails. """ force = options.force board = options.board recovery = options.recovery ssd_name = image_name.replace('recovery', 'ssd') HandleSsdExists(ssd_name, force) # fetch HandleGitExists(force) RunCommand(['git', 'clone', cb_constants.GITURL, cb_constants.GITDIR]) # fetch zip containing chromiumos_base_image (rec_url, index_page) = RunWithNamingRetries(None, ResolveRecoveryUrl, board, recovery) if not index_page: raise cb_constants.BundlingError( 'All naming schemes failed attempting to resolve recovery URL ' 'for recovery version %s' % recovery) if not rec_url: raise cb_constants.BundlingError( 'Could not find URL match for recovery version %s on page %s' % (recovery, index_page)) rec_no = recovery.split('/')[0] token_list = ['chromeos', rec_no, board, '.zip'] zip_url = DetermineUrl(index_page, token_list) if not zip_url: raise cb_constants.BundlingError( 'Failed to determine name of zip file for token_list %s on page %s' % (token_list, index_page)) if not Download(zip_url): raise cb_constants.BundlingError('Failed to download %s.' % zip_url) zip_name = os.path.join(cb_constants.WORKDIR, os.path.basename(zip_url)) InstallCgpt(index_page, force) script_name = os.path.join(cb_constants.GITDIR, 'scripts', 'image_signing', '') RunCommand([script_name, image_name, zip_name, ssd_name]) # TODO(benwin) consider cleaning up resources based on command line flag return ssd_name
def UploadToGsd(filename): """Uploads a file or directory to Google Storage for Developers Assuming proper keys for gsutil are set up for current user. Args: filename: absolute path name of file or directory to upload Raises: BundlingError when file specified by filename does not exist """ if not (filename and os.path.exists(filename)): raise cb_constants.BundlingError('File %s does not exist.' % filename) RunCommand(['gsutil', 'cp', filename, cb_constants.GSD_BUCKET])
def testInstallCgptFails(self): """Verify error when installing cgpt utility fails.""" cb_command_lib.HandleGitExists(self.force) cb_command_lib.RunCommand(mox.IsA(list)) cb_command_lib.ResolveRecoveryUrl( self.board, self.recovery, alt_naming=0).AndReturn( (self.rec_url, self.index_page)) cb_command_lib.DetermineUrl(self.index_page, mox.IsA(list)).AndReturn( self.zip_url) cb_command_lib.Download(self.zip_url).AndReturn(True) cb_command_lib.HandleSsdExists(self.ssd_name, self.force) cb_command_lib.InstallCgpt(self.index_page, self.force).AndRaise( cb_constants.BundlingError('')) _AssertConvertRecoveryError(self)
def HandleSsdExists(ssd_name, force): """Detect if ssd image already exists and handle overwrite confirmation. Args: ssd_name: absolute path name of ssd image to check for force: a boolean, True when all existing bundle files can be deleted Raises: BundlingError when ssd image exists and user does not confirm overwrite """ if os.path.exists(ssd_name): if not force: msg = 'SSD file %s already exists, please confirm overwrite' % ssd_name if not AskUserConfirmation(msg): raise cb_constants.BundlingError( 'File %s already exists, use -f to overwrite' % ssd_name)
def ReinterpretPathForChroot(path): """Returns reinterpreted path from outside the chroot for use inside. Modified insignificantly from <ChromeOS_root>/chromite/lib/ Args: path: The path to reinterpret. Must be in src tree. Returns: a string, the reinterpreted path from outside the chroot for use inside. Raises: BundlingError when given a path not in src tree. """ root_path = os.path.join(FindRepoDir(path), '..') path_abs_path = os.path.abspath(path) root_abs_path = os.path.abspath(root_path) # Strip the repository root from the path and strip first /. relative_path = path_abs_path.replace(root_abs_path, '')[1:] if relative_path == path_abs_path: raise cb_constants.BundlingError( 'Error: ' 'path is outside your src tree, cannot reinterpret.') new_path = os.path.join('/home', os.getenv('USER'), 'trunk', relative_path) return new_path
def HandleGitExists(force): """Detect if git directory already exists and handle overwrite confirmation. Args: force: a boolean, True when all existing bundle files can be deleted Raises: BundlingError when git directory exists and user does not confirm overwrite """ if os.path.exists(cb_constants.GITDIR): if force: shutil.rmtree(cb_constants.GITDIR) os.mkdir(cb_constants.GITDIR) else: msg = ('Old recovery conversion script git repo exists, please ' 'confirm overwrite') if AskUserConfirmation(msg): shutil.rmtree(cb_constants.GITDIR) os.mkdir(cb_constants.GITDIR) else: raise cb_constants.BundlingError( 'Vboot git repo exists, use -f to update') else: os.mkdir(cb_constants.GITDIR)
def testSsdImageExistsNoConfirm(self): """Verify error when SSD image exists, user does not confirm overwrite.""" cb_command_lib.HandleSsdExists(self.ssd_name, self.force).AndRaise( cb_constants.BundlingError('')) _AssertConvertRecoveryError(self)
def testGitExistsNotHandled(self): """Verify error when git files exist, user does not confirm overwrite.""" cb_command_lib.HandleSsdExists(self.ssd_name, self.force) cb_command_lib.HandleGitExists(self.force).AndRaise( cb_constants.BundlingError('')) _AssertConvertRecoveryError(self)